MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 6 Chaser's identity

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  Chapter 6 The Identity of the Chasing Soldier

  He Lingchuan's face darkened. The news that the original body and the leopard fell off the cliff together, but the He family kept it secret. The sand leopard was secretly transported back to the city for an autopsy, and it was found that it had been seriously injured before attacking He Lingchuan.

   This also confirmed what the leopard demon said. It escaped from being beaten up by the opponent, He Lingchuan's original body just appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  Unfortunately, the two pursuers who were killed by him and the Leopard Demon had no possessions, and they couldn't find anything to identify them.

   Now that these two foreigners suddenly come to inquire about the whereabouts of the sand leopard, it has something to do with the person who chased and killed the leopard demon and killed He Lingchuan!

  This clue cannot be let go.

   "What about those two?"

   "Still in the tavern, our altar master will see what you mean."

   "Leave them alone."

"Okay." The messenger laughed, "Those two guys are dragged like two to five to eighty thousand. They can't wait to look at people with their nostrils. For a while, they think the wine in the country is sour, and for a while they think the house is too stinky. Brothers see them Come on, it’s best to teach some lessons.”

  He Lingchuan hesitated for a moment, then stood up: "Lead the way."

  He knew that when he came to this world, he could not only enjoy the blessings but not the disadvantages, and do not work hard.

  Since this is the case, he might as well take the initiative.

  Uncle Hao said: "I'll go first, the young master will come back later." After that, he left with this man.

   To talk about why Hongbai Dao came to inform, Jin Tanzhu once invited He Lingchuan to drink and listen to Qu'er, and He Lingchuan also helped him to do business, which is considered a bit of friendship. It's a small place, the network is always everywhere, of course, Hongbaidao also wants to sell favors to Junshou He by the way.

  When He Chunhua first came to power, he found that Blackwater City was mixed with fish and dragons, and the most profitable business was divided up. As a sheriff, he certainly hoped for long-term peace and stability under his jurisdiction. In addition, the geographical location of Heishui City was critical, and some forces that were not seen in the light had to be brought under management. Therefore, he did not cut off the livelihood of these people, so as not to intensify the conflict. At the same time, he issued a "drinking order" according to local conditions, and merchants could only sell alcohol with the order.

   That is to say, from now on, selling alcohol in Heishui City must be operated with a license.

   No matter who it is, they have to get a drinking order from the government, or they will be dealt with according to law.

The people don't fight with officials, and organizations like Hongbaidao cannot openly resist officials after all. He Chunhua has the means to beat them repeatedly, and finally uses the "Xu Jiuling" to control these rough forces, and slowly destroys Heishui City. Turn it into your own territory.

  If there is any disturbance in the city, the He family will soon know.

   This is the ability of local snakes.


  The two out-of-towners came out of a teahouse just as a gust of wind hit their faces. Before they could put on their veiled hats, they were blinded by the sand wrapped in the wind.

  The two cursed twice, rushed back to the inn to order hot food, and then went to the public bathroom.

  After washing for a while, they yawned and became more and more sleepy, and fell asleep in the barrel.


   "Crash", cold water hits the face.

  The two woke up immediately, and found themselves tied to the chair, facing the gray wall.


   When He Lingchuan walked into the backyard of the inn, Uncle Hao also came out, with water in his hands, and a solemn expression: "It's been interrogated. Those two recruited."

   "Are you still alive?" Uncle Hao was originally serious, but with a straight face, He Lingchuan's heart sank.

   "...alive." Didn't the young master ask about the confession first? "They claim to be the second-class guards of Donglai Mansion, and they came to Heishui City to handle affairs under the order of Da Sima."

   "Donglai Mansion?" Why did these words sound familiar, so he searched for them in the original body's memory.

  That guy is very good at eating, drinking and having fun, and also likes to practice martial arts, but he doesn't care much about other things.

  But the three words "Da Sima" immediately after it shocked He Lingchuan!

I remembered.

  How many big Sima can there be in a kite country?

   "The mansion of General Zhu Guo and Da Sima Dong Haoming was mentioned by the imperial pen as 'Donglai Mansion'!" Uncle Hao said every word, "He is the father of Queen Dong, the old man of the king!"

   "Are these two people actually under the command of Shangzhu Kingdom?" He Lingchuan's face changed greatly, but then he felt something wrong, "If that's the case, why didn't they say it before, and they had to be tortured before they confessed. Are they born cheap?"

  It is said that they are guards, but they are actually equivalent to the private soldiers of Donglai Mansion. The princes and nobles in the capital cannot maintain an army, but many high officials will secretly raise private soldiers under various names.

  Nowadays, the rules and regulations are chaotic, and many policy gaps are getting looser and bigger. Everyone knows it, but no one mentions it.

   "The errand is confidential, and the government has issued a seal order, and they are not allowed to spread it outside." Uncle Hao stretched out his hand, and there were two cards lying on the palms, with blood still on them. "This is the Dongming card. It was found from them."

  Each tile is only the size of a mahjong tile, and even the four corners are also round and blunt, but the thickness is comparable to that of a leaf. He Lingchuan took it and weighed it, it was very light, with the word "Dongming" engraved on it and a gold seal.

  The function of the token is to show the identity and prevent counterfeiting at the same time. These two brands are made of special materials, neither gold, copper, iron, or wood. They look like jade, but they are not when you hold them, because they are still elastic when pressed.

"This should be the real thing." Uncle Hao said in a deep voice, "I've seen the token of Dongming Mansion before, and it's the same as this one. The fiefdom of Shangzhu Kingdom produces strange trees, and after the bark is gouged out, glue will flow out, colorless and smelly , translucent, and it will be shaped after baking. The products made of it cannot be imitated elsewhere.”

   "These two people are really from Donglai Mansion?" That is to say, he and Donglai Mansion are at odds?

   No, it was Donglaifu who got into a fight with him.

  Thousands of miles away, he somehow offended the emperor's father-in-law?

  Even if it is He Lingchuan's original body, he should feel very bad right now. He Lingchuan was a little confused, "Why does tracking down an injured sand leopard become a top secret?"

  The deity of He Lingchuan has been rampaging in Heishui City for sixteen years, and the small days are extremely moist. How did it take him less than two months to replace him, and he had such a bad thing happen?

"These two were assigned to Heishui City to look for clues, and they didn't know anything else. There were more than ten people who were sent out at the same time, and they went to the vicinity of Hongya Commercial Road separately." Uncle Hao added, "By the way, they It was originally sent to Wuzhaoling, so this time it is from Wuzhaoling instead of Donglaifu."

  Wu Zhaoling and Heishui City across the state, less than 200 miles apart, much closer than the capital.

  He Lingchuan said "oh", but didn't pay much attention.

  Nowadays, the ruler is weak, and Dong Haoming, as the real power faction, has party members all over the world. What's so strange about him placing some people in Wuzhaoling?

   "Is there anyone coming from Donglai Mansion later?"

   "They don't know either." Uncle Hao glanced into the room twice, "I've finished asking, what should I do with these two?"

  The best way is to chop it up with a single knife, destroying the corpse and eradicating traces.

  (end of this chapter)