MTL - Age of Empires From Scratch-Chapter 228 Take over Snowfield

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  Chapter 228 Taking over Snowfield Fort

  Because of the appearance of the elves, it took Lemoore a while before he noticed the two mages carrying long staffs.

   "There is actually a mage in Cold Winter Town? Isn't there more than one?"

  In the eyes of Iron Tree Fort people, Cold Winter Town is just a remote rural town. Even though it has become the territory directly under His Majesty the King and received standard treatment at the town level, they don't take this so-called Cold Winter Town seriously.

  As for Lord David Glamorgan, Lord of Winter Town? It's just a lucky guy with **** luck!

  The nobles of Iron Tree Castle have very consistent views on the Baron of Glamorgan: His Majesty the King threw it over to disgust us.

  For His Majesty's sake, just ignore that guy!

  The nobles of Iron Tree Fort continued their plan, dividing up the new cake of the northern plain step by step.

  But no one expected that the subsequent development completely deviated from their expectations.

  The Northern Plains is not a new cake, it looks more like a big pit!

  It is difficult for the villages established by various nobles to be self-sufficient. Most villages need nobles to fill in various supplies in order to continue to survive on the northern plains.

   If that's all it is, it's not too bad.

  Although the northern plains are a bit barren, the land is solid, and potatoes, a newly discovered crop, can indeed be planted and bear fruit on the northern plains.

  Considering that planting potatoes in Iron Tree Fort can harvest more food, it is okay to have a lower harvest on the northern plains, at worst, strictly control the size of the village and the number of residents.

  As long as the land is occupied, there will always be other development directions. The northern plain seems to be a good pasture, and some nobles have already considered operating animal husbandry on the northern plain.

  However, no one thought that the troubles on the northern plains were not as simple as barren land and harsh climate.

  The orcs, a barbaric race that had never been seen before, suddenly appeared on the northern plains, seriously threatening the safety of humans in Iron Tree Fort.

  In comparison, the elves in the Iron Tree Forest are nothing troublesome!

  From the initial vigilance, to the discovery that the number of orcs has been increasing, until several villages in the eastern part of the northern plain were destroyed by the orcs one after another, and all kinds of materials that were not much were looted.

  The nobles of Iron Tree Fort finally realized how dangerous the northern plain is.

   It's just that all kinds of materials and manpower have been thrown out, and they are not reconciled to letting them give up directly.

  Until the army of orcs threatened Snowfield Castle, the nobles finally reached an agreement: no matter what, these orcs must be repelled first.

   Otherwise, the orc army may not only destroy Snowfield Castle, but everyone in Iron Tree Fort may also face the orc's blade.

  However, after mobilizing the army to support Snowfield Fort, the situation is still moving in a worse direction. Under such circumstances, Snowfield Castle had no hope of repelling the orc army. They only hoped that the support from Iron Tree Castle or Tilan Kingdom would arrive sooner.

   It was during this period that the news that Cold Winter Town had defeated the orc army outside Frost Cold Town began to spread inside Snowfield Castle.

  If the knights and soldiers in Snowfield Fort or Iron Tree Fort heard the news half a year ago, they would only take it as a joke.

  But in the past few months, the news of the easy destruction of Iron Water Village and the guardianship of flying dragons in Lindong Town has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is not the first time that people in Snowfield Fort have seen the 'pink flying dragon'.

  So after the news of the defeat of the orcs in Cold Winter Town came, everyone chose to believe it!

   This is also the reason why he strongly suggested that Maddox ask for help from Cold Winter Town when facing a crisis and it is difficult for Iron Tree Fort and Kingdom reinforcements to arrive in a short time.

  However, no matter what, he never expected that the strength of Rinwinter Town is more terrifying than the rumors.

   I didn’t see the pink flying dragon. Although I heard that there is another black flying dragon in Lindong Town, no matter what, no one would guess that there are not just one or two flying dragons in Lindong Town.

  Lemoore also guessed that the so-called flying dragon should be some kind of magic or alchemy product. Not only can it spit out terrifying flames, but it can also carry more than a dozen heavily armored knights...

  In comparison, it seems that there are so many heavy armored knights in Cold Winter Town. As for the heavy armored infantry with about one hundred people, it is no longer a shocking thing.

   "Has His Majesty the king's dissatisfaction with Iron Tree Castle reached this level?"

  Rinwinter Town has such terrifying military strength: powerful alchemy, magic creations, a large number of heavy armored knights and heavy armored infantry, and even mages...

  He didn't think that a young lord who was born as a commoner could accumulate such terrifying strength in less than two years.

  The only reasonable explanation is that these are all supported by the king!

  The fundamental purpose is to suppress Iron Tree Fort! If it weren't for the appearance of the orcs, the nobles of Iron Tree Castle might not know what a terrifying existence around them until the catastrophe is imminent.

"Master Hawke's future may not be so bad..." Sending Snowfield Castle to Baron David Glamorgan may allow Knight Maddox Hawke to get a good return, and he will not have to bear the burden from Iron Tree Castle. The oppression of the nobility.

   While looking at it, Lemoore was thinking, should he suggest that Lord Hawke go to Cold Winter Town?

  Thinking about the future, Lemoore watched the vehicles carrying soldiers starting one after another. Lemoore understood that these vehicles were also products of magic or alchemy and did not need to be pulled by animals at all.

  The inspector transformed into a military tactical armored vehicle at the head, followed by an armed Humvee carrying Gareth, Krausa, and several Winter Knights soldiers, and finally a personnel carrier carrying the Spartan Heavy Infantry Regiment.

  These vehicles are slowly added with the gradual expansion of the Winter Army, initially from the finished products of Transformers World and Marvel Universe.

  But those troop trucks were made by Rinwinter Town itself.

  These trucks manufactured by the Winter Alchemy Workshop use crystal ore engines. Although the manufacturing speed is not particularly fast and the output is not high, it is enough for the current needs of Winter Town.

  As the convoy set off, Lemoore boarded the Quin-jet fighter under David's call.

  The Kun-style fighter is very fast, and it will take a while to go to Snowfield Fortress. David will take some Winter Knights soldiers to arrive at Snowfield Fort first.

   While taking over all the power of Snowfield Fort at the first time, ensure that Snowfield Castle will not be destroyed by orcs.

"Set off!"

  On the Quin-jet fighter that David and Lemoore were riding on, all the 'elites' gathered.

  In addition to David, Laura, Medivh, and Sylvanas, the pilot of the fighter is Sharon Rogers.

  Reynolds Mograine, Sally Whitemane and Gianna were on another Quinjet piloted by Peggy Carter.

   The two Quin-jet fighters only flew for a short while, and everyone had already reached the sky above Snowfield Fort.

  Lemoore was still looking at the inside of the fighter plane, but suddenly learned that he had arrived at Snowfield Fort.

"So fast…"

   With such a fast speed, it won’t take much time to go to Iron Tree Fort or even to King Tilan, right?

  Lemoore felt that he had discovered the truth about how Cold Winter Town could still develop rapidly under the 'siege' of countless nobles.

  With such a convenient flying vehicle, whether it is people or objects, they can be quickly transported and transferred. The blockade of Cold Winter Town by the iron tree castle nobles is simply a joke.

  The hatch behind the fuselage opened, and David motioned for Lemoore to go out with him.

  Lemoore knew that this was to show his identity and avoid misunderstandings.

Following David, he stepped off the Kun-type fighter plane, and as expected, he saw countless soldiers around. These heavily armed soldiers held weapons in their hands, and carefully surrounded the Kun-type fighter plane. Strong Archer.

   "Don't be nervous, I'm Lemoore, these people are reinforcements from Winter Town!"

  In fact, even if Lemoore didn't shout the second half of the sentence, the people around knew that the two huge metal monsters were reinforcements from Cold Winter Town.

   After all, only Rinwinter Town has this kind of monster in the entire northern plain.

  Although there were two 'new faces' that had never been seen before, they were still regarded as monsters raised by Cold Winter Town.

   After Lemoore showed up, these soldiers put away their weapons and showed joy.

  In order to stabilize the morale of the army, Maddox has already told the soldiers and the civilians in Snowfield Castle that Lemoore went to Cold Winter Town to ask for help.

   It can be said that the reinforcements in Cold Winter Town are the main driving force for them to persevere.

   Now they saw reinforcements from Cold Winter Town, and two 'monsters' flew over. They saw hope.

  David looked at the soldiers around him. These soldiers were not in very good condition. The continuous high-intensity battles made the soldiers' mental state very poor.

  In comparison, the physical injuries are not too serious, maybe because the seriously injured soldiers can't appear here at all?

Maddox Hawke was also present. He walked out when he saw Lemoore, and naturally noticed David. Under Lemoore's introduction, he knew that the young man in gorgeous armor in front of him was The Lord of Winter Town, Lord Glamorgan.

"Madox Hawk, Acting Chief Commander of Snowfield Castle and Knight of the Iron Tree Knights." He saluted David respectfully: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lord Baron Glamorgan, and everyone in Snowfield Castle I would like to express my sincerest thanks for your special support.”

  While greeting David, Maddox also looked curiously at the reinforcements stepping down from the two giant birds. He was surprised to see mages, elves, and heavily armored knights wrapping themselves tightly.

   "You're welcome, Knight Hawk..." David looked at the commander in front of him, and ordered him without treating himself as an outsider at all: "Introduce the current situation of Snowfield Fort."

  (end of this chapter)