MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 102 hide in the arms

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Jiang Jinyi thought she had heard it wrong, so she looked down subconsciously, "What did my sister say?"

Jiang Youwan frowned slightly, and said how he felt: "I feel a little up and a little uncomfortable."


One of the reasons why a fully marked omega needs alpha so much is that even during pregnancy, omega needs alpha pheromone to produce milk. There will be no milk.

Without the alpha pheromone, the baby cannot drink breast milk.

If milk is really produced, it must have alpha pheromone fused with her own pheromone.

In other have pheromones!

"Sister!" Jiang Jinyi's starry eyes were filled with surprise, she was so surprised that she had nowhere to put her hands, and held her hand.

Jiang Youwan saw her look so happy, excited and overwhelmed, she thought she was cute and happy, and praised her without hesitation, "Why is Xiao Jin so good? Oh."

"It was only treated by my sister for one night, and the effect was so quick."

"No wonder I think, um, my body is a little weird." Jiang Jinyi's eyes were bright, she couldn't help turning around and took the initiative to bring the back of her neck to Jiang Youwan to hear, " Sister, can you smell my pheromone?"

This is the first time that Jiang Jinyi has taken the initiative to show the back of her neck to Jiang Youwan to approach Jiang Youwan, Jiang Youwan's eyes are soft, she holds her steady, and sniffs seriously.

I don't know if it was because the space was too big before and I didn't smell it, so I didn't smell it, but now the space is small, and I came close to smell it, Jiang Youwan really smelled the hyacinth Although the floral fragrance is not strong, it is a great improvement compared to before.

The fragrance of hyacinth flowers, this is the scent that Jiang Youwan has been desperate for these days.

After being marked and without it for three months, Jiang Youwan really didn't know how she survived.

Jiang Youwan was a little addicted to smelling it, as if she wanted to make up for the vacancy before, she stretched out her palm from behind and pinched her chin, so that the smell could be in his own hands. Smell.

The warm breath sprayed on the back of the neck, causing dense itching, Jiang Jinyi felt a little uncomfortable, "Sister, does it smell?"

"Yes...of course there is, Xiaojin's pheromone is very fragrant..." Jiang Youwan lowered her eyes and gently comforted her not to be afraid, her voice was gentle, But his eyes were a little crazy and fascinated, like a drug addict who failed in his detoxification and smelled the smell of poppy again, and he couldn't leave it for a while.

She didn't allow Jiang Jinyi to move. She analyzed the taste very carefully and found that Jiang Jinyi's pheromone was still the same as before the glands were not cut out. The hyacinth flower fragrance was mixed with a faint mandala fragrance, Tell everyone else that she already has a master.

Look, she's still hers.

But the flavor was a little underpowered, not as strong as when it was just fully marked.

Jiang Youwan thought secretly, when it is completely healed, you have to mark it many, many times.

Jiang Youwan lowered her head and kissed, pecked lightly, lovingly.

"How does Jin feel?"

"It's very comfortable to be kissed by my sister, I like it..." Jiang Jinyi felt very ashamed, and it took a long time to describe this sentence.

"Xian Jin's body is mine, of course she likes to be kissed by me." The comfort brought by pheromone to her body really fascinated her, and she was even more afraid to return to the previous mark But there are no days for her.

She knew that Xiaojin's body was very weak after her glands were damaged. Alpha couldn't live without her glands. When the glands came back, her body would be better and she could be with her for a long time.

The lost and found baby, Jiang Youwan couldn't help kissing and cherishing.

Suddenly, Jiang Jinyi felt two drops of warm water dripping on the back of her neck, she was stunned, thinking of something, wanting to look back, but Jiang Youwan held her down.

"Did you move?" She was a little tough.

As she kissed, she warned and threatened with a subtle cry: "Your body is not yours, but your sister's. If you dare to hurt yourself in the future, I want you to look good."

Jiang Jinyi's heart tightened and her eyes were a little sour, "No, never again..."

The car was still driving, and outside the window was the most prosperous downtown of Los Angeles. Jiang Jinyi was so hot with her kisses all the time, but she knew her sister's current mood, so she obediently let her see, Let her smell, let her taste.

Let her alone and give her all of myself.

The hospital is not far from Jiang Youwan's home. The car stopped in front of the hospital in less than ten minutes. Only then did Jiang Youwan let go of the hand holding her chin and help her slowly After tying the scarf, and pulling it lightly after tying it, Jiang Jinyi understood and leaned over to her and gave her a kiss.

"Go and see what the doctor says."

After entering the hospital, Jiang Youwan was asked by Jiang Jinyi to wear the mask that Jiang Jinyi customized for her. It was white and a little cute, but it didn't affect Jiang Youwan in the slightest. Queen's temperament.

On the contrary, there is a wonderful feeling, which makes people think...there must be a sweet girl in her family.

After a series of tests, before the doctor said the test results, Jiang Jinyi was a little nervous, the kind of nervousness and anticipation of hearing the doctor read the results after recovering from a serious illness.

"Don't be afraid, no matter what, my sister is here." Jiang Youwan intertwined her fingers and said to her softly.

This is the first time for Jiang Youwan to accompany Jiang Jinyi to look at the glands. Before, Jiang Jinyi was extremely resistant to mentioning the glands with Jiang Youwan, because she would feel insecure and afraid of being rejected.

But it is different now, she knows that Jiang Youwan will not despise her, but will only feel sorry for her.

This made Jiang Jinyi find the feeling of two people together five years ago. As long as her sister is there, she is not afraid of anything.

Since her sister appeared in her world, her sister has become her sense of security.

The test results came out soon, Jiang Jinyi's glands had indeed begun to recover, and the fever was also due to the reactivation of the glands, and Jiang Jinyi's weakness could not bear it.

Jiang Jinyi's glands are recovering in a good direction, but there is a problem. The recovery of the glands requires constant stimulation, and Jiang Jinyi's constitution is too poor, and she is likely to have a fever after being stimulated.

"The body is so bad..." Jiang Youwan frowned, and the strength of holding Jiang Jinyi's hand unconsciously softened, fearing that she would pinch Jiang Jinyi with more force Broken.

"Injuring the glands is equivalent to hurting an important organ of the body. Without the glands, the alpha will become weaker. She is now slowly recovering, and her body will recover in the future. "The doctor smiled and explained that there was nothing to worry about.

Even if Xiao Jin can stand it, Jiang Youwan can't stand it.

"Well, it's best to get a resistance injection later, and then you need to prescribe medicine and supplement nutrition."

Injections and medicines may be nothing to ordinary people, but for people like Jiang Jinyi who need to take medicines and cry when they get injections, they suffer too much.

Really, poor little one.

Entering the ward, Jiang Jinyi leaned on the bed, the nurse took out the needle after wiping the alcohol for her, took out the needle and played with it, Jiang Jinyi saw water coming out of the needle, swallowed her saliva, body Tension, obviously resisting, afraid.

"Sister..." Jiang Youwan was by her side, she shrank back, her whole body fell into Jiang Youwan's arms, the elder sister called She was extremely tender and pitiful, and made people hurt her.

Jiang Youwan sighed, "I'm so scared to get an injection, I have to ask my sister to coax you, are you a child?"

Hearing the nurse chuckle, Jiang Jinyi was a little embarrassed, looked away and pouted.

She thought it was very strange. She obviously needed injections every day during the period when she was gouging out her glands and was hospitalized. During that time, she was obviously numb and no longer afraid, but now Jiang Youwan appeared by her side, She felt afraid, afraid of pain, hypocritical.

Is this a favoritism?

I know that Jiang Youwan will hurt her and coax her.

She thought confidently, five years ago, she would definitely make a fuss not to fight, Jiang Youwan can't work no matter how to coax, now it's very good to play obediently, if you want to coax it again What's wrong?

She said confidently: "I just want you to coax me."

"Okay~ Coax you."

Jiang Youwan held her other hand, and a second before the needle was inserted into the back of her hand, Jiang Youwan put it by her ear and said in a voice that the nurse could not hear but could hear clearly. After saying something, Jiang Jinyi blushed instantly, there was only that sentence in her mind, and she didn't feel the needle inserted into the back of her hand.

Be good, stop making trouble, stop being pretentious, sit and wait for the nurse to leave, the door of the ward is closed.

"Sister, you..." When the door closed, Jiang Jinyi immediately turned around, kneeling on the bed, facing her.

Jiang Youwan was already unbuttoning his coat, he lowered his eyes and bit his lip: "It seems to have overflowed, and when I accompany Xiaojin for the inspection, it rose a lot..."

The fox velvet coat was quickly taken off, and she was wearing a lady's suit, the suit button was unbuttoned, and there were some water stains on the white shirt.

"Originally it was only a little up, but after kissing Xiaojin..." Jiang Youwan raised his eyes, his eyes seemed to be blaming, and he seemed to be tempted, and reprimanded: "It's all your fault."

Jiang Jinyi's eyes were dazed, and her face was full of heat.

The amount of breast milk depends not only on the omega itself, but also on the amount of alpha pheromones. Xu is because she smelled and kissed in the car just now, she inhaled a lot of pheromones into her body, and her milk volume also increased.

"The doctor said that you need to supplement nutrition, this seems to be very nutritious... Come here, drink and your body will be fine."

Jiang Jinyi's long eyelashes trembled, her jaw tightened, she turned her head to look at the closed door, and swallowed.

"Sister, the door doesn't seem to have..." lock.

Before Jiang Jinyi finished speaking, Jiang Youwan stretched out his arms to hold the back of her head and pressed her into his arms.

Jiang Youwan put the coat she took off from the top of her head, covered her whole body, and hid her in his arms.

In this way, she can secretly feed her baby food alone.

Will not be discovered or robbed by others.

It's all her baby.

Li Zi, took a tentative bite.

Jiang Youwan snorted, pinched her fingertips, and softly scolded her for being so ignorant.

Pinch her earlobe with hand as punishment.

But just after the punishment, because she was anxious to ask why the milk couldn't come out, she held it with her hands and squeezed it for her to drink.

Too stupid to know the importance.

What's the hurry?


Jiang Youwan bit her inner lip, and that glamorous and alienated face was dyed crimson, a beauty that could make everyone unable to take their eyes off.

In the drooping eyes, there is only a doting smile for Jiang Jinyi alone.

Stroking the back of her head with her hand, helping her to lift her long falling hair from time to time, caring gently, "Will it be boring?"

Jiang Jinyi was paying attention to tasting the delicious food, and couldn't help answering her.

It doesn't matter if it's boring.

"Did you know? When I found out that I was pregnant with a baby, my sister was a little worried, worried that if Xiao Jin didn't come back and there was no pheromone, what would happen if the baby was born without milk?"

"I'm still worried now..." Jiang Youwan's charming voice echoed in Jiang Jinyi's ear, "I'm worried that Xiaojin will rob all the milk, and the baby will not have any. already."

Hearing this, Jiang Jinyi paused when she was drinking milk, looked up at her from her arms, and saw that she was looking at herself with a gentle smile.

Four eyes met, Jiang Jinyi looked aggrieved, Jiang Youwan gave her a suspicious look, as if she felt that she was right.

Although it is true that breast milk is meant to be drunk by children.

However, Jiang Jinyi is unreasonable. From the beginning, it has always been hers, and it should be hers in the future.

She has a stronger sense of crisis, and feels that her pet is going to be separated.

Being agitated, Jiang Jinyi pouted her mouth, and she was about to bar her teeth to protect her food. Seeing that Jiang Youwan didn't say anything to coax her, she lowered her head again in anger, drank faster, and drank all Drop it, and no one will leave it.

Too food-friendly.

Jiang Youwan was bitten and hurt, took a deep breath, and reprimanded: "Bastard, you hurt my sister."

Jiang Jinyi hurriedly let go, waited for the training, and seeing her aggrieved and unhappy appearance, Jiang Youwan sighed that she was so good at making progress, so she still coaxed her softly: "Don't worry, be good, sister It's all yours, okay?"

Jiang Jinyi was so happy, she was even a little complacent, and she was really proud of herself.

I didn't notice Jiang Youwan's desire to control her under the doting smile that was so strong that he wanted to devour her.


Jiang Jinyi would pay attention to the footsteps outside at first, beware of someone coming to grab food from her, but now she is completely addicted to it, and no one has forgotten her surname, Jiang Youwan reminded her, it seems Someone is coming.

Jiang Jinyi panicked immediately and was at a loss for a moment. Compared with her coming to Jiang Youwan, Jiang Youwan was much calmer. Wrapped in his arms and hid.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Jiang Jinyi closed her eyes and pretended to sleep with a blushing face.

The nurse took a plate of cakes, walked in lightly, and placed it in the position set by Jiang Youwan. He sighed and said, "Sister, your alpha sticks to you so much."

Jiang Youwan stroked the hot and trembling man in his coat, smiled, "Yes, it's too sticky."

The author has something to say:

I didn't let the baby stay up late and wait for more today, happy

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 15 Illusionists; 2 Little Jiang and Rongkong; God Suspect., Update, Mr. Chen., he, 24. , CZK, Lele, Takocon, Rujin, 49663624, Deep in Seventh Five-Year, Li Qingshu, Sentinel, Life Modification, Wild, Hahahahahaha, Xiu Xiu Xiu, Beca1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Lu Qiba 67 bottles; Qiufeng knows my love 50 bottles; Xiaobai 40 bottles; ;29 bottles to be happy; 4135340228 bottles; 27 bottles of Bingbing; 26 bottles of Jihong; 12 bottles offline; 4245621111 bottles; Yovi, Zhejiu's eldest wife, Sacrificing Shao Siming, come here, Apollo 11, 58480360, @南dong, Dreamland, Plnosk, Huihui Wants to Fly, Zuiyan, Pigeon Yu , Return, You Yuyou into Chitang, Yourong, Bamboo, L, Traveler and Wind 10 bottles; Nice 8 bottles; Lamp Next 6 bottles; Yunzhongke, Sanwu, Yuan Yiqi, 42512498, Sentinel, North, Little Eggshell Big Dipper Fifth Star, Jenny Turtle, Forehead 5 Bottles; 50024032, Guaiguai, Cixiu, Why Have 3 Bottles; ., Gu Yi, Zhizhi·Xiaocao, (*?)σ Ran him, Yuan Yiqi's girlfriend, 380101982 bottles; Suspects of God., Xiao Chen, Si Mao, Trisoly, Hao, Shen Xiaoguai, Da Da today, 49663624, 57445486, Nanbei, Qin Tang, Yuan Yiqi's wife, 08191 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!