MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 292 Matter of principle

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  Chapter 292 Matters of Principle

  In order to facilitate the imperial emperor's summoning, the imperial cabinet was built next to the imperial palace. This is a stone hexagonal four-story building with a complex magic array system inside. At the same time, it is connected to the magic array system of the palace through a large underground magic hub, which is part of the defense function of the palace.

  Luke arrived at the cabinet early in the morning, but the cabinet was having an early meeting, and he was waiting in a lounge under the arrangement of the secretariat. This time he was accompanied by Karina and Yomington, and Karina brought a briefcase full of documents.

  Luke is standing by the window, the palace is outside.

   To be precise, it is just the projection of the palace, similar to the texture in the game. The static palace occupies a vast and majestic area. If you don't know the correct way to enter, you can't break through the space wall and enter the real palace.

"Governor!" Yomington came to Luke's side and said in a low voice, "I'll meet with Chief Assistant Gabriel in a while, and he may mention the caltrop armor factory and the crusader project. I hope you are prepared."

  Although everyone knows what happened in the Caltrops armor factory, since it involves the Temple of the Abyss, there should be a lot of investigations. The Crusader Project was severely damaged, many Crusader soldiers and important researchers died, and a large amount of research materials were confiscated by the Sixth Secret Service.

   Three Crusader research prototypes were hijacked.

  Luke took the opportunity to make trouble this time, and the cross will hurt very much. If he couldn't give Gabriel an explanation during this meeting, he probably wouldn't have talked about many things.

   Luke admired the towering towers and air corridors in the palace, and replied to Yomington: "I will give an explanation to Lord Gabriel, and I believe that there are far more cooperations than contradictions between us.

  How is the preparation for the Raging Waves City Investment Fair? "

Yomington replied: "The progress is very smooth! The list Mrs. Mihir gave me is not only the latest research results of Raging Waves City, but also some advanced foreign technologies. There are many things in it that I have never heard of. .

   I have to admit that Shenglun City, which is located in the hinterland of the empire, lags behind Raging City, which is in line with the world, in terms of feedback speed to new technologies.

  I have distributed the exhibition list, and the cabinet also has very high expectations for this exhibition. "

  Luke said: "Rage City's specialty lies in the research and development of emerging technologies, such as steam, alchemy, machinery, biology, and civilian industries. Saint Lun City's specialty lies in the development of traditional technologies, such as magic, alchemy, extraordinary cultivation, and military industry.

   Therefore, this exhibition is not only an exhibition of Raging City's new technologies, but also try to invite the research institutes of St. Lun City to display their technologies. The goal of this exhibition is to attract investment, cooperate and integrate. "

  Yormington replied: "Yes, Lord Governor, I will arrange the exhibition properly..."

  At this time, the receptionist of the cabinet secretariat came in: "Master Meteor Acting Governor, the cabinet meeting is over, Mr. Gabriel is waiting for you in his office.

please follow me. "

  The first and auxiliary office consists of two rooms, inside and outside. The outer room is a business place, with the first and auxiliary desks, four confidential secretary desks, file cabinets standing by the wall, and many desks for clerks. Twenty-four hours a day, there is a team of personnel here to handle the daily business from all over the empire.

  The inner room is a meeting room, which has the most complete alchemy equipment and meets various functions required by the meeting.

  Luke, Karina, and Yomington went through the security check and entered the chief assistant office, and then went directly to the meeting room.

   Chief Assistant Gabriel, several cabinet officials, and staff are already waiting here.

   "Hello, Mr. Shoufu!" Luke shook hands with Gabriel: "It's the first time we meet, please give me your advice."

  Gabriel is an evergreen tree in the imperial court. He represents the interests of the new nobles and is an important minister that Emperor Augustine relies on. Facing Meteor, he can feel a lot of pressure, because there are indications that this person is very likely to be the successor of his cabinet chief assistant.

  The Innovation Society from Rough City also shows the potential to keep pace with the Cross Society.

compete! cooperate!

   is the best way to resolve the conflict between the two parties.

  But in the face of the aggressive Innovation Society, the Cross Society must also show its tough posture and strength.

Gabriel admired and said to Luke: "It is the luck of the empire to have outstanding young people like you in this special period. When we retreat with our glory, you will continue to lead the empire to a new stage. journey.

   This is the first time I have met you, and I believe its importance will be recorded in the annals of the empire.

   Please sit down and let me see what you have brought me. "

  Gabriel and Luke sat down on both sides of the conference table, and then the officials and staff took their seats, and the secretaries set up their typewriters to prepare for meeting minutes.

Luke took a document from Karina and pushed it to Gabriel from the table: "The business in Raging City is very active now, and the good investment environment has attracted us a large amount of foreign capital, as well as many domestic factories. The Lord hopes to build a factory in Raging Waves City to save production costs.

   What bothers us is that Raging City doesn't have enough land to meet the continuous increase in investment, so we hope to include five to seven cities around Raging City as land for urban expansion.

  This is the expansion plan for Raging Waves City. The first phase of the project includes 245 factories, 23 schools, and 20 large residential areas. Counting various ancillary facilities, it can provide 500,000 to 700,000 jobs..."

   Gabriel didn't look at the plan in front of him, and the expression on his face was not as friendly as when they just met.

   "My lord, Acting Governor, all of us know that Raging City has to be expanded, and everyone hopes that Raging City can better play its role in the empire.

  I also absolutely believe that according to your ability, this batch of land is given to you, and you will definitely be able to create a new miracle of wealth.

   But... some things are not as simple as ideal. People have selfishness, and groups have collective interests. What you did in the caltrop armor factory has deeply hurt the interests of the Cross Society.

   Returning everything you took from it is the prerequisite for us to continue talking. "

  Everything, naturally including the three sisters egret, blue dove and gray goose.

Luke looked at Yomington beside him, and then said to Gabriel: "The Abyss Mage was found in the Caltrop armor factory. The evidence is irrefutable. As a senior official of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets, I took some things away Investigation is my duty.

  Master Shoufu, since you know that the expansion of Raging Waves City is a general trend that everyone is pushing, it is better not to obstruct it too much. Many people are waiting for the land to be approved so that they can build factories and make money. "

Gabriel said: "It's about the prestige of the Cross Society, please forgive me that I can't make concessions in this regard. Moreover, the Crusader Project is related to fighting against the Tedgar Hills. If you can't restore the project as soon as possible, you can't do anything about it." Your Majesty will explain."

  The fact that the Cross Society’s home was ransacked this time is really a great loss to its dignity. If the First Prince was not involved in the incident, and the First Prince was in the limelight, the Cross Society would not be able to be so silent.

  Raging Waves City has something to ask this time, if the Cross Society does not pursue it, the people under it will probably all go to the Innovation Society.

  Before Luke came here, he knew that today's meeting would not be able to avoid the matter of the Caltrops armor factory.

  The materials taken away can be returned, but the three sisters absolutely cannot give them back.

   For this reason, Luke carefully prepared some things.

  Kelina received a cue and took out a document from the briefcase and put it in Luke's hand.

   Luke pushed in front of Gabriel again.

   "The Crusader Project requires a lot of secret arts, especially the branches involved in the secret art of eternal life. I gave some of the materials I took away to Miss Qingkong for review, and Miss Qingkong gave a conclusion that... rubbish!"

  The crusader project consumed a lot of financial and material resources of the Crusaders, which was used to compete with the extraordinary transformation fighters.

  Currently, although the crusaders cannot compete with the super-reformed fighters, their mass production capability and combat power improvement stability are unmatched by the super-reformed fighters.

  The imperial military placed an order for a thousand crusaders this time, which has already shown the broad prospect of this project.

   Moreover, the Crusaders also have a good room for development, and are given high hopes by the Crusaders.

  If someone dares to say that the Crusader Project is rubbish, the big bosses of the Crusaders here will definitely slap it.

   But this time Miss Clear Sky said it.

  She rebuilt the Oulu Academy's Mystic Art Branch, and killed three Abyss Apostles in the Mystical Confrontation with the Abyss Temple. She holds the Book of Calamity, but is not affected by the Book of Calamity.

  In the field of occult arts, Miss Clear Sky said that garbage.

   Gabriel finally picked up the document in front of him.

  While he was watching, Luke gave a brief introduction to others: "The Crusaders developed by the Crusader Project now must be equipped with armor to develop battlefield awareness, and the armor must be stored separately when not wearing it.

   This not only increases the transportation cost and maintenance cost, but the time wasted in armor piercing may be fatal in response to emergency battles.

  Miss Qingkong believes that secret techniques can solve the problem of wearing armor for crusaders. A set of secret technique words and a small amount of mysterious props can complete armor dressing at any time..."

   Gabriel listened to Luke's introduction, and looked at Miss Clear Sky's views on the Crusader Project in the document.

  Convenient armor dressing is just one of the many deficiencies clear sky pointed out. In Clear Sky's eyes, Crusader Engineering could be improved from start to finish.

  The Crusader project was born out of the secret art of eternal life, and the research and development capabilities of the secret art possessed by the Crusaders are not enough to perfectly reproduce the beautiful girl killer, so they can only try their best to use mature technologies such as alchemy and extraordinary transformation to replace it.

  If Miss Qingkong can be invited to join the research and development of the Crusader Project...

   Gabriel was excited by the idea that came to him suddenly.

   "I wonder if we can have the honor to invite Miss Skylight to join the Crusader Project?"

   "Of course!" Luke said: "Miss Qingkong also hopes to integrate the occult knowledge she has learned into other systems. The Crusader Project is a good cooperation project."

   Gabriel and other officials are very happy.

  The addition of Ms. Qingkong, an authority on occult arts, is tantamount to putting the crusader project on the right track. Compared to the value of Miss Clear Sky, the lost data and prototypes are not worth mentioning, and the prototypes are all in Clear Sky.

  Maybe in the process of developing the crusader project, Miss Qingkong can develop the secret of eternal life.

   This is more valuable than a crusader.

  The only thing to worry about now is...the Reform Society takes this opportunity to expand and infiltrate the Cross Society.

   But the Innovation Society also belongs to the new aristocratic system, making money!

  Besides, Gabriel doesn’t think that Meteor will threaten his status now, and when he retires to make way, the next generation of the Cross will compete with Meteor.

Gabriel put down the crusader project proposal, picked up the Raging City expansion plan and looked at it carefully, and said at the same time: "The cabinet has a proposal for the expansion of Raging City very early. As I said, everyone We all hope that it will be implemented as soon as possible, and many factory owners in St. Lun City want to go to Rage City to build factories."

  Finally we can talk about business.

Luke knew that Gabriel was fighting for the interests of Rough City for the members of the Cross Society. He said: "After the expansion of Rough City, the increase in factories means increased internal competition. Favoritism, those who do not adapt to the market will be eliminated naturally.

  Many factory owners in St. Lun City are used to using their privileges, which won't work in Raging Waves City. Raging Waves City is facing the entire world, and privileges are useless in front of competitors outside.

  Although we attack liberals, we have to admit that free competition can make the market full of vitality. Conservative and inappropriate protection is the dead end of the old aristocracy. "

At this time, Yomington said: "Please allow me to make a brief speech. During the period when I was the commissioner of Raging City's office in St. Lun City, the biggest feeling I got was that the products produced in St. Lun City are losing the international market." competitiveness.

  Stable national orders prevent many factories from actively updating mechanical equipment and technology. Especially the members of the Cross Society prefer to bribe the ministers of the empire with money in exchange for high profits.

  For example, military heavy industry, if the cabinet allows Raging City to set foot in this field, I guarantee that the imperial military can purchase the weapons and equipment they want at a lower price. Within ten years, if the arms dealers in Saint Lun City do not change their strategies, they will completely lose their competitiveness with Raging Waves City in this industry! "

  Yormington's speech was beyond the expectations of everyone present.

   You must know that although he is working for Luke, he is still Gabriel's person in essence. However, his stance in this speech was clearly inclined towards Raging Waves City, and he even mentioned the sensitive military heavy industry.

   This is the most pressing industry for the Cross Society. During the civil war in the empire, the orders for weapons are full, and the Cross Society is gearing up to make a lot of money in it. Weapons produced in other parts of the empire, unless there is no substitute within the Cross Society, it is absolutely impossible to get a share of the empire's military orders.

  Gabriel knew the disadvantages of the privilege, but the Cross Society pushed him to sit in this position, and his primary duty was to make profits for the Cross Society.

   As a result, Raging Waves City not only did not intend to give the Cross Society privileges in Raging Waves City, but even wanted to get involved in the field of military heavy industry.

  The problem of the problem of principle!

  (end of this chapter)