MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 164 Wear back one hundred and sixty-fourth day

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The content of the email was quickly displayed. Academician Zhang explained the main points in a concise and concise manner without unnecessary nonsense.

Jiang Chen and He Yanya also saw the important point immediately: "...According to my inference, these items seem to be irregular, but actually contain multiple ecosystems and most of the chemical elements discovered so far. I have no research on chemistry. Only discussing the collection of plant parts, most of the plants on this list are relatively rare plants with high research value in our country..."

The two looked at ten lines at a time, read the mail, and looked at each other, and they both saw the solemnity on each other's faces.

Before Academician Zhang's email, they also had many conjectures about this form, but because there were still some words that had not been deciphered and got too few clues, most of them were overturned one by one.

However, in this email, Academician Zhang even made guesses about the words that have not been translated and are only composed of unfamiliar characters: those may be the names of relatively rare chemical elements in real life.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen never guessed in the direction of chemical elements, because the things recorded in these tables did not directly indicate their real uses in words, such as balloons, bracelets, and bronze wares. As Academician Zhang said in the email, it can be found that their manufacture contains chemical elements.

Because of this, Jiang Chen and the others did not associate the untranslated characters with complex chemical elements. After being reminded by Academician Zhang, Jiang Chen suddenly remembered that one time he heard He Qianjian and the system During the conversation, he seemed to have heard an unfamiliar word. He was very puzzled at the time, but now he remembered that it seemed to correspond to a certain one on the periodic table of elements.

In order to confirm his guess, Jiang Chen greeted He Yanya, and hurried back to his laboratory. It was less than seven o'clock, but someone was already in the laboratory. Seeing Jiang Chen coming in, everyone called After saying hello, they each do their own things.

Jiang Chen went to Shi Fengyue's place and sat down, opened his translation system, entered the words in his mind, then dragged the form into it, and clicked Enter to match and recognize.

A few seconds later, there was indeed one less unfamiliar character in the form, which also proved that the possibility of academician Zhang's guess was extremely high.

If so...

That proves that the system has been collecting data on the Earth's biosphere, and it is very likely that samples have also been collected. A system of high-tech civilizations has appeared in a galaxy with a low level of civilization. What is the purpose of collecting data on a certain planet in this galaxy? , Jiang Chen had an answer almost immediately.

In the interstellar era, with the support of powerful technology, interstellar flight is as common as today's high-speed rail planes. Most people have traveled between different planets, or for business trips, and it is more likely to collect and develop new ones. energy.

These planets were not livable at the beginning, nor did they belong to a certain national organization at first, but were obtained through the search and conquest of various national organizations. No matter in which era, the territory and technological level determine the strength of a country.

On the premise that the inherent domain has been allocated, the discovery and exploration of new planets is particularly important.

Under the exploration of countries that advocate peace, if new planets and new civilizations are discovered, most of them use foreign policy to negotiate, but it is also true of the old saying "Weak countries have no diplomacy", and the same is true in the interstellar world , even for negotiations, most of the planets with a low level of technological civilization will be used as the subsidiary planets of the discoverers.

However, this is already a very good result. Even though a consensus has been reached on the peaceful coexistence of many races in the interstellar world, some races are still particularly xenophobic and warlike. As far as Jiang Chen knows, there are many races in the galaxy that are like this However, if these races still have powerful technology and weapons, most of the newly discovered planets will become slave stars, or resource stars, or garbage stars.

Slave Star and Garbage Star, as the name suggests, do not need further explanation. Resource Star means that one or more kinds of resources needed by the discoverer have been found on this planet. After the discoverer has collected enough information, he will The planet is "sterilized".

Disinfection refers to removing everything on the planet that may hinder the unearthing, growth, and reproduction of resources, and turning the entire planet into a planet that only serves resources and only produces resources. Even intelligent races with certain civilizations consume as long as possible. Resources, or useless for resources, will be listed as cleanup objects.

According to the trajectory of He Qianjian's system, the possibility of the latter is much higher than that of the former, and Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly. If it is really what he thinks, the system of He Qianjian may not come well.

"What's wrong?"

While he was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him, with a hand on his shoulder, and a familiar breath behind his ears, Jiang Chen didn't turn his head, and raised his chin to signal Shi Fengyue to look at the computer, "Deciphered one more character."

Shi Fengyue's brows moved slightly, his eyes moved away from Jiang Chen's side face, and fell on the computer screen. His memory was very good, and he quickly found the unfamiliar Chinese at the bottom right of the form. After seeing clearly, his eyes flashed A trace of surprise: "Radioactive elements?"

Jiang Chen added: "On this list, except for a few elements that are difficult to collect, almost all the elements are collected."

Shi Fengyue knew that Jiang Chen had been studying this watch all this time, and said, "Do you have a clue?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "My aunt asked his teacher, Academician Zhang Qizhang, to help him take a look. He gave some clues."

Jiang Chen told Shi Fengyue the content of Academician Zhang's email, and Shi Fengyue was thoughtful, and after a while he was very interested: "So, the purpose of this system in He Qianjian's hands is not at all. built, but across the planet?"

"Very likely." Jiang Chen recounted his guess, and said, "If it's what I think..."

Shi Fengyue interrupted him, and a rare light of interest flashed in his eyes: "It means that there must be other civilizations in the universe, and their technological development level is higher than that of the earth, and they may even have found a way to go to the earth."

Jiang Chen paused. It wasn't that he was surprised that Shi Fengyue was able to make his guess right all of a sudden, but rather that he was very surprised. He seemed to be very... familiar with alien civilizations?

Most people have heard the stories of UFOs and aliens, and many of them yearn for it, but these stories have never been supported by evidence, so they are still just stories, even if they are students of the astronomy department or specialize in such scientific research work Or, knowing that there may be a real alien civilization appearing on the earth for the first time, it also needs a stage of astonishment, and then it is accepted and studied.

But Shi Fengyue seemed to have directly skipped the stage of being surprised, accepted this fact without any obstacles, and seemed to be convinced.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but said, "Do you think this must have been done by aliens?"

Shi Fengyue hooked his lips and asked, "Which research institute in any country in modern times do you think can develop the thing in He Qianjian's mind?"

Jiang Chen frowned, and asked out his doubts: "You don't seem surprised at all."

Shi Fengyue lowered his eyes, stared at him for a while, and suddenly said jokingly: "If I tell you that I have been to an alien planet, it will still be an alien planet many years later, would you believe it?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyes abruptly.

Shi Fengyue rubbed his head amusedly: "So surprised? I'm joking."

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and didn't think he was joking, because he had really gone to the "alien after many years" in Shi Fengyue's mouth, and Shi Fengyue's expression didn't seem to be joking either.

However, Shi Fengyue mistakenly thought that Jiang Chen was angry that he was joking while discussing serious matters, so he straightened up and apologized: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be joking at this time."

Jiang Chen recovered and shook his head. This is not a good time to ask Shi Fengyue about his "joke". He thought for a while and said, "Since we captured the core files in He Qianjian's system, the system has It is no longer within the signal range of the Yangtze River, and I suspect that it has not completely collapsed, but is quietly repairing itself. After the repair is successful, it is very likely that it will go to He Qianjian again."

Shi Fengyue immediately understood what he meant: "Do you want to go see He Qianjian in prison?"

Jiang Chen: "After he entered the prison, he has been sending messages through others to see me. My parents don't really want me to meet He Qianjian again, so this word has never been passed on to me. I didn't know until a while ago. , he shifted his target to find my parents."

Shi Fengyue knew that Jiang Chen attached great importance to his adoptive parents, and that the system and He Qianjian could no longer pose a threat to Jiang Chen, so he said without hesitation, "Since you want to go, go and see, I will accompany you."

After He Qianjian was imprisoned, Jiang Chen had always planned to meet with him to determine whether the system had really disappeared from him. However, he was so busy with work and study that he couldn't spare time.

"No need, I'll just go by myself." Jiang Chen didn't want to visit the prison and still go with him, and there was a lot of work in the laboratory, if he wasn't there, Shi Fengyue could watch over it for him, so that he wouldn't make mistakes in his busy schedule.

"That's right." Jiang Chen remembered something, and became serious: "Should we not report this matter for now, or should we report it immediately?"

The purpose of the system is very likely to be the entire earth, and the matter is of great importance. This must be reported, but everything is just their guess at present. There is no evidence to prove the purpose of the system. Blind reporting is not necessarily a problem. good thing.

"Wait for now." Shi Fengyue said lightly: "He Qianjian's system has been with him for so many years, and he has only collected these things. It is still too far away to build a complete earth's ecological circle. It proves that the system is not enough. Don’t be in a hurry, no matter what the reason for not being in a hurry, we still have a lot of time, it’s more appropriate to understand his system thoroughly before reporting.”

Jiang Chen also thinks the same way. The existence of the system is too bizarre, and they have no evidence in hand. At this time, it is difficult to report it to the country to get attention. Maybe they will startle the snake and let the system that is now hidden somewhere get wind.

"Then let me visit He Qianjian first."