MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 161 Wear back the one hundred and sixty-first day

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Shi Fengyue's temporary laboratory is next to Jiang Chen's office, similar in layout and size, but completely different in layout and feeling.

The filing cabinets in Jiang Chen's office took up one wall, and other materials were placed in different categories. It was not chaotic, but it looked a bit crowded. Shi Fengyue's laboratory was very spacious, except for a long table with a few In addition to the dedicated computer and two chairs for Taiwan's scientific research institute, there is not even a chair for the second guest.

The same big space, compared with the two, Shi Fengyue's side seems to be much bigger.

It was the first time for He Yanya to come to the experimental area here, and it was the first time for Yu Yi to come to Shi Fengyue's laboratory, both of them were a little surprised, Shi Fengyue looked so expensive and difficult to wait for, In addition, he has a good family background, and because of his health, he has lived a prosperous life since he was a child. He did not expect his working environment to be so simple.

However, the two people's attention stayed here for a moment, and soon shifted to the two people who were looking at the computer together.

Yu Yi walked over, "How is it?"

The file was very large, and it took a while to get it out. This kind of situation is rare on the computer of the Military Industry Institute. Except for Shi Fengyue, the other three people held their breaths, wanting to see what extraordinary things were recorded in it. .

The document named "Optimal Choice Exchange Item Record Form" was quickly loaded, but it was not dozens or hundreds of pages as they imagined, only three pages, all appearing as a form document.

This document has a similar name to the previous "Optimal Choice Record Form", and it seems that it is not much different from the first breached Optimal Choice Record Form. However, even though the text in it has been translated, it is messy and confusing.

But this is the highest-level confidential file next to the core data of the system, and the things inside are by no means simple.

"Pots, bracelets, antiques, knives..." Yu Yi glanced at the seemingly simplest nouns, and unconsciously read them out: "If you look at these things according to the rules, they all have in common that they are made of metal, but they are all made of metal. There are toilet paper, water cups... cockroaches underneath? What is this watch recording?"

Yu Yi's question is also the question of Jiang Chen and the others. There are only three columns recorded on this form, which are: the exchanged item, the exchanged item, and the exchange location.

The locations are unremarkable, scattered all over Yan City, and the items exchanged and exchanged items are even more irregular. There are everything, sometimes paper towels and cups, sometimes knives and fruits, and there are no rules to follow.

Several people studied for a whole morning, trying to find the law in their own way, but they found nothing.

Jiang Chen wasn't upset about this. It took two months for this folder to be cracked and opened, and now it's the last step. He has enough patience to find the secret of this folder.

Zhangshan Prison.

"The person you want to meet doesn't see you, so don't ask any more."

Seeing He Qianjian walking towards this side, the young prison guard was a little impatient, and gave the answer before he could open his mouth.

He Qianjian paused, and saw the disdain and irritability on the prison guard's face. Resentment and humiliation flashed in his eyes. If it was in the past, the identity of the person in front of him didn't even have the qualifications to stand in front of him, so how dare he have it? Feel free to talk to him like that.

If it wasn't for Jiang could he have ended up in this situation?

He Qianjian's face changed slightly, and he clenched his cheeks, until the smell of blood filled his mouth, before suppressing the raging hatred.

As long as he can get out from here, he will definitely make Jiang Chen pay the price tens of millions of times!

"Brother." He Qianjian was not handsome, but he looked delicate because of his fair skin. At this moment, his face was bruised and purple, and his careful and ingratiating appearance made it difficult to speak harshly.

The prison guard looked He Qianjian up and down, thinking that before he came here, he was still a high-ranking young master of the He family, and he had gone through a lot of hardships to become this cautious appearance. At that time, the tone softened a bit: "We have already contacted your family for you. They don't have time to see you for the time being. The young master Jiang you want to see is also very busy now, so I don't have time to come here to see you."

He Qianjian shook his head, lowered his eyes and smiled wryly: "I don't want to see the He family... I don't know if you know my background, but I'm not the real child of the He family..."

The prison guards only knew that He Qianjian's identity was a bit special, but they didn't know the other inside information. It was so deserted and boring to stay here every day. How could he give up the gossip that came to his door.

He was as motionless as a mountain, but his ears were pricked up.

Seeing the prison guard's expression, He Qianjian knew that he was hooked. He sighed softly, messed up the timeline of the story of him and Jiang Chen being hugged wrong, and concealed and revised all the stories that were unfavorable or harmful to him. The unfavorable image made both himself and Jiang Chen innocent victims.

However, the prison guard has heard that it is a sigh, but he does not believe it. There are eight hundred prisoners here, and there are only a few who say that they are innocent and wronged. He has heard too many stories and has his own judgment ability. .

"Then why did you kidnap Jiang Chen?"

He Qianjian shook his head: "I don't know why others said that I kidnapped Jiang Chen. When we met, we were both seniors in high school. I didn't know him before. How could I kidnap him?"

The prison guard raised his eyebrows: "You mean the judge made a mistake?"

He Qianjian smiled wryly: "The evidence is all there, of course it's not a wrong judgment, it's just that maybe the He family can't tolerate me anymore, after all I'm an adult too..." He hesitated to speak, stopped the topic in time, and brought up his real purpose : "I want to meet my biological parents. Since my identity was revealed, I haven't seen them many times. After all, they have raised Jiang Chen for more than ten years. They should have a deeper affection for him, but now I... Suddenly I really want to meet them, but I don’t know if they know my news, so I want to ask you for help.”

Seeing his lonely look, the prison guard was moved.

No matter what He Qianjian said earlier is true or not, if he really had a wrong hug with the real young master of the He family, then he really hasn't seen his biological parents for more than ten years, and now that he's been in prison for so long, But no one came to see him, the He family was not his biological parents and blamed him for hurting their biological child for not coming, but his biological parents did not come to see him, it was indeed a bit pitiful.

"Do you know the address and phone number of your biological parents?"

Seeing that he agreed, He Qianjian immediately reported his address and number.

The prison guard nodded: "I can make a call for you, but I can't guarantee whether they will come to see you."

"That's good, thank you so much." He Qianjian was grateful.

The prison guard glanced at the time: "The time for your release is almost over, you go over."

He Qianjian turned around obediently and left, but was stopped by a bald man just after he walked out.

"Master He." The bald man smiled and said, "Did you have something to do with the prison guard just now? Or did you say to file a complaint?"

He Qianjian took half a step back subconsciously, and said vigilantly, "How could I sue, Brother Hei, I just want to see my parents, and I beg the prison guards to help me, it's definitely not a complaint."

"Isn't it a complaint?" Brother Hei obviously didn't believe it, and approached him: "Didn't you say before that if I dared to touch you, you would make me eat and go around? Didn't you go to someone to make me go around?"

The unpleasant temperature sprayed on his face, He Qianjian's face was covered with bruises, and his expression became even uglier. His eyes were full of disgust, but he was also somewhat afraid. The black brother in front of him was in the same cell as him. He was already the boss in the cell, and it would be absolutely useless to have a falling out with him.

He Qianjian could only hold his breath, and explained: "I really just want to meet my parents."

Brother Hei squeezed his chin, brought his yellow teeth close to his face, and suddenly laughed, his sparse eyebrows and triangular eyes moved, revealing a bit of ferocious cruelty: "Don't play tricks, get in here, you It doesn't matter what your identity is, not to mention that you are just a toy that the He family doesn't want, if you are obedient, my brother will let you live more comfortably in the past three years, do you know?"

He Qianjian was patted on the cheek, and the humiliation in his eyes was almost overflowing. Even in his last life, he was proud and arrogant. He had never been insulted and threatened like this, but the situation forced him to bow his head. Now he has no system Without the blessing of the He family, I can only bear with it.

Brother Hei pinched him and leaned forward, repeating: "Do you know?"

"I know." He Qianjian's voice squeezed out from between his teeth, and there was indeed a monstrous hatred in his heart. When he went out, he would definitely make this man pay the price.

Brother Hei dropped out of school in his early tenth year, struggled at the bottom of the society, and then he went on the road of no return. I have never seen any kind of malice. No matter how well He Qianjian hides the emotion in his eyes, he can't hide it. His eyes, he sneered: "I don't think you seem to know, but it doesn't matter, I will let you know thoroughly tonight."

He Qianjian was taken aback for a moment, seeing the undisguised obscenity and hostility in Brother Hei's eyes, a sudden chill ran down his back, and waves of chill ran up from his toes, which made him sick and at the same time realized what he meant.

——The time for airing will be over soon, if you go back to that cell, by the end of the night, it will really be what he says.

He Qianjian's scalp was numb, and he struggled immediately, but he didn't exercise even when he was in He's house, even He Qianmin couldn't beat him, not to mention the tall and muscular man in front of him, in just a moment, he was beaten Brother Hei kicked his knee and fell to his knees.

Brother Hei stepped on his back and was about to speak when he heard the whistle blowing. He let go of his foot, squatted beside He Qianjian, and threatened coldly: "I advise you to see clearly what you are doing right now." In such a situation, do you really think that you are still the young master of the He family?"

He Qianjian clutched his knees, and it took him a while to get up. He looked at Brother Hei who had disappeared into the crowd, his eyes were full of cruelty.

Everything here was captured by a small, short man. He sneered and followed the crowd into the cell.

The prison guard found He Qianjian who was half-squatting motionless, and came over with an electric baton, urging him, "Go in quickly, why don't you dawdle."

He Qianjian tried to get up, but Brother Hei's kick was merciless. One of his legs hurt like it was about to break in half, and he fell to the ground several times without getting up.

The prison guard frowned, realized something, and clicked his tongue: "It's time soon, hurry up over there."

Seeing that the prison guard was just watching from a distance, He Qianjian didn't intend to come over to help him, so he climbed up while holding on to the wall enduring the pain. He walked towards the cell step by step, but the prison guard was still urging him, forcing him to speed up his pace. , Just when he was about to fall again, a small man supported him.

"Master He, are you okay?" the little man asked.

When He Qianjian saw the man clearly, he frowned in disgust, but quickly covered it up. Even if he looked down on the man in front of him, he also realized that those who are alone here are easy to be targeted. There must be someone together so as not to be randomly rounded and flattened.

"I'm fine."

The man seemed rather flattered when he heard his words: "I'll help you."

He Qianjian nodded, not only despised his flattery, but also enjoyed it very much. Ever since his identity with Jiang Chen was exposed, he hadn't enjoyed such flattery and carefulness for a long time.

Thinking about it this way, He Qianjian couldn't help but think of Jiang Chen again, thinking that he is enjoying everything he had before outside now, with fame, fortune and power in his hands, and both his biological parents and adoptive parents love him very much, so He gritted his teeth with hatred.

When the man saw his gloomy face for a moment, something flashed in his eyes, but he didn't seem to realize it, and asked about something else: "Master He, you said before that you can send some things from your family, so that the prison guards can open their eyes." Turn a blind eye to sell us goods, how is it now?"

He Qianjian stopped walking, thinking of the He family who avoided him, his eyes became even more gloomy, and he said impatiently, "We're still talking."

A trace of sarcasm flashed in the man's eyes, he nodded as if he had no doubts at all, and said flatteringly: "I knew that Master He would go out, and nothing can trouble you. When we can sell the goods, I have something to hand over to the bosses." , with their protection, our life will be easier."

When He Qianjian came in, the first person he met was the man in front of him. This man could bully anyone in their cell, even if he was a newcomer, he was careful not to offend him. He Qianjian looked down on him, but after this man showed his kindness to him and proposed to do business together to improve his status, he was still moved, because he was really fed up with the days when everyone could step on them.

Moreover, he had a reason to contact the He family and the Jiang family with this excuse. Now that the He family has completely given up on him, he does not believe that, as the biological sons of Jiang Zhuo and Yang Si, they can really watch He had a miserable time in prison.

As long as Jiang Zhuo and Yang Si feel unbearable or distressed, He Qianjian can guarantee that they will help him intercede with the He family, which is his fundamental purpose.

—Let the He family members soften their hearts a little, and then commute their sentence and get out of prison.

Jiang Chen took a good leave of absence and took the time to go home.

During this time, because of Jiang Chen's busy schedule, and the fact that every time he came back from leave, Yang Si and Yang Yun made an agreement. Every time he came back, he would go directly to He's house, and the two families would have dinner together, so as not to delay Jiang Chen. minister's time.

Now that school has started, He Qianmin still asked for leave after knowing that Jiang Chen was going home.

The two families have long lost their previous unfamiliarity and politeness. Yang Yun and Yang Si sat together like close friends who had known each other for many years. They talked about the dishes they just learned these days and where they wanted to go shopping. They were very close.

When Jiang Chen entered, the aunt at home immediately called out: "The young master is back!"

When the people in the living room heard the commotion, they all looked in the direction of the entrance. He Qianyu ran down the stairs, opened his arms and threw himself into Jiang Chen's arms.

"Go and wash your hands." Yang Yun turned to call him: "The fruit has been cut on the table. I heard from your aunt that you didn't eat on time in the laboratory, so you must not have eaten too much fruit."

Yang Si also smiled and said, "There are oranges you like, and they've already been peeled."

Jiang Chen touched He Qianyu's head, and led her to walk in. He didn't see He Qianmin, so he asked curiously, "Where is Qianmin?"

"I'm doing my homework upstairs." He Yanfeng said, "I probably didn't hear you coming back, or I would have run down long ago."

Just as he was talking, He Qianmin went downstairs and saw Jiang Chen's eyes lit up: "Brother!"

Jiang Chen nodded: "The league will be played in a few days, how are you preparing?"

He Qianmin muttered and complained: "Brother, why do you ask these questions every time you come back, what a disappointment."

Jiang Chen: "Then let me ask something else, Shi Ao said you had a fight a few days ago, what happened?"

He Qianmin's excited expression paused, and he walked slowly in this direction, "How do you know?"

"Come here and show me." Jiang Chen stood up and held him to look him up and down: "You're not injured, are you?"

He Qianmin raised his chin: "Of course it's okay, can they be my opponent?"

He Qianmin just came back today, and Yang Yun and He Yanfeng didn't know about it either, but one didn't intervene when he saw that his brother was in charge, and the other didn't take it seriously at all.

Jiang Chen glanced at him, and waited for his complacent look to fade away before he said, "Because of what?"

He Qianmin pursed his lips, sat down beside him, poked an orange, and did not speak.

Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, Jiang Chen didn't ask again.

During this period of time, he was busy with work, so he had less contact with He Qianmin, but he knew his younger brother, he was not someone who would cause trouble for nothing, and there must be his reasons for fighting. I just asked one more question because I was worried about him. I was injured and refused to say.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't pursue the question, He Qianmin's tense expression slowed down, and he moved closer to him, his eyes darkened: "Brother, is there any progress on your project?"

Since He Qianjian's recording was deciphered last time, every time He Qianmin saw Jiang Chen, he would ask him this question.

Hearing his question, other people in the living room also looked over. They all knew that there was something helping him with the things He Qianjian did before, but what exactly was that thing? What else did He Qianjian do besides what they knew? , How He Qianjian obtained it, they are not clear, and they are very concerned.

Jiang Chen understood their concern, and briefly said what he could say. When he mentioned the newly cracked folder, he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Did He Qianjian have a driver to pick him up when he went out before?"

"Yes." He Qianmin complained: "He feels that taking a public taxi can't show his identity, even if it's only five hundred meters away, Uncle Zhang will pick him up."

Jiang Chen thought for a moment, and said to He Yanfeng, "Dad, can you let Uncle Zhang come to your house tomorrow?"

"Of course." He Yanfeng paused, then raised his eyes: "Is it related to He Qianjian?"

Jiang Chen: "I want to confirm something."

"What's the matter?" He Qianmin was curious.

Before Jiang Chen could speak, a mobile phone rang.

Yang Si glanced at the phone, saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and frowned.

Jiang Chen noticed and asked, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Yang Si shook her head, ready to hang up the phone: "Unknown number, I called several times today."

Jiang Chen knew that she had a habit of not answering calls from strangers from out of town, so he casually said, "Is it a number from out of town?"

"No, local." Yang thought for a while, switched his thumb to the connection, got up and said, "I'll answer it, maybe someone changed the number."

Yang Si walked out, the others didn't pay much attention, continued the previous chat, just started talking, and heard Yang Si's voice suddenly turned cold before going out: "I don't know him, you are looking for the wrong person gone."

It seemed to be an ordinary conversation about dialing the wrong number, but the tone was really cold. Everyone present felt the emotion in her voice, stopped the conversation, and looked at Yang Si.

Yang Si had already hung up the phone and walked back, returning to the place where she was just sitting with her usual expression.

Seeing that she obviously didn't want to say more, everyone didn't ask any more questions, but not long after, her cell phone rang again, and after being hung up by her repeatedly, Jiang Zhuo's cell phone rang too.


Before Jiang Zhuo picked up the phone, Yang Si glanced at it, took it directly, and hung up the phone.

Yang Si put her husband's mobile phone and her own mobile phone together, and her face was obviously worse than before. Facing the eyes of everyone, she vaguely explained: "Scam call."