MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 7 wear back the seventh day

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Yan City in early spring is mostly gray, and Sunday morning was a rare sunny day.

Jiang Chen ate breakfast with his parents, went back to his room and made some preparations before going out.

Yang Si has no job today. After what happened yesterday, she realized that harmony and happiness is the most important thing for a family. Just as Jiang Chen was going out, she wanted to push Jiang Zhuo to the park to bask in the sun, so that this haze-shrouded home could shed more sunshine. .

Jiang Zhuo had no objection. Since the accident, he never went out again. At first, he was not in the mood to go out. Later, he wanted to do so because he didn't want to trouble his wife and son. At this time, his wife and children were very happy, so naturally he wouldn't. be opposed to.

In Yan City in 2004, most houses did not have elevators. It was not easy for Jiang’s house on the fifth floor to go out.

Jiang Chen carried his father on his back, Yang Si took the wheelchair, and the family of three went downstairs carefully step by step.

The laughter of the children outside and the occasional movement from the neighbors' homes made the steps of the stairs short, although the silence was not dull.

When he reached the first floor, Jiang Zhuo behind Jiang Chen suddenly sighed and said, "Chen Chen has grown up."

His words seemed to open the family's chatterbox.

Yang Si smiled and said: "Isn't it? It seems that all of a sudden, he has grown from such a tiny little bit to an appearance that can stand up to the sky."

Jiang Zhuo's smile also recovered a bit of his usual cheerfulness: "Yes, like me, as expected of my son."

"That's hard to say." Yang Si disagreed: "Chenchen is so well-behaved and sensible because he is like me. When you were young, you were reckless. How can a son be calm?"

"Yes, this is like you." Jiang Zhuo didn't argue with his wife, and said with a smile: "But he's as smart as me, and he learned from childhood."

"How smart is it like you?" Yang Si didn't agree with it even more: "Your grades in school can be compared with your son's? My son's smartness is due to his own seriousness, plus my inheritance!"

Jiang Zhuo felt a little wronged: "How does that son look like me?"

Yang Si also felt as if she couldn't explain everything, so she vaguely perfunctory her husband: "Isn't he like you as a good player?"

Jiang Chen listened to his parents' long-lost argument, and the smiles in his eyes gradually widened. The family of three walked out of the corridor, and the bright sunshine dispelled the last gloom.

After sending his parents to the park, Jiang Chen took a bus at a nearby bus stop.

Yanshi at 8 o'clock in the morning already has the crowded prototype of later generations, but it does not have the fast pace that later generations seem to be thrown away if they are slow.

The car drove slowly, the old man carrying the cage, the students in school uniforms, and the young people on the phone. Some were chatting and laughing, some were sleeping quietly, harmonious and retro.

For Jiang Chen, this scene is indeed retro.

Although he also came here from this time, but in his memory of the first life, there are more high-rise buildings and rushing to and fro later, but in the second life, the current scene has completely disappeared, and the aircraft has become common to everyone. As a means of travel, special approval is required for driving on the ground.

He looked at all this with curiosity and freshness, and there was a relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth that he didn't realize, but he didn't know that in the eyes of others, he was also a scenery in the morning.

The handsome and fair-skinned young man was holding on to the hanging ring, standing quietly by the back door window, just looking out of the window, his generous demeanor was enough to attract people's attention.

Jiang Chen was oblivious to everything around him, and when he heard the sound of the station announcement, he followed the crowd and got out of the car.

The Third Hospital of Yan City was not well-known in Yan City at this time. Its spinal surgery and vascular surgery did not shine until later generations when medical resources were tight. The biggest reason why spinal surgery is known to everyone is that Shi Feng Yue.

It is difficult to judge Shi Fengyue from the moral standards of the world. There is no doubt about his profound medical skills and outstanding talent in this area, but as a doctor, he has no sense of responsibility to save lives and heal the wounded. He only regards saving lives as a challenge and interest .

He does not accept cases that do not arouse his interest, does not accept cases that are not challenging, or does not accept cases that are not in a good mood. Such an unruly personality has aroused criticism and resistance from most people for a period of time, and some people even ran to the hospital. Pull up banners demanding that scum like him get out of the medical profession.

But these didn't affect him in the slightest, he still went his own way, and the people who wanted to ask him to have an operation still went on and on.

What a joke, those operations that other doctors can't perform, only Professor Shi can save lives, are they going to sacrifice their lives for the public opinion of the outside world?

After a period of public opinion, the public saw that it was useless to him, so they gradually dispersed, what to do or what to do, but Shi Fengyue was famous for it, and later there were rumors that Professor Shi was extremely young and good-looking, which made the general public I am very curious about this talented person with great personality, and because of this, I have a wave of fans who are stuck in the hospital just to see if he is really that good-looking.

As a result, during that time, Yan City Third Hospital recruited more than a dozen security guards, and had to stipulate that unregistered doctors were not allowed to stay in the outpatient department of the hospital. Only then did this absurd phenomenon like chasing stars be curbed.

As for Shi Fengyue, he was still unaffected. He resigned after less than three years in the Third Hospital of Yan City. I heard that it was because he felt tired of surgery and was looking for other interesting things. Rumors Whether it is true or not, no one knows. As for what he did after he resigned, Jiang Chen no longer pays attention and does not know.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen stopped in front of the outpatient building, sighed inwardly, and walked in. Finding Shi Fengyue was not the most difficult thing, but getting him to agree to operate on Jiang Zhuo was the most difficult.

In the information hall on the first floor, the nurses at the service desk were very enthusiastic. When they learned the name of the doctor he was looking for, they quickly searched for him in the system. However, as Jiang Chen expected, there is no such person among the doctors.

Jiang Chen wasn't disappointed either, this was what he expected a long time ago, because what he remembered was a vague period of time, not a specific point in time, and it wasn't necessarily a bad thing for him that Shi Fengyue hadn't come to the hospital at this time. Because Shi Fengyue's surgery became more difficult as he went to the later stage, and there were fewer surgeries that would appeal to him. He had just been in the clinic at this time, and the possibility of agreeing to accept Jiang's father's surgery was higher.

On the way home, Jiang Chen suddenly remembered that his parents might still be in the park at this time, so he got off the bus two stops ahead of schedule, and unexpectedly met Shen Xu when he walked out of the bus stop.

Shen Xu was also very surprised when he saw Jiang Chen, and immediately jumped up and beckoned: "Jiang Zi!"

"Why are you here?" Jiang Chen glanced at the school gate behind him, a little curious, Shen Xu is not a good student who comes back to school for self-study or homework during the holidays.

"I didn't bring homework when I went back yesterday. Who knows that my parents are back. They usually don't see each other a few times throughout the year. When they come back, they ask me if I have done my homework. I said that if I did, I must check it for me. They seemed to care about my study. If you really care about my study, I won’t even be able to spare time for my parents’ meeting?” Shen Xu pouted and complained, unwilling to say: “They saw that I didn’t have homework, so I can only recruit them, and I won’t go back to school. Get your homework."

Jiang Chen glanced at him, and said calmly: "Of course uncles and aunts care about you. If they don't earn money, what do you eat?"

Shen Xu knew that Jiang Chen would say that. Since he was a child, whenever he complained about his parents, Jiang Chen would tell him in a serious manner that his parents were all for his own good. He was used to it, so he didn't worry about it.

"What are you doing getting off the bus here?" Shen Xu changed the subject: "Isn't it two stops before we reach your neighborhood?"

The distance between Jiangchen’s residential area and the school’s two platforms is less than 20 minutes’ walk. The area of ​​the park is not small, and it traverses three stations. It was near the school, so he got off the bus two stops earlier, and looked for Jiang Zhuo and his wife from one end to the other, so it was not easy to miss them.

Jiang Chen said it briefly, and Shen Xu was very happy when he heard it, and said, "Uncle wants to go out more to bask in the sun, so he's in a good mood."

"Let's go, I'll accompany you to get your homework." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "We'll leave after we finish."

Shen Xu immediately made a bitter face: "Farewell." He also wanted to go to the dormitory to find a boarding classmate to copy.

How could Jiang Chen not know Shen Xu's plan, so he glanced at him lightly: "Will you go?"


The school on Sunday was empty and quiet, except for the occasional sound of making up lessons for the third year on the fifth and sixth floors, there were basically no one on the other floors.

Jiang Chen and Shen Xu took the keys from the uncle in the reception room, quickly entered the classroom, and took back Shen Xu's homework.

When he went downstairs, Shen Xu drooped his head, his whole body froze.

As soon as they reached the stairs on the second floor, the two found that there were people in the stairwell. There were a few boys standing there, who seemed to be laughing and talking about something.

Jiang Chen and Shen Xu looked at each other, and before they had time to see the situation clearly, they heard muffled grunts coming from the inside of the enclosure, and then someone smiled and said, "How about I just hit you?"

Shen Xu's eyes widened, and he forgot the sadness of doing homework in an instant. He stretched his head and said, "Damn it, you dare to hit people in the stairwell, so arrogant!"

The teaching building of the No. 1 Middle School has six floors in a "concave" shape. It faces south from the north. There are classrooms on the east and west sides. There are three classes on each side. Each grade occupies two floors. First and second floors.

But at this time, the first and second grades are on vacation, and the third graders are making up lessons upstairs. It might be difficult to say who these people are.

Shen Xu has always had a wide range of contacts, and after just one glance, he got an impression of a profile, and said to Jiang Chen, "They should all be in the first year of high school."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful, he vaguely felt that the voice of the person who spoke just now was a little familiar, but he searched his memory for information on this person but found nothing. It seemed that he was not familiar with any junior student in his first life.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't speak, Shen Xu also frowned. It's not that he doesn't want to take care of this matter, but the current situation is special.

Although it's the weekend now, the teaching office is not on holiday. If it's a normal day, it's fine. It's not uncommon to see little brats bullying others to join in the fun and gesticulate. But at this time, Jiang Chen was caught by Zhang Sanmao. When braiding, as long as Jiang Chen got involved, even if he just stood with them, Zhang Sanmao knew that it was absolutely black and white, and it would not be surprising to say that Jiang Chen bullied the freshman students.

The two of them stood at the stairs, and a group of people in the stairwell naturally saw them.

One of them asked the tallest boy beside him in a low voice: "Brother Sun, those two upstairs seem to be sophomores and seniors, what should I do?"

The boy called Sun Ge looked up, and when he saw Jiang Chen and Shen Xu clearly, his brows furrowed a little bit. When he raised his head, Jiang Chen also saw him clearly, with narrow eyes and narrow forehead. It's not an easy-to-provoke face. It's obviously not impressive, but there is a sense of familiarity.

When the two parties looked at each other, the boy who was beaten coughed, and suddenly there was a scream.

Jiang Chen and those people looked at the same time, and saw the fat man in the innermost place frantically shaking his hands, and a thin little boy was hanging on his arm. The boy's head was smashed against the wall several times, but he didn't let go.

"Fuck!" His own person was bitten, and he felt ashamed immediately, and immediately kicked the boy, "Let me go!"

Shen Xu groaned, jumped up and rushed down.

He didn't intend to meddle in other people's business just now. Apart from worrying about Jiang Chen, he didn't see the condition of the child inside. He thought that with such a thick padded jacket, he wouldn't be able to suffer many injuries in a fight. In comparison, Jiang Chen was better. Important, seeing the boy being bumped against the wall with his head like this at this time, I couldn't help it.

He ran downstairs in three steps at a time, pushed the tallest boy away, and said angrily, "You **** want to kill someone!"

Sun Zhi was pushed, and just about to get angry, but when he saw Jiang Chen who was slowly going downstairs, he clenched his fists, thought of something, and actually endured it.

"Are you okay?" Shen Xu pulled the boy up, and after seeing the wound on his head and the bruise on his face, he turned his head coldly and said, "Are you freshman in high school? Are you so arrogant?"

"What? Arrogant, what can you do to me?"

Sun Zhi raised his chin. He was already tall, already more than 1.8 meters tall. Standing in front of Shen Xu, who was not yet 1.7 meters tall, he was full of momentum. With him supporting him, the other first-year students also stood up straight. ,aggressive.

Jiang Chen stood in front of Shen Xu. He was tall and straight, with broad shoulders and long legs. Although his actual height was two or three centimeters shorter than Sun Zhi's, there was no difference in appearance. He said softly, "Huang Zhiqiang was patrolling the fourth floor two minutes ago. It is expected to come down soon, if you don’t leave now, you won’t be able to leave by then.”

Huang Zhiqiang, the director of the Teaching Office of No. 1 Middle School, nicknamed Mad Dog Huang, loves to catch students who fight and have puppy love. He catches "I saw you!" in everything. It is difficult to pass the review of being checked, its strictness is comparable to that of a university graduation thesis, and it is a frightening existence in No. 1 Middle School.

Sun Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and his followers were also afraid, and they immediately wanted to leave after looking at each other. Being scolded is a trivial matter, even if it is a demerit, I admit it, but I haven't written a 3,000-word self-criticism for these things!

Jiang Chen calmed down, his eyes calmly glided over everyone, and when they fell on Sun Zhi, there was some deep meaning.

Sun Zhi subconsciously wanted to take half a step back, he gritted his teeth, turned his head and said "wait" to the boy in the corner, and immediately ran away with the other students.

The corridor was instantly empty.

Shen Xu checked the boy's injuries and asked worriedly, "Do you want to go to the infirmary?"

The boy kept his head down, and Shen Xu didn't look up when he asked, and said sullenly: "You don't need to worry about it."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, pulled Shen Xu away, and said indifferently: "This kind of thing has two problems. You can either find the parents and teachers to solve it, or you can become stronger yourself so that no one can bully you. If you can't do anything, go to school hard. If your grades are good, your class teacher will naturally protect you, and it is not a good choice to be patient or go to extremes for that kind of person."

The boy suddenly raised his head, and when he saw Jiang Chen's indifferent expression, he blushed.

After a few seconds, he said, "It's none of your business!"

After speaking, he pushed Shen Xu away and went downstairs by himself.

Shen Xu rubbed the pushed arm, clicked his tongue and said: "This brat is quite fierce, why didn't I see him so tough when the group of people beat him just now, dammit, I made a mistake in helping him. "

Jiang Chen thought of the utility knife that the boy had safely hidden in his sleeve, his eyes flickered, and he didn't speak.