MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 516 Money and life, I want both (Jia Geng)

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   And he just chopped down a large lotus leaf...

  He really wanted to yell "Stop", how dare the mere lotus monster offend the officer! But the man couldn't open his mouth underwater and was trapped by the fishing net, so he could only let the lotus demon tighten his neck.

  How could such a little water spirit be taken seriously by him?

   At this time, it is the deadly ancestor.


   As soon as the golden-armored bronze man came ashore, he stopped.

  Jia Yu watched it remain still for a long time: "My lord special envoy?" Could it be that the puppet has malfunctioned after being soaked in water?

  He Lingchuan pressed his chest.

  The bone necklace is actually a little hot again.

   That is to say, the treasure it covets is still in the water?

   Isn't Bawanglian?

  He Lingchuan heaved a long sigh. Thinking back, Bawanglian is something that can grow every year. How can you fall in love with it?

  What should I do now, jump back to the Lotus Palace or continue on the road?

  He Lingchuan hesitated for a while, but still urged the golden armored bronze man to continue on his way.

   Matters should be prioritized. Go back to Chaohu Tower to see what happened first. If he's not mistaken, something big should happen there.

  The treasures in the Lotus Palace are the same if you have a chance to get them again.

  The further south you go, the hotter the **** bone necklace is, obviously not satisfied with his choice.

  He Lingchuan simply ignored it.

   This thing is too capricious, it’s better to let it dry once in a while.

  The shoreline of the lake is tortuous and long, and it took more than two quarters of an hour for the golden-armored bronze man to reach Baishazhou.

   Contrary to He Lingchuan's expectation, the onlookers did not disperse and escape. Instead, they stood behind and poked their heads towards the sandbar, keeping a distance they thought was safe.

   There are more people watching the excitement than usual.

  The Lotus Fragrance Festival is held once a year, and some people are already tired of watching it. On the contrary, it was the inspector of Lingxu City who was swallowed by the monster. This kind of super heavy weight has never been heard since the opening of the city of Baisha, and it is worth watching.

  Go home at night so that you can have dinner and wine with this gossip.

   On the contrary, the wealthy guests cherished their lives, and most of them evacuated.

  When He Lingchuan arrived, there were not many people left in the pavilion, and the carriages of the dignitaries left one after another, and the officials sealed off the entire Baishazhou.

  Lu Dutong also led troops to maintain order at the scene. Jia Yu jumped off the ground and went to report to the officer.

  He Lingchuan looked around, but he didn't see Cen Boqing. Instead, the county magistrate Baishayu was standing by the beach, lost in his soul.

   "Magistrate Tian, ​​what happened?"

  As He Lingchuan approached, County Magistrate Tian was shocked, as if he had grasped the backbone: "The monster jumped up from the ground, and Master Zhongsun was, was swallowed!"

  He Lingchuan was shocked: "What monster?"

"It's what you said before, that monster that looks like a snail and a frog." County Magistrate Tian smiled wryly, "It also has a hard shell like a house on its back. After it sneaked up on Mr. Zhongsun, it immediately dived into the sand and fled without knowing what to do. Now, alas, now I don't know what to do!"

  He was so disheartened that he didn't even say "official".

   "It turned out that the snail toad came to seek revenge on Mr. Zhongsun." He Lingchuan determined the nature of the emergency as soon as he opened his mouth, "I said a long time ago that this case is not that simple."

  He patted County Magistrate Tian on the back: "The matter has already happened, so it is useless to panic. This matter must be investigated strictly, and Master Zhongsun must be rescued, and Lingxu City will be given an explanation."

   "Save, save Mr. Zhongsun?" County magistrate Tian seemed to have grasped at straws, "Is he still alive?"

   "It depends on the intention of the controller of Snail Toad, that is, Mai Xuewen. If he thinks Master Zhongsun is still useful, this is a kidnapping case."

  Magistrate Tian didn’t know much about Snail Toad, hope rekindled in his heart when he heard this, took a deep breath and said, “So that’s it, I’m going to issue an arrest warrant.”

  Bai Shazhen had already posted Mai Xuewen's arrest warrant, but now County Magistrate Tian wants to raise his rank.

  He turned to leave, but was grabbed by He Lingchuan: "Magistrate Tian, ​​what about my bet with Mr. Zhongsun?"

   "Gambling, betting?" County magistrate Tian's mind had long gone astray, and he was startled when he heard the words, and finally remembered that the two had bet against each other, and he was still a witness, "Oh yes, you won."

   "Then I can get the money?" He showed the Bawanglian in his hand.

   Zhong Sunmou's life, he wants.

   Zhong Sunmou's money, he also wants!

   Life and wealth cannot be empty.

  How can Tian County magistrate pay attention to the Lotus Fragrance Festival? He pointed at the tower blankly and smiled wryly: "Congratulations."

  He Lingchuan immediately ran to the tower, took back his three Xuanjing with the overlord lotus, and grabbed Zhong Sunmou's 50,000 taels of treasure bill and carefully counted it twice.

   Well, the quantity is correct.

   This thick stack of banknotes exudes the smell of money. Thinking about its origin, He Lingchuan feels even more fragrant.

   With 50,000 taels in his pocket, he suddenly felt that he was a little more generous.

  Now he has little savings, and he is also supported by Baishan Pills in his practice of elixir. Well, it's time to find some projects to invest in, so that there will be a steady stream of living money in the future.

   He is probably the only one who can think about this in the current chaos.

  As soon as He Lingchuan came out of the tower, the tiger rushed over from a distance. Seeing him, he was overjoyed and said, "You won! You really survived!"

  It's right, look at the Overlord Lotus in He Lingchuan's hand.

  He Lingchuan seemed to be alive and kicking here, but Fan Sheng was missing. This result was beyond its expectation.

  It originally thought that it would be good if He Lingchuan came back alive.

   "Where's Fan Sheng?" Hutou looked left and right, "He didn't go, or did he hit you? No, you were injured."

  Although He Lingchuan came back, he had wounds all over his face and hands, like... bite marks? Furthermore, it is small and sharp tooth marks.

   There is also an injury on the waist, which looks heavier.

   "He sneaked up on me, and I soaked him in the water." He Lingchuan scratched his head. Fan Sheng's cultivation is profound, and he should not be able to kill him for more than two quarters of an hour.

   "When you were in He Palace, Zhong Sunmou was swallowed by the snail." Jiao Yu's eyes were full of doubts, "Are you..."

  It remembered Mai Xuewen who came to the door yesterday.

  He Lingchuan smiled: "Is it something?"

   "It's nothing." Jiao Yu has been an official for many years. Although he is a monster, he has also learned a lot of scheming. At this time, he understands that what should not be said must not be said, not to mention that he has no evidence at all, why worry about it? "After Zhong Sunmou's accident, Cen Boqing's expression became ugly, and he immediately left the stage. I followed him until Cen's mansion before returning. I was worried—"

  Jiao Yu paused for a moment: "I'm worried that he will flee back to Lingxu City, and let Lu Dutong send people to watch the front and back doors of his house."

  Baisha is the boundary of Chiyan Kingdom. Once Cen Boqing returns to Lingxu City, he will have the home field advantage. If people from Chiyan Kingdom want to investigate him, the difficulty will not only increase by one level.

  He Lingchuan nodded, whistled to the sky, and waved again.

   Soon a goshawk descended from the sky and landed on a branch beside him.

   "Send a message, as soon as possible!" He whispered a few words to Goshawk, "You know who to go to."

  The goshawk nodded, flapped its wings and headed east, and disappeared into the sky after a while.

  The teams participating in the fundraising competition also returned by rowing at this time.

  He Lingchuan took a special look around, but couldn't find Fan Sheng, so he couldn't help being amused.

  Suddenly there was a loud bang from the northwest direction.

  Everyone looked back one after another, not knowing what happened.

   Isn’t that direction Dutch Palace?

  The lotus picking activity is over, what moths can come out of the maze?

  In the previous Lotus Fragrance Festival, which year was it not smooth sailing, and why did so many strange things happen?

  The magistrate of Tian County was always tense. As soon as he heard the explosion, he immediately sent someone to check it out.

   Maybe it has something to do with the snail toad?

   After a while, he suddenly came back to his senses and found that there was a heavyweight missing here:

  Fan Sheng.

  This deputy commander has high strength and a high official rank. He wanted to discuss with Master Fan about saving lives, only to find out that Master Fan is also missing! County magistrate Tian hurriedly consulted He Lingchuan, was shocked when he got the answer, and immediately sent people into the maze to rescue Fan Sheng.

   In the blink of an eye, more than a quarter of an hour passed.

   Just when County Magistrate Tian thought that Fan Sheng had also died, the lonely boat finally appeared in everyone's sight.

  Besides the boatman, the person sitting in the back row with a stinking face is Fan Sheng?

  He was dripping from head to toe, his hands and face were covered with scars like He Lingchuan, and he was obviously warmly received by piranhas.

  The magistrate of Tian County went up to greet him and greeted him warmly, and then asked, "Why did the lotus palace explode?"

   "Baishaju's water spirit has reversed!" Fan Sheng spat on the ground, "You actually want to strangle me to death!"

It's really embarrassing. He Yao's failure to strangle him for so long is due to He Lingchuan's net... The net is extremely resilient, stretched straight around his neck, but the lotus stem tightened desperately but failed to catch Fan. Winning neck.

  Otherwise, he will probably overturn the ditch.

  Tian magistrate was shocked.

He Lingchuan, who came over, said: "Who told you to cut down the lotus wall, even half of the overlord lotus was cut off by you. Shuiling is a lotus demon, and that place is its old nest. It's strange if it doesn't show you some color. Hmm So what happened to the explosion?"

   Seeing Fan Sheng's decrepit look that he had suffered a lot, he was relieved.

   "I still have some means of self-defense, so I'll give it to it." Fan Sheng gave him a cold look, and seeing his nonchalant appearance made his molars itch, "You're lucky, it should be yours."

  He Lingchuan has returned to the public, and it is difficult for him to make another move.

   Opportunity passed is passed.

  He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows, and only then saw Fan Sheng's back was covered in blood.

  He just thought, how could this guy not have the means to suppress the bottom of the box? Fortunately, I didn't force him to die together.

  He didn't know that Fan Sheng's method was given by his elder brother. It was a one-off, and the price itself was not small. Who knew that it was actually used to deal with a little lotus monster.

   "Where's the lotus demon?"

  Fan Sheng said indifferently: "Die."

  Magistrate Tian made a long "ah". The lotus demons who are the spirits of water are dead, so what will happen to Baishayu's signature event, the Lotus Fragrance Festival in the future?

  How many years of tradition has been destroyed today. And without the help of the lotus monster, how can Baisha's aquatic products be so developed?

   County magistrate Tian felt really sad.

  He Lingchuan caressed his chin and clicked his tongue twice: "What's wrong with it, it can force you to use such a big move?"


   It seems that the method of the lotus monster is even better.

  He Lingchuan is really curious.

  Ask for a monthly pass~~

  Jiao Yu asked for a monthly pass!