MTL - After the Drama, Action!-~ Works related (17)

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cake. "

He Chengyi immediately searched for this brand on the Internet. It happened that there was an official website and it also provided delivery service. He Chengyi immediately placed an order for fifty white swan cakes, and the address was filled in with the crew of "Jiangshan".

He Chengyi was worried and asked, "You said I ordered fifty cakes, is it enough for one crew?"

When David heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. His boss is too generous, isn't it? Chu Yao's birthday, he wants to invite the whole crew to eat cake? This is so inhumane, is the boss going to use money to attack Chu Yao?

David estimated, "It should be enough." He did not forget to remind, "If Chu Yao's birthday is today, have you prepared your birthday present?"

He Cheng raised his head and gave David a strange look, "Who said it was Chu Yao's birthday? I just went to visit the class."

David swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and bought so many cakes in just one class. It really is willful...

075 visit class (2)

When Chu Yao was still filming the last scene in the morning, there was a sudden burst of screaming and clamoring on the scene. The situation is definitely to be stopped.

Sure enough, the director yelled "cut", and then the scene took a ten-minute break.

Chu Yao glanced at the crowd, and muttered in a low voice, "Fuck..." Could it be that today is really an auspicious day to visit the class, why are everyone rushing to visit the class? She saw He Chengyi in the crowd at a glance. That person is really a natural luminous body with a halo. If Zhou Li played by Chu Yao is an actress killer in the crew, then He Chengyi is a female killer in the world. !

What's more, He Chengyi not only came, but also brought a lot of white swan cakes. The group of little girls from the production team surrounded He Chengyi, waiting to share the cakes. The kind that shines.

Shen Jiamu saw that He Cheng had arrived empty-handed, so he glanced at Chu Yao out of the corner of his eye, winking and winking, feeling uncomfortable. Shen Jiamu and the others walked towards He Chengyi, and he seemed to inadvertently said, "Tsk, today's visits really got together, even our busy actor He Ying came, as a good friend, I won't pretend to be sentimental." The guy is here to see me!"

Ning Ke dismantled the stage at the right time, and looked at Chu Yao with a smile, "As far as your plastic friendship is concerned, of course he didn't come to see you, maybe he came to see Yao Yao." Ning Ke said with a smile.

Chu Yao was a little uncomfortable being looked at by the eyes of the two, she pursed her lips and smiled, "It doesn't matter who comes to see, as long as there is something to eat, wouldn't it be nice?"

Ning Ke sighed, "That's really a pity, I've been losing weight recently, so I'm not lucky."

Shen Jiamu added, "He knows that I don't like sweets the least, and he bought cakes to visit the class, so he definitely didn't come to visit my class!"

Chu Yao hasn't seen He Chengyi for a few days, he seems to be thinner, his face is more angular, and his temperament is more mature.

He Chengyi handed Chu Yao a sliced ​​cake, which could be satisfied by three bites. There was a white swan spreading its wings on the snow-white cream, which was lifelike. He said, "Let's have lunch together immediately, and eat less cake. .”

Chu Yao glanced in the direction of her fans. Seeing their eyes glowing, they first looked at her, then at He Chengyi. Chu Yao smiled and said, "I have fans visiting the class today, and I promised them to have lunch together at noon."

A smile appeared on the corner of He Chengyi's mouth, "It's okay, let's get together."

Chen Ran on the side seemed to have heard their conversation, and said with a smile, "Then you don't mind adding me." When Chen Ran spoke, his eyes were looking at Chu Yao, with an inexplicable and deep look in his eyes. Light.

"..." Why are everyone not only rushing to visit the class today, but also rushing to invite her to dinner...

Chu Yao nodded and smiled, "Okay, anyway, I've reserved a big box." Seeing that it was almost time for the official shooting, Chu Yao immediately finished the cake with two mouthfuls, and then threw the plate into the trash can beside her . Chu Yao nodded to everyone, then turned to leave.

"Wait a minute." He Chengyi's laughing voice came from behind Chu Yao.

Chu Yao paused, "What's wrong?" She looked at He Chengyi suspiciously.

He Chengyi asked David for a tissue, approached Chu Yao, and said, "Cream is on the corner of your mouth." He Chengyi raised his hand, staring at Chu Yao's lips that seemed to be painted with honey, **** The Adam's apple subconsciously slid up and down a few times. In the end, he still worried that making such an intimate gesture in public would be bad for Chu Yao, He Chengyi said softly, "Here, just wipe it off."

"Well, thank you." Chu Yao took the napkin handed over by He Chengyi, wiped the corners of her mouth carefully, and looked at He Chengyi with a smile, "Are there any more?"

He Chengyi took a few steps back, "Not anymore."

Chu Yao shook her hand at her, "Then I'll go to filming first, see you later."

The scene of Chu Yao is Chen Yi, Zhou Li and Meng Rong visiting the garden. Meng Rong keeps throwing olive branches at Zhou Li. Zhou Li looks indifferent and alienated, and it is very embarrassing for Chen Yi to be caught in the middle. Zhou Li, played by Chu Yao, seems to have a halo all over her body. It is easy for people to ignore her gender. She has an amazing charm that is indisputable. When she politely rejects Meng Rong, her words are faint but still graceful Pianpian won't make people bored, I just think she's a gentleman like jade, upright and well-mannered.

The staff moved chairs for all the people who came to visit the class today, but no one sat down, and they couldn't help stretching their necks to look at Chu Yao and others who had already entered the play. No one could resist the natural attraction living.

He Chengyi looked at Chu Yao who had already entered the play, looked at the woman who was radiant every time she acted, and felt that his heart was beating a little fast, almost jumping out of his chest.

Chen Ran approached He Chengyi at some point, chuckled, and whispered, "Do you like Chu Yao?"

He Chengyi just smiled and said nothing, just when Chen Ran thought that He Chengyi would keep silent for a while, He Chengyi suddenly said, "I like her. But what the **** does it matter to you? Could it be that you like her too?" He Chengyi As soon as he said this, there was a little aggressiveness in his tone.

Chen Ran didn't seem to have expected He Chengyi's reaction in a short while, and smiled for a while, "Yes, I like it too, this time I don't want to let go of her hand...but you are much younger than her, and you don't I understand her, so it's better to stop earlier, so as not to get deeper and deeper." Chen Ran seemed to mean something, with a pun.

He Chengyi didn't speak, but snorted coldly in his heart... This man would pretend to say these things in front of him, didn't he just want him to retreat? If you have the ability, talk to Chu Yao.

She put on an appearance of being very familiar with Chu Yao, as if she knew all about Chu Yao's past and present lives. Chu Yao doesn't like young and strong people. Does she just like people who are so much older than her?

He saw that some people really put on the wrong posture and were too self-righteous.

076 Undercurrent Surge

This time, it was Chu Yao who hosted the guests. They reserved a private room in a cafeteria with an average of 500 yuan per person next to the film crew. The crowd formed a circle and sat in a circle. In the middle was a special chef making teppanyaki.

Wu Xingxing waited to order, but he didn't stop talking. This buffet is famous for its delicious food. Wu Xingxing didn't expect to meet Chu Yao for dinner when he came to visit the class for the first time.

As a fan of He Chengyi and Chu Yao, even though Wu Xingxing's heart is eating food, he always glances at Chu Yao and He Chengyi from the corner of his eye.

Wu Xingxing thought to himself, it stands to reason that Chu Yao and He Chengyi had never met before, and they have only known each other for a few months, and have cooperated several times, so they are already so familiar? Not to mention that Chen Ran, she had never heard of him having an intersection with Chu Yao before, why do they look so familiar?

Wu Xingxing always felt that He Cheng looked at Chu Yao differently, Chen Ran seemed to have the same meaning, Wu Xingxing immediately smelled gossip, as if even the delicious teppanyaki steak on the plate was not that big to her Attractive, she quietly looked at the three people sitting in the corner chatting, and finally settled on Chu Yao and He Chengyi.

She definitely has her own fan filter for these two people. No matter how you look at it, Chu Yao and He Chengyi have a stronger sense of CP. They are both talented and beautiful, and they say that female juniors hold gold bricks. This kind of sibling love Just don't be too emotional. Uncle love or something was popular a few years ago, and now audiences prefer to watch this kind of little wolf dog meme.

In the past, Wu Xingxing was a fan of He Chengyi, and knew a thing or two about her male god's personality. He seems to be the one who visits the crew and orders so many cakes? Still quietly listening to Chu Yao's speech with a gentle face... Wu Xingxing really can't think of anything other than love that can make the male **** change his **** like this.

Tut tut tut!

While eating the creme brulee dessert, Wu Xingxing looked at Chu Yao and He Chengyi with gossipy eyes, the more he watched, the more he felt that the two were having fun.

As for Chu Yao and the others who were the protagonists in Wu Xingxing's eyes, the atmosphere seemed to be happy and peaceful on the surface, but in fact it was already undercurrent.

He Cheng opened his mouth and said, "The filming of "Jiangshan" here will be finished at least in June. Have you made any arrangements for the following work? Or are you going to take a break?"

Chu Yao took a bite of the cheese shrimp and chewed carefully, the fragrance of cheese and the deliciousness of lobster immediately swept the whole mouth. Chu Yao smiled, "It's almost that time, the manager wants me to rest, I mean I'll be busy for a while, but I haven't encountered a suitable script."

He Chengyi has already observed Chu Yao's preferences through the experience of eating with Chu Yao several times. He peeled a few salt and pepper shrimp and put them on Chu Yao's plate. Shen Ning said for a moment, "Then I will let Lin Sen pay attention to it." Is there any script that suits you?"

The agent who can take He Chengyi is of course the top agent of Chenxing Entertainment, and most of the company's first-hand good resources come through Lin Sen.

Chen Ran also smiled lightly, "Do you have any favorite characters and genres? Let me help you pay attention to whether there are any good books."

He Cheng paused for a moment when he peeled the shrimp, his eyes darkened slightly...Is it necessary for Chen Ran to be so attentive? What does it have to do with him?

Chu Yao smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

He Cheng thought for a while, and said, "President Zhou will hold a birthday party on Sunday night, do you want to go with me?"

Chu Yao froze for a moment, and subconsciously asked, "Mr. Zhou? Zhou Shulan?"

He Chengyi's lips curled up slightly, and his usually stern face showed a little tenderness, "It's her. Last time we performed at the annual meeting, it was a blockbuster in Chen Xing. She mentioned you several times in front of me. This time, let me let you pass this time."

Chu Yao had a proper smile on her face, but there was a little nostalgia in her eyes, "Really? Did she say that? Birthday party, then I'll go."

Chen Ran said, "I'll go that day too, I'll come to the crew to pick you up then."

Chu Yao thought about the time schedule, and replied, "The scene will be filmed until seven o'clock that day, so don't bother you, I'll go directly by car."

Chen Ran nodded and didn't insist anymore.

Chu Yao quickly adjusted her mood, and then asked He Chengyi, "What about you, how is the production progress? Are you busy recently?"

He Chengyi chuckled, "Now we're filming and post-production. All the cast and crew will wrap up in the middle of next month, and it's estimated that it will be released in time for the summer."

Chu Yao said "hmm", "That's good, I can still catch up with a wave of publicity by then. But when I think of my role in "Dynasty", I want to laugh." Chu Yao seemed interested refers to.

He Chengyi coughed unnaturally twice, his ears turned red, "Don't laugh, it's all required by the role. If you feel awkward, next time we can cooperate and try the roles of friends, enemies... couples." Congratulations The word "couple" popped out of Cheng Yi's mouth, but he didn't have enough energy and confidence.

Chu Yao couldn't help laughing "puchi", "Okay, I also want to cooperate with He Yingdi, and challenge more complicated role relationships."

Chen Ran watched Chu Yao and He Chengyi come and go, with a tacit understanding, and his heart was a little complicated. He Chengyi was much braver than he was back then. At that time, under the halo of the queen of Chu Yaoyao, he didn't dare to interact with her, only dared to look at her secretly, and buried that secret love in his heart... Who knew that the accident came so suddenly, he still missed it, I regret half my life.

But this time God gave him another chance, sending the love of his life to him, and he didn't want to miss it again this time.

077 Dinner

Chu Yao finished filming at 6:45, 15 minutes earlier than planned. Chu Yao went to her single rest room, took the time to put on makeup, and changed into a well-regulated long dress.

Today Chu Yao is not attending any public event, nor is it her home venue, she is only going to a relatively private birthday party, so she can't dress too grandly to steal the limelight from the owner, and she can't dress too poorly face. Such a simple and elegant dress is the most suitable.

Chu Yao loosened her hair, and quickly curled her wavy hair with a curling iron. Complemented by her makeup today, her gestures are full of intellectual charm. She turned around in front of the full-length mirror, and blew a kiss to her handsome self in the mirror. She was quite satisfied with her outfit today.

Suddenly her caller rang, she turned on the PA, and while she was wearing jewelry for herself in front of the mirror, a familiar male voice came from the dressing room, "I'm at the parking lot of your film and television base, have you set off yet?"

Chu Yao put on the earrings, and said softly, "I haven't left yet, you came here to pick me up?" Chu Yao thought that He Chengyi must be embarrassed, so she would be a little more tactful. He Chengyi laughed, "Well, I'm here to pick you up. I wonder if I have the honor?"

Chu Yao seemed to be infected by his smile, and said with a smile, "Of course, wait for me for two minutes."

Who knows that the phone has not been hung up. After Chu Yao finished wearing the earrings, she sprayed on the perfume again, picked up the handbag, and picked up the mobile phone she put on the table, and saw that the phone was still on the phone. Chu Yao smiled and said, "I'm sorry I forgot to hang up the phone, so I'll hang up first." After hanging up the call, Chu Yao sent a message to He Yuan, telling her to go there by herself tonight, and she doesn't need to drive to pick her up.

Chu Yao came to the parking lot, found the familiar suv, knocked on the window glass door familiarly, and then sat in the back row. She saw that He Chengyi was driving the car himself today, and there was no sign of David, so she asked, "Where's David? Why didn't you see him?"

He Chengyi played it lightly, "David has something to do today, so he asked for leave with me, so I can only be the driver."

Today, David, who was given a special holiday by He Chengyi, of course had a deep affection with his girlfriend at home. He never expected that he was sitting at home, and the pot came from the sky.

Chu Yao smiled, "Then I will supervise you not to drink alcohol today, my personal safety is in your hands."

"of course."

He Cheng agreed without hesitation, but also because of Chu Yao's words, he felt a little blushing for no reason... What do you mean by "my personal safety is in your hands"? It's embarrassing to think about it.

Zhou Shulan's residence was a villa in the middle of the mountain, and Chu Yao felt inexplicably moved when she saw He Chengyi driving past this familiar road. Back then, she helped to choose this villa together. Zhou Shulan used all her wealth as an investor and producer. She was the protagonist of that movie. Of course, this movie was a big success, a big hit at the box office, and even won awards. Countless, at the same time, it also established Zhou Shulan's position in Chen Xing's top management.

She and Zhou Shulan made money that no one else could earn in their lifetime just by eating movie dividends. Zhou Shulan bought this villa, and Chu Yao used all the dividends to establish a charity foundation... Chu Yao looked nostalgic and moved.

Chu Yao took He Chengyi's arm and entered the hall. Both of them were rare men and women, and when they stood together, they were even more radiant and starry.

Chen Ran was talking with someone in the corner, but when he looked up, he saw Chu Yao and He Chengyi walking in, the smile on his face remained unchanged, but his eyes darkened. But the director beside him said with emotion, "Tsk, I didn't even recognize He Chengyi. When did he get so close to someone? The one next to him is called Chu Yao. She looks amazing." Yes! The two of them are pretty good-looking, if I have a suitable book in hand, I would like to cooperate with the two of them, they are really talented and beautiful, a natural match."

Hearing what the director said, Chen Ran couldn't even maintain the smile on his face, "A talented man and a beautiful woman? Why didn't I see it?"

The director friend naturally said, "You are blind, could it be that you are jealous that someone is younger and more handsome than you?"

The corner of Chen Ran's mouth twitched, although he was really jealous that He Chengyi was younger and more energetic than him...

As soon as Chu Yao and He Chengyi came in, the servant brought her and He Chengyi a glass of champagne. He Chengyi approached Chu Yao and whispered, "Have you eaten tonight? I'm still hungry if I haven't eaten, why don't we go there?"

He Chengyi leaned close to Chu Yao's ear to talk, and the slightly sprayed hot air filled with He Chengyi's breath was directly sprayed on Chu Yao's ears. Both ears are the more sensitive parts of Chu Yao's body. Xiao Xiao dodged a little bit, smiled and nodded, "Okay."

With such a smile, Chu Yao fully displayed her delicate and charming posture. Her eyes were shining with starlight, reflecting the stars, making people addicted to her charm. He Chengyi also froze for a moment, but he quickly came back to his senses, seeing the men around him couldn't help secretly looking at Chu Yao, his eyes showed surprise.

He Cheng was not happy at all, and felt that his own treasure was being coveted. He slightly turned his body to block the prying eyes of others, and also smiled at Chu Yao, "Then let's go there."

Not far away is a long table with drinks and various desserts neatly placed on it. The ladies present today all pay special attention to their image, and even more so when they wear close-fitting dresses, so this table of snacks has hardly been touched since it was served.

Chu Yao also pays attention to her image, but what she pays more attention to is that she is hungry. She took a bone china plate, a creme brulee, a matcha cake, and a strawberry mousse. Chu Yao liked strawberries in the first place, and the finished product of strawberry mousse was even more cute and beautiful. Chu Yao couldn't help but took one and put it in her mouth, and immediately narrowed her eyes happily.

A voice suddenly came from behind Chu Yao, "Yao Yao."

Her movements froze.

078 best friend

Chu Yao turned around, her movements hesitated, but when she faced the person behind her, the smile on Chu Yao's face was impeccable, and there was no fault to be found, she smiled and called, "President Zhou. "

Zhou Shulan looked at Chu Yao in a daze, as if she could see another person through the woman's smiling eyes, after a while Zhou Shulan came back to her senses, but her expression was still in a daze, "Your name is Chu Yao, right? ? Sorry, you look a bit like one of my deceased friends."

Chu Yao pursed her lips slightly, "If that old friend knows that you have been thinking about her so much, she must be very happy."

Zhou Shulan nodded, "Yes."

Chu Yao handed Zhou Shulan a beautifully packaged gift box, "Thank you Mr. Zhou for inviting me, a small gift is not enough to pay tribute, happy birthday."

Zhou Shulan took the gift box with both hands, Chu Yao even saw Zhou Shulan's hands trembling faintly, even He Chengyi who was beside him could feel the inexplicable atmosphere between the two of them, he naturally noticed this, as if there was something think.

In the middle of the journey, He Chengyi was pulled aside by his brother Zhang Chengqiao. Zhang Chengqiao asked gossipingly, "How is it, where is the progress? But you have a good day, and you brought someone here directly. But tsk, This Chu Yao is really quite iconic, if you didn't like her, I would have wanted to pursue her."

He Chengyi glanced at Zhang Chengqiao calmly, "Don't even think about it."

Zhang Chengqiao shrugged and smiled, "Didn't I encourage you to take the initiative before? Did it work?"

"It's okay." He Chengyi seemed to think of something, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "But it should be useful. When I came in with Chu Yao just now, Chen Ran's face didn't look very good. .”

Zhang Chengqiao curled his lips, he didn't know that his younger brother had such a villainous side. Zhang Chengqiao suddenly had the illusion that his younger brother had grown up, and the Chinese cabbage planted in the field was covered by pigs.


Here Chu Yao was full of thoughts, she took a glass of champagne and went to the balcony alone, the weather was slightly cool in the early April night, and the cool breeze blew through, which immediately made Chu Yao's thoughts clear. She thought that she could calmly face the separation from Chu Yaoyao's identity and everything now, but seeing Zhou Shulan like this today made her feel emotional and sad, and she remembered many things in her previous life.

She should have come to Zhou Shulan earlier.

Chu Yao's sigh was blown away by the night wind.

Seeing Chu Yao walking on the balcony, Chen Ran wanted to follow, but when he saw Zhou Shulan walking a step ahead of him, he stopped in his tracks. Through the glass on the door, he seemed to see Zhou Shulan's hesitant appearance, He smiled, suddenly relieved.

Chu Yao was leaning against the railing to blow the wind, and felt someone approaching behind her. Ever since she was pushed down from upstairs in her previous life, she has been worried about leaving her back to others. Chu Yao turned around immediately, but saw Zhou Shulan Looking smug, Chu Yao's eyes fell on Zhou Shulan's chest. It was the birthday gift she gave Zhou Shulan just now, a diamond candy brooch, which looked delicate and cute, full of girlish heart, and it was not the same as the purple cheongsam Zhou Shulan was wearing today. It doesn't match, but Zhou Shulan put it on stubbornly.

Chu Yao was distracted looking at the candy brooch. When she first met Zhou Shulan, Zhou Shulan liked to eat candy very much. Later, Zhou Shulan had five teeth rotted and two teeth pulled out, so she slowly quit this hobby. Only when the pressure is too great will I poke a candy and taste it carefully.

Few people know about Zhou Shulan's little hobby, because after she became famous, other people's impression of her is that vigorous and resolute woman.

"Yaoyao, is that you? I know you're back." Zhou Shulan's voice was sobbing faintly, as if she was suppressing the emotions that were about to burst out.

Chu Yao sighed, and finally stepped forward, hugged Zhou Shulan gently, and whispered in her ear, "Yes, Xiao Lanhua, I'm back."

Little Lanhua, what a familiar name, this name was often used by Chu Yaoyao to tease her back then, and only Chu Yaoyao would call her by this name.

Zhou Shulan couldn't help trembling all over, tears came out of her eyes, she hugged Chu Yao tightly, afraid that the person in front of her was just her illusion, and would disappear in front of her in the next second, "Yaoyao, you are so cruel, why are you so cruel? Abandon us cruelly?"

Zhou Shulan thought she committed suicide. Except for the murderer Chen Yushuang, everyone in the world probably believed that Chu Yaoyao committed suicide back then. One year before Chu Yaoyao passed away, she took on the role of a perverted serial killer with multiple personalities. She has always been deeply involved in dramas, and she always regards herself as the flesh and blood character in the script. This time Chu Yaoyao almost didn't come out, and suffered from a mental illness. She didn't appear in the public eye for more than a year because of her illness. Her friends and audience all knew about it.

It was precisely because of this that the murderer, Chen Yushuang, joined forces with her manager to deceive everyone with clumsy lies. She, Chu Yaoyao, did not commit suicide, but died of a murder.

Seeing that Chu Yao hadn't spoken for a long time, Zhou Shulan was afraid that what she said just now would trigger Chu Yao's bad memories, so she immediately said, "It's okay, everything is over, it's good if you come back now." Zhou Shulan didn't know that she was trying to persuade Chu Yao Yao was still persuading herself, but suddenly she heard Chu Yao whisper in her ear, "Shulan, I didn't commit suicide, I was killed by Chen Yushuang."

Zhou Shulan's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief. She has believed in the fact that Chu Yaoyao committed suicide for twenty years, and she would wake up from the dream even in the middle of the night. She blamed herself as Chu Yaoyao's best friend for not realizing that her friend had such a decisive attitude.

But now, Chu Yao told Zhou Shulan that Chu Yaoyao did not die by suicide, but was murdered! !

This made Zhou Shulan startled, angry and hated. She gritted her teeth and said, "Yaoyao, you didn't commit suicide?! It turned out that that **** Chen Yushuang killed you!! I will make her die..."

Chu Yao narrated in an extremely calm tone, "And Zhang Ping, I called Chen Yushuang before my appointment and told him about it. A phone call is a farewell message."

Chu Yao paused, "Chen Yushuang was in an underground relationship with him at the time, and Chen Yushuang told me about it."

When Chu Yao said this, Zhou Shulan seemed to have figured out the train of thought. Chen Yushuang murdered Chu Yaoyao, and Zhang Ping was their manager and Chen Yushuang's lover. For the benefit and friendship, Zhang Ping naturally did some things to cover up the truth, creating such a century-old deception.

Rao Zhou Shulan's self-cultivation and self-cultivation over the years, was also gnashing her teeth angrily, her eyes tearing open, "Chen Yushuangzhangping, this pair of scumbags, I will definitely not let them go, Yaoyao, I will definitely avenge you!"

Chu Yao sighed, "Even if there are any clues at that time, twenty years will dissipate, unless there is a huge gap between Zhang Ping and Chen Yushuang, and they bite each other out. If possible, I think I saw the two of them ruined, lost everything, and accepted the punishment of the law." Chu Yao smiled, and the smile was as light as water, "Of course the higher you climb, the harder you fall..."

Zhou Shulan also sighed, "Yaoyao, I feel as if there is God's will in the dark. You can come back because God must compensate you and let you come back for revenge. Yaoyao, you only need to know one thing. Whatever you want, I will help you."

Just like back then, no matter what Chu Yaoyao said, Zhou Shulan would unconditionally support her. With friends like this, she, Chu Yaoyao, will have no regrets in this life...

079 Find the door

Zhou Shulan went back to the room first, and after a few minutes, Chu Yao also returned to the room.

He Chengyi immediately greeted him. He immediately sensed Chu Yao's emotions. Seeing that Chu Yao's eyes seemed to be redder, he asked eagerly, "What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable? Do you want me to take you back?" .”

Chu Yao showed a sincere smile to He Chengyi, "No, I'm fine, thank you." After saying this, she drank the cocktail in her glass in one gulp, her cheeks flushed by the night wind showed a little A dense blush came.

She continued, "Not only am I okay, I'm happy. From today, I'm invincible."

He Chengyi looked at Chu Yao, as if his whole body had been relieved of a heavy burden, his eyes seemed to shine like stars, and the aura emanating from his whole body was relaxed and willful, such a change made He Chengyi sincerely feel I am happy for Chu Yao. Such a change obviously came about after Zhou Shulan went to the balcony and negotiated between the two.

Although He Chengyi didn't know what happened between them or what they talked about, as long as the result was good for Chu Yao, he would accept it.

Sure enough, just like what He Chengyi promised Chu Yao, from time to time until he left, he didn't drink a single drop. When Chu Yao left, she nodded to Zhou Shulan who was standing on the steps of the stairs. Zhou Shulan's gentle eyes also passed through the crowd, looked at Chu Yao, and also nodded to her, watching Chu Yao and He Cheng together all the way. leave.

Chen Ran refrained from seeing Chu Yao off, and waited until today's guests were gone before he found Zhou Shulan and asked bluntly, "She is Chu Yaoyao, right? She's back!"

Zhou Shulan neither affirmed nor denied, but only looked at Chen Ran with a transparent and understanding look, and said, "Since she has a new life now, it is respect for her to understand and not to disturb."

Chen Ran seemed to be in a daze for a few seconds, but there was a half-smile, half-cry, and half-smile expression on his face, "Don't bother? Don't bother, don't bother! Then what I did before and what I do now is just a joke, isn't it?" ? I am not reconciled..."

Zhou Shulan sighed faintly, I don't know if it was Chen Ran, herself, Chu Yao, or the countless unwillingness in the world, "Do you think Yaoyao is willing? From the former superstar to the present Little third-tier entertainer? Do you think I am willing? Watching my best friend die young? But so what if I am not reconciled, Yaoyao is just as good as she is alive. Also, Yaoyao didn’t commit suicide back then.”

Chen Ran didn't seem to react, and when he realized what Zhou Shulan said, he was shocked, "What?"


On the way back, Chu Yao sat directly in the passenger seat. She opened the car window and let the wind in the mountains mess her hair, but her eyes were astonishingly bright in the dark night.

He Chengyi occasionally glanced at Chu Yao from the corner of his eye, and seemed to be infected by Chu Yao's emotions, with a wanton smile on the corner of his mouth. But He Chengyi couldn't help reminding, "It's windy, be careful of catching a cold."

Chu Yao raised her eyebrows, she was not afraid of catching a cold, but if He Chengyi caught a cold because of this, she couldn't bear it, Chu Yao closed the car window, looked at the scenery outside the window that turned into an afterimage, and looked back at herself After going through the past six months, I suddenly said with some emotion, "He Chengyi, thank you for taking care of me during the past six months."

He Chengyi was caught off guard by Chu Yao's sudden words. He calmed down and said, "Thank you, although I have helped you a little, but many things are still up to you." Fortunately, it was night and the lights were dim Yes, otherwise Chu Yao would have seen He Chengyi blushing.

He Chengyi sent Chu Yao downstairs. He watched Chu Yao leave, watched Chu Yao open the combination lock of the door, but saw Chu Yao suddenly turn back and knock on the car window. For some reason, He Chengyi's heart beat a little faster. When he lowered the car window, he saw Chu Yao's smiling face, which was more dazzling than the stars, "He Chengyi, good night."

He Chengyi's face turned red with a "boom", and he said nonchalantly, "Chu Yao, good night."

Chu Yao smiled at him, turned and left, this time she opened the door to really go home.

This night, He Chengyi suffered from insomnia until four o'clock in the morning. This obviously did not match the routine of his old cadres. It seemed that since he met Chu Yao, all his previous routine life had been suddenly broken, but this change He wasn't disgusted, but a little agitated and excited.

He Chengyi tossed and turned on the bed, thinking about Chu Yao's "good night" and "thank you" in his mind for a long time, as if he could taste the sweetness on the tip of his tongue.

What is Chu Yao doing now?

He Cheng thought with all his heart that it would take 15 minutes to drive from his house to Chu Yao's apartment, which seemed a bit too far. He wished he could see Chu Yao all the time, and wanted to see Chu Yao's smiling face as soon as he opened the door. Ask Lin Sen tomorrow if there are any vacant houses next to Chu Yao.

It wasn't until the sky outside the window was faintly bright that He Chengyi fell asleep in a trance.


Chu Yao is still diligently filming in the crew of "Jiangshan" these days. She has Zhou Shulan's contact information. After making friends with her friends, Chu Yao often sends Zhou Shulan some WeChat messages to explain her daily life arrangements.

Today when the crew was having lunch, Chu Yao took her lunch box and went to her lounge as usual. But at the door of the lounge, I saw the staff leading a few people with embarrassing expressions.

The staff member is a small assistant on the set, and they can hardly get along with Chu Yao at ordinary times, but seeing that Chu Yao is a little more nervous, she can't even speak fluently, "Chu—Sister Chu..."

The old woman at the side quickly pushed the little assistant aside, and shouted aggressively to Chu Yao, "Chu Yao, tell him if I am your mother! Didn't you see that we were carved out of the same mold? "

The little assistant looked at the mean-looking woman who claimed to be Chu Yao's mother, and at Chu Yao's overly delicate face... He really didn't realize that they were mother and daughter.

Chu Yao waved her hand to the little assistant and smiled, "Thank you, I will take care of the next thing."

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Seeing that these people were approaching menacingly, He Yuan immediately sent a secret message to Lu Xingzhou, briefly explaining the ins and outs of the matter clearly.

This time, the original owner's family was really aggressive. The original owner's mother Zhang Mei, father Chu Guoqiang and younger brother Chu Xuan's family all came.

Chu Yao put the boxed lunch on the table, and her nephew Chu Wenqi immediately opened it, and the aroma of the food immediately hit her nostrils. The main creators of the "Jiangshan" crew included Chu Yao, and the boxed lunches they ate were specially made by hotel chefs . Not only the materials are exquisite, but the taste is also full of color, fragrance and taste. Today Chu Yao's box lunch includes roast goose, sea cucumber with green onions, prawns in tomato sauce, braised pork, chicken legs with sauce, and a whole sweet and sour fish.

Chu Wenqi is only five years old this year. He is the only boy in the family. His parents, grandparents hold him in the palm of his hand and dote on him. He has such a natural personality. Chu Wenqi immediately grabbed a chicken leg in his hand and gnawed on it, the corners of his mouth were covered with grease as he devoured it.

Chu Wenqi's mannerisms and actions are uneducated, but Zhang Mei looked at her precious grandson with a loving face, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the oil stains from the corners of Chu Wenqi's mouth, "You eat slowly!" , I’m choking on nothing, your aunt has plenty of money now, whatever you want to eat and buy in the future, she will buy it for you when you arrive at your aunt’s place.”

Zhang Mei said this hypocritically, while looking at Chu Yao's expression from the corner of her eye, seeing Chu Yao's expressionless face, and the cold and emotionless look in her eyes, Zhang Mei couldn't help but Feeling a bit guilty in my heart, I smiled dryly, "Yaoyao, it seems that you have been doing well recently. They all say that you are popular, and you should be able to make a lot of money now."

As soon as the original owner's younger brother and sister Chen Hong entered Chu Yao's rest room, she looked left and right to see that the bag Chu Yao put on the sofa is the latest limited edition of ME, and now one of them has been sold for 100,000. , and the beige windbreaker that Chu Yao wears on the back of the chair is also ME’s spring style. Chen Hong often reads gossip on the Internet. This windbreaker is the favorite street style of popular actresses. She once went to the official website of ME to check the price , The price of this windbreaker is more than 40,000. Chen Hong saw a row of brand-name cosmetics and brand-name jewelry on the makeup table again, her eyes were straightened, and she couldn't help reaching out her hand to touch left and right.

Chen Hong secretly calculated the prices of these items in her heart, and also had a general understanding of Chu Yao's current living and working situation, and the smile on her face became more and more greedy. Chen Hong smiled and said to Zhang Mei, "Sister