MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 493 What the **** is this?

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  Chapter 493 What the **** is this?

  The window was not closed intentionally, and the evening wind could blow in, but the burning smoke lingered above the candles, gathering and getting thicker.

  After only a dozen breaths, the thick smoke gathered into a gray shadow.

  Looking carefully, the shape of the shadow looks like the wood carving on the table, but there are only seven or eight faces on the body. The face in the middle even rolled its eyes, staring at the child soul below.

  Although the child soul was ignorant, he knew instinctively that something was wrong, so he gave up the incense and wanted to go back to the wooden ball.

  Yan Ying jumped down and swallowed it in one gulp.

  Such a small and weak remnant soul is not even an appetizer to it, but it arouses appetite instead.

  It opened and closed its mouth, as if saying something to the caster. And the curse master prostrated himself on the ground, respectfully said: "The mark has been made, please go and enjoy the rich sacrifice!"

  Yan Ying heard it, circled half a circle in the room, and disappeared into the air in the next second.

  The caster straightened up and took a look, and saw that the number of human faces on the wood carving was reduced by seven or eight.


  He Lingchuan's sleep has always been good, even if he has not entered Panlong City, he can still reap a dark and sweet night.

   This kind of ability to sleep when you lie down, anytime and anywhere, makes Master Shi Er very envious.

  In the northern part of the Panlong Wasteland, several conflicts broke out one after another, large and small.

  The coalition forces of Baling and Xianyou continued to test the border.

   This is the sequelae of the Panlong Army's capture of the Xiyu Kingdom.

  The Broken Knife Squad was transferred to the northern battlefield and fought six battles in more than 30 days.

  Two of them were intense, and both sides were red-hot, almost escalating from a local conflict to a full-scale war.

  These two battles were particularly difficult. In one of them, there were fewer enemies and more enemies, and the 300 Gale Army relied on the terrain to forcibly carry 2,000 opponents for two days and one night.

  The entire Broken Knife team narrowly escaped death several times.

  Relying on his own immortality, He Lingchuan fought recklessly in battle, suffered countless losses, and even acted as a shield for Liu Tiao and A Luo.

  Even so, the two newly joined players still failed to stay and unfortunately died in battle.

  In the last day, even He Lingchuan couldn't make it through. After vomiting the last mouthful of blood, he was forced to go offline.

   Fortunately, the next time he fell into a dream, he finally received good news. The reinforcements arrived after his death, and they attacked from both inside and outside to repel the enemy.

  When he fell down and was not breathing, Wicker thought he was dead. It is said that this female warrior, who was tougher than a man, burst into tears on the spot.

  Of course, this is just a rumor, and Liu Tiao himself doesn't admit it at all, and he will beat anyone who says it.

  After several battles, He Lingchuan even got the nickname "Crazy Sword".

   Didn't get any bargain on the border, the Xianba allied forces retreated angrily.

   This was in line with He Lingchuan's prediction. The opponent really didn't plan to invade on a large scale, but just wanted to force the Red General who was marching east to return to Panlong City, and take advantage of the emptiness of the defense in the Panlong Wasteland to occupy a little territory.

  They only achieved the first goal, and paid a lot of money.

  Panlong City also withdrew its troops from the border, and the troops returned to the city to reward them for their merits.

  The Broken Knife team led by He Lingchuan was loyal, brave, alert, excellent in quality, killed the most enemies, and killed the enemy leader with the highest level.

  As for He Lingchuan himself, he was promoted two ranks, and was directly promoted to brigade commander, with a staff of hundreds of people.

   As his deputy, the wicker door panel began to reorganize the hundred-man team after returning to the city.

   After several battles, He Lingchuan benefited a lot.

  The battlefield is indeed the most tempering place. It is full of endless accidents and variables. One second is still killing the Quartet, and the next second may be shot into a sieve.

  He walked out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, from the millstone of flesh and blood, and learned how to keep an eye on six roads and listen to all directions.

   A rookie who has just entered the battlefield may be frightened, but after fighting for too long, it is easy to be overwhelmed by killing intent and enthusiasm, and forget that bravery and recklessness, agility and timidity are often only a thin line away.

   That is the line between life and death.

   The more crisis you face, the more you must be calm and restrained. This is not a human talent, but the result of countless death tests.

   Afterwards, He Lingchuan had a clear feeling after reviewing and consolidating the game carefully:

  My state of mind and sword skills have improved again.

  The knife technique is more and more practical.

  The mood became calmer and more stable.

  This kind of precious trial on the battlefield can only be provided by Panlong Soul Village for the time being. Dafanghu was also merciless towards He Lingchuan. While he worked hard to solve the case and mediate between parties during the day, he would force him into a sea of ​​corpses and blood at night, constantly torturing him.

  If he hadn't been determined, he might have collapsed long ago.

  Well, after receiving such inhuman abuse, his soul seems to be stronger.

  In any case, Panlong Wilderness temporarily recovered after the turmoil.

  At this moment, He Lingchuan is capturing a strange creature for Aluo in the northwest of the Chipa Plateau——

  Monkey bat.

According to Arlo, this is an invasive alien species and is omnivorous in itself, but it is likely to contain barnyard tumor seeds that are harmful to plateau wheat. Once it hits the ground, it will burrow into the soil and parasitize the roots of the wheat to absorb nutrients. After the wheat withers, it will die grow strong.

  The initial growth of this kind of thing is very hidden, and it is not easy to be found and rectified.

  The Dan Department in Panlong City is also responsible for part of the crop control tasks, and is extra vigilant against all kinds of invasive organisms.

  A Luo also released a related task at the Pengcheng Department, but the soldiers seem to be very busy recently, and no one has accepted this task for a long time. So he simply came to He Lingchuan for help.

   "Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle."

   These are Arlo's original words.

  So He Lingchuan came.

  Monkey bats are very big, comparable in size to teals, but with sharp beaks and gills, and a face that really looks like a monkey.

  Most bats act in swarms, but monkey bats only work in husband and wife teams, which is great for bringing a bunch of cubs, so their whereabouts are relatively hidden and difficult to track.

  He Lingchuan searched for a whole day based on the clues provided by Aluo, and finally found monkey bat feces on a stalactite pillar in a cave.

He still has to go in, he looked at the dark pool in front of him and sighed, was he deluded by lard? Catching bats for Arlo in the cave?

  Of course there is water in the cave, and it is running water, because he could feel the strong wind when he entered the cave just now.

  In midsummer, it's only 11 or 12 degrees here, and I still sneeze after staying for a long time.

  The still water runs deep, and only the shallows make noise.

  He Lingchuan could barely hear the sound of running water when he entered the cave, so he knew that the water here was very deep.

  No choice, he had to grab a pair of water pillows and put them on his body, and jumped into the pool.

  Monkeybat can fly in, he can only swim in.

  There are many thieves in the fork roads and caves, and there are often unknown creatures in the water.

  He Lingchuan swam for more than a quarter of an hour, relying on the lighting of the fluorescent grass, and finally found the figure of the monkey bat on the top of the rock!

   "This **** thing!" Catch it early, and go back to work early.

  He Lingchuan didn't have eyes in the back of his head, so he naturally wouldn't notice that there was a flash of blue light in the depths of the pool behind him.

  The monkey bat hangs upside down on the rock wall directly above him. The whole family of seven is here, probably full of food, and they are all sleeping with their heads covered.

  How to catch this thing?

  Of course, He Lingchuan had already thought about it before he came in, that is, he grabbed two sets of crypt spider webs from his body, and crept up to the stalactites to tie them.

  In Panlong City in this time and space, Red General and Zhu Erniang revised the agreement again, and Crypt Spider would hand over the exclusive agency rights of its products to Panlong City.

  In this way, Panlong City has an extra high-profile export product, and the crypt spider doesn't have to bother dealing with human profiteers.

Since then, in the equipment distributed by the soldiers of Panlong City, and in the selection column that can be exchanged and traded, there have been more special products made of crypt spider silk, such as nets, ziplines and spider silk soft armor, and Well received.

  He Lingchuan replaced his original rope net with a spider web because it is lighter, stronger and more durable.

  The nets on these two sides are enclosed in the direction of the hole, presenting an "L" shape.

  After laying it out, He Lingchuan grabbed a few stones and hit them in front of the monkey bat, making a few thumping sounds.

  The monkey bat woke up at the sound, spread its wings and began to fly away.

  Of course He Lingchuan also picked the right direction and drove them towards the net.

  The spider web still maintains the characteristics of spider silk. The prey pounces on it, and the more it struggles, the deeper it sinks.

  According to Arlo's request, the more monkey bats captured, the better.

  He Lingchuan made such a threat, four bats hit the net before and after, and the others went in all directions.

  He jumped over and caught them all.

   Now that you're done, you can go out on business.

   At this moment, a dark wind suddenly rose from behind, and He Lingchuan felt cold behind him.

  Warning signs.

  He didn't even think about it, he took two feet in one step, stopped on another stalactite and turned back.

   Seeing this, I was taken aback:

  In the place where he was standing before, there was an extra man in ragged clothes.

  It’s a bit of a stretch to say he’s a human being, because he not only has sound limbs, but also has several heads, including men and women, old and young, his face is distorted, and more than a dozen eyeballs are staring at He Lingchuan at the same time.

  That kind of gaze, probably...greedy?

   Only wolves who have been hungry for seven days and seven nights will have green eyes like this.

   What the **** is this?

   "Tribute!" cried the head on the monster's neck, "Come and eat it!"

  He Lingchuan frowned, who is it calling a tribute?

  As soon as he raised his wrist, he first rewarded the opponent with a sleeve arrow: "Eat this."

   "Eat! Eat! Eat!" The man didn't even hide, only a baby's head moved from the belly to the heart. The sleeve arrow would have pierced through the heart, but when it opened its mouth, the arrow went into the mouth.

  The mouth seemed to be a bottomless pit, and the arrow did not cause any damage.

   "It's not delicious!" The baby said angrily, "I want to eat meat!"

  He turned his head on his shoulder, saw bats flying around, suddenly opened his mouth, and spit out hundreds of bats towards He Lingchuan!

  These bats are two sizes smaller than monkey bats, but they have human heads, green eyes, sharp teeth, and human-like front paws.

  This cave was originally not that big, and if hundreds of bats were squeezed in, there would be fluttering wings and ear-piercing screams everywhere.

  (end of this chapter)