MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 361 secret war

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  Chapter 361 Secret War

  During the winter night, the wind and snow were blowing up again, and people returning home from late work hurried on both sides of the road. The steam rail bus has stopped running, and only a few wealthy people can drive cars in the middle of the road, and because of the snow, the cars are also driving very slowly.

  Suddenly, a sudden screech of the brakes echoed across the street, and then a car was seen skidding on the compacted snow, hitting the rear of the car in front.

   "Damn it!" The driver couldn't help cursing.

  The car in front was parked in the middle of the road without any lights on, and the snow accumulated on the car was not cleaned. It was too late when I saw it.

  The angry driver came out of the driving seat. He first checked the damage of his car, and then he went to the car in front to make a theory. But he soon noticed that something was wrong. What was blocking him was not a car, but a row.

   All the cars were buried under a huge pile of snow, as if they had been parked here for a long time.

  The driver looked around, and the people on both sides of the road were also very puzzled. It seemed that there were no cars buried under the snow in the middle of the road just now.

  A sheriff of Dongdu rushed over when he noticed the situation here. When he knew that something strange had happened, he immediately pulled out the saber at his waist.

   "Back everyone!"

  The sheriff loudly ordered the crowd to gather more and more, but curiosity made the onlookers take a small step back. The helpless magistrate could only ignore them and approach the vehicle carefully.

  He stretched out his hand to wipe the snow on the car, and then found that the car had been deformed by a heavy object. He continued to feel inside, and soon came across something that looked like soft cloth.

  Experience made the sheriff realize what he touched. He pulled hard, and a limp corpse was dragged out of the snowdrift.

  The appearance of a dead body aroused the curiosity of the onlookers even more. They didn't dare to get too close, and they all tried their best to stretch their heads to see who died on the street in this winter night.

  The sheriff rummaged through the clothes of the deceased, and a metal plate rolled out.

   Iceman Badge!

  The sheriff quickly grabbed the badge, but it was too late.

   Someone shouted "Agent Ice Cave, Agent Ice Cave died!", and then the same words spread quickly among the crowd, and panic spread.

   If these cars are in ice caves, it means they were ambushed here. I don't know how many corpses of Ice Cave agents are still buried under the piles of snow, and who dares to provoke the Ice Cave like this in the winter capital!

  The crowd who were still watching the excitement ran away in a blink of an eye, and even the car that was hit was running fast after the driver turned around quickly.

  On the scene of the crime, only the sheriff and the exhumed body under his feet remained, as well as a row of grave-like cars covered by snow.

  The next day, Luke went to work according to his normal schedule. It's just that there is no Mina for breakfast, so he can only fill his stomach casually in the shops on the side of the road.

  Dongdu in the morning has many more sheriffs and ice cave agents in plain clothes. They patrol intersections and rail bus stations, and anyone acting suspiciously will be questioned by them.

  Luke's Harut Heavy Industry work permit brought him some convenience, and the sheriff and ice cave agent he met didn't bother him. All the way to the company smoothly, and then go to Mrs. Yolanda to get the steam pipe that needs to be inspected today.

  This time Mrs. Yolanda kept him.

   "Please sit down, Engineer Luke. Due to something unexpected, I need to make some necessary inquiries to you. Please don't be nervous, just a few simple questions."

   Luke sat down across from Mrs. Yolanda's desk, and the office assistant brought him a cup of hot coffee.

   "I just came in from the outside, and it's so comfortable to have a cup of hot coffee to warm my hands." Luke said relaxedly: "Excuse me, Mrs. Yolanda."

   "Harry is missing. He was supposed to report to the barracks last night, but he didn't go. The military sent someone to look for him, but his house is empty. Now Harry is wanted for evading military service.

  This morning, the security department said that Norton did not come to work, and he and his family also disappeared, including the snowman Amao.

  During this time, the Norton team has been protecting your safety. Have you noticed the abnormal behavior and words of the two of them? "

Luke shrugged: "No, I haven't worked with them for a long time. I only know that Norton is a very cautious person, and Harry is not good at communicating. They are very responsible when protecting me. Without them, I'm afraid I will Will not adapt to the new working environment so quickly.

   Is Rebecca okay? "

  Mrs. Yolanda also doesn't think that a steam engineer who just came to work in the company can know anything inside. These low-level security guards will not casually tell the secret to unfamiliar superiors.

"Rebecca is here, but she was taken away by the agents of the ice cave." Yolanda didn't care about Rebecca, she reminded Luke: "Something happened in the mining area of ​​the dungeon that made those emotionless guys So sensitive that they thought Norton and Harry were part of the underground resistance.

  There was an attack on the ice cave last night, and many agents were killed, and it seems that there was a senior commander among them. This has completely annoyed them, and they are arresting people everywhere, which has seriously affected the normal operation of the company.

   Now the company is negotiating with Bingku.

   If the ice cave finds you, try to cooperate with them, they are a group of mad dogs now. "

  Luke didn't expect Rebecca to be taken away by the ice cave. It seems that the clear sky really hurt them last night.

   "Mrs. Yolanda, Norton and Harry are missing, and Rebecca was taken away by the ice cave. How should I proceed with my work?"

"Let's take a day off first. The security department of the entire company is unable to operate due to the ice cave, and can't arrange a team to protect you. Don't worry, this state won't last long, unless the ice cave doesn't want the company to produce supplies for the front-line troops. "

"It seems that I can only rest for one day. This is the worst news this morning." Luke complained about not being able to work, and then asked: "I am going to watch the motorcycle race in the underground steam city. Ma'am, what did you just say?" The underground rebels...are they a threat to my safety?"

  Ms. Yolanda said: "It's just a nice name that a small group of miners gave themselves. They are now being chased around the ground like rats. I believe they will be wiped out soon.

   Keep a low profile in the underground steam city, show your identity if necessary, and all parties will give Harut Heavy Industries a certain amount of respect.

Hope you have a good time.

  Unfortunately, I still have a lot of work to do here. "

   “You work more because you have a higher status.”

  Luke's little flattery made Mrs. Yolanda laugh happily: "Let's go, before I think of arranging a new job for you..."

  Luke bid farewell to Mrs. Yolanda and left the company. He lowered the brim of his hat and followed the pedestrians, carefully observing the positions of the sheriff and the ice cave agent on the road. When no one was looking, quickly got into a secluded alley.

  He took off his glasses, took off his coat, and threw them into the private space together with the briefcase in his hand. Then he took out a black windbreaker and put it on, put on the windbreaker and put on the hood.

  Waving his hand brought a gust of wind to sweep away the snow on the ground, revealing a manhole cover under the snow.

  Lu pulled up the manhole cover, saw no one around, and jumped in. After the manhole cover was closed, the wind re-covered the snow and wiped away Luke's footprints one by one along the way.

  The sewers of Winter Capital are connected to the ventilation pipes of the underground city, which is an important channel for many people and materials to enter the underground city abnormally.

  Including even darker intelligence activities.

  Luke arrived at the underground steam city and bought a copy of today's Dongdu Daily at a roadside newsstand. He turned to the middle column of the last edition, and there were some recruitment advertisements on it. Using the text key of the Secret Service, Luke quickly deciphered the information left by the Secret Service's Winter Capital Intelligence Station.

  Throwing the newspaper in the trash can, Luke turned into a busy alley.

  There are some stalls for buying groceries, and there are also snacks that smell good but don't know what they are made of.

  Luke walked into a mechanical repair yard and said to a maintenance worker inside who was beating on a steam engine: "Is the machine I sent yesterday repaired?"

  The maintenance worker with a greasy face raised his head to look at Luke, who was covering his face, and continued to knock on the machine: "I don't think I've seen you before. When did you deliver the machine yesterday?"

   "Three fifty-nine at noon."

  The maintenance worker looked up at Luke again: "It's 3:59 p.m., so it should be afternoon. There are too many repairs recently, I can't remember...

  Can you tell me what it is? "

   "Fenserti Type III steam engine, the fourth valve is leaking."

"What model?"


The maintenance worker stood up and looked outside, and said to Luke: "That machine, it's not the problem of the fourth air valve leaking. Come with me to have a look inside, it has been disassembled, it is not convenient to take it come out."

"it is good."

  Luke agreed, stepped over the parts and tools all over the floor, and followed the maintenance worker inside.

The door was closed, and the maintenance worker immediately saluted Luke: "I have been notified by the headquarters that a senior agent is on duty in Winter Capital, and I have been releasing information from the Empire at the designated location according to the instructions. My lord, this time you directly Come here, is there something important for us to do?"

  Luke didn't show his appearance. He briefly glanced at the slightly messy maintenance room, and then said, "Last night, a group of agents died in the ice cave. What information did you collect?"

The maintenance worker immediately replied: "We have collected some. A total of 36 Ice Cave agents died last night, including a senior commander. The killer did not leave any clues. The hunting process should be a must for this agent team." A secret technique was set up on the road to trap them in the space shelter and wipe them out in one fell swoop.

   Moreover, on the day of the Winter Hunting Festival, the Ice Cave also lost a team of agents, and the details are still being collected. "

   "Who did it?"

   "It's not us!" The maintenance worker denied: "The Dongdu Information Station does not have such a professional construction team. We suspected at first that the construction team you led did it, but now it seems that it is not."

   "Any other clues?"

   "The Ice Cave Agent who died last night was in charge of investigating the rise of the resistance army in the underground mining area, and there was a man named Mr. Bai Ye, who caused chaos in the underground mining area. Maybe it was Mr. Bai Ye who killed them..."

   "As spies entrusted with important tasks by the empire and placed in important positions, don't use so many 'doubts' and 'maybes'. Your task is to obtain accurate information. Vague intelligence means no intelligence."

  The maintenance worker immediately saluted and apologized: "I'm sorry, my lord. Ice Cave agents are using all-round means to attack our intelligence network, which has caused a serious lag in many intelligences. We must recover as soon as possible."

  Luke casually tapped the imperial agent, and then asked, "Do you have any information about the Rebels?"

"Some are accurate! The main leaders of the rebel army came from the B36 mine, and part of it was the A98 mine. The A98 mine was suppressed by the Harut Heavy Industry security team. Many people died, and some people fled. out.

  The source of the incident in the underground mine this time was the B36 mine, but before the Harut Heavy Industry security team went, several main planners had already run away, and it seemed that someone from the security team tipped them off.

  Now the people from the two mines have gathered together to form an underground resistance army, and the number should be less than a hundred. However, they are very familiar with the underground tunnels and have received sympathy from many people, so even though the ice cave was alarmed, they have not been found yet. "

  The tone of the maintenance worker obviously didn't pay much attention to the resistance army with a number of less than one hundred. This kind of people is not even a small gang in the underground steam city.

  Luke needs this rebel army to cause trouble for the ice cave, and resist the pot that killed the ice cave agent.

   "You underestimate the underground resistance army with less than a hundred people, they will become a key part of the empire's victory in this war.

  Bingku said that the underground resistance army was supported and funded by the Imperial Secret Service, so let this slander become a fact. "

  The maintenance worker didn't know why this man from the imperial capital valued the rebel army with less than a hundred people so much, and even risked his identity to give orders in person.

  But doubts about the mission are not what a professional imperial agent should have.

   "Yes, my lord. I will send someone to look for them immediately... It's just that their whereabouts are very secretive, and it may take some time to find them."

  Luke said: "You don't need to look for them, I know where they are. You just need to prepare weapons and supplies to arm them, and train them to become fighters, not moles that are driven around."

   "I know what to do, my lord."

   "One more thing... Are there any of us inside the ice cave?"

   "Yes! Please tell me what you need to do."

Luke thought for a while, and after making a decision, he said: "In the security department of Harut Heavy Industry, a woman named Rebecca was taken away by the ice cave. Let our insider look for her and see what is going on with her now. "

   "Yes, my lord..." The maintenance worker accepted the instruction, and then asked: "My lord, do we need to get rid of her?"

   "Confirm the situation first, and wait for my order later."

   "Understood, my lord!"

  (end of this chapter)