MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 360 hesitant to die

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  Chapter 360 If you hesitate, you will die

  Luke was not deceived by Enoch's respectful attitude. When he was answering the question just now, he found the information of the senior ice cave agent in front of him from the mobile phone database.

   This is a guy who has a keen sense of smell and is extremely difficult to deal with.

  The questions he just asked did not allow him to get anything useful, and now answering questions is also a way of collecting information.

  Luke changed into a comfortable sitting position, raised his legs, and asked, "What did Mina, a little girl, do that requires you Ice Cave Agents to investigate?"

Enoch kept observing Luke, and replied slowly: "It was Mina's father who committed the crime. We suspect that the so-called Mr. White Night circulated in the underground steam city is actually a secret agent sent by the Golden Shield Empire to carry out sabotage missions in Winter Capital." .

   Now there is a lot of instability in the underground mining area, making it impossible to complete production tasks. After our investigation, the first incident occurred in the B36 mine, and Mina's father Lazild was the leader. "

"I see…"

  The ice cave actually charged Mr. Bai Ye as a spy of the Golden Shield Empire. It seems that the situation in the underground mining area is more lively than expected.

  But since Enoch doesn't know who Mr. Bai Ye is, he probably didn't catch Mina and his daughter.

To confirm, Luke said: "My question is over... Poor Mina, to be so dragged down by her father. If you catch Mina, please treat her well, after all, she is only a child, I believe she and Golden Shield The Imperial Secret Service doesn't matter.

  I have Mina's items here, take them back and give them to her. "

  Enoch didn't expect Luke to ask such a question, and he was a little disappointed that he couldn't get more information.

"Mr. Luke, it's a pity that we didn't catch Mina and his father. We are here to inform you that Mina's father Lazild is a very dangerous guy. If he finds you, Please notify us immediately."

   Enoch took out a business card.

  Luke took it over and took a look: "I know that being involved with the Golden Shield Empire Secret Affairs Bureau will cause me a lot of trouble, if I know the whereabouts of Lazild, I will definitely find a way to inform you.

  Anything else? "

   "No more." Enoch stood up and saluted Luke: "Excuse me, Mr. Luke, we are also for your safety."

   "I can understand..."

  Luke sent the Ice Cave Agent out the door, and then went to the window to observe the outside.

  The Ice Cave agents hiding in the dark came out one by one, and several cars drove over slowly. Enoch led the agents to jump into the car, and then drove away quickly.

  But in the field of vision of Luke's Thunderbolt and Huotong, there are still suspicious people crouching in the dark corners.

   Sure enough, he is a difficult guy.

  Let Qingkong deal with it!

  Luke opened the game map of the era in his consciousness. Since he and Qingkong are in the same city, Qingkong can use the teleportation anchor in the city.

  Click to send, and the clear sky appears on the roof of a nearby theater.

  Open the eyes of ice crystals to search the direction of the Enoch convoy. After finding the whereabouts, Qingkong jumped from the roof. She summoned the Republic of Glory steam locomotive to ride on it, stepped on the valve to the bottom, and the people on the car rushed forward.

  At this time, Enoch was sitting in the car, driving on the way back to the ice cave headquarters.

  There are still many things on the road left from the winter hunting festival yesterday, but the faces of pedestrians do not have the joy of the festival. The mobilization order puts the cruel reality in front of everyone. When the war is right in front of us, few people can laugh.

  Enoch opened the car window to let the cold winter wind blow in.

  The underground accident was far more serious than expected. This is not an accident in a very few mines. The ever-increasing production tasks make the conflict in the mine like a spring pressed to the limit. The crackdown did not scare the miners who had thrown their lives into the mine long ago. What happened in the B36 mine spread like an epidemic throughout the underground.

  The higher-ups have issued a death order to find Mr. Bai Ye as soon as possible. Regardless of whether he is a spy of the Golden Shield Empire or not, he must be treated as an enemy spy and let the people in the mining area know that they are being used by the enemy.

  But who exactly is Mr. Bai Ye, and where is he?

  Enoch even felt that the so-called Mr. Bai Ye was not a real person, he was a fictional character created by the miners.

  Now, whether Lazield can be caught is the key to ending the chaos in the underground mining area.

   "Commander Enoch." The agent sitting in the front row asked: "You left a team to monitor that steam engineer, do you think he hasn't told you the truth?"

"Of course, it is impossible for anyone to tell us all the truth. He met Mina just after he arrived in Dongdu. It may be a coincidence, or a coincidence created. And my instinct tells me that this person is not simple, It is necessary to investigate."

   "Then why not take him away directly? Take him back for interrogation, and make him tell all the truth."

  Enoch smiled and shook his head: "His magic wand is not qualified to be given as a gift by ordinary people. I saw that magic wand, it was very new, and it was made by a girl.

  She has very good carving skills. Although the craftsmanship is not up to the level of a master, it is already the highest level that ordinary people can achieve. I can feel that the girl is very attentive, not to make this magic item the best, but to make the recipient like it.

  Luke is not someone we can catch casually.

   Let’s monitor first, it’s not too late to arrest people after finding useful clues. "

   "I'm so envious! If only I had such a noble woman like me."

   "Stop dreaming...stop!"

  The entire convoy stopped suddenly.

   "Commander, what happened?"

   "We're ambushed! Don't get out of the car yet!"

  Enoch sat in the car, carefully observing the surrounding situation.

  The quiet street was empty, and the dimly lit street lamps illuminated the snow-covered road. The lights of the car shine forward, and the front is a darkness that cannot be penetrated by light.

  The snow that had already stopped fell again.

  At this time, a powerful engine sound came from the front, and then a red steam locomotive drove out of the darkness, and then stopped at a position 20 meters in front of the convoy.

   There was a female knight sitting on the locomotive, but the light was too weak to see her face clearly.

  The agent in the front seat also noticed something strange around him.

  It’s just getting dark now, this is not a remote street, how could there be no one on the road.

  The only explanation is...the convoy broke into the space shelter set up by others.

  In Winter Capital, who dares to ambush the agents of the Ice Cave!

  The suddenly tense atmosphere made the front seat agent's voice dry: "Commander, what should we do?"

   "The red steam locomotive..." Enoch shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The other party is most likely the elf Qingkong, we are in trouble."

   Clear sky!

  The name made everyone in the car feel tense.

  Yesterday, the Butler Kraft team responsible for capturing Princess Dai was wiped out. Although there is no direct evidence to prove that it was done in the clear sky, there are not many people in Winter Capital who are able to deal with an ice cave combat group so quickly.

  This time, if you can set up such a tight space cover, you know that the opponent must be powerful.

  Red steam locomotive, female.

  It is really possible that the sky is clear.

   "Could it be that Qing Kong is Mr. Bai Ye? We went to find Mr. Bai Ye and provoked her?"

"This possibility is not ruled out." Enoch got out of the car and said to the people in the car: "The other party didn't make a move, which means that we didn't trigger the attack condition of space shielding. Inform our people to stay in the car and be on guard. Wonderful, try your best to break through..."

   "Yes, Commander Enoch."

  Enoch raised his hand and walked forward slowly. When he saw the appearance of the knight clearly, the only bit of luck disappeared instantly.

   "Miss Clear Sky, according to our agreement with the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy, you are not allowed to do anything that endangers the Art County Union during the Winter Capital. Ambushing the Ice Cave Agent will invalidate this agreement."

   Qing Kong sat on the locomotive, watching Enoch and the convoy behind him.

  It's a pity that Enoch was too vigilant, and the entire convoy didn't fully enter the space shield arranged by the secret technique. If there is a fight, some ice cave agents may escape.

  However, Enoch didn't seem to know that his convoy hadn't completely entered the space shield.

   Then buy some time and make some adjustments to this space occlusion.

  Qingkong took advantage of Enoch's suspicious personality and said, "You guys broke into my motorcycle training range, why did you frame me to ambush you instead? Turn around and go back the same way immediately, don't occupy my driveway."

   Enoch looked back, it was pitch black and he could not see the end of the road.

  Qing Kong is a master of mystic arts, and she arranged such a vast amount of mystic arts here just to catch us all. The attack technique built into this secret technique should have a trigger condition.

  Fortunately, I didn't immediately order a U-turn after I found out that I broke into the space shelter, otherwise it would be the end of Butler Kraft's team.

   "Miss Clear Sky, all the roads in Winter City are owned by Art County United, and you are now occupying the roads privately. Please remove the secret technique immediately, and don't hurt innocent people because of the shadow of this space."

  Qingkong said: "I am very confident in the secret technique I release, and no one will be injured because of the shelter of this space. Now please leave immediately, so as not to delay my driving practice."

  The more Qingkong said to leave, the more Enoch remained still.

  Such a large secret technique cannot be maintained indefinitely, as long as it is delayed, there is a chance to leave... At least some people can escape and tell outsiders about Qingkong's violation of the agreement.

   "We'll be leaving right away! But since I'm meeting you here, can you give me a chance to ask you a few questions?"

   "I'm not interested in answering your question."

  Enoch smiled and said: "You haven't heard it yet, how do you know you're not interested?

   You have been in Dongdu for a month and a half, and you have not returned to the Golden Shield Empire yet. I think you came to Winter Capital not just for the exchange of secret arts.

   And you're bringing Princess Del, which is very unnatural!

  We had a lot of meetings and couldn’t figure out why you came to Winter Capital. If it’s just to mess up the underground steam city, you shouldn’t be needed.

  What are you here for? Miss Clear Sky. "

  Qing Kong got off the locomotive and held the machete in his hand.

   "I don't want to break the agreement, but if you keep asking such nonsense questions, I'll chop your head off."

"As far as I know, the people who can be beheaded by you are big people. I am just a small person. If you behead your head, it will double my reputation after death." Enoch said suddenly: "You come to winter Du, is it because the meteorite is in Dongdu!"

  Qing Kong did not expect Enoch to guess so accurately, it seems that the decision to kill him tonight was right.

   Checking the position of the space occlusion movement, Qingkong said: "Very bold guess."

   "It's a pity that this is just my guess, and it has not been taken seriously by the people above. They think that meteorites are so important to the Golden Shield Empire, how could they be in danger in the winter?

   But unless the Meteor is in Winter, it's hard to explain why you've been stuck here for so long. What do you all want to do when you come to Dongdong, do you need Governor Meteorite to execute it yourself? "

   "I'll give you one last chance, get out of here!"

  Enoch became a little excited, he ignored the danger of angering Qingkong, and said: "Did I guess right? I knew I was right.

   Raging Waves City, Saint Lun City, West Territory.

  Where the meteorite is, there is the clear sky. Conversely, wherever the clear sky is, meteorites should also be there.

  Miss Skylight, you better be able to kill us all at once. Otherwise, wait until tomorrow, and you will know that Meteor is here all winter..."

  At this time, the intersections in the shadows light up one by one, illuminating the entire street under the light.

  Bigger flakes of snowflakes danced under the light and shadow. Under the light beam, the snow on the side of the road automatically piled up, and soon turned into a naive snowman.

  Luminescent stardust sprinkled from the street lamps, and the snowmen opened their mouths to reveal their ferocious fangs.

  Seeing the vision, all the Ice Cave Agents got out of the car together, drew their weapons and aimed at the snowmen who stood up staggeringly.

  Xingzhan Chenzhan's scimitar flew out of the scabbard at Qingkong's back waist, and then turned into two ice wheels spinning in the air.

   "Enoch, you are very smart, daring to doubt is your strength, but also your shortcoming. Facing me, turning around and running away is the most correct choice. If you hesitate, you will die!"

  The snow continued to gather on the snowman's upper body, and they became bigger and more irritable.

   Enoch was reminded by Clear Sky that he realized what mistake he had made.

  She keeps saying back, back, because back is the way out.

   But I think that retreat is a dead end.

  She took advantage of my paranoia...

   But how could she be so clear about my character flaws!

  Enoch couldn't figure out why the high clear sky knew so much about a small person like himself, but those two ice wheels had already flown over. Enoch quickly pulled out his magic wand to release the defense technique, but the clear sky was in front of him in an instant.

  The hand holding the magic wand was twisted off, and then a knife slashed with the sound of wind.

   Enoch felt dizzy, he saw behind him, huge snowmen surrounded his men. The agents attacked the snowman in vain, but the damage caused was easily repaired by the replenishing snow.

   And Ice Cave Agents were being flattened one by one along with the cars in the middle of the road.

  (end of this chapter)