MTL - After the Drama, Action!-~ Works related (9)

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The planning team is in a meeting. The person in charge of the ME makeup flagship store over there hurriedly broke into the meeting room and said, "It exploded!"

Wu You was taken aback, thinking that the warehouse exploded... It turned out that the sales of the store exploded during the period. Wu You was a little dumbfounded. When the person in charge uttered an astonishing number, Wu You couldn't sit still at all, and ran to the data department next door. As soon as Wu You saw the data in the background, she couldn't help but swear, "What the **** happened? Why is it more terrible than the sales of Double 11?"

The assistant directly handed the phone to Wu You, and the live broadcast of Chu Yao's make-up was playing on the screen of the phone. The little assistant said excitedly, "Chu Yao is doing a live broadcast on Yihua tonight, and she used a lot of ME's make-up for the live broadcast. , and then the background data exploded!"

Wu You's eyes sparkled... I thought it was just doing He Chengyi a favor out of humanitarianism, but she really picked up the baby when she met a blind cat and a dead mouse!

Wu You immediately ordered the team, "Strengthen the promotion of Chu Yao's new year blockbuster..."

Taking advantage of the limelight of Chu Yao's live broadcast, her ME makeup New Year's blockbuster was officially released, and immediately swept through a wave of buying frenzy.

City S, a bustling metropolis, attracts countless migrant workers every year. They come from all corners of the country, and they work diligently and conscientiously to make a living. Sun Meng is also one of them. She has worked hard in S City for seven years, but during this time she is suffering the most bleak moment in her life. Her boyfriend cheated on her, the company project went bankrupt and she was fired, and she couldn't find a job she wanted near the end of the year.

At this time, Sun Meng was rushing home from the interview location by subway, but this time she failed again. The interviewer said bluntly to her, "Sorry, we are doing fashion-related work. If you look in the mirror, you should know that you are not suitable for this job."

Sun Meng observed herself carefully from the reflection in the subway glass. Is that listless, haggard, and pale woman really her? The thick dark circles under her eyes could not be covered by liquid foundation, and her lips were painted with unsuitable lipstick, which reflected her face and looked weird no matter what.

Maybe, she is really bad.

Sun Mengru thought about it.

Suddenly, a row of advertisements passed by outside the subway, and the warm red color immediately attracted Sun Meng's attention. Her eyes widened, not daring to be distracted for a moment.

The **** the billboard was wearing a red sweater, with exquisite makeup and a bright smile, as if she had also infected Sun Meng who was gray at the moment, making her mood brighter. The girl in the advertisement is laughing, showing her white teeth; or making a face towards you... Every expression is so vivid that Sun Meng can't help but feel relaxed.

Sun Meng didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, but felt that this model looked familiar. She heard two girls dressed as college students next to her discussing.

"Wow! It's Chu Yao~ Her lipstick looks so good with ME! I want to buy one!"

"I've never seen it on the subway before. It should have come out recently... It's pretty good-looking. I want to buy one too!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Yes, the curly hair is super pretty too!"

"Chu Yao looks so good, she suits red so well, she looks super white!"

"Go back to the dormitory right away and take out the cut of my cousin in "Chang'an Moonlight" to look at again. Chu Yao in the room is really beautiful!"

"Before we go back, let's go to the counter first, I want to buy some ME lipsticks again."

Sun Meng found out that the model was originally called Chu Yao, so she took out her mobile phone and checked 'Chu Yao', and browsed through the latest news about Chu Yao, Sun Meng's eyes turned slightly red. How her current state is like Chu Yao half a year ago, no, Chu Yao was much worse than her at that time! Chu Yao can stand up now and shoot such a good-looking advertisement, what right does she have to complain about herself?

Sun Meng decided to go to the ME counter in the mall before going home to buy a set of cosmetics to tidy herself up.

The promotional posters used by the ME counters in the shopping mall are exactly the same set that Chu Yao shot. Sun Meng saw that there were quite a few people queuing up to buy lipstick at the counter. If she remembered correctly, it was working hours on weekdays, and there were still so many people free to buy lipstick?

Sun Meng lined up consciously, and heard the aunt in front of her chatting with the cabinet sister.

The aunt asked curiously, "Why are there so many people today? My daughter asked me to buy it at work today. It seems that because Chu Yao filmed this advertisement, she likes Chu Yao very much. She is a fan of Chu Yao. .In fact, I also really like the little girl Chu Yao. I followed my daughter to watch a few episodes of "Changan Moonlight", but it didn't make me cry to death."

The cabinet sister quickly nodded and agreed, "Actually, there were not many people a few days ago. It is because after Chu Yao's promotional video came out, there were more people."

The aunt took the lipstick number her daughter wanted, and couldn't help but bought a lipstick herself. She hugged the attached Chu Yao poster beautifully, and went home happily.

Sun Meng was a little embarrassed, but ME's cabinet sister enthusiastically pulled Sun Meng to help her put on a complete set of makeup. After putting on makeup, Sun Meng seemed to have a huge change in her temperament and aura. Her eyes were bright, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her lips were painted with the same color as Chu Yao. Her complexion immediately improved. up.

Sun Meng looked at her own changes in the mirror, and finally realized that she should treat herself better. She will always live for herself. Whether it's that scumbag who cheated on her, or the weird company boss who fired her, they are all in the past tense!

Sun Meng bought a whole set of ME cosmetics, and repeatedly asked the cabinet sister if it was the same model as Chu Yao, which made the cabinet sister amused. In the end, when Sun Meng was leaving, the cabinet sister gave her an extra set of Chu Yao's autographed poster and a set of Chu Yao's promotional photos. When Sun Meng left, he was satisfied and full of energy.

037 Zhang Chengyao

Today is the first creative dinner of the "Dynasty" film crew, directors, screenwriters, producers, etc., male number one Zhang Chengyao, He Chengyi, female number one Zhao Shuangxue, female number two Qin Dan, and of course the female number three No. Chu Yao.

Chu Yao's table is really full of big names. Not to mention He Chengyi, Zhang Chengyao's well-known prodigal son in the entertainment circle, the rich second generation, who regards acting as a ticket, has only made five movies, and three movies have won awards. He can be regarded as a genius and monster. Zhao Shuangxue, debuted as a child star, won the three gold medals for her solid film achievements and acting skills. Qin Dan, one of the four little Hua Dan.

Chu Yao...a self-proclaimed 18th-tier actress.

Chu Yao felt that it was the first time the main creators met and she couldn't be too shabby, so she dressed up a little. When she arrived at the agreed box, she just came in and took a look inside, her eyes fell on Zhang Chengyao, feeling a little unnatural. Chu Yao knew who Zhang Chengyao was from looking at his face... If you want to blame him, you can blame this junior for being too senior, and all the advantages have followed his father.

Cough, that is Chu Yao's first love in her previous life, Zhang Jinyu. They were together for five years and then broke up peacefully because of some things. After the two broke up, they were still friends. Later, Zhang Jinyu went abroad and became a famous photographer. In the blink of an eye, the son of her first love in her previous life had grown up to this size.

The seats are reserved, there are not too many chairs, and the remaining one is next to Zhang Chengyao. Chu Yao sat down beside Zhang Chengyao in Alexander's place.

Zhang Chengyao was used to flirting with girls, and the moment he saw Chu Yao, his eyes burst into undisguised amazement. Zhang Chengyao poured tea for Chu Yao naturally, and asked her about her favorite taste with the menu.

Chu Yao agreed without pressure. In her eyes, Zhang Chengyao was not enough to look at at all. Even if she saw that face, she would not have half-hearted thoughts! It was really Zhang Chengyao's crookedness that made her feel a little bit like sitting on pins and needles... She couldn't help but complain about Zhang Jinyu, how could he teach a child to look like a prodigal son without being the fault of his father?

Unaware that Zhang Chengyao, who had already been labeled as a "loafer" by Chu Yao, was still talking attentively to Chu Yao. He didn't pay attention to the different looks of the other people on the table.

Sitting across from Zhang Chengyao, Qin Dan sipped his tea politely, his eyes wandering back and forth between Zhang Chengyao and Chu Yao. After all, as Zhang Chengyao's recently rumored girlfriend, seeing Zhang Chengyao courting other women makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

The other one who couldn't sit still was of course He Chengyi. He frowned tightly when he saw Zhang Chengyao's unabashedly courting Chu Yao.

Zhang Chengyao is from Zhang Jiacheng's generation, and Zhang Jinyu is He Chengyi's distant cousin. In terms of seniority, He Chengyi still calls Zhang Chengyao his cousin. The two are cousins, but their personalities and appearances are completely different. Therefore, when they often meet in the entertainment industry, few people connect the relationship between the two.

Today, He Chengyi felt uncomfortable seeing Zhang Chengyao inexplicably. He raised his chin to Zhang Chengyao and said, "Change your position with me. I don't feel comfortable blowing on the air conditioner."

Zhang Chengyao almost cursed at He Chengyi's words, but his cousin from afar is very easy to order people around. Please everyone have the attitude of owing him money, Zhang Chengyao must have dug his family's grave in his previous life!

Bah bah bah! Isn't he the same ancestor as He Cheng's family? !

snort! Who made He Chengyi the jewel in the palms of the Zhang family and everyone in the He family! If Zhang Chengyao dared to go against He Cheng, he would not only be greeted by his father, but also all the relatives of his Zhang family!

In the end, Zhang Chengyao reluctantly changed positions with He Chengyi, but he still gave Chu Yao a wink, "Sister Yaoyao, I don't know why I felt so kind to you when I first saw you. We’ve known each other in our previous life! We’ll sing K later, sit next to me~”

Hearing what Zhang Chengyao said, the corners of Chu Yao's mouth couldn't help twitching... They did know each other in their previous life, but they had to call her Auntie! No matter how big or small, he dared to tease her! !

Chu Yao almost laughed angrily, okay?

But Chu Yao found it strange that since He Chengyi was also a generation behind her, she would not feel this embarrassing feeling at all. It is probably because He Chengyi is more serious and silent, and his mental age is far greater than his actual age. Anyway, when Chu Yao communicated with He Chengyi, it was very natural, without the feeling of thousands of generation gaps.

Chu Yao occasionally mentioned a few comments about the movies she watched recently, but He Cheng didn't say much, occasionally nodded in agreement, and occasionally posted a few concise and unique comments, which greatly benefited Chu Yao.

Seeing the tacit chat between the two, Zhang Chengyao couldn't get in at all. He didn't mean to be boring, and chatted with Wei Hongying beside him about the plot of "Dynasty".

Chu Yao recalled the role played by He Chengyi in "Dynasty", and couldn't help joking, "The filming of "Dynasty" is about to start, are you interested in asking your mother to come and listen?"

He Chengyi's hand holding the cup almost trembled, he glanced at Chu Yao nonchalantly, and said softly, "Then you call brother to let me hear."

As soon as Chu Yao heard that something was wrong, He Chengyi could take advantage of her, so she couldn't help laughing angrily, "I'm two years older than you, so I should call you brother no matter what."

He Cheng twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing an inconspicuous smile, "We're in each other's way."

Chu Yao and He Chengyi went back and forth on the issue of seniority and title, causing everyone at the table to look at them.

Even Zhang Chengyao was strangely nervous, "Hey, Cheng Yi, you talk a lot today."

He Chengyi said calmly, "I heard that Uncle San is coming back from Country M recently?"

He Chengyi's words are completely unreasonable. Zhang Chengyao, who is fearless, is most afraid of his father. It is simply that Zhang Jinyu has been living abroad for these years, because she is about to celebrate her 60th birthday and plans to return to China in the near future. Zhang Chengyao shuddered when he wanted his father to return to China, and his affairs were to be exposed.

As long as Chu Yao is willing, there will be almost no silence in the place where she is. In just one meal, she got along pretty well with the creators, especially Zhao Shuangxue. Zhao Shuangxue debuted as a child star. When Chu Yao was still Chu Yaoyao, she had cooperated with Zhao Shuangxue twice. At that time, Chu Yao liked the cute and smart little girl very much, and almost recognized her as her goddaughter.

The other heroine tonight is Qin Dan who is sitting opposite Chu Yao. Qin Dan made her debut under the name of the little "Chu Yaoyao". Seeing that Qin Dan had a three-point similar face to Chu Yaoyao in her previous life, Chu Yao couldn't help but look at her twice more.

038 Singing out of tune little devil

The meal was quite enjoyable, after the meal Zhang Chengyao suggested going to the club next door to sing K.

Chu Yao, who never sings in tune, swallowed her saliva inexplicably. How can she be so guilty... If she opens her voice, she will definitely become a joke for the entire crew. But Chu Yao couldn't refuse, so she decided that she would just quietly be a supportive audience when she could sing K.

Next door is a high-end club, even the KTV boxes are decorated in a very stylish way, with super large space and super luxurious audio equipment, which can satisfy every Maiba's wish to be a singer.

What Chu Yao didn't expect the most was Zhao Shuangxue. As soon as she entered the KTV box, it was like diving into the sea, and it completely became her home. Zhao Shuangxue ordered two pieces of square dance music, her voice was high-pitched and clear, and her enthusiasm was like fire, which formed a strong contrast with her image of ice and snow beauty. Although square dance music does not have any artistic beauty, it is better at exaggerating the atmosphere and brainwashing.

Even Chu Yao could hum a few words after listening to it once.

Zhao Shuangxue heated up the scene, and the old and serious director Wei Hongying and the producer ran to occupy the microphone. They were all older, and their favorite songs were especially popular in the last century. As far as the style of music is concerned, Wei Hongying and these "old people" are far behind the young people by countless generations.

As an 'elderly person', Chu Yao listened to these songs with great interest. Listening to these familiar melodies, she seemed to be able to recall the days when she sang K with those superstar friends. Now most of these people have retired and become legends, and she and them have become parallel lines that will not intersect.

Chu Yao was paralyzed on the sofa with half of her body, drinking a cocktail that was not too strong. She should be able to drink well, but today she was a little drunk. The eyes are like misty water, separated by a hazy layer of smoke, it seems that there is no end in sight.

He Chengyi never participated in this kind of noisy entertainment, Wei Hongying was quite surprised that he agreed today. He relaxed on the sofa, half-closed his eyes and looked expressionlessly at Zhang Chengyao who was holding the microphone tightly, but he couldn't help looking at Chu Yao from the corner of his eyes.

Only half of Chu Yao's side face was seen, and the colorful halo hit her face, like the most memorable painting in fleeting years, mysterious and timeless. The eyes are slightly closed, and the slender eyelashes flutter slightly, like a butterfly in the wind, casting a row of faint shadows under the eyelids. The bridge of the nose is slender and straight, delicate and elegant.

Chu Yao seemed to be wearing pink lipstick today, her full lips were slightly curved with a light pink luster. A smile that is not a smile, always with a bit of intoxicating charm.

She came here wearing a coat today, the temperature in the box was quite high, and Chu Yao threw the coat away. She was wearing a V-neck knitted dress inside, and the opening of the V-neck was just right, revealing her slender neck and delicate and graceful clavicle line. That delicate and warm white is just like Chu Yao herself, gentle and intoxicating.

He Chengyi looked away, and couldn't help but loosen the collar of his sweater. He looked up at the heater blowing on him, and let out a long breath... The temperature in the box seemed a little hot.

Here, Qin Dan finished singing three pop songs that are now popular. When Qin Dan put down the microphone, she couldn't help feeling a little frustrated in her heart without the star-studded moon she had imagined. As one of the four popular actresses in the entertainment industry, Qin Dan is very popular and has good acting skills. In which crew is he not a star? Isn't everyone coaxing her?

But in the crew of "Dynasty", she became the existence at the bottom of the food chain again, which made her unable to help but think of the scene when she first entered the entertainment industry, and couldn't help feeling restless. Qin Dan's eyes fell on Chu Yao who was huddled in the corner, and smiled lightly, "Chu Yao, you are the only one who didn't sing tonight? Would you like a song? I'll order a song for you."

Chu Yao, who was directly called by name, came back to her senses, feeling upset... Obviously He Chengyi didn't sing? Qin Dan's mother really knows how to pinch soft persimmons!

Chu Yao lightly picked her wavy hair, smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm out of tune, I don't want to poison everyone's ears."

Qin Dan smiled softly, "Don't be self-effacing. Didn't you sing the theme song of "Be Careful"? It's very nice. Didn't you win the KTV Ranking Awards before?" Qin Dan seemed to mention it inadvertently. Chu Yao's famous work "Be Careful" is just a web drama produced at a low cost, which is completely different from the "Dynasty" they are about to perform. Qin Dan's words are killing two birds with one stone, both positively and secretly.

Chu Yao didn't take Qin Dan's words to heart at all. But she thought about it again, the original owner's voice was in very good condition, and even released an album.

Chu Yao thought about it, singing out of tune is not something to be ashamed of, so let's do it. So Chu Yao stood up and walked to the microphone, and smiled generously at everyone, "I'll say hello in advance, so you have to be mentally prepared~"

Qin Dan ordered Chu Yao the theme song "Secret Love" from "Be Careful".

Chu Yao thought to herself that if you don't mind, she won't mind, anyway, it's not her own ears that are tormenting her. Chu Yao coughed twice, and as the prelude of the song sounded, she slowly brewed her emotions.

Zhang Chengyao praised the venue and whistled.

Zhao Shuangxue felt that Chu Yao's earnest expression was inexplicably charming, and couldn't help staring at Chu Yao with wide eyes.

Wei Hongying and Qin Song felt that Chu Yao practiced well, and she must be good at singing too. After all, she was beautiful and her songs were sweet, so they also looked at Chu Yao expectantly.

With an impeccable smile on Qin Dan's face, he looked at Chu Yao with harsh scrutiny.

Chu Yao still showed no timidity in the eyes of everyone, and sang, "That day, the breeze blew the broken hair on your forehead, and your refreshing smell was in the air."

After Chu Yao sang the first sentence, the air in the box was inexplicably silent for a few seconds...

Well, Chu Yao sang this song out of tune from the beginning to the end, and probably only stepped on two words in a sentence of more than twenty characters.

The smiles on everyone's faces couldn't hold back. It turned out that it wasn't Chu Yao who was being modest at all just now, but her singing was really out of tune and the magic sound pierced her ears.

Chu Yao looked at the reaction of the crowd with a suppressed smile on her face, thinking hey hey, if you want me to sing, I will sing~ Just as she was about to start the second sentence, just as she uttered a word, a low and pleasant male voice came from her ear, " Your eyes are brighter than gems; your smile is brighter than the sun. I like your hair, your smell; I like your eyes, your smile. Sweet taste."

The male voice was gentle and deep, like old wine, which made Chu Yao's voice control drunk immediately. With this voice leading her to tune her, Chu Yao also slowly followed the rhythm. Chu Yao's voice is sweet and charming, when she sings in tune, listening to her sing is simply a kind of enjoyment.

The male voice and the female voice cooperate very well, and the interpretation of this young love song is perfect. It can directly hit the soul and arouse the most touching longing in your heart.

"I will tell you quietly, I have liked you for a long time."

When the chorus finished the last sentence, Chu Yao breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, and straightened her chest, as if singing a song in its entirety was the most proud thing for her.

Chu Yao hurriedly looked at He Cheng, her eyes were shining, she looked at He Cheng as if a feather was gently scratching her heart.

Chu Yao's face was flushed with excitement, and she said with emotion, "My God, I never thought that there would be a day when I would not be out of tune when I sang, it's a miracle!"

He Chengyi, "..." Hehe, as long as you are happy.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Chengyao posted a small video in Moments. The subject in the video seems to be He Chengyi who is singing K. Even though it was released in the middle of the night, this circle of friends was still maxed out.

[Zhang Chengyu: My brother has been time-traveled? Hahaha I can't imagine him singing love songs with others! 】

[Shen Jiamu: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! He Chengyi has a date without telling me! I don't believe it...but this young lady is so pretty! 】

[Zhang Chengqiao: It is recommended to delete it within five seconds, if Chengyi sees it, you may not see the sun tomorrow (gloating face)]

[Zhang Jinyu: Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night? ! 】

039 stunning makeup photo

After the crew of "Dynasty" decided on the role of Chu Yao, the whole crew immediately started working. Chu Yao finally ended her days of being a salted fish at home and started filming.

On the first day Chu Yao joined the group, she was still taking makeup photos. As the most magnificent enchantress in the movie "Dynasty", at least she could keep up with her equipment. As the third female lead, Chu Yao didn't have many roles, but she prepared twenty-four costumes, all of which were the best of the best. It is said that the most expensive costume in the crew is the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Robe worn by Mrs. Yuzhu. When she dances on the drum, it attracts all the birds to the Phoenix, and the country is overwhelmed.

And the large-scale embroidery on this costume of Bai Niao Chao Feng was specially embroidered by famous masters, and the golden patterns on it were all embroidered with gold thread, which was truly luxurious and inhumane.

Because of the generous production of the film crew, Chu Yao also has her own dressing room for one person, and her makeup artist is actually an old acquaintance, Sister Zhao. Chu Yao and Sister Zhao first exchanged business bragging.

Sister Zhao winked at Chu Yao while arranging her cosmetics and said, "Not bad~ I haven't had time to congratulate you for joining Chenxing! Little girl, you have a bright future~"

Chu Yao sat down gracefully, "Thank you, Sister Zhao, let's go shopping together another day... Also, what you rub today must be Grandma Xiang's limited color number 05. I saw the color test on your Weibo PO, it's really pretty."

Hearing Chu Yao praise her lipstick color is more useful than complimenting Sister Zhao herself. Sister Zhao's expression immediately became lively, her eyebrows were beaming, and her little pride was about to fly out of the sky, "The brand gave me a few more, and I will bring them to you tomorrow!"

Sister Zhao glanced at Chu Yao a few more times, and said, "But you are not bad, I saw your live broadcast last time, and you have the talent to be a beauty blogger! I heard from friends in the industry that you put ME makeup at the bottom of the box The inventory is all sold out... They are calling you to bring the goods to the queen!" The last sentence was said by Sister Zhao in a low voice.

Chu Yao didn't refute and laughed, "A star who doesn't want to be a beauty blogger is not a good star, I also have a heart to be a beauty blogger!"

Sister Zhao snapped, "I think you're pretty good at being a showman!"

While Sister Zhao was putting on makeup for Chu Yao, the staff over there moved all of Chu Yao's wigs and pearl hairpin props by category. He Yuan, Chu Yao's little assistant, exclaimed again and again, "Wow! This is super beautiful! These earrings are so exquisite, they are real gold and precious stones! The tassels on this pearl hairpin are so beautiful! This bun is so big , it must be very heavy on the head!"

Seeing He Yuan's ignorant look, Chu Yao couldn't help laughing. Chu Yao knew that He Yuan’s family background was very good. They used to start out in coal mines, and later accumulated capital to start a real estate business in S city. The attitude of being happy about one another is really dumbfounding.

Of course, besides Chu Yao, who is such a wonderful woman, is there any female star who dares to keep He Yuan, such a killer, by her side.

Mrs. Yuzhu, played by Chu Yao, was a beautiful and simple fisherman's girl when she first appeared in "Dynasty", with a congenial fiancé. According to the normal life trajectory, Yuzhu's second half of her life will be as ordinary and happy as an ordinary woman. It's a pity that Yuzhu met Chen Wang who was out on a tour. When Chen Wang first saw Yuzhu's beauty, he snatched Yuzhu and dedicated it to Emperor Wu in order to pursue glory and fame.

Today, Chu Yao's first outfit is the image of a fisherman's girl. The coarse linen clothes can't hide her beauty, and her gestures are elegant and coquettish. After changing her makeup and hair, Chu Yao walked around the dressing room, lowered her head and smiled shyly, which shocked everyone present.

This is the woman who walked out of the picture scroll, with low eyebrows and a slight smile, with a beautiful appearance, which is probably the case for a beautiful woman in a beautiful city. The staff present all had a sense of time passing and the trance of traveling to ancient times.

He Yuan tugged on Chu Yao's sleeve with a look of amazement, almost shedding tears, and words of praise came out of her mouth, "Yaoyao, why are you so good-looking! Every day I'm by your side It's like a dream..."

Oh, He Yuan is a complete face control! Watching Chu Yao every day can eat two more bowls of rice.

Chu Yao, who really couldn't stand all the **** faces, moved to the studio next door, where He Chengyi's makeup photo was taken halfway through, and he was resting aside. Chu Yao nodded to He Cheng as a greeting, and hurried up to shoot.

There are hundreds if not dozens of ancient characters played by Chu Yao. She poses without the guidance of others. The cameraman Wu Hao, who was about to speak just now, saw Chu Yao's posture and came prepared. He has been in the industry for decades and has already cultivated his sharp eyes.

Chu Yao's self-confidence, even a little undisguised conceit, come from the bottom of her heart. Because Chu Yao really has such conceited capital.

Wu Hao took pictures of Chu Yao and gradually became interesting. He thought Chu Yao was just a young man with a little bit of power, but he didn't expect Chu Yao to bring him so many surprises. Compared with photographing men, Wu Hao actually prefers to photograph beauties. The looks, expressions and movements of beauties are all pleasing to the eye.

But in real life, Wu Hao meets very few beauties. It is said that there are many beauties in the entertainment industry, but under the magnification of Wu Hao's lens, there are very few perfect ones. A beauty's skin is hard to paint.

Chu Yao took a makeup photo today but gave Wu Hao a blow.

Especially when Chu Yao changed to the fourth set of looks, it was completely different from her original image of a fisherman with light makeup and elegant red lips, with heavy makeup and red lips, deducing a sharp beauty. Like a sharp weapon, even if your wounds are bloody, you still can't help but pursue this unspeakable beauty.

With black hair like ink, the gorgeous makeup made Chu Yao's eyebrows open, her aura was fully opened, and she was full of charm and beauty. This is a kind of beauty like moths to a flame. In "Dynasty", Emperor Wu never forgets Yuzhu, it should be.

Under the white curtain, Chu Yao raised her chin slightly, her eyes looked down indifferently and playfully, and the corner of her mouth curled into a half-smile.

Not far away, He Chengyi stared at Chu Yao without blinking his eyes. Of course, almost everyone had this expression, so He Chengyi wouldn't look too strange. His eyes were amazed, amazed, and indescribably complex... Someone is born under the spotlight, possesses amazing talent, and possesses an eye-catching charm.

It was the same for Chu Yao, and it was the same for the person who died twenty years ago.

040 Prosperous Beauty

Late at night, Wei Hongying was still reviewing the storyboard script.

Suddenly his WeChat vibrated twice, Wei Hongying saw that there was movement in his WeChat group, and his old partner Wu Hao sent a few messages. The people in this wechat group are all close friends of Wei Hongying who have worked together for many years. The group of more than a dozen people gathered the top directors, screenwriters, photographers and actors in the film industry.

[Wu Hao: Madam Yuzhu's makeup photo! ! Amazing! ! ! ! 】

Countless exclamation marks are enough to show the excitement in Wu Da's photography at this time. Wu Haolian posted several photos in succession and swiped the screen of the WeChat group.

Wei Hongying knew that Chu Yao was good-looking, and the video of her audition was still in his computer. But when Wei Hongying opened the fixed makeup photo, there was still a sense of amazement, especially in Chu Yao's Mrs. Yuzhu with heavy makeup, which made people hold their breath and give birth to a sense of admiration!

It's impossible not to mention being excited, Wei Hongying's hands shaking while holding the phone excitedly.

[Wei Hongying: Haha, it's not because of my good vision! 】

【Qin Song: Wow! Wow! Wow! My goddess Mrs. Yuzhu looks like this, she is magnificent and perfect! ! ! 】

[Qin Song: When will @陈然陈影帝 come back? How do you feel about your Mrs. Yuzhu? 】

Chen Ran, who was attacked by Aite, did not answer, and the group praised Chu Yao's appearance again. Just when everyone thought he was asleep, Chen Ran finally bubbled up in the group.

[Chen Ran: I just arrived in country R, ​​and I plan to stay here for a week, and return to the country after taking pictures of the snow. 】

[Chen Ran: Chu Yao? very nice. 】

When Wei Hongying saw Chen Ran mention Chu Yao's name, she couldn't help feeling a little sad... Chu Yaoyao represented the most glorious era in the entertainment industry, and the most magnificent superstar. No one would have thought that such a beautiful person would leave so suddenly, and her death also took away the hearts of countless people.

Not to mention Chen Ran, who is Chu Yaoyao's fellow apprentice, even Wei Hongying often takes out Chu Yaoyao's classic movies, and the more he watches them, the more sad he feels.

Tonight is destined to be a bitter night full of long memories for some people...

Xu Nuo is a full-time writer who turns upside down day and night. His usual entertainment is watching movies, and he loves gossip and gossip. Among the various types of movies, he prefers commercial films with big scenes. Wei Hongying is Xu Nuo's favorite director of Chinese commercial films.

Wei Hongying was paying special attention to Xu Nuo's Weibo, so when Wei Hongying posted a Weibo update, Xu Nuo immediately received a reminder. Wei Hongying is an unconventional director of commercial films. He doesn't need a lot of gimmicks to attract fans and audiences. As long as Wei Hongying makes a movie, it has its own box office foundation.

So the content on Wei Hongying's Weibo is very ordinary film reviews, some experience sharing at work, and promises that sometimes following Wei Hongying can often find some good-looking movies that are not popular. As soon as Wei Hongying posted a post tonight, Xu Nuo clicked on the post immediately.

To Xu Nuo's surprise, this time Wei Hongying actually posted a photo with no beginning and no end. The woman in the photo has gorgeous makeup and is dressed in red, showing her coquettish charm to the fullest. Promise that this otaku prefers the sweet and lovely Lolita Faner, but this time when he saw this Yujie Faner who is full of aura, he actually fell in love at first sight.

Xu Nuo took a closer look, isn't the protagonist of this makeup photo really Chu Yao? Xu Nuo had just become a fan of Chu Yao before, because of the role of the cousin in "Chang'an Moonlight", Shuang Bai's look of pity is particularly attractive to fans. Xu Nuo originally thought that Chu Yao could only follow this style, but she didn't expect Chu Yao's charming performance to be more moving.

Xu promised that the more he looked at it, the more he thought it looked good, and he immediately reposted Wei Hongying's Weibo. It was clearly already midnight, and there were still many people actively replying on Xu Xu Weibo.

[Medium Cup Latte: Nuonuo, we agreed to be single together, but you fell in love with another dog! 】

[High-tide blush: Hey, isn't this Wuli Yaoyao? Kneeling and licking beauty prosperity! Yaoyao is going to cooperate with Director Wei? ! expect! ! 】

[Pork belly: Fuck, it's so beautiful! I'm going to be broken! How can there be such a beautiful woman in red! 】

[Daily update Wanzi: Damn Chu Yao's makeup photo is simply domineering, is she playing the concubine or the queen this time? Looking forward to it! 】

[Single dogs have no friends: Director Wei's new movie "Dynasty" was invested by Chen Xing... Does that mean that the new company that Chu Yao signed is Chen Xing? ? 】

If Xu Nuo and Wei Hongying's Weibo posts were just a joke, then when He Chengyi reposted Wei Hongying's Weibo, it would really set off a huge storm on the Internet.

[He Chengyi: Looks good, looking forward to cooperation. @楚瑶//@魏宏英: stills ~ interpreting what is called a country and a city. 】

He Chengyi's strength performance this time is what is called a blockbuster! Film Emperor He has been applying for Weibo for several years. Usually Weibo grows grass like something, quietly, but this time he came directly with a big move, which caught all the melon-eaters by surprise.

Even though it was already midnight, there were quite a few Xiuxian netizens. In less than a minute, He Chengyi's Weibo had more than 10,000 retweets and comments, and it immediately climbed up the popular Weibo and trending searches.

[The little kitten of He Yingdi's house: One day I can see the actor in the room posting on Weibo, and even typed six words and two punctuation marks, almost thought it was an imitation! 】

[One Life and One Life: Fuck me, I don't know what to do, but I'm actually a living actor He! Long time to see you, I hope the actor in the room will continue to keep up the speed of blogging! 】

[Crowd eating melons: Chu Yao is going to cooperate with Film Emperor He? The speed of this ascension is too fast! It is worthy of being backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade! 】

[Promise to have you: @楚尧@楚尧@楚尧@楚尧@楚尧@楚尧@楚尧@楚尧, happy cooperation~ I hope that Chu Yao can monitor our actor and send more Weibo! 】

[Innocence: Hahahahahaha, I thought Chu Yao was going to be sprayed to death! I didn’t expect the comments below to be quite friendly~]

In the middle of the night, Lin Sen, who had already fallen asleep, was suddenly woken up by the phone call.

Another bunch of people asked Lin Sen about this Weibo:

"Chengyi took the wrong medicine recently? Didn't he really fall in love with that Chu Yao?!"

"You posted that Weibo just now, right? It must be! The He Chengyi I know wouldn't do such a thing!"

"Does he know that you use He Chengyi's Weibo to post Weibo? Lin Sen, you have become more and more courageous recently!"


And so on, Lin Sen thought that He Chengyi's account had been hacked, so he quickly got up from the bed in fright. After looking at the content on Weibo and the style of the painting, I immediately confirmed that it was indeed the work of my own actor. Looking at the time of posting on Weibo, it was 2:15 in the morning...He Chengyi, who has always adhered to the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, actually stayed up in the middle of the night!

Lin Sen rubbed his chin, feeling that he was the truth.

Ever since He Chengyi got to know Chu Yao, his understanding of He Chengyi had been completely overturned, and Lin Sen had gradually become a scapegoat! Hmph, this group of bad friends of He Yingdi didn't dare to look for He Yingdi in the middle of the night, so they came to harass him!

Lin Sen also has dignity, okay? #### Carnival from Yangou!

041 Deliberate revenge

Chu Yao found that everyone looked at her with slightly subtle eyes today.

It was still Lu Xingzhou who sent Chu Yao to the film and television city. On the way, he silently peeked at Chu Yao several times through the front-view mirror. Such an obvious peek, as long as Chu Yao was not blind, she would not ignore it. Well!

The little assistant He Yuan on the side also glanced at Chu Yao from time to time, as if he was about to say something.

Even someone as calm as Chu Yao felt his scalp tingle when He Yuan looked at her. Chu Yao couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and asked with a light smile, "Why, is my face civilized?"

He Yuan asked cautiously, "Yaoyao, you're not in love, are you? You must tell me if you are in love!"

What is this all about!

Chu Yao said unhappily, "I am with you for almost 24 hours now, which eye do you see me in?