MTL - After Waking up Beside the Villain-Chapter 225 Old God Facts

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The sky was dark and cloudy.

On the apron of a secret military base on the outskirts of Haicheng, a black car with special license plate slowly drove in and parked near two dilapidated vans with obvious seventh characteristics.

The wind was strong and swayed through the vast open space.

The door of the car opened, Chu Yunsheng came down with a small gray backpack on his back, and greeted Hou Wanguo who was approaching quickly.

"Deputy Hou, please."

"It should be!"

Hou Wanguo responded, shook hands with Chu Yunsheng, and habitually looked at this young professor who was doing a noble and easy job in the eyes of the field workers, and was a little surprised. This person's preparation for this first mission turned out to be just right.

The jacket is pulled tightly and has a certain degree of looseness, which does not affect strenuous activities. The overalls are resistant to dirt, and the trouser legs are tightly tied to prevent mosquitoes, rats and ants from taking advantage of the loopholes. The sole of the bootie has been specially modified to be non-slip and waterproof, and has a strong grip. The shoelace is buckled with a clever knot, which is difficult to loosen, but can be quickly untied when needed.

Leather gloves, goggles hanging around the neck, a backpack of just the right size, and the faint smell of insect repellent powder on the clothes.

Hou Wanguo was a little suspicious whether it was the first time for President Chu to go out to the field, which was more perfect and suitable than many of them.

But this suspicion is somewhat unreasonable, because since the security bureau noticed these frequent and strange incidents, most of the academic activities in the wild have been restricted or belonged to the seventh place.

Therefore, the current generation of young scientific researchers in the research institute basically have no field experience except for those with four or five stars. Yes, Chu Yunsheng was promoted to a four-star talent because he took over as the director of the Ninth Research Institute, which was just enough to meet this standard.

There are not too many professors they have seen wearing shorts and sneakers who are about to enter the mountains, not to mention the dangers of no-man’s land and the prevention of abnormalities, just a little ordinary experience of survival in the wild. No.

"Good work, see you soon!"

Hou Wanguo was familiar with the people who picked up Chu Yunsheng, and after a few jokes, he waved goodbye, turned his head and shouted: "Ning Feichi!"

A young man in a red jacket who was burying his head in the back of the van carrying two large backpacks raised his head, threw the backpacks one by one, and hurried over to Chu Yunsheng, smiling brightly and enthusiastically extending his hand. : "President Chu, right? Come and come, just let me carry it. I used to practice weightlifting, and I have a lot of strength!"

Hou Wanguo came over and patted Ning Feichi on the head: "I don't have the eyesight to see you."

"You're welcome, let's get on the helicopter first." Chu Yunsheng nodded towards Ning Feichi, avoiding his hand that was reaching out to take his backpack without a trace, and said lightly.

His backpack seems to be light, but it is actually very heavy. Once passed, it may be guessed that it is weird.

And in the metal box filled with formalin and special potions, Rong Chen's brain is placed. If you get close, you will most likely be pulled into a whirlpool of madness and out of control, and you will be seriously polluted by the spirit.

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng was going to support himself, Hou Wanguo and Ning Feichi didn't force it, they were very happy.

The three chatted casually and boarded a helicopter that had been waiting on the tarmac.

In addition to the pilot, there are two other field officers from the seventh station on the plane, one of which is a young female soldier with short hair and capable, named Lin Yi, and a big boy with fair skin , more shy, called Su Jie.

These two people have an impression of Chu Yunsheng. In the middle and late stages of the original plot, they were both transferred to Lu Zhixian and formed a brand new team, with the grown up Lu Zhixian serving as the captain .

But judging from the current timeline, Lu Zhixian should have just learned of his parents' death and picked up that rotten green nail.

After a brief introduction, the helicopter took off.

The four people in the seventh place sat down with Chu Yunsheng around the small table in the back row, opened the satellite map, and began to reconfirm the previously planned investigation route for the Hepingxi mining area in Xiaofeng Mountain.

"President Chu wants to check Xiaofengshan himself, because Rong Chen's experiment has not progressed, so he plans to go to see that area on the spot. Is there any other research direction?"

Hou Wanguo raised his eyes and asked casually, "Then why did we go to the Pingxi mining area?"

He looked at the magnetic field monitoring report and anomalous data analysis on Chu Yunsheng's application, but he always felt a little paradoxical and not enough to connect the two places together.

In addition to the abnormality after the death of Rong Chen Zuiya, Xiaofengshan did not have any problems. Some people even submitted applications to cancel the restrictions on the restricted area. The so-called mining accident in the Pingxi mining area also found the source of infection. It is determined that it is a xenogeneic infection, not those unknown spiritual pollutions, everything has been controlled in the future, and it is only a matter of time before it returns to normal.

These two places, from the seventh place that has experienced too much weirdness and seen too many restricted areas, are too ordinary to be ordinary, and they are not worthy of too much attention.

If it weren't for the strangeness of Rong Chen's body, the seventh place would not have searched Xiaofengshan more than once.

"I made a secondary analysis of the magnetic field monitoring data of the Sixth Research Institute, and also sorted out the surrounding towns that have encountered strange events in the past two years. circumstances, and the type, nature, and impact of the bizarre events, and descriptions of their experiences by those who survived."

Chu Yunsheng didn't believe that the seventh office had not studied the information he sent. Hou Wanguo asked again now, but he was just suspicious and cautious.

He said simply: "The details do not need to be repeated, but the results show that these two areas are unusual."

Lin Yi called up the data sheet on the tablet and said: "In the past two years, 138 large and small strange events have occurred in the Xiaofengshan and Pingxi mining areas. The time is different, but The numbers turned out to be the same. All Xiaofeng Mountain was infected with xenogeneic species, and all Pingxi mining areas were mentally polluted. The only exceptions were the incident of Rongchen falling off a cliff in Xiaofeng Mountain and the mining accident in Pingxi mining area two weeks ago.”

Su Jie said: "These two events seem to be reversed."

Ning Feichi stroked his chin and thoughtfully: "Xiaofengshan, which is always infected with xenogeneic species, has Rong Chen, who can't distinguish the category, but is likely to be a case of mental pollution. In the Pingxi mining area, which is all spiritually polluted, there is a xenogeneic infection."

"Looking at it this way, it seems that there is indeed a problem. But I remember that such coincidences are also found in other places. They were mentioned in the year-end report last year."

Hou Wanguo said: "It may seem like a coincidence alone, but combined with other data, it is indeed worth an investigation. However, President Chu selected these two places from so many restricted areas across the country, Is the incentive or Rong Chen's business?"

The secrets he knew a week ago, and Hou Wanguo's excessive attention to Rong Chen's body, made Chu Yunsheng feel more and more that there were some secrets about Rong Chen hidden in the seventh place.


Chu Yunsheng responded and said, "Has the follow-up of the mining accident in the Pingxi mining area been completed?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Two days ago, the deputy division and my colleagues from the branch in Qianxi Province returned all the non-anomalous remains in the Pingxi mining area to the families of the victims, and nothing happened. What special circumstances."

"After returning to the cremation, you evacuated all surveillance?" Chu Yunsheng looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was startled and frowned: "President Chu, do you mean there is a follow-up? Our process for dealing with xenogeneic infection has always been like this, there has been no problem yet, and the manpower is limited. , there is no way to conduct follow-up redundant monitoring investigations.”

Speaking, Lin Yi's voice paused, and his eyes fell on the data comparison and analysis of the Xiaofengshan and Hepingxi mining area displayed on the flat panel.

She understood what Chu Yunsheng meant.

Pingxi mining area used to be all mental pollution incidents, and now a xenogeneic infection has suddenly appeared, so this xenogeneic infection is really an ordinary xenogeneic infection, is there no level of spiritual pollution?

No one can guarantee, and neither can they.

Although based on their experience, they don't think there will be any follow-up to this event.

Hou Wanguo rubbed his eyebrows and said simply: "Qianxi Province, North Henan Province, Guangdong Province, the bodies are all from these three provinces, send a message to the local branch, send someone Go to monitor the families of the victims and the cremation home for a week, and field workers who have been in contact with the remains are not allowed to be alone and take off their sanity monitors to supervise each other during this period.”


Ning Feichi snapped his fingers, picked up an internal communicator in the shape of an iron box, and started typing.

Since the doubts raised by Chu Yunsheng made them a little suspicious, then under the premise that it can be done, it is naturally best to be cautious.

The first half of the flight was spent discussing the materials of the Xiaofeng Mountain and Hepingxi mining area, and all five of them returned to their seats in the second half of the flight, sleeping, meditating, and recuperating. .

Two hours later.

The helicopter landed near Xiaofeng Mountain, and two vans picked up Chu Yunsheng and others, all the way to Taiping Town, where they were arranged to stay in a guest house.

Xiaofeng Mountain has been listed as a restricted area due to the death of Rong Chen. It is still in a state of blockade. There are secret troops surrounding the mountain. Chu Yunsheng and the others need to go through the procedures to confirm their identity. Only the next day.

Silent night.

In the early morning of the next day, Chu Yunsheng and the seventh team drove to the foot of Xiaofeng Mountain, carrying all kinds of equipment, according to the original Rong Chen obtained from the seventh On the mountaineering route, I stepped into this quiet and green uninhabited mountain that was shrouded in fog all year round.

Rong Chen's original route took two days to reach the cliff because he stopped and went.

Chu Yunsheng and others have no plans to live broadcast or shoot videos, and the seventh place is also familiar, so their speed is much faster. Before noon, they came to Chu Yunsheng It was the first time I saw Rong Chen's cave in a dream.

"Rong Chen rested here on the first night, as if he was afraid of something, he blocked the entrance of the cave with gravel all night."

Ning Feichi was carrying a set of peculiar monitoring equipment, holding something like an antenna in his hand, and walked around to detect: "No abnormality."

"Then go on."

Hou Wanguo looked around, waved his hand, and looked at Chu Yunsheng again: "President Chu, do you need to rest?"


Chu Yunsheng shook his head.

Waiting for the approval of the application this week, he deliberately strengthened the exercise of this body with some simple martial arts from the previous world, and also improved the physical potion originally developed by the Nine Academy using the technology of unknown civilization , improved physical fitness.

Although the time for exercising and taking the medicine is still very short, there is no obvious effect, but in the past few days, his physical strength and fighting skills have increased to a certain extent, and it will not even consume such a little weight Can't stand it.

"President Chu's physical strength, this!"

Ning Feichi smiled and gave a thumbs up.

It doesn't matter whether the world takes a break or not, the five people did not stop there and continued to climb up.

Soon, they followed the stream into a darker forest.

Chu Yunsheng saw the old mountain road covered with weeds and moss that Rong Chen once walked, but the strange thing was that the dark stones with strange patterns carved into them that made Rong Chen stop and record, All disappeared.

On both sides of the mountain road, except for the thorns and shrubs, there are only some dark black marks that are almost integrated with the soil, as if they were the ashes left after something was scorched.

The detector in Ning Feichi's hand swept over there, but there was no response.

"This mountain road is very difficult to walk. It is said that it was left by mountain people who went hunting in the mountains in ancient times.

Lin Yi said while walking: "A few years ago, Xiaofeng Mountain was going to develop a tourist attraction, and Qianxi Province sent someone to clean it up, but no wild animals were found, and the development was also due to funding. Restrictions such as policies are gone.”

Su Jie stepped over a craggy rock that blocked the road, panting and looked down at the satellite map in his hand: "There are still about 700 meters, and we will arrive at the place where Rong Chen fell off the cliff."

Chu Yun looked forward and suddenly felt an inexplicable peeping.

He subconsciously wanted to find the source of the peeping, but found that the feeling of being peeped seemed to come from all directions, from the depths of the dark and dark forest around him, and no real trace could be found.

It was as if behind the silent and sneaky forest leaves, under the bushes, there were a pair of cold and malicious eyes staring at him silently.

The terrifying feeling of the reptile falling off its back instantly attacked the nerves.

Chu Yunsheng's footsteps stopped.

Hou Wanguo, who was walking at the end, was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Chu Yunsheng: "President Chu, what's wrong?"

"Someone is watching us."

Chu Yunsheng did not choose to hide it, and said directly.

Everyone in the seventh place stopped at the same time, frowned and looked around, then looked at each other and shook their heads: "We didn't feel anything, President Chu. We can be selected seventh There may not be those special abilities in novels and TV, but the mental threshold is higher than that of ordinary people, and they are more sensitive to abnormal situations."

"But what you said...we didn't feel it."

Hou Wanguo followed Chu Yunsheng's gaze and stared at the forest behind him for a few seconds, then wrapped the backpack in front of him, opened the zipper, and took out a peculiarly shaped foldable short rifle very much like a water gun Come, hand it to Chu Yunsheng.

"The Falcon Rifle, the new achievement of the Fourth Research Institute, uses some unknown civilization technology in the ruins of the ancient desert country, and the power of the energy projectile is far greater than that of ordinary guns, which can penetrate ten The meter-thick steel plate is not easy to catch fire.”

He pointed to several parts of the gun body, and briefly introduced the gun to Chu Yunsheng: "According to the regulations, these weapons cannot be given to you on a daily basis, but in the restricted area, all personnel inside the security bureau have temporary powers."

"Take it, President Chu."

Seeing this, Lin Yi and Ning Feichi frowned at the same time, with some defensiveness and disapproval in their expressions, as if they wanted to block, but in the end they didn't speak.

Chu Yunsheng caught a glimpse of their reaction out of the corner of his eye, and could probably guess what they were thinking.

In the eyes of the seventh place, the nine major research institutes are the gathering place of geniuses and also the concentration camp of lunatics. At least 60-70% of the strange events within the Security Bureau are contributed by the research institute.

Get a weapon for the people in the research institute, and at some point, it is likely that there will be one less companion and one more powerful crazy enemy.

However, in the past few days, Chu Yunsheng has developed a lot of immunity to abnormal situations in the frequent psychic connection with Rong Chen. Face does not change color.

The mental state of the people present is probably only him the most stable.

He took the Falcon Rifle and replaced it with the regular gun on his waist.

After that, Su Jie led the way and moved forward. The wind and waves were calm along the way. It was as calm as if they had made so many preparations to come here, but they just had a relaxed and leisurely autumn tour.

But Chu Yunsheng could still feel that strange peeping feeling.


Before sunset, the five of them successfully arrived at the edge of the cliff where Rong Chen died.

This cliff looks very ordinary.

It is close to the forest behind it, with few rocks, and there is a wide open space that is very suitable for camping. Looking out from the edge of the cliff, the mountains in front of it are undulating and the field of vision is wide. Clouds and clouds, and the falling sun.

If you ignore the weirdness that happened here and the cold and nowhere prying eyes, this is a refreshing sunset view.

Chu Yunsheng stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down, naturally he did not see the pilgrims he had seen in Rong Chen's dream.

"Still no exception."

Ning Feichi circled around, then walked back and said.

"According to the plan, we will camp for one night," Hou Wanguo said, "If there is still no abnormality tonight, I will be back tomorrow."

Ning Feichi put down the backpack like a hill behind him, took off the tent and started to set up camp, he smiled narrowly at Chu Yunsheng: "President Chu is afraid that he will return without success, but there will be Pingxi after that. In the mining area, a strange incident has just happened there, the source of infection has just been cleaned up, and some things can be collected."

Lin Yidao: "It is a good thing that there is no abnormality. After returning this time, Xiaofengshan should also be able to lift the ban."

Chu Yunsheng was not as optimistic as them, and he could even vaguely feel that tonight would not be an ordinary night.

"You can't let your guard down." Chu Yunsheng reminded.

But if you lose your life here, you deserve it."

"Yes, Deputy."

The three of Lin Yi answered in a solemn manner.

While the five of them were talking, they had clearly divided their labors to prepare for the night. Before it got completely dark, the two tents and the temporary fire had been set up.

The bright flames rose, boiled the water, and were half extinguished, leaving only a small cluster for heating, and the light on the cliff depended on a few hanging in front of the tent Cold light tube supports.

The five of them ate the compressed biscuits they carried with them with hot water, and their bodies, which were blown cold by the mountain wind in the late autumn, finally regained some warmth and vitality.

The four people in the seventh place were divided into two groups, and they were on duty in the first and second half of the night. Chu Yunsheng, a researcher, was placed in a tent alone and could sleep for a whole night.

In other cases, Chu Yunsheng would choose to work with them at night, but tonight is different, he needs to be alone.

The night is getting darker.

In the tent next door, Hou Wanguo and Su Jie had already fallen into a deep sleep, making two grunts, one big and one small.

Beside the small cluster of fire, Lin Yi and Ning Feichi sometimes sat down, and sometimes walked around to patrol, and there was a movement from Xisuo.

Chu Yunsheng opened his eyes in the dark shadow, quietly got out of his sleeping bag, and opened his backpack.

The top cover of the metal box was removed, and the strange and pungent smell of potion was slightly overflowing.

Chu Yunsheng stared at the gently wriggling brain immersed in the transparent liquid for a few seconds, and then opened the This black leather notebook.

He thought about it for a whole week, and also studied the black leather notebook for a whole week, and determined that its secret probably required special means or timing to stimulate manifestation.

According to the information given to him by Rong Chen, it is most likely to draw a new pattern on the notebook.

Of course, it can't be a random pattern that has no origin.

So Chu Yunsheng chose from the original plot a strange pattern that Lu Zhixian had dreamed of in his precognition dream before he fought with the escaped Experiment No. 001. If nothing else, it should have a certain relationship with Rong Chen.

He can try to paint this pattern at other times, but somewhere, his subconscious is affecting him, making him come here, to this ordinary but creepy and terrifying place On the edge of the cliff, draw this pattern.

"Are they life-threatening?"

Chu Yunsheng whispered.

In the metal box in his arms, the flesh and blood brain wriggled normally, sending out some chaotic and strange illusions.

In the illusion, the four people in the seventh place were chased by some shadows, and quickly escaped from Xiaofeng Mountain in the dawn light, except for some minor scratches, safe and sound.

Ink dripping.

He picked up a pure black pen and slowly drew a twisted and mysterious pattern on the blank page of the black notebook.

Beside the fire, Ning Feichi suddenly tilted his head.

In the cold night wind, there seemed to be a strange sound.