MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 207

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Dr. Yamaki returned to the laboratory and immediately came to the warehouse. And he took out two Poke Balls and put the Lightning Bird Poke Ball back to its original place.

Then he threw the Pokémon Ball into the air and said loudly, "Come out, the Prickly Bee!"

The Poké Ball was thrown into the air and did not open in mid-air, but only opened when it landed on the ground, because the giant stinger inside was in a coma.

Dr. Yamaki saw the unconscious Big Needle Bee, so he picked him up and walked to the experimental table. Dr. Okuyama brought the medical kit, bandaged the wound of Big Needle 830 Bee, and gave him a pill.

After a long time, the giant stinger finally woke up.

The Big Needle Bee looked at the surrounding environment, and Dr. Yamaki in front of him, with a fierce look, as if he felt that he was caught by Dr. Yamaki in a mysterious place.

Dr. Shanmu watched the giant needle bee about to attack him, so Dr. Shanmu said to the giant needle bee: "Don't struggle, you have been defeated by me now. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have hurt you long ago."

The Big Needle Bee buzzed a few times, and Dr. Shanmu didn't seem to understand the Big Needle Bee's language at all. Then Dr. Yamaki took out a Pokémon language detector from his pocket.

Dr. Shanmu pointed the language detector at the giant bee and said to the bee: "I don't understand your language, this is the Pokémon language detector in his hand, what did you just say? "

Then the big stinger buzzed a few times, the language detector scanned it, and the voice assistant in the language detection system said, "Since you didn't want to arrest me, why did you bring me to this place?"

Dr. Yamaki said with a smile: "I just want to ask for your help, I want some of your bee venom."

Then the giant stinger buzzed a few more times, and Dr. Yamaki waited for the voice assistant of the speech detector and said, "Since you want my help, why do you use such a rough (baah) way?"

Dr. Shanmu said helplessly: "I'm really sorry for being rude to you, but you brought your troops to attack us first, so we can only be regarded as self-defense. It's a bit heavy, sorry." After that, Dr. Yamaki looked apologetic and smiled at the giant needle bee.

Then Dr. Shanmu smiled and said to the big needle bee: "Don't be excited, didn't I bandage your injuries? I also gave you a physical strength enhancement pill."

The big stinger buzzed twice angrily. In the Pokémon language detector, it said: "The injury on my body was not caused by your lightning bird. It's not normal for you to treat me!"

Dr. Shanmu said with a smile: "Oh, okay, okay, how can you lend me bee venom!"

The big stinger smiled and buzzed twice, only to hear the language detection machine say: "Well, if you give me 100 pounds of honey, I can lend you bee venom."

When Dr. Shanmu heard it, the giant stinger wasted toast and did not eat or drink fine wine.

So Dr. Shanmu threatened the big stinger and said: "Don't go too far, saying that you will borrow some bee venom from you calmly, but I didn't expect you to make a toast instead of eating and drinking fine wine! If you have this attitude, I won't borrow it, I I won't let you go, and I'll keep you locked in this dark base. The group of Dazhenfeng I added has no leader, just wait for them to be bullied by other Pokémon!"

Chapter 564: Bee Venom Experiment

After speaking, Dr. Yamaki turned his head and put on a arrogant look.

Hearing that, if he was imprisoned, he would not be afraid of anything. What he was afraid of was that his swarm and his own hive would be destroyed by other Pokémon. The large needle bee was also frightened by Dr. Yamaki.

So the big stinger ran up to Dr. Shanmu in a pleading manner, buzzing a few times.

After that, the language detector said: "Don't, don't I give you bee venom? If you block it, you must let me out, or the swarm of stingers under my command will be bullied by other Pokémon, and I The hive will also be destroyed by Pokémon who like to steal honey."

When Dr. Shanmu heard that the giant stinger was convinced, he turned his head and said to the giant stinger with a smile: "That's right! Don't worry, as long as you are willing to lend me bee venom, I will let you go immediately. go out."

After speaking, the big needle bee nodded.

Then, Dr. Yamaki whispered, "You wait for me here first, and I'll get the container of bee venom."

After speaking, Dr. Yamaki walked to the warehouse, and after a while, he took out a transparent jar from the warehouse.

Then he said to the giant needle bee: "You project the bee venom into this jar."

The big needle bee nodded, then took the jar and put his tail thorn in the jar. Then the giant stinger injects bee venom into it. Although this action is more indecent, it can only inject bee venom in this way.

After a while, a jar full of bee venom was filled, and then the large needle bee buzzed at Dr. Shanmu a few times, and the language detector said: "Is this okay? I filled you a full jar of bee venom, Can you let me go?"

Dr. Yamaki tightened the cap of the jar, for fear that the bee venom would drip out and corrode other places.

Then, Dr. Shanmu said to the giant stinger: "You can't get out of this laboratory now, and there are members of the dark organization outside. If they see you alone, they will definitely capture you back. of."

The Big Needle Bee became anxious when he heard it, and buzzed a few times at Dr. Shanmu Weng. Dr. Shan saw that the Big Needle Bee was anxious, so he said, "Don't worry, don't get excited."

After a while, the language detector said: "I already gave you all the wind, and then I went out, you said someone would catch me, did you do it on purpose, and didn't want to let me leave?

?0 for flowers 0...

Dr. Yamaki hurriedly explained: "Hey, don't think about it. I meant to say that I have to put you in a Pokémon Ball and take you out, otherwise you will definitely be caught if you go out alone."


When the big needle bee heard that it was like this, he had to nod his head.

The Big Needle Bee hummed suspiciously, and the language detector said: "You don't want to put me in the Poké Ball, and then don't let me out? If that's the case, I'll stay in the Poké Ball. , never go out, once out, I will inject bee venom directly into you."

Dr. Yamaki smiled and said, "How come, trust me."

Then Dr. Yamaki whispered, "Come with me."

Afterwards, Dr. Yamaki took the giant needle bee to the warehouse. Dr. Yamaki picked up an empty Poké Ball and threw it violently at the Big Needle Bee, putting the Big Needle Bee into the Poke Ball.

565: Research new elf potions

Then Dr. Yamaki put the Poké Ball with the giant stinger in his pocket. Take the large needle bee out of the laboratory, and take the large needle bee to the outside door of the dark base.

Dr. Shanmu came to the door of the dark base, and the two black-clothed guards who guarded the door saw Dr. Shanmu come over again.

So he stepped forward and asked curiously, "Dr. Shanmu going out this time? What are you doing out?"

Dr. "830" Shanmu explained solemnly: "The mimosa pollen I caught just now is too small, and the quantity is not enough. So I plan to pick a few mimosa plants and come back." The two black-clothed guards heard nothing. The only way is to open the door and let Dr. Yamaki go out.

After Dr. Shanmu left, one of the black-clothed guards said to the other black-clothed guard, "Will it be too hasty for us to let him out this time? Nothing will happen this time, right?

Another black-clothed guard explained: "He said before that the mimosa pollen might be in his pocket, but we didn't see it. This time he said he brought back a few mimosa plants, so we'll see what he has when we come back later. Is there any mimosa? If there is, let him go with him for a while, and if I don't stop him, go and report to Captain Dongling."

The black-clothed guard thought about it and said, "Good idea, just do it like this."

Dr. Yamaki left the dark base and walked deep into the forest. Dr. Shanmu found an open space to see that there was no one around, then took out the Poke Ball and threw it into the air, shouting, "Come out, Big Stinger!"

The giant needle bee came out of the pokeball, and the giant needle bee that came out looked around. It really wasn't in the room where there was no light just now, and all around were flowers and trees.

Dr. Shanmu said to the big needle bee: "You see I didn't lie to you, right? I said that if I can take you out, I will definitely take it out for you."

The big stinger nodded when he heard it.

Then Dr. Shanmu pointed to the path ahead and said, "You fly along this path and you will see a sea of ​​flowers not far ahead, and there must be your men around. If you reach the rest of the sea of ​​flowers, You are more familiar with the road than me, so I don't need to say more."

The Big Needle Bee smiled and nodded at Dr. Yamaki, and waved to him before leaving, then flew towards the path.0

Dr. Shanmu saw the giant needle bee flying away, and just turned around to leave, suddenly stopped. He remembered that he had just told the two guards in black who were guarding the door that he would go out and collect a few beads of mimosas. You can't go back empty-handed now, that would arouse the suspicions of the two black-clothed guards.

So Dr. Yamaki looked around for mimosas. Behind the dense trees, he found many mimosas, picked a few and took him to the dark base.

After a while, Dr. Yamaki walked back to the dark base. The man in black at the gate saw that Dr. Shanmu came back, and stared at Dr. Shanmu's hand. Dr. Shanmu got closer and closer. Holding a few mimosas.

Seeing that Dr. Shanmu came back, the two black-clothed guards went up to them and said, "Dr. Shanmu, are you back so soon?"

Dr. Shanmu smiled and said to the two black-clothed guards, "Yes, there are a lot of mimosas not far from the forest, so I picked a few and came back."

Chapter 566: Changes in Pharmacy

After Dr. Yamaki finished speaking, he stretched out his hand in front of the two black-clothed guards, who showed the mimosa that they had picked up.

When the two black-clothed guards saw the mimosa, they said as if nothing had happened: "Then Dr. Shanmu, come in quickly! We won't disturb your experiment time."

Dr. Yamaki smiled and walked towards the dark base. As he walked, he thought to himself: fortunately, when he came back, he remembered about the mimosa, otherwise the two black-clothed guards found out that something was wrong. I was secretly happy and escaped.

Dr. Yamaki walked to the laboratory door and opened it. Go directly to the cultivation jar containing the dream.

Dr. Yamaki watched Chao Meng still floating in mid-air, without any awakening.

So Dr. Yamaki immediately connected the connector between the experimental bench and the Mewtwo cultivation tank. He kept tapping on the keyboard on the experimental bench. It was displayed on the big screen on the experimental bench that there were still about thirty-six hours left before waking up from the dream.

Dr. Shanmu said to himself: "There are only thirty-six hours left. I have to hurry up and develop the modified blackening potion!"

The big screen displayed various data of Chaomeng, as well as various bodily functions. Dr. Shanmu didn't have time to look at these data. When he still had 36 hours to wake up, he was immediately busy developing and improving the blackening medicine.

Dr. Yamaki took the glass jar containing the bee venom of the large needle bee in front of the experimental bench and walked towards his experimental equipment.

Put the glass jar containing bee venom on a table, and then Dr. Yamaki walked to the side. Dr. Yamaki groped for a long time and found a button, and he pressed the button directly.

Then a tall pillar rose from the middle of the table, and there was also a button on the pillar. Dr. Yamaki pressed the button, and then a mechanism popped open, and a black bottle popped out of the opened mechanism.

In fact, this is not a black bottle, but a glass bottle, but the liquid inside is all black, and the liquid inside is the blackening agent.

Dr. Shanmu took out the blackening agent, poured a few drops on a glass plate, then took out the jar containing bee venom, and poured a drop of bee venom on the glass plate, and then Dr. Shanmu used a glass The stick mixes the two liquids together.

Then, the glass plate was placed in front of the microscope, and Dr. Yamaki took a stool and sat in front of the microscope to observe the changes in the fusion of the two liquids.

The large screen on the experimental bench has been showing the approximate awakening time of Chao Meng. Time is the time for Dr. Yamaki to develop a new blackening agent, because he knows that once Chaomeng wakes up,

There will be many more things going on.

Moreover, Chaomeng Awakening Dongling will know the first time, and will rush to inject the 830 blackening agent into Chaomeng's body. Therefore, Dr. Shanmu must take advantage of this time to develop a new type of blackening agent.

The two solutions were slowly fused, and he found that the bee venom of the hornet was too corrosive, it would not only kill the mimosa pollen in the blackening agent, but also kill other ingredients.

Then, Dr. Yamaki took the original blackening medicine machine and compared it with this fused blackening medicine to study what ingredients were killed?

Dr. Yamaki experimented again and again and failed again and again. Over time, three hours have passed.

Chapter 567: Research Results

Dr. Yamaki looked at his watch, three hours had passed. Looking up at the big screen on the experimental bench, Chao Meng's physical condition is getting better and better, and there are more than 30 hours left.

So Dr. Shanmu hastened the experiment again. He said that he would not eat or drink for more than 30 hours, and would not waste a minute and a second to develop a new type of blackening agent.

As I said before, there are still thirty-six hours left. This is only an approximate time. The real awakening time of Chaomeng may be shorter than this time, or it may be longer than this time. Looking at Chaomeng's current physical condition, the more he recovers, the better, and the wake-up time will definitely be less than the time on the big screen on the experimental bench.

Dr. Yamaki tried his best not to waste a single second, he was now racing against time.

Time passed by little by little, and Chaomeng's awakening time became less and less. Dr. Shanmu watched less and less time on the big screen, and his heart was also anxious.

Dr. Shanmu has studied for nearly ten hours, only to understand that the corrosiveness of bee venom may cause many components in the blackening agent to disappear, but Dr. Shanmu has never understood that these disappeared components can be added back.

Dr. Shanmu walked back to the warehouse, took out all the various materials he had collected in his life, and used various materials to continuously add to the blackening potion. Every time a new potion was formed, Dr. The new drug is recorded, and then we can study what kind of effect this new drug can produce.

After continuous experiments and repeated attempts, Dr. Yamaki finally got a blackening potion that was almost perfectly transformed. There are no ingredients in this blackening potion that make Pokémon lose their minds, and it damages the various functions of Pokémon's body. Reduced.

It's just that after this new blackening agent is injected, it turns into a dark form. How long can it last? Or after a period of time, it stops and turns into a dark form again. This is not something that the Pokémon can control. But if the willpower is strong enough, it is completely possible to use this blackening potion well, and you can enter the dark form anytime, anywhere, but this is only a one in ten thousand possibility.

Subsequently, Dr. Yamaki developed a lot of blackening agents according to this ingredient, for the purpose of future emergencies. Dr. Okuyama has developed a total of four bottles of new blackening agents.

Dr. Shanmu held his newly developed new type of medicine, stared at it tightly, and then opened his mouth and laughed: Hahaha! After so long, I finally succeeded in developing you \'"!"

Dr. Yamaki silently praised himself while looking at the new medicine he developed. Then Dr. Yamaki raised his head and glanced at the big screen on the experimental platform, which showed that there were still about two hours before Chao Meng woke up.

When Dr. Yamaki saw that there were still two hours left, he breathed a sigh of relief from his heart. Fortunately, everything was in time. After more than 30 hours of research, Dr. Shanmu was also physically and mentally exhausted. During these more than 30 hours, Dr. Shanmu did not eat or drink, and only rested for two hours.

Dr. Shanmu's stomach also growled, and Dr. Shanmu thought to himself: There are still about two hours before Chao Meng wakes up, so why don't you take advantage of this time to eat something to treat yourself.

Chapter 568: Super Dream Awakens

So Dr. Shanmu walked to the restaurant behind the laboratory with a happy mood. Dr. Shanmu's restaurant is his own restaurant set up by the dark organization. The food in it will be supplied to it irregularly every day, and it will be guaranteed every day. Freshness of food.

There is only one table in this restaurant, because this restaurant is enjoyed by Dr. Shan himself, so only one table and one chair are enough. And there are plates of delicious food on the table, and the plates are covered with a lid to ensure the freshness of the food.

Dr. Yamaki lifted the lid on the plate in turn, and saw that the food inside was particularly rich, including steak, fish, crab, etc. There was also a bottle of red wine next to his plate. The treatment in the dark organization 833 is even better than the treatment in the laboratory outside. It can be seen that the financial strength of the dark organization is really powerful!

Dr. Yamaki finished eating all the food in the restaurant, and only had half a bottle of red wine left. Covering his stomach, he sighed loudly: "It's cool! You can enjoy delicious food and drink good wine after a busy day. It's really cool! This is simply paradise on earth!"

Dr. Yamaki sighed happily, although everything in the dark base fits Dr. Yamaki's hobby very well, I have an opportunity to leave the dark organization and put it in front of (baah) Dr. Yamaki, and Dr. Yamaki will choose this without hesitation. Chance.

After enjoying the food and wine, he continued to return to his laboratory, intending to collect his newly developed blackening agent so that no one could find it.

When Dr. Shanmu returned to the laboratory, he just pushed open the door of the laboratory, but heard the sound of hitting the glass in the laboratory. Dr. Shanmu searched carefully, and he made a major discovery: Chaomeng actually woke up. !

Dr. Yamaki glanced at the big screen on the experimental platform, which showed: There are still about an hour and a half before Chao Meng wakes up.

Dr. Yamaki thought to himself: Chaomeng, how could he wake up earlier? Is it because Chaomeng's physical power far exceeds that of other ordinary Pokémon, and the awakening time will be much less than other ordinary Pokémon. It seems that this instrument is still not too accurate for Chaomeng!

Dr. Yamaki saw the awakened Mewtwo in the culture jar, and was really beating the glass with all his might. I didn't care about other things, I immediately ran to the experimental table, pressed the button to release all the culture liquid in the culture tank, and then slowly opened the culture tank.

Chao Meng watched the culture liquid around him slowly disappear, and a smile gradually appeared on his face. When the culture jar was opened, Chao Meng Baso suddenly jumped out.

He flew in front of Dr. Shanmu for the first time. For the first time, Dr. Shanmu saw the vivid god-level Pokémon in front of him.

Chao Meng looked around at the surrounding environment and determined that this was a laboratory. Chaomeng thought: The experimental equipment is very elite, even better than the experimental equipment of the group of doctors who studied me.

To be elite, but who is this old man in front of me?

Chao Meng asked Dr. Shanmu curiously: "Hey, old man, where is this place?" Dr. Shanmu was surprised by what Chao Meng said.

Chapter 569: Super Dream's Doubt

Dr. Yamaki felt very curious, so he replied nervously: "You, how can you speak?"

Chao Meng gave a low smile and replied: "I am a god-level Pokémon Chao Meng, what's so strange about something as simple as speaking?"

Dr. Yamaki also rarely sees Pokémon that are as needed as humans, but it is not surprising that a god-level Pokémon can talk when he turns his head.

Chao Meng saw that Dr. Yamaki was still in a state of curiosity. So he said loudly to Dr. Yamaki: "Hey, old man, don't be curious, you haven't answered my question yet? Where is this place?"