MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 228

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"If you can join us, we will always be good friends, and the four of us will always take care of you. Don't worry, I am a person who pays attention to what I say and do. And I have been fighting against you for so long. , I feel that you are not the kind of villains who do evil behind the scenes. So the purpose of coming here today is to hope that you and you can carefully think about whether you want to join the dark organization. "

After Dong Ling finished speaking, Luo Chen didn't seem to have much time to hesitate, and blurted out: "We seem to have discussed this matter you mentioned before. We have always wanted to join your dark organization, but we just feel that we The pay is a little too low."

When Xia Bi heard that this kid Luo Chen was actually negotiating conditions, he said loudly, "You kid is actually negotiating conditions with us, is your current status worthy of negotiating conditions? Besides, you said that we arranged for you. (baah) You are not satisfied with the position, so what kind of position do you want?"

Luochen thought for a while, hesitated for a long time, then smiled and said to Shabby: "Hahaha, in fact, we don't ask much, we just hope that you can arrange a position equal to yours. Because each of us is in the same position as you. The experience in the usual battles is not less than you, and the reason why you are better than us is because each of you has dark Pokémon. These ordinary Pokémon are stronger."

Xia Bi hesitated for a long time, wondering if he should agree to Luo Chen. But Shabby finally shied away and said something: "Well, the kind of thing you said is not something we can decide to give you what position you will be able to hold in the future. This is all decided by Captain Rek'Sai. Just inviting you to join the dark organization, that's our mission."

Luochen heard Shabby finish. With a dissatisfied look, he said: "Hey, you don't have to make too much trouble today. Because the rules are dead and people are alive, I don't care, if the four of you plead with Rek'Sai together, Will Rek'Sai agree to my advice?"

Chapter 702: Hesitantly

When Xia Bi was said by Luo Chen, he was speechless. Next game, he hesitated for a long time and was speechless. He didn't know if he had the power to decide the request made by Luo Chen.

Dong Ling, who was on the side, suddenly said: "Luochen, the requirements you put forward are not impossible to meet. But just to meet your requirements, it is more difficult for us, so we can sit down and talk about it carefully today. It has to be such a tough fight.”

Luochen thought for a while and said, "Yes, as you said, there's really no need for us to fight with each other for so long. So it's okay to sit down and negotiate, I agree!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Chen led the group towards the direction behind the table. He pulled out four chairs and placed them in front of Dong Ling. Then he said to Dong Ling: "You are sitting on these four chairs, and the table in front of you is very close to you. Let's have a formal negotiation today. This will be beneficial to both parties."

Dong Ling, Xia Bi, Qiu Rong, Chun Lei, the four of them pulled out the chair in front of them when they saw it, and sat it under their buttocks. On the other side of the table were Luochen, Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, Dr. Damu, and Dr. Kongmu. Since there were only so many chairs, the Rockets sat on the bed and listened to what they said. Otherwise, the Rockets would not be able to get on the topic of any - at all.

No one on Luochen's side spoke, but each of them seemed to have full confidence in their hearts to deal with any questions on Dongling's side.

Seeing that no one had spoken for a long time, Dong Ling asked Luo Chen and the others in a low voice: "I have always had a question in my heart, I want to ask you all, what was the purpose of your escape last time? You didn't want to join the dark organization, do you want to escape as long as you have the chance?"

Luochen smiled and said casually: "Actually, since you asked this question today, I will tell you something from my heart. In our hearts, 50% of us want to join the dark organization, and 50% of us want to join the dark organization. Want to escape from the dark base. It seems that the idea of ​​​​escaping from the dark base is heavier than the idea of ​​joining, as long as there is a chance to escape, we will not miss this opportunity.”

?0 for flowers 0...

Dong Ling clapped his hands after hearing Luo Chen's words, and said with a smile, "I am very satisfied with this answer. In my heart, I just hope that you can tell us the truth. It seems that you have already told the truth now. Then I feel more at ease.”

Seeing Dong Ling's tone, Luo Chen didn't answer him, but simply responded with a smile.

Afterwards, Dong Ling said again: "Have you ever thought that we will not take any measures for your escape? For those who watch the door in the middle of the night every day, they will be handed over to work.

This moment is the best time for you to escape, can I not think of this question? Don't take me Dongling as a fool. Compared with yours, my head is far worse than yours. "

As soon as Xiao Zhi heard this arrogant Dong Ling actually say such a thing, he casually said with a tone of contempt: "Hmph, you have caught us now, if you didn't catch us, you wouldn't have the courage to do this. Speak."

Chapter 703: Another purpose

Dong Lingling couldn't help laughing after hearing Xiao Zhi's words.

Facing the group of people opposite Dong Ling, he couldn't help but said, "Since you have all told us the truth today, then we will not be taboo today, and tell you the truth, if we didn't install anything. If you have a tracker, I really don't know which direction you are flying."

"Maybe "Nine Four Three" will really let you escape this time, and if Captain Rek'Sai returns to the dark base, he will severely punish the four of us. As you said, if it is true If that's the case, I may not even speak in such a full tone now."

Xiao Zhi heard Dong Ling finish. He stood up suddenly, took off the uniform uniform of the dark organization on his body, and threw it to the ground and stomped a few times. Although the trackers on each of them had been removed and thrown into the wilderness when they first learned about it. But Xiao Zhi still remembered this time very much. He felt a little sorry, so he wanted to take the clothes to vent.

Seeing Xiao Zhi's appearance, Xia Bi was shocked by a row of tables and stood up and said loudly: "What are you doing here now, don't we have to take this if you can't beat it? Do you want to wear clothes? Besides, we don't have anyone forcing you to wear this clothes, you put them on on your own initiative."

The words that Shabby said caused Luochen and the others to be even more angry. Xiaoxia directly grabbed the topic and said loudly: "We probably didn't know it at the time, because we trusted you very much. At that time, we seemed to have a thought in our hearts to join your dark organization, but we didn't expect that you would install tracking on us. It's really disappointing me."

Looking at Xiaoxia's attitude, she made Dongling and the four feel a little embarrassed.

Boys seem to be really afraid of girls acting coquettishly. If Xiao Zhi said this, Shabby might be on fire all of a sudden, but from Xiaoxia's mouth, Shabby seemed to be more sympathetic.

Dong Ling explained embarrassedly: "Actually, we can't blame us. We have been in the dark organization for so long, and we know everything here too well. At least we haven't had the intention of harming people yet, but the heart of preventing people is also I hope you can understand."

Luo Chen saw Dong Ling's sincere apology. He also doesn't want to be unreasonable, and he doesn't want to continue the struggle of the dark organization, because he now knows in his heart that the purpose is to delay the time as long as possible, and when the super dream wakes up, everyone will fight together and escape. this place.

Then Luo Chen looked at Dong Ling. He slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Well, since we can understand what you said. We are not the kind of people who don't care about others. Let's talk about today's main 0.7 issue."

When Dong Ling heard Luo Chen finished speaking, he said with a serious expression: "Because after all, we are not fighting outside, since you are now caught in this dark organization by us.

So I hope you will lower your worth a little bit. I still hope you can join the dark organization.

Chapter 704: Final Goal

"It's this place after all. It will provide you with stronger Pokémon, and it will give you a lot of money. The main thing is that if you don't join the dark organization, once the dark organization slowly expands, you group of people will be with the dark. Those who organize confrontation, you will surely die."

After Dong Ling finished speaking, Xia Bi muttered on the side: "I advise you to join, don't think how powerful you are, you can't even defeat the four of us, and you have to defeat the entire dark organization. It's not realistic. what!"

Every time Shabby finished speaking, Xiao Zhi seemed to be reluctant to listen. Everything he said was trying to refute his words. Xiao Zhi complained and said: "Even if you can't beat you now, you can still How is it? Besides, people will improve, and we will definitely defeat you when we take 10 steps to a certain level, so don’t be too arrogant.”

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Xia Bi just wanted to answer, but Dong Ling stretched out a palm and stopped him in front of Xia Bi's chest, and then said: "It's really not unreasonable to write down, if you have a relationship with In the confrontation between the dark organization, you may be a little too grandiose, and you simply cannot understand how much power the entire dark organization contains."

Hearing Dong Ling finished speaking, Chun Lei added: "Actually, how powerful the dark organization is, you really can't imagine, in the entire dark organization, the strength of the four of us is like that. It is no longer a small number of existences in the dark organization. It may be as terrifying as the alliances and Pokémon trainers in your various regions united."

After hearing Chunlei's words, Xiao Zhi curiously proved his point of view to Dongling and the others: "Since you said the same thing, then I'll ask you, the alliances and Pokémon trainers from all over the country are united together. , plus many excellent Pokémon trainers are combined together, can't these people defeat your dark organization together?"

After hearing Xiao Zhi finish, the four Dong Ling couldn't help laughing, and the laughter was unusually consistent.

Afterwards, Dong Ling said in a low voice: "You are so naive about these questions. Don't you have a deep understanding of the dark organization? Wouldn't it be possible for a powerful organization like the dark organization to imagine any one? Consequences of failure?"

"The people inside the dark organizations you mentioned have all discussed together. So our current strategy is to develop together in various regions and defeat the alliance-level Pokémon trainers in each region. Let you have no chance to meet and combine together. fight against us."

Later, Chunlei added: "If the plans of the dark organizations in each region are progressing at the same rate, that is to say, as long as all the alliances and Pokémon trainers in one region have joined the dark organization, then the other regions will also They will all join at this time, which means that at this time the dark organization can rule the Pokémon in various regions, and as for those Pokémon in the wild, they will also capture a large number of them and eventually rule the entire Pokémon world."

Luochen's group was even more shocked by what Dong Ling and the others said. They never thought that they had planned so much behind their backs. It looks like the current situation could be a bit of a failure if implemented as previously planned.

Chapter 705: Deception

In fact, Dr. Shanmu said that he injected two blackening agents into Chaomeng, which was completely a lie to Dongling. Why is Dr. Yamaki injecting a blackening potion into Mewtwo? Although this blackening agent has been improved by Dr. Yamaki, if it is injected, Chao Meng will definitely be life-threatening.

It's just that when Chao Meng woke up early, Dr. Yamaki let him enter a dark state for all future responses.

Then Dr. Shanmu smiled and said to Dongling and the others: "Or I will release Chaomeng now and let you see the situation of the dark Chaomeng."

In fact, Dongling didn't plan to release it to Chaomeng, hoping that Chaomeng could recuperate well. But Xia Mi and the others have never seen the situation of the dark super dream.

So Shabby said anxiously: "Okay, okay, Dr. Yamaki, let's release Mewtwo, and let's see what the dark Mewtwo looks like."

Seeing the expectant eyes of Xia Bi, Chun Lei, and Qiu Rong, Dong Ling did not stop him, so he silently acquiesced.

Then, Dr. Yamaki walked to the experimental bench. Then, all the culture liquid in the Chao Meng culture tank was taken away, and the side door of the culture tank was slowly opened, and Chao Meng slowly walked out from inside.

Chao Meng knew that he should cooperate with Dr. Yamaki in acting at this time.

Then he walked slowly to the four of Dongling and said, "Captain Dongling, Captain Xia Bi, Captain Chunlei, and Captain Qiurong, what are your orders\'r?"

Hearing Chaomeng's words, Xia Bi, Chun Lei, and Qiu Rong couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

Shabby exclaimed and exclaimed: "So this is the dark form of the god-level Pokémon Chaomeng! I didn't expect a dark Pokémon who could speak to stand in front of him and listen to his orders. It's really a refreshing thing. what!"

As soon as Chao Meng walked in front of Shabby, Shabby instantly admired the dark Chao Meng, and said to Dr. Yamaki with a smile: "Dr. Only Mewtwo was completely blackened, and then cloned the genes of Dark Mewtwo."

When Dr. Shanmu heard Shabby's urging, he shook his head helplessly, and still said to Shabby with a smile: "It's not something to be done in a hurry, don't rush it, but don't worry, I will successfully clone the dark super dream. Gene, equip each of you four with a Dark Mewtwo."

When Dong Ling and the others heard what Dr. Shanmu said, they respectfully said to Dr. Shanmu with a smile on their faces: \'That's really thank you, Dr. Shanmu, for your hard work. "

After Dr. Yamaki heard it, he smiled and did not speak.

It was also the first time that Shabby, Chunlei and Qiu Rong saw Dark Chaomeng standing beside them. Not only was I very happy. It seems that my heart is full of great curiosity. I really hope that Dr. Yamaki will clone the gene of the dark super dream and really make a dark super dream as a Pokémon by his side.

(Nuo Mo Zhao) If a real dark super dream can obey his own orders, it would be a very happy thing. If my sister has Dark Super Dream as her Pokémon, her abilities will definitely be greatly increased. Although it can't be called the dark super dream to be brought out in the dark organization.

But I know in my heart that if there is a dark super dream who can listen to his own knowledge, it is simply too cool.

Chapter 706: Explanation

Xia Bi, Chun Lei, and Qiu Rong stared at the darkness and stayed there for a long time, not knowing what to say. Dong Ling couldn't help showing a helpless look after seeing it.

Then he said: "Hey, can the three of you stop watching the dark super dream? He has just woken up and has been blackened, let him go back to rest by himself."

At this time, Qiu Rong seemed to be very reluctant, and said anxiously: "Wait, let's take a good look at the form of the dark super dream."

Chunlei also said: "Yes, yes, wait a minute, let's see what it's like to command the dark super dream?"

Dong Ling also expressed helplessness after hearing this.

This is Chunlei and immediately said loudly to the dark super dream: \"Dark super dream summons me a Jing 947 God's sharp blade."

In fact, Chao Meng's heart was particularly disgusted by Chun Lei and others' orders to him. However, due to the current situation, which forced him to mock him here, he had to act in front of everyone.

After that, Mewtwo immediately assumed a posture of accumulating power after hearing the order, and his whole body was filled with countless dark purple air currents. Especially the airflow on the two arms is extremely thick, and slowly Chaomeng gathered the airflow energy on the arms into the two palms, and then he opened the two palms, and a dark purple appeared between the two palms. Light blade.

This light blade is huge (baah), Mewtwo suddenly grabbed one end of the light blade, picked up the light blade and waved it twice, making a gesture of preparation for battle.

Then Chunlei continued to issue orders to Chao Meng: " Chao Meng continues to use spiritual light waves!"

After Chao Meng heard the order, he planned to wave his mental blade and prepare to attack, but when Dr. Yamaki saw it, he immediately stopped it loudly: "Chao Meng, stop quickly.

Chunlei looked at Dr. Yamaki curiously.

This is, Dr. Yamaki said anxiously to everyone: "How can you order Mewtwo to attack at this time? It is in the laboratory now. If Mewtwo activates skills, the laboratory will collapse. Or the inside of the laboratory will collapse. All kinds of equipment will be damaged, so the loss is already very heavy. If you have to see Mewtwo and activate skills, you take Mewtwo out to see."

At this time, Shabby was full of great curiosity, and said to Dr. Yamaki: "Then Dr. Yamaki, we will take Mewtwo out now. Let's go outside to train Mewtwo."

As soon as Shabby finished speaking, he was about to leave Dr. Shanmu's laboratory with Chao Meng, but was once again stopped by Dr. Shanmu.

Dr. Shanmu said angrily and loudly: "What the **** are you doing? Now Chaomeng has just woken up. The body has just been injected with blackening medicine, and his body is extremely weak and needs recuperation. Are you taking it out to Chaomeng now!"

"If you are really curious about the dark super dream, you can wait until the dark super dream has completely recovered before you take him out for training. Super dream has just been blackened, do you still know if you will blacken him all? Besides, Chao Meng can't run out of the dark base at all, it is already a dark Pokémon, and it will definitely obey their orders. Are you so impatient?"

In the face of Dr. Yamaki's words, Chunlei explained a little embarrassedly: "I said that we are also curious about the dark super dream."

Chapter 707: Visit

Later, Shabby said: "Yes, yes, Dr. Yamaki, we are just curious about the dark super dream. We have never commanded such a powerful Pokémon, just out of curiosity."

Dong Ling shook his head and said with a smile to the crowd: "Then let's listen to Dr. Shanmu. Since Dr. Shanmu said the dark super dream, and it is still under observation, let's not take the dark super dream away from Dr. Shanmu for the time being. The laboratory, and the dark super dream has been caught in the dark base, he can't escape from here."

Everyone thought about it and it was the same, so they followed Dr. Yamaki's advice.

Then Dong Ling turned his head and said to Dr. Shanmu with a smile: "Dr. Shanmu, you can bring the dark super dream to the culture tank now, so that he can get all the recovery of his body."

Dr. Yamaki nodded and walked towards Chao Meng without speaking. Then he took Chao Meng into the culture tank. A large amount of culture medium was injected into the culture tank before walking to the experimental bench. Everyone looked at Mewtwo in the culture jar and seemed to be enjoying it. Can feel the energy that Mewtwo seems to be getting from the culture jar.

Seeing all this, Dong Ling looked embarrassed and said to Dr. Shanmu: "Dr. Shanmu, I won't bother you today. But there is one more thing I need to ask you."

When Dr. Shanmu heard that Dong Ling said that he had something to ask him, he thought that there must be nothing good. However, Dr. Yamaki still showed a willingness to accept, and said to Dong Ling with a smile:

"Dongling, tell me, let's see if I can help you with anything."

Dong Ling smiled and said to Dr. Shanmu: "Dr. Shanmu, it's not really a big deal. It's just that the boys in Luochen said that they would not join the dark organization until the dark super dream has successfully awakened. Since the dark super dream has awakened now, you Is it convenient to have time to take the dark super dream to the studio of Luochen's group of boys and talk to them in detail."

Dr. Yamaki thought for a while, and then said: "It's not impossible to bring Dark Chaomeng to see Luochen, but until Darkness Chaomeng's body is fully recovered, I can take and Dark Chaomeng there. Otherwise, it will be Delay? His recuperation process."

o0 ask for flowers 0----

After thinking about it, Dong Ling said to Dr. Shanmu: "How long will it take for Dr. Shanmu? Can Chaomeng be able to get - complete recovery?"

Dr. Yamaki thought for a while and said: "This problem doesn't take too long. According to the current recovery situation of Chaomeng, it should not take more than three days for Chaomeng to get full recovery. So I must be within three days. will take it there."

Dong Ling was still a little worried and said to Dr. Shanmu: "Three days is still a bit too long, Dr. Shanmu, please hurry up and bring Chaomeng there, and I hope you can also persuade Luochen and this group of boys well. Mainly because of the orders given by Captain Rek'Sai, I have to recruit them, or I will severely torture these boys!"

When Dr. Shanmu heard that Luochen and the others were to be severely beaten, he worried about their personal safety.

So he said anxiously: "It is not advisable for you to torture them severely. From what I know about these boys, they are a group of guys who eat soft and not hard.

Chapter 708: Request

If we persuade with good words, maybe the implementation can be successful. If we insist on it with them, they will definitely die rather than give in. So this approach doesn't work. "

After thinking about it, Dong Ling smiled and said to Dr. Shanmu: "I thought about this question, and I have thought about it. I feel that what you think is the same as mine, so I haven't dealt with them until now. severe torture."

When Shanmubo "Nine Four Seven" heard this, he smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, Dong Ling said: "It's getting late for Dr. Shanmu, we won't bother you here, we'll retire first."

Dr. Yamaki replied with a smile: "I still have a lot of work in hand, so I won't give it to you. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time."

Dong Ling and the others smiled and responded to Dr. Shanmu, then turned around and left Dr. Shan's laboratory.

In Chaomeng in training management, seeing Dong Ling and several others leaving Dr. Shanmu's laboratory, they beat the culture jar desperately, trying to attract Dr. Shanmu's attention.

Dr. Yamaki heard the sound of Chaomeng beating on the culture tank. Chaomeng meant to go out, so he walked to the experimental table and pressed the button, drained all the culture medium, and opened the culture.

The jar released Mewtwo.

The glass container of the culture jar was opened, Chaomeng flew out of it all at once, walked up to Dr. Shanmu and asked, "Dr. Shanmu, what did Dong Ling tell you before he left, did he have anything to do with him? "

Dr. Shanmu smiled and said to Chaomeng: "They told me that I would take you to visit the studio where Luochen was imprisoned as soon as possible. Luochen said that they would not agree to join the dark organization until Chaomeng woke up."

Chao Meng asked Dr. Shanmu curiously: "Did you agree to them, Dr. Shanmu? When are you going to take me there?"

Dr. Shanmu said with a smile: "As they said, I said that you have just woken up, and you have been injected with a new blackening potion. It will take some time to recuperate. I will take you there when your body is recuperated to a certain extent. ."

Then Chaomeng nodded again and said to Dr. Shanmu: "Oh, that's fine too. You said just now that Ruochen and the others said they would wait until I wake up to join the dark organization, do they want to join the dark organization again?"

Dr. Shanmu heard Chaomeng mention the word again, so he responded with a smile: "Hahaha, this may be Luochen's plan to slow down their troops. So we don't need to worry."