MTL - After the Boss Retires, He Becomes Obsessed with Raising Cubs-Chapter 19 Workaholic actor's son 19

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Xie Ze's black grape-like eyes were wide open, and his face was full of bewilderment. He originally thought that his father was going to tell him some strange and interesting stories.

Xie Hui habitually intersperses some short stories in his daily life to tell his son.

For example, pointing to the moon and talking about Chang'e flying to the moon, and mentioning Kuafu Chasing the Sun when Xie Ze was unhappy in the sun.

The little boy was very excited every time he heard his father mention those things to himself before, but this time he was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Do I have to go to kindergarten? Will Dad accompany me?"

Xie Ze grabbed his father's clothes and sat down on the stone bench in the gazebo in the backyard, resting his head on his hands and frowning.

"Yes, you must go to kindergarten. Dad can accompany you at the beginning, but he will be busy with work later."

Xie Hui didn't intend to lie to Xie Ze that he would stay with him all the time just to make Xie Ze happy for a while, so he directly told him the truth, landed his big palm on his head, and rubbed it lightly.

Xie Ze jumped off the stone bench, moved his buttocks and sat on his father's lap, leaning against his father's arms, looking somewhat disappointed.

"Will daddy call me often at work? Will he come back to see me often? He won't stay away for a long time like before, right?"

Xie Hui looked at his disturbed appearance, hugged him tightly slightly, and promised:

"If the baby misses his father, he can call his father anytime and anywhere, and he will come back to see the baby as long as he has time. I promise not."

After getting his father's guarantee, Xie Ze was still not at ease, and stretched out his hand towards his father.

"Then Dad, let's pull the hook."

"it is good."

The things to go to the kindergarten were all prepared in advance, Xie Hui put on a peaked cap as a disguise, and sent Xie Ze to the kindergarten in person, asking the teacher to take care of him.

Xie Ze was hugged by his father, and his fleshy arms hugged his father's neck tightly, and he was reluctant to let go. After being coaxed by his father to sit down on the small chair, he turned his head to see his father waving goodbye to him outside the classroom window. Moisture was brewing.

He sniffed and waved goodbye to Dad.

When the small class first started, the classroom was in a mess, and two teachers were simply not enough.

The crying seemed contagious. When a child was coaxed, he heard the other children were still crying, and when he thought about it, he cried too.

In this messy environment, Xie Ze, who was sitting there sighing, stood out.

Parents who are worried about their children are now in another room of the school. There is a large TV in the room, which is monitored by the classroom.

Although Xie Hui knew that the kid was very good, even if it was the first day of school, he shouldn't make a fuss, but he stayed in the school.

I've already asked for leave, it's better to stay here than to go home, and I can see more of Xie Ze's appearance.

The child grows up very quickly, and he grows up without paying attention. Now when Xie Hui hugs him, he feels a lot heavier.

"Are you the actor who played that...that major general?"

When Xie Hui sat on the stool and watched the little boy on the monitor screen, he suddenly heard a somewhat old voice next to him, probably talking to him.

He turned his head and saw that it was an old woman with a smile on her face.

"Yes, it's me."

Time passed quickly chatting with the old lady, and soon it was time for lunch.

The kindergarten eats in the classroom at noon, but the principal said before that it is best for parents not to show up during the meal.

Xie Hui paid attention to the kindergarten lunch, and found that the dishes were well matched and the nutrition was balanced, so he was relieved.

In the morning, the children were almost coaxed, and until the afternoon when school was over, the parents appeared one after another, and the children began to feel wronged when they saw the parents.

Even Xie Ze was no exception. When he was hugged by his father, tears of grievance fell down.

It's not like crying like other children, but it's more distressing.

Xie Hui hugged him with one hand, and gently wiped his tears with the other hand, and said in a low voice:

"A man can't cry."

Xie Ze, who is usually well-behaved, was so wronged at this time that he lost his temper. He hugged his father tightly, and replied sullenly:

"But Dad said yesterday that I'm just a kid."

"Kids who go to kindergarten should be little men."

Xie Hui coaxed him patiently, and after saying hello to the teacher, he carried his son to the school gate and got on the car to go home.

On the way back, Xie Ze was still gloomy, holding Xie Hui's clothes tightly in his hand, unwilling to let go.

After a few days, maybe because he got used to the life in the kindergarten, Xie Ze didn't feel wronged for a while every time he saw his father as before, but started to talk to his father about the interesting things that happened in the kindergarten with great interest.

The teacher told them some stories, which two children had a bad fight, and even the chicken legs in lunch were bigger than others, and they could tell them for a while.

Xie Hui patiently listened to him talking about these things to himself, and a compliment from time to time could make Xie Ze smile and squint his eyes.

When the vacation arranged by Brother Jiang for Xie Hui ended, I thought that the little boy would be a little bit reluctant to part with him, but I didn't expect that Xie Ze would happily send him to the car.

"Dad, you work hard. I will go to kindergarten to study hard. When I grow up, I will let Dad play at home every day."

"it is good."

When Xie Hui was sitting in the car, he kept turning his head and looking back. He was the one who was more worried when we parted.

Jiang Ge, who was sitting next to him, saw this scene, reached out and patted his shoulder, and asked with a smile:

"Why? Is this reluctant?"

"Well, kind of."

While waiting for the plane at the airport, Xie Hui wanted to take out his mobile phone from his bag, but accidentally saw the bottom of the bag, stuffed with a lot of brightly colored candies.

Take it out and have a look, it's the kind that the kid likes to eat the most.

In an instant, indescribable emotions piled up in Xie Hui's heart. It should have been last night when Xie Ze asked him to bring him milk, taking advantage of his absence.

Xie Hui held the candy firmly in his palm, and after some thought, he said cautiously:

"Brother Jiang, after this shooting is over, let me tell you to help me find someone closer to home."

For many jobs now, although Xie didn't sign a contract when he came back, he had contacted Brother Jiang early on. People must be honest when they live in this world.

"No, thank you, how old are you? Don't want to fight at this time? How many people in the circle have sharpened their heads and want to be popular? You don't know, and you are not afraid of becoming the next Ke Ting?"

In the entertainment circle, there are many people who spend a lot of money and still not be popular, like Xie Hui's current popularity, resources, and popularity, many people think that he will definitely be a stable first-line male star in the future.

Who would have thought that he would come up with this idea himself!

When Xie Hui didn't care about the child before, Brother Jiang felt sorry for Xie Ze who was so young and didn't have a father to love him. Now Xie Hui puts all his attention on his son, and Jiang Ge is worried that he is not ambitious.

"Brother Jiang, you think I'm going to be filming outside like this all the time. What's the difference between Xie Ze and the left-behind children?"

Thank you for this description, it made Jiang Ge feel stuck in his throat no matter how much he tried to persuade him.

"In just a few months, I feel that Xie Ze has grown up a lot. I can be busy with work in the future. If I don't get popular, it will be my life. But Xie Ze, I missed his growth, and there will be no second chance." time."

"Brother Jiang, at the company, please help me communicate more."

Brother Jiang frowned irritably, but he didn't refuse.

"Okay, I'll talk to the company for you. If you regret it in the future, don't blame me."

"I'm sorry, Jiang Ge."

Xie Hui's attitude was so good that Brother Jiang couldn't even complain.

Thinking about it carefully, how many parents don't want to be with their children at this age, but life forces them to do so.

Fortunately, the original owner was unambiguous in his career. In order to make his career develop better, both the agent and the company were carefully selected at the beginning.

Otherwise, if you meet someone black-hearted and sign an overlord contract, even if Xie Hui wants to deal with it now, it will be very difficult.

Although he went to work in other places, Xie Ze would receive a video call from Xie Hui almost every day as soon as he returned home from kindergarten.

During this period of time every day, when Xie Hui listened to his son excitedly mentioning what happened in the kindergarten to him in a milky voice, the exhaustion of the whole day seemed to be swept away.

"Dad, there are a lot of sunflowers blooming in the backyard. When I grow up a bit, I will be able to see the sunflowers."

"When the time comes, I'll pick the best flower and cut it off for Dad every day!"

Xie Hui looked at his eyes that seemed to be shining when he mentioned this, and his thin lips hooked up slightly.

"Okay, kid Xie Ze, have you eaten obediently lately?"

"Yes, I ate two bowls in the kindergarten at noon. I want to eat quickly, grow up quickly, and work hard so that my father can accompany me every day when he doesn't have to work."

Xie Ze held onto the seemingly unnutritious content until the phone became hot and was reluctant to hang up.

It wasn't until the alarm clock rang that it was time to look at the mobile phone today, so I pouted and said goodbye to my father.

"Thank you, are you calling your son again? The lunch box is cold, why don't you hurry up and eat."

Brother Jiang waved at him, took apart the disposable chopsticks, squatted there and opened his lunch box.

Xie Hui walked over and found a random place to squat down just like Brother Jiang.

"By the way, the matter you mentioned to me before, I contacted the company for you, and the company agreed, but you can't quit the circle directly. You still have to have some works every year, shoot some commercials or something."

Xie Hui didn't even think about quitting the circle at first. He belongs to the line of business and love. He used to be cannon fodder for the counterattack business, and directly stepped on the protagonist as cannon fodder, and destroyed the entire plane by the way.

In this task, since the original owner cared about work, Xie Hui wanted to do his best.

What's more, the original owner is in the circle at this age, so it is not too much to say that he is still a fresh meat.

"By the way, Brother Jiang, I told the director to work overtime at night and finish work early. You can wrap me some red envelopes tomorrow and give them to the overtime staff. It's my apology for making them work more overtime."

After eating, Xie Hui wiped his mouth casually, and said what he had discussed with the director before.

Xie Hui felt that it would hurt people to work overtime with him, and any gifts would be false, so it would be better to just give money.

"What's wrong?"

"Finish it early, I have to go home to celebrate Xie Ze's birthday."