MTL - After the Drama, Action!-~ Work related (6)

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Liu's mother suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Are you going to put your cousin Shuangbai on stage tonight? I saw that many people scolded this character on the Internet. Don't be scolded at that time, little girl. Remember to persuade her more." Advise people."

Liu Changze thought of Chu Yao who gave him a good look every minute after entering the play, and couldn't help his scalp tingling, and said with a dry smile, "The actor who plays the role of Shuangbai has very good acting skills, and the audience will not be willing to scold her."

Liu's mother shook her head and said, "Not necessarily, I don't think those netizens on the Internet are so talkative. The better the little girl is, the more she scolds her... Those Internet trolls have scolded you before." Liu's mother He said it with a distressed face.

Liu Changze also had a headache when he heard his mother's words, and couldn't bear to refute.

When the TV series started, Mother Liu immediately ended the topic, staring blankly at the TV screen without blinking.

The plot of "Under the Moon in Chang'an" is progressing to the point where Chu Yongyan and Jian Rong have conflicts, and Chu Yongyan also encountered the most difficult mystery in history, and the wind and cold broke his body again. After Chu Yongyan lay on the hospital bed for a few days, he returned to the dilapidated Chu Mansion that he hadn't set foot in for several years.

Chu Yongyan seems to have fallen into the previous memories, the time when the family reunited happily, the gentle exhortations of his mother, the strict teaching of his father... and his little green plum, as gentle as water.

When he was young, Chu Yongyan accompanied his cousin to read and write, he danced the sword and she played the flute, they went to the lantern festival together, and they swept the snow and made tea together. In this scene, Shuangbai's image gradually plump and three-dimensional, she is a gentle girl, delicate and cute but not squeamish. She will be sad for a month because her little rabbit died. He would also jump up and down because Chu Yongyan won the first place.

A girl like Shuangbai is gentle and gentle, with exquisite seven orifices, and her thoughts are crystal clear like ice and snow. How can anyone not like a girl who can't wait to be held in the palm of one's hand and love her?

Liu's mother concentrated on watching the latest updates of the two episodes. She sat on the sofa and didn't recover. When Liu Changze saw his mother's eyes were red, she immediately became anxious, "Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" ?”

Mother Liu immediately stared at Liu Changze, "The little girl is so cute and pitiful? Why did you forget about her and still get entangled with that Jian Rong, big scumbag, not a thing!"

Ms. Liu was totally engrossed in the drama. One second she was expecting to praise Liu Changze for her good performance, but the next second she kissed her son and she became a scumbag! Liu Changze is more wronged than Dou E!

Liu Changze immediately raised his hands in surrender, crying helplessly, "My mother! Chu Yongyan is just my role, can you separate him from me? Your son and I are not scumbags at all, okay?"

It took a long time for Liu's mother to come back to her senses, and pushed Liu's father aside, "Old Liu, this little girl is so handsome, let Nagasawa take her home and be his wife, okay?"

Liu's father said helplessly, "It's good-looking, but people don't necessarily like Nagasawa."

Liu Chengze's heart ached, and he felt like he had been shot several times in his knee.

Mother Liu was a little moody for a while, but when she thought of something, her eyes lit up immediately. He picked up his ipad and quickly asked, "Nagasawa, what's the name of this little girl? I follow her on Weibo. The little girl is so cute. If someone wants to scold her on Weibo, I will Go scold those trolls."

Liu Changze suddenly felt very tired. When he was hacked by netizens before, his mother didn't mean to talk to netizens. I watched Chu Yao's TV series today and immediately became a fan, and even scolded people for her. As his own son, he is a little jealous, okay?

But Liu Chengze has to admit that Chu Yao is indeed very popular with the audience, and her every move is charming and infectious. When he played with Chu Yao before, he could already feel the charm of her role, but the edited film and television works magnified her charm even more.

Even an old lady like Liu's mother, who usually only watches TV dramas at 8 o'clock and never follows stars or pays attention to gossip, is attracted by Chu Yao's fans, which shows her charm.

Liu Changze saw that his father Liu also took out his mobile phone and logged on Weibo, which he hadn't used for several years, followed Chu Yao, and said with emotion, "Hey, your mother and I really want to have a daughter, this little girl This is very good, I think she is very kind."

Liu Changze was almost speechless...Chu Yao's damned popularity with the audience made his entire family fans after appearing in the TV series for tens of minutes.

However, Liu Changze swiped through Weibo and found that the fans of "Changan Moonlight" on the Internet and the book fans have maintained a high degree of tacit understanding this time. They did not form a group to scold the role of the cousin, but praised it all. Almost all of them were circled Powdered.

Even Chang An, the original author of "Under the Moon in Chang'an", mostly posted on Weibo, expressing his love for Cousin Shuangbai played by Chu Yao.

[Writer Chang'an: Are you about to cry when you see the update of "Chang'an Under the Moon" tonight? Have I ever said that my cousin is my first heart! It's all my fault that I, a straight man, can't write well, and I wrote the good Shuangbai girl like that... The book fans scolded my cousin's body, and it hurts my heart! Tonight, let this straight man raise a glass to his cousin with many book fans~ I really like the young lady who plays the cousin [email protected]Chu Yao】

Liu Changze clicked on Chu Yao's Weibo homepage, and saw that her fans had risen to 8.9 million. Just because of tonight's "Chang'an Moonlight", Chu Yao had 700,000 fans! Simply terrible!

He Chengyi, who usually gets ready to fall asleep at ten o'clock, has not gone to sleep today for the first time... because actor He is following the drama!

He finished catching up with the update of "Under the Moon in Chang'an" on TV, and then went to the video website to watch the part where Chu Yao appeared in these two episodes several times. The more He Chengyi watched, the more he felt that Chu Yao's performance was very familiar to him, and this feeling was also very strong when he played against Chu Yao last time.


Chu Yao led the friends in the red envelope group to watch the TV series together, and felt that her performance was notable and she was satisfied.

Before going to bed, Chu Yao started her Moments again as usual. When she saw that He Chengyi had shared a song "Tonight" in Moments for the first time, the original singer was Chu Yaoyao.

Chu Yao suddenly felt guilty and almost threw her mobile phone away. You must know that in Chu Yaoyao's era, acting and singing were excellent, there were not many celebrities and entertainers who were too embarrassed to say that they were stars, and many movie stars released a bunch of records. And Chu Yaoyao's song "Tonight" was sung as an episode in the movie "Unforgettable".

So why didn't Chu Yao release a record back then?

Hehe, because she sang out of tune! ! ! ! !

It took her two full days to record the song "Tonight", and it took a lot of effort for the sound engineer to help her make this song like this. Anyway, since "Tonight", no one asked her to sing again... Hehe.

For Chu Yao, this is definitely the greatest shame in life!

Chu Yao had no choice but to leave a message under He Chengyi's circle of friends.

[Chu Xiaoyao: I have vision, and I also like this song "Tonight" the most. 】

023 The so-called one person attains the Tao and the chicken dog ascends to heaven

In "Under the Moon in Chang'an", the role of Cousin Shuangbai occupies quite a lot of space, so Chu Yao's part is almost finished, and her last scene can be filmed before work ends today, and it is also the part where the cousin officially receives the box lunch .

When filming before, it may be because most of the crew members belonged to Chentian. And because of the quarrel between Chu Yao and Ren Bing, although Chu Yao got along well with the crew, there was still a thin film between them.

But since the TV series aired last night, when Chu Yao joined the group again today, she found that these people looked at her differently. Liu Changze resolved this matter for her.

Early in the morning, Liu Changze stuffed Chu Yao with a large box of fried wontons and a large bottle of hot soy milk, and said helplessly to Chu Yao, "You don't know that my mother chased "Chang'an Moonlight" yesterday and became you." My super fan girl! I just asked me to bring it to you... Hey, this differential treatment makes me feel like I was adopted."

Chu Yao couldn't help laughing at what she said.

Later, between the lines, Liu Changze couldn't help but whisper to Chu Yao, "Do you think the crew members look at you a little differently today?"

Chu Yao glanced lightly at Liu Changze... Heh, this kid is still a roundworm in her stomach!

Liu Changze said gossipingly, "The ratings came out last night, and they skyrocketed to 2.35, which is the highest ratings since "Chang'an Moonlight" started broadcasting. You know that the average ratings of weekly dramas are not too high. Previously, "Chang'an" "Under the Moon" had the highest ratings of around 1.7, and the ratings have increased by several points... I heard from my agent that the ratings seem to have increased after Shuangbai's appearance."

As he said that, Liu Changze blinked his eyes and looked at Chu Yao sincerely. Chu Yao's scalp was numb when he looked straight at it, "Just say what you want? If you look at me like this, I feel sick, and I will waste my breakfast later." Aunt Liu expressed her gratitude."

With a heartbroken expression on his face, Liu Changze leaned closer to Chu Yao, "Of course I want to hug your thigh. Remember to take me with you when you ascend to heaven, so that I can experience the feeling of a chicken and a dog ascending to heaven."

It is really amazing to say that the audience is popular. Some actors have acted in several popular dramas, but the drama celebrities are not popular, and the audience can't remember her. After some celebrities play a villain role, the audience will always remember this role with hatred, and they will scold her for everything they watch. Some celebrities can't be popular even if they die, and they use the best resources to hit her, without splashing a splash.

As for the actors who are really popular with the audience, the audience likes to watch whatever they play, whether it is a vicious villain or Wei Guangzheng, the audience will buy it. People who are really popular with the audience, the ratings of TV dramas and TV dramas soared, and the box office of movies and movies exploded. And now the Huaxia entertainment industry lacks this kind of actors who are popular with audiences. They can be counted on five fingers, and He Chengyi probably counts as one. Now that Chu Yao is making her debut for the first time, she can vaguely see this kind of potential in her.

Maybe Chu Yao will ascend to the ascension one day, so everyone should be a little more polite to her.

After Liu Changze's words, Chu Yao understood the changes in the production staff today, and they probably got some news from the senior management of the production team.

Lu Xingzhou's news is relatively outdated, he only called to tell Chu Yao about it at noon.

As soon as Chu Yao heard Lu Xingzhou's voice, he felt that he should be in a very embarrassing mood at the moment, "The ratings of "Chang'an Moonlight" came out last night, and the growth point was when you appeared. Chu Yao, let's work harder , let’s make a comeback for Salted Fish!”

Chu Yao has not been in the entertainment industry for a long time, she walked step by step, and it was Lu Xingzhou who watched her step by step. Lu Xingzhou's personality has changed drastically since some incidents, and he has lost his momentum, unlike the ambitious economic teams that are popular now. But at the same time, Lu Xingzhou also changed his mentality to be very tolerant and gentle, and he knew how to think about problems from the perspective of others. Therefore, other managers would have given up on the original owner's previous situation, but Lu Xingzhou did not give up on the original owner and encouraged her to tolerate her... This is what made Chu Yao feel very emotional.

Judging from the lag of Lu Xingzhou's news today, he was also quite miserable in Chentian, and almost no resources were allocated to Lu Xingzhou. Like Chu Yao, Lu Xingzhou is already an abandoned son of Chentian, and now occasionally throwing some meat to them is more of a teasing mentality than a nurturing mentality.

Chu Yao sneered in her heart, sooner or later she would leave Chentian, this place where the original owner's skin was stripped off.

On the phone, Chu Yao happily joked with Lu Xingzhou, "I'm not a salted fish! I'm a golden thigh, Brother Lu, do you want to hug my thigh...I'll take you to heaven~" Chu Yao's tone It is full of teasing and joking.

Lu Xingzhou was amused by Chu Yao and laughed out loud. Chu Yao was taken aback, as if she had never heard Lu Xingzhou's joyful laughter before. Lu Xingzhou's expression was gentle and slightly gloomy, even when he smiled, the smile in his eyes was very shallow. This time he burst out laughing, with a pleasant, hearty, pleasant voice in the magnetic laughter.

Chu Yao, who was deeply voice-controlled, was fascinated again, and joked, "Brother Lu, you should really smile more. It's less than ten years to smile. You are three years older than me and look just like my uncle."

Lu Xingzhou's furious voice immediately came from the other side of the phone. He gritted his teeth and said, "Chu! Yao! Who do you say is your uncle????!"

Chu Yao hung up the phone immediately, and stayed away from the Lion's Roar from Lu Xingzhou...

The filming in the morning went smoothly. In the afternoon, after Chu Yao re-shot some previous scenes, she officially entered the highlight of the day - receiving the bento.

In the original book, the part where Chu Yongyan was framed and his family fell into ruin, and Shuangbai died in order to save him did not spend a lot of pen and ink on the description. But for the sake of dramatic conflict, this episode was re-created in more detail when filming film and television dramas.

Because of political struggle, Chu Yongyan's family was framed by Prime Minister Jian. Because Prime Minister Jian's eldest son once molested Shuang Bai, Chu Yongyan cut off his hand. Prime Minister Jian harbored a grudge to avenge his personal revenge, and lynched Chu Yongyan in prison, intending to break his two arms to avenge his eldest son.

In order to beg Prime Minister Jian to let Chu Yongyan go, Shuang Bai humiliated regardless of his dignity, and Jian Cheng hated Shuang Bai even more, but it was a pity that she was not guilty this time. Prime Minister Jian made a request that if Shuang Bai could walk barefoot through a burning charcoal road, he would let Chu Yongyan go, only breaking his right hand.

Shuang Bai agreed with a smile. She, a frail and sickly weak woman, walked through the charcoal fire road extremely tragically. Even Prime Minister Jian, who was watching the theater, was shocked by her tenacity and bravery...

Whenever Chu Yao reads this script alone, she can't help but feel her scalp tingle. She can't even imagine how tragic it is, okay? The screenwriter who wrote this scene is simply a master of drama, Chu Yao can be regarded as admirable for such a **** mess...

024 Textbook Acting

This charcoal fire scene can be regarded as Chu Yao's one-man show, and it is also the hot spot of Shuang Bai's character. There is a big contrast between the frail and cuteness in the front and the tenacity when walking the charcoal fire road.

Well done, it made the audience cry. If the performance is not good, it will become the object of inventory by the major gossip masters of the year.

Chu Yao heard that Ren Bing asked the screenwriter to change this scene. It seems that the original story came about because of the tragic death, and how it was difficult to act so it was edited. As far as this matter is concerned, Chu Yao really wants to say to Ren Bing... Thank you!

Chu Yao also thought about how to die so that she can look good and be entertaining, and she has done a lot of homework. She dug up and watched all the videos of walking the charcoal fire road in TV dramas in the past five years. As a result, it abruptly turned into a complaint meeting between her and the group of friends in the red envelope group.

There is really no one who can catch Chu Yao's eyes. Either the acting is exaggerated and pretending to be painful, or the force is too fierce, and the face is grim, or else the face is paralyzed and death is at home... Chu Yao couldn't help complaining when she saw this , What the **** are you all acting like? ? ? ! Those who know know that they are going to die, but those who don't know think they are acting in a sketch!

This charcoal fire scene is difficult, and it is the sublimation of the characters, which is quite important. So Lu Xingzhou finished dealing with the matter at hand early in the morning, and rushed to the crew in the afternoon to cheer Chu Yao up.

Liu Changze made a fighting gesture towards her with a mentally retarded face, and it seemed that Chu Yao really wanted to buy some medicine for the child.

The venue has been set up almost. Originally, the director wanted Chu Yao to walk directly on a section of flat ground, and in the later stage, he directly gave her a path of charcoal fire. Later, after negotiating with the director, Chu Yao asked the crew to pave a charcoal road on the ground...the kind that didn't light the fire.

After Chu Yao adjusted her emotions, the props and scenes were in place. Chu Yao threw her old cotton shoes to her manager and changed into delicate embroidered shoes. As the slate fell, she immediately entered the scene in a second—

After all, Shuang Bai is still a girl like a flower. When she was sick when she was a child, she always thought about when she would die. The more ordinary way to die is to die silently in a dark night after being seriously ill. To be more romantic, she will let her cousin put her on a bamboo raft covered with flowers, and let the river take her away.

But Shuangbai never thought that he would die in such a tragic way, but when Shuangbai recalled his cousin's face in his mind, everything seemed to become fearless. If you can die for the person you like, this is probably a kind of happiness.

Frost Bai took off her shoes and socks and placed them neatly, because of the tension and cold, her toes curled up slightly. Shuang Bai gave birth to a pair of beautiful feet, small and fair, like a piece of white and tender lotus root, which makes people feel pity.

She walked into the burning charcoal fire, and the heat that hit her face made her body a little stiff. She clenched her hands into fists tightly as if to cheer herself up. When she took the first step, she also slowly closed her eyes.


The pain swept all her thoughts, and all the pains in the past were not as clear as this one, which made her unbearable. The scorching pain came from the soles of her feet, making her shiver suddenly.

Shuang Bai gasped, and stepped up with the other foot. She bit her lip tightly, and walked a few heavy steps as if a heavy iron was hanging on her feet. Her movements grew slower and stiffer.


Shuangbai's whole body was crumbling, her face was pale, her black hair was wetted with sweat, and her face was wet. She bit her lip hard. At this moment, her mind seems to have begun to trance, and she whimpered softly, "Cousin—Brother Yongyan...Shuangbai hurts so much...Shuangbai misses you so much..."

It seemed that chanting Chu Yongyan's name could give her infinite courage, and Shuang Bai, who could hardly hold on anymore, took a few more steps abruptly, several steps after several steps.


The frosty white lips had already been bitten by her forcefully, and the bright red blood flowed down the corner of her mouth. She was completely in a trance, and slowly opened her eyes, as if she saw Chu Yongyan smiling at her. There was light in Shuangbai's already lax eyes, revealing a trace of firmness. The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, which was enough to show that she was enduring great pain at this moment. But Shuang Bai used her last strength to grit her teeth, and walked almost forward again.

Shuang Bai's whole body was trembling at this moment, she was enduring great pain, and several veins appeared on her forehead.

Shuangbai finally reached the end of the charcoal fire road, and her whole body was soaked like it was fished out of a water tank. Realizing that he had finished walking, Shuangbai's mouth slightly turned up into an almost invisible smile, and then fell to the ground with a "bang", completely losing consciousness.

Snow, one after another, fell on the frosty eyebrows, on her face, and on the corner of her mouth, and a **** red plum bloomed.


Chu Yao finished the play by herself and never heard any instructions from the director, so she could only get up from the ground by herself. She looked at it inexplicably, whether it was the actors or the crew, they all opened their mouths and looked at her in shock. The scene was really silent.

It took a full half a minute before everyone came back to their senses. I don't know who took the lead in applauding, and then everyone started applauding.

Lu Xingzhou reacted first, ran forward quickly, took a napkin and wiped the blood from Chu Yao's mouth. Suddenly finding that the blood around Chu Yao's mouth didn't look like plasma, Lu Xingzhou asked anxiously, "Do you have blood in your mouth?"

Thinking that if she answered no, she would definitely be punished, Chu Yao nodded immediately, "Yes."

It's a pity that it was too late, Lu Xingzhou had already seen the bite wound on Chu Yao's mouth, and he immediately softened his movements a bit. With a serious expression, he seemed a little angry, and his tone became a little more serious, "Will you die if you don't act like this? It's not much worse if you don't do this action... You have to show off yourself." At the end, the tone was a bit sighed.

Chu Yao thought it was over, she was most afraid of such a time. Hastily raised his hand and surrendered, "This is the last time!"

Lu Xingzhou laughed angrily, he would not believe Chu Yao's nonsense anyway, and asked with a sneer, "Is it really the last time?"

Chu Yao blinked her eyes, feeling a little weak, and said forcefully, "It's really the last time."

Lu Xingzhou wanted to say something else, but at this time the director was looking for Chu Yao. Chu Yao immediately let out a long breath, patted Lu Xingzhou on the shoulder, and said generously, "Brother Lu, I'm fine, the director called me, I'll go first."

Lu Xingzhou looked at Chu Yao helplessly, a little speechless.

Here is the director pulling Chu Yao and Liu Changze to watch the replay of the scene just now.

When Liu Chengze saw that Chu Yao was really about to kneel down and call her daddy, he gave Chu Yao a thumbs up and said in admiration, "It was really a textbook-like acting just now! I feel that my role as Chu Yongyan is all in my heart." A ball of fire, I can't wait to rush forward and kill the old thief Jane! Boss, you have inspired me so much!"

Chu Yao smiled. When she was broadcasting the charcoal fire road just now, the friends in the group also said that she had textbook acting skills. She acted so realistically and contagiously that they were scared to death one by one, and many friends directly asked the robot nanny to bring the quick rescue pill... It really made Chu Yao dumbfounded.

The director looked at the screen in astonishment, sometimes showing regret, sometimes pain, and sometimes surprise. Liu Chengze and Chu Yao couldn't help laughing.

The director should not be too enthusiastic about Chu Yao, and looked at Chu Yao with burning eyes, as if he had discovered some rare treasure.

Watching it on the screen gives people a different feeling, because the angle of the camera is different, and it can also cut close-ups of Chu Yao's face during the performance.

Not only the director, but Liu Changze, who watched it again and again, was also amazed, and also stared at Chu Yao with burning eyes. He pointed to the big special shot of Chu Yao's face on the screen, a vein appeared on her smooth forehead.

Liu Changze said with a face full of cluelessness, "My God, did you have a blue vein just now? Boss, how did you do it??!"

Liu Changze almost knelt down to Chu Yao!

Chu Yao herself had a calm face, "Why don't you imagine when you were constipated for five days..."

Liu Changze, "..."

025 The first episode of "Actor" aired

Chu Yao's finale scene was extremely vigorous and left a deep impression on many people. The director had been thinking about Chu Yao's textbook-like acting skills, so he recommended an audition to Chu Yao. This audition was still a movie, and the director Wang Quan was also a well-known director of commercial films in the circle.

From part of the script given to Chu Yao, this time the character is set to be a female killer. The surface is delicate enough to confuse opponents, but the heart is cold-blooded and ruthless. Just looking at the superficial character design, it actually looks quite similar to Shuang Bai.

Chu Yao actually doesn't like this character, the character is too flat and there is no sense of surprise. But she is poor, she is so vulgar, and she bows down for five buckets of rice. The investment in this movie is huge, so the salary is quite a lot. For Chu Yao, who is now so poor that she can hardly lift the lid, she can try it.

After all, he is just a small 18-line actor, not a noble artist.

Except for this movie audition and the invitation to the National Arts Red Carpet Ceremony, Chu Yao really didn't have any announcements. The red carpet ceremony is not a high-profile red carpet, anyway, there are countless various ceremonies at the end of the year. Sometimes there are not enough big names, so it is also very common to invite some 18-line players to make up the head.

The first episode of "Actor" was officially broadcast on the evening of the 1st.

Liu Changze's parents fell in love with Chu Yao after watching two episodes of "Under the Moon in Chang'an". Liu Changze did not dare to show his parents the scene where Chu Yao walked the charcoal fire road, for fear that they would not let him in. After all, Shuangbai did this to save Chu Yongyan. The first episode of "Actor" aired in the evening, and Liu's parents specifically told Liu Changze to go home early.

Liu Changze said with a smile on his face. In previous years, their family members went out to watch fireworks or go to movies. This year, they chose to stay at home because of Chu Yao's pursuit of variety shows... So Chu Yao must be their biological daughter, and he picked her up. Come on!

When the time came, the Liu family's parents were already sitting in front of the TV and waiting. Both of them held an iPad in their hands, and were going to use the website "Actor" to broadcast live. The live broadcast had barrage. Liu Changze couldn't help feeling that the old people chasing a star is also 666, which is not inferior to today's young people.

As the progress bar of the program was slowly pulled back, the expressions on the faces of Liu's parents became more and more impatient, almost collapsed on the sofa, and kept asking Liu Changze, "Why hasn't Chu Yao come out yet?"

Otherwise, he would complain vigorously, "What are these people acting? The judges are blind and praise them vigorously? Only He Chengyi has a little bit of a stance."

Liu Changze could only keep explaining to the elders of his family, "Chu Yao is in the third group, and she will come out in a while."

When the second group of actors called their curtain call, the three members of the Liu family immediately synchronized their movements and expressions, and stared at the TV screen with wide eyes... Chu Yao appeared on the screen with light makeup, but with her appearance, the audience's sight He was inexplicably attracted to her.

Then Liu's parents turned into human flesh barrage.

Mother Liu said after a while, "Yaoyao is fresh and beautiful, different from the previous two groups of female stars, I like it."

Father Liu said again, "Chu Yao came first, she is punctual and polite."

Liu Changze was very speechless, his old parents had completely turned into Chu Yaochui now.

When Chu Yao read the script at a glance and began to play two roles as if she changed her face, Liu Changze was stunned for a moment... Chu Yao's coquettish operation is completely a RMB player's cheating method, which does not leave anyone a way to survive kind of.

Mother Liu on the other end whispered in surprise, "Yaoyao is amazing, she memorized the lines so quickly~ These two roles are both very good, and Chu Yao controls the role of Lin Guiren better than Zhao Ya! "

As a tenth-level scholar of "The Prosperous Age", Ms. Liu has watched this TV series five times, so she has quite a say.

Liu's father also said, "Concubine Yu also played well, dignified and elegant without losing her character."

Liu Changze was expressionless in the face of his parents' Chu Yaofeng, as long as they were happy.

When "The Actor" was released, Feng Shanshan and Ren Bing went to the rehearsal room, and the atmosphere became a bit of a rivalry because they fought for the role of Lin Guiren. As a result, both of them got the role with the same lines, while Chu Yao only got the role A maid character with only three lines... This picture looks funny no matter how you look at it.

Liu Changze was almost dying of laughter. Feng Shanshan and Ren Bing looked like two ignorant clowns. I don't know how they feel when they see this show.

Anyway, Liu Changze was about to succumb to Chu Yao's admiration, and her operation was simply 666, which opened his eyes.

Sure enough, Mother Liu started to brag again, "Hey, it's still Yaoyao who knows the general idea, has good acting skills and knows how to be modest. I don't know what's going on with the other two girls. That Feng Shanshan should be considered a senior. Why does she look so fierce?" ?”

When the three of them started their official PK, watching Feng Shanshan and Ren Bing's performance, Mother Liu, a tenth-level scholar in "The Prosperous Age", rolled her eyes to the sky. There is no tacit agreement."

When the little maid played by Chu Yao arrived late and was slapped by Ren Bing and fell to the ground, Liu Changze heard his parents gasp. When the little maid was dragged down, both Father Liu and Mother Liu's eyes were red.

Father Liu, "The three lines are all performed so well, the little girl Chu Yao has a bright future."

Mother Liu said with a look of sympathy, "Why did that Ren Bing hit so hard? Does she have a grudge against Yaoyao? Or is she jealous of Yaoyao because of her poor acting skills?"

With Liu Changze's understanding of Chu Yao, how could she really let Ren Bing slap her? So it was probably borrowed, but the borrowing was too ingenious, and Chu Yao's reaction to the beating was also well acted, so only Ren Bing silently swallowed the knocked out teeth.

When it came time to vote, the show first announced the votes of the audience, Chu Yao was widened by Feng Shanshan and Ren Bing. When it was time to announce the votes of the second judge, Chen Yushuang, Satellite TV entered the advertising time in a special way.

The parents of Liu's family who were aroused by their curiosity stood up nervously from the sofa, but when they saw that the TV suddenly switched to an advertisement, the two elderly people were so angry that they started to curse!

In order to comfort his parents, Liu Changze revealed the spoiler, "Chen Yushuang and He Yingdi should both vote for Chu Yao, because she was promoted to cooperate with He Yingdi."

As a result, his parents looked at him coldly, "I want you to spoil it!"

During the commercial time, Liu's parents began to discuss the barrage broadcast live on the website.

Ms. Liu, "There is a barrage here saying that "The Actor" has shady scenes, and Yaoyao can advance to the next stage with only three lines?? Huh, even if she only has three lines, she can act the best. Don't the audience have eyes?"

Mama Liu, "This barrage says that Yaoyao and He Chengyi are recreating the classic "Blind Man"! It turned out to be "Blind Man", my favorite movie when I was young, and I am a huge fan of Empress Chu!"

Ms. Liu, "This barrage is quite discerning, saying that Yaoyao's acting skills are so good at such a young age."


Another place in S city is not as happy as the Liu family.

Tang Mingyuan and Ren Bing reconciled again, and the two of them were also watching the show "Actor" in the villa.

Ren Bing had already inoculated Tang Mingyuan in advance, "Chu Yao advanced in all three lines? I don't know how He Chengyi chose her? If it wasn't for her vixen face, how could He Chengyi choose her? You guys?" The inferiority of men!"

As Ren Bing spoke, he kicked Tang Mingyuan with some enthusiasm.

However, Tang Mingyuan held Ren Bing's face and kissed it, "That's right, we men all look at faces, so I like you." Ren Bing smiled smugly.

When Ren Bing saw Chu Yao playing two roles in the rehearsal room, he jumped up from the sofa angrily and cursed, "This scheming bitch! He played me and Feng Shanshan!"

Ren Bing saw that someone was already laughing at her and Feng Shanshan on the Internet, and angrily she smashed the water glasses on the coffee table. Immediately call the agent to publicize this matter.

After the phone call, Ren Bing lay in Tang Mingyuan's arms and cried, "I think she gave her this opportunity to appear on "Actor" without telling her pity, and she shamed me by playing such tricks!"

Tang Mingyuan patted Ren Bing's back tenderly, but his face was gloomy, "Okay, Bingbing, you are the kindest, I know it all."

Ren Bing sobbed bitterly, "I've done my best!" She added in her heart, Chu Yao, I won't let you go####啦啦啦, give me flowers~

026 stunning red carpet

Going to walk the red carpet, the dress must be the first consideration.

Chu Yao did not form a complete team, and according to her coffee position, there was no brand or studio that would take the initiative to lend her dresses. When Lu Xingzhou was Chen Cheng's agent, he used to cooperate with several well-known designers and studios, but when Chen Cheng switched to Chen Xing, he also took away these fashion resources. Regarding this dress, Lu Xingzhou is ready to contact the previous resources.

But what was surprising was that Wu You, whom Chu Yao had just worked with some time ago, took the initiative to match up and borrowed a set of ME dress for Chu Yao, which was also a surprise.

Another artist under Lu Xingzhou's team, Tian Xin, starred in a web drama that was broadcast on the National Arts Video website, so she was also invited to the National Arts Red Carpet Ceremony this time.

Chu Yao and Tian Xin met in the lounge of the Red Carpet Ceremony. Lu Xingzhou helped Tian Xin borrow a set of high-end clothing from a second-tier brand, which looks quite foreign and cute on Tian Xin. But when Tian Xin and Chu Yao stood together, they immediately fell in love with each other.

Chu Yao wore a bright red long dress, without any extra decorations, and relying on tailoring to win, it gave Chu Yao a high-end and amazing feeling when she wore it.

Big wavy hair, white skin and red lips, Chu Yao's temperament is charming and graceful, exuding a strong style.

This is a small lounge with only two artists, Chu Yao and Tian Xin. As soon as Tian Xin saw Chu Yao's dress, her eyes turned red immediately, and she asked Lu Xingzhou pitifully in a low voice, "Brother Lu, Sister Chu's dress and shape are very beautiful... If I read correctly, it's ME The latest spring and summer models."

Chu Yao glanced at Tian Xin with a smile in her eyes. This little girl is really interesting, but she has too many evil intentions, and she always pretends to be smart.

Most of the time, Lu Xingzhou belongs to the kind who doesn't tell the truth. To some extent, Tian Xin's personality is a bit similar to his ex-girlfriend Chen Cheng. Lu Xingzhou is very clear in his heart. Unmoved, Lu Xingzhou said in a warm voice, "The clothes are pretty, and they match Chu Yao on the ground."

The implication was that Tian Xin was only worthy of wearing the one she was wearing, at least Tian Xin understood it that way, which made her feel full of humiliation. She turned her back, bit her lower lip tightly, her eyes were slightly red.

Chu Yao glanced at Lu Xingzhou in surprise, a person with such a gentle temper can have a venomous tongue.

It was only later that Chu Yao found out that Tian Xin wanted Lu Xingzhou to pimp her and introduce her benefactor, but Lu Xingzhou refused, so the two had already had a big quarrel.


China's most senior gossip forum, Nine Layers of Gossip, is as lively today as it used to be. At the end of the year, various grand ceremonies, red carpets, New Year's Eve parties, and gossip emerge in endlessly, making the melon-eating crowd dazzled and satisfied.

Ribs is a veteran gossip netizen, and he is very familiar with gossip in the entertainment industry. After get off work today, the ribs are always gossiping as usual. She saw a post titled "National Art Festival Red Carpet Live Streaming, which one has the most stunning look"

This time, the National Arts Festival did not invite many high-quality celebrities, but three of the four female stars in the entertainment industry went. It is also quite interesting when female celebrities walk the red carpet. So this post immediately attracted Ribs' interest, and she clicked on the post.

The host who opened the post is called Love to Eat Cabbage. He is not a fan of a certain family pretending to be a passer-by, but made a comment with a fair attitude, with sharp and poisonous words. The fans of the various families below are jumping anxiously in the posts, heroes from all walks of life are stewing in a mess, and the ribs are very interesting to see.

Today, Deng Qinqin wore a long green dress. In the edited photos released by the studio, she was extremely graceful and glamorous, but in the live broadcast of the red carpet scene, her true colors were fully revealed.

Love to eat cabbage commented on Deng Qinqin's clothes in this way, "Deng Qinqin is wearing this year's popular green, with her neck hunched over, she looks like a thousand-year-old bastard. Encyclopedia claims that she is 1.68 meters tall, and her feet are 18 centimeters long. It’s not as tall as the host next to it. A pack of Latiaola bets, it can’t be more than 1.55 meters!”

Qin Dan, the second of the four female roles, is wearing ME's latest spring and summer haute couture, a black embroidered long skirt with high slits to reveal her thighs, which is both charming and dignified. In the refined photos released by Qin Dan's studio, Qin Dan looks like