MTL - After Wearing the Book, I Became the Second Mary Sue-Chapter 496 Who made you not a girl?

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"Can you do it, boss, I have to ask this young master to beg you, right? Let me tell you, someone else wants me to massage him, but I haven't had the chance yet! It's probably just you in this life... and my family has this. It's an honor!"

"...Well, listen to you."

Jiang Xun looked "embarrassed", as if he couldn't stand Gu Pan's diligent promotion of himself, and finally agreed "reluctantly".

Gu Pan: "..."

One thing to say, one thing, Mr. Jiang is really difficult to speak!

I'll talk about it when I go back in the evening, and see how she convinces Mr. Jiang!

In order to show Jiang Xun his craftsmanship, Gu Pan also specially ordered someone to buy her a set of massage equipment, and even prepared essential oils for massage!

In the evening, the two of them had dinner, and Gu Pan was gearing up to walk towards the dormitory, but Jiang Xun grabbed her wrist.

"No hurry, let's go to the playground first."

The playground on the campus at night is generally a good place for couples to go on a date and walk. It is a place that single dogs can't avoid. They dare not come over if there is no object, for fear of humiliating themselves.

This point has been deeply felt in the past life.

At the time, there were four people in a dormitory, all three were in love, and they were very immoral and ridiculed her.

There was a time when Gu Pan hated places like playgrounds and secluded paths. Today, is she finally going to be one of the dog lovers?

I have to admit, this feeling is really **** cool!

Gu Pan and Jiang Xun walked side by side on the runway, which seemed a little out of place compared to the couples around them who were tired and crooked together.

Gu Pan bumped Jiang Xun with his shoulder and said with a smile, "You think we are like good single brothers who reluctantly get together for a walk?"

Jiang Xun squinted at him, his eyes were very lethal, obviously he had a problem with the word "single" in Gu Pan's mouth.

"Don't be angry yet, I'm just joking. But don't you think we really feel this way? Look at the way people look at us!"

It was a look full of sympathy and wonder.

It seems that I can't think of why such a handsome guy has no girlfriend these days, and he is so pitiful and barely able to get together with his brother.

Jiang Xun glanced around indifferently, and even made a joke: "Who made you not a girl."

Gu Pan: "..."

That's really unfortunate, she is from the inside out... Indeed, she doesn't look like a girl from the inside out.

But there is no way, she can't change her body structure.

"So do you like girls more? That's really a pity." Having said that, Gu Pan's tone was not regrettable at all, even with a faint expectation.

Jiang Xun realized that what he said was inappropriate, and regardless of the eyes of the people next to him, he reached out and rubbed Gu Pan's head, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I don't keep my mouth shut. Say it again, I don't like women, probably I don't like men either, if I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have liked anyone in my life." Maybe I'll be single when I get old.

Jiang Xun didn't think there was anything wrong with his thoughts, even now.

If the person with him is not Gu Wan.

He never felt that there was anything wrong with him alone, he didn't need to care about anything, and he didn't need to spend too much time getting in with a stranger.

But things are unpredictable, he met a person who could let him let go of all his past knowledge, became irrational at all, and wanted to be with this person forever.

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