MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 364 interview

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  Chapter 364 Interview

  Luke's words made Lazild completely let go of her psychological burden.

  Through the information he obtained from the outside world, he knew that Bingku had already blamed the rebels for colluding with the Golden Shield Empire. If they did not accept the funding from the Golden Shield Empire, they would most likely end up being wiped out, and then they would be abused and written at will by those who killed them.

   Now, what about colluding with the Golden Shield Empire?

  Play the banner of "anti-war", and a wider group of people will support the rebels. From the underground to the surface, you can gain the initiative from the passive.

  After deep thought, Lazild's heart suddenly became clear.

  "Mr. Luke, you are worthy of being the wise man we admire. To be honest, apart from our ideals, none of us know how to realize them. Your arrival has pointed out the path for us to take.

  The above ground and underground of Winter Capital are not the same world, what happened to us underground is incomprehensible to surface residents, and the only ones who sympathize with us are fellow miners. And "anti-war" can allow us to get more people's empathy, and we have a greater living space. "

  Luke couldn't help feeling that Lazield is really a natural leader, thoughtful and insightful.

   It's a pity why it wasn't discovered by the players in the game?

  Thinking of this, Luke couldn't help feeling a sense of accomplishment in his heart. In the past, recruiting talents were all based on the player's strategy, but today I discovered a hidden superhero with my own hands, and that kind of exhilaration cannot be compared with the speed of advancing through the strategy.

   It's like finally having a real son.

   "You agree to accept funding from the Golden Shield Empire's Secret Affairs Bureau."

   "I agree! I want to be the living winner!"

"Then let me talk about my funding plan for the Winter City Rebels." Luke took out a map and spread it on a flat stone, pointing to several marks on it: "The red price means that there is underground thermal energy, you can use it The heat energy there produces steam; the green dots represent the growth of edible fungi, which can be used as a short-term food substitute; the red dots represent the dangerous underground organisms there; the blue dots represent the alchemy materials there, and there will be gains if you search carefully .

  The important thing is this golden area, this is a gold mine..."

  Lazird looked at Luke's map and the markings on it, and was beyond shocked. Through his own knowledge of the tunnel labyrinth, he was able to confirm that the map and the price tag were real, and they were more detailed than he knew.

  Has the Golden Shield Empire’s Secret Affairs Bureau touched the underground of Dongdu so thoroughly?

   And when Luke talked about the gold mine, Lazild's mind went blank for an instant.

  Gold Mine!

   There was no gold mine discovered.

  Lazild looked at the location Luke pointed out, and said suspiciously: "I know this, there is an abandoned iron mine. In the thirty years of mining, no one has found a gold mine there."

"If the people at that time continued to dig down, they would soon see golden gold." Luke said with a mysterious smile: "Mining gold mines is not difficult for you, count it as another gift I gave you .”

   Luke was more generous than originally planned for the super heroes he personally discovered.

   "If there's gold there! I, I can't thank you enough."

"Wealth is not important to me. I will naturally get what I want from you. I will arrange a safe passage for you so that the gold can reach Raging City smoothly. The gold will become a mixture of mysterious substances and Other materials have arrived in the underground steam city, and enough force can make your voice louder."

   Lazild stood up and saluted Luke: "Please rest assured, Mr. Luke, we will do everything in our power to bring this evil war to an end as soon as possible."

  Luke looked at Mina: "The women and children who come out with you should all be sent to Rage City. Mina is now at school age, and I can support her studies throughout the entire process.

   If she is talented and hardworking, I can introduce her to Oulu Academy.

  I have a very good relationship with Ms. Haruka, the director of Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts! "

  Mina is going to Rage City!

   The first thing Lazield thought of was the hostages... Of course, the Secret Service of the Golden Shield Empire would not unreservedly believe in the group of miners hiding in the maze of tunnels.

  But as the world's leading metropolis, Raging Waves City is definitely the best place for Mina. She will get a life thousands of times better than here, and even enter the top magic academy, which is something she never dreamed of before.

   Lazield has already begun to imagine her daughter wearing a magic robe and a mage hat.

   "Listen to you, Mr. Luke, thank you for your gift."

   After the underground rebels are dealt with, Luke has completed the purpose of this trip.

   Then Luke and Lazild discussed some support details, and finally let the rebels attack a few more mines in the near future, shifting the attention of the ice cave to the underground.

  Everything is over, Luke put on his hat again and left the camp, and disappeared into the darkness under the respectful **** of the rebels.

   Returned to the underground steam city, changed back to his clothes in a place where no one was around, and then went to the motorcycle party bar to gamble a few casually.

   It wasn't until evening that Luke returned to his residence reeking of alcohol.

  The monitoring ice cave agent is in place.

   After counting the number of suspicious people around, Luke fell asleep.

  He is not worried that the Ice Cave Agents will come to arrest people. The other umbrella he arranged in Dongdu should have some movement in the near future.

  The next day, Luke went to work as usual, but there were a few more tails following him.

  Luke let them follow, making no sign that he had spotted them.

  Come to the steam engineer work area of ​​the company, and go to Mrs. Yolanda's office to receive today's inspection task.

   A man in scholarly attire is already waiting there.

Seeing Luke, Mrs. Yolanda was extremely happy and praised: "Engineer Luke, you have fooled us all! The 'steam lover' who has continuously published high-quality papers in "Steam Weekly" during this period It turned out to be you!

  I thought it was a master in the Steam Association who published his works under a humble pseudonym.

  Come on... let me introduce you, this is Mr. Waltersky, the deputy editor-in-chief of "Steam Weekly". "

  Luke has recognized Vartaski. Although he is the deputy editor-in-chief of "Steam Weekly", he is actually responsible for the final review of most submissions, and has a high status in "Steam Weekly".

  "Steam Weekly" is an academic journal of steam technology sponsored by Dongdu Steam Engineers Association. As the authoritative publication of the world's steam technology, it is not possible to publish casual steam technology papers on it.

  After arriving in Winter Capital, Luke contributed to "Steam Weekly" under the pen name of "Steam Enthusiast". The quality of his manuscripts... are copied from papers that will be published in "Steam Weekly" in the next year or two.

  There is no reason not to publish a manuscript.

After Mrs. Yolanda introduced Luke, Vartaski couldn't wait to say: "Mr. Luke, hello. You have published a total of five papers on our "Steam Weekly", each of which is wonderful , with a strong forward-looking and pioneering steam technology.

  Especially the recent contribution "Two-Phase Water Molecules and Thermal Energy Internal Circulation", which inspired many steam technology research institutes to improve the utilization rate of steam heat energy.

  My special trip this time is entrusted by the editor-in-chief of Molson. Please do an exclusive interview with the editorial department of "Steam Weekly". "

  Luke said modestly: "Many of my papers were just whim, and it was beyond my imagination to be accepted and published by Steam Weekly.

  Actually, just like the pseudonym I use, I am just an amateur now, an ordinary steam engineer who has just obtained the engineer qualification certificate.

   Accepting an exclusive interview with "Steam Weekly" is the treatment only masters have. I'm... far from qualified. "

  Vartarsky liked Luke's humble character very much. He had just learned from Mrs. Yolanda that this young steam engineer was very serious about his work, and he never complained about the work of inspecting pipelines underground.

"To be honest, even a master, it is impossible to successfully publish in "Steam Weekly" every time you submit a paper. Five consecutive papers are published in "Steam Weekly", and your achievements have far exceeded your peers .

  You are very talented, and it was a unanimous decision between Editor-in-Chief Molson and I to do an exclusive interview with you. "

   Mrs. Yolanda on the side also persuaded: "Engineer Luke, accepting an exclusive interview with "Steam Weekly" is something that many famous steam engineers can't wait for.

  This is your opportunity, which will greatly improve your future development.

  The most direct thing is that your salary will be multiplied several times.

  Go, I don't have your job here today. "

  Luke had to agree: "Okay, I'll try it. If you say something wrong or make a joke, please don't mind you and the editor-in-chief Molson."

   "The last thing we researchers are afraid of is making mistakes. It is the most real thing for young people to make jokes. Don't worry, Editor-in-Chief Molson and I have read your paper repeatedly, and we all have confidence in your talent."

   Luke stabilized his mind, and then followed the deputy editor-in-chief Valtasky to leave the office building of Harut Heavy Industry, and got on the car to the editorial office of "Steam Weekly".

  In the car, Luke was chatting with Valtasky about his fabricated school experience, while sorting out his knowledge of steam technology.

   Qingkong's learning of the knowledge of the Era world is comprehensive and uninterrupted.

  In order to pretend to be a qualified steam engineer, Qingkong also specially learned a lot of knowledge related to steam technology, and asked the spiritual ball to store the collected works of steam technology in the mental library.

  With the knowledge obtained from the clear sky, the spiritual library, and the mobile phone database, Luke felt that it should be no problem to deal with an exclusive interview.

   If it doesn’t work, let’s break the news about the future steam technology, guaranteed to bluff people!

   Arriving at the editorial department of "Steam Weekly", Luke met the editor-in-chief Molson under the guidance of Vartaski.

  The editor-in-chief Molson is an old man who is old and somewhat obese. He is a well-known legendary figure in Dongdu. He used to be the dean of Dongdu Magic Steam Academy, served as the president of Dongdu Steam Engineer Association for several times, and participated in the design of Dongdu New City's steam system.

  After retiring, Molson is the honorary president of Winter City Steam Engineers Association and the editor-in-chief of "Steam Weekly".

  The cold winter aggravated many of Molsson's symptoms, but in order to meet the genius "steam lover", he deliberately dressed up and waited in his office.

   "Hello editor-in-chief, I'm Luke, a steam engineer from Harut Heavy Industries. It's a great honor to meet you."

  Luke saluted respectfully to Editor-in-Chief Molson.

"Don't be nervous, just treat this as an ordinary conversation, sit down first..." Waiting for Luke to sit opposite him, Molson said with a kind smile: "Your age is beyond my 'steam lovers' Imagine. I believe that given enough space, you can quickly become a master of steam technology who can affect the world.

  Vartarski, what level is Engineer Luke a member of the Dongdu Steam Engineers Association? "

  Vartarsky said: "Engineer Luke just came to work in Winter Capital, and now he is only a first-level member of the Society of Steam Engineers. According to the number of papers he published in "Steam Weekly", it is enough to be promoted to a second-level member.

  Just because he used a pseudonym to publish the paper, he still needs to go through the promotion process at the Society of Steam Engineers. "

  Editor-in-chief Molson nodded: "Is the second-level membership a little low? We should not only look at the quantity, but also look at the quality. The papers published by Luke engineers are very, very valuable."

  Vartarsky said with a smile: "The average age of the third-level members is over 40 years old, and the youngest is 35 years old. I am afraid that some people will be dissatisfied by leapfrogging upwards."

  Molsong turned to Luke and said: "The fifth-level member is the highest level of the Dongdu Steam Engineers Association, and the fourth-level member can be regarded as a master.

  This interview, you have to perform well! If it satisfies me, I'll make you a fourth-level member. The steam engineer director of Harut Heavy Industry is also a fourth-level member. "

  Becoming a senior member of the Dongdu Steam Engineers Association is equivalent to owning a talisman in Dongdu, which is why Luke has continuously submitted high-quality papers to "Steam Weekly".

   Now that the Ice Agents have their noses on their doorstep, first-class membership in the Society of Steam Engineers isn't enough to deter them.

   But the IV of the Society of Steam Engineers plus an interview with "Steam Weekly" is different.

   If there is no clear evidence, whoever wants to move a fourth-level member of the Association of Steam Engineers in Dongdu must first weigh whether he can bear the anger of the Association of Steam Engineers.

  “Although I am apprehensive about being interviewed by Steam Weekly, I am very much looking forward to gaining more from the conversation with you.

  Actually, this is the most direct reason why I came to work in Dongdu.

I am ready…"

  Vartarsky set up a typewriter on the side table, looking forward to the beginning of this interview.

  Editor Molsson put on his glasses and picked up a piece of paper on the table. The words on it were all the questions he had prepared for this interview.

"Let's start with your recently published "Two-Phase Water Molecules and Internal Circulation of Thermal Energy". The duality of water molecules was proposed and discovered by Professor Magmilli. Water molecules have both thermal phase and weak thermal phase. The absorption rate is higher…”

  (end of this chapter)