MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 365 steam weekly

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  Chapter 365 Steam Weekly

   "I see that you have your own unique insights into the duality of water molecules, which is very enlightening.

   Could you give us a more detailed explanation of your theory, so that we can have a deeper understanding of your research on the duality of water molecules?

  It would be even better if we can feel your achievements more intuitively. "

  Editor-in-Chief Molsson, as the former president of the Society of Steam Engineers, is now the editor-in-chief of "Steam Weekly". His knowledge structure in the field of steam technology is very solid, and he raised a straight-to-the-topic question right from the start.

   Fortunately, Luke was well prepared, and Qingkong was also concentrating on mobilizing the mental library in the background to look up information and write cheat sheets.

  So Luke began to answer after a little thought.

"I think that the current mainstream steam academics have a biased understanding of the duality of water molecules. The thermal phase and weak thermal phase of water molecules have different thermal energy absorption rates. Through some experiments, I found that the same unit of thermal energy After being combined by the thermal phase and weak thermal phase of water molecules, the expansion rates produced by them are different.

  Because I want to use the thermal phase and weak thermal phase of water molecules to conduct heat energy between the two phases, and use the difference in expansion rate between the two to form a pressure difference. If it can be realized, it will definitely greatly increase the utilization rate of thermal energy.

  In order to prove the correctness of my assumption, I did some data collection.

   "Advanced Water Magic" mentions the coexistence of water and fire elements. It is recorded in "Elemental Molecules" that using the element extraction method and the fourth-order magic energy wave vibration instrument, the coexistence of water and fire elements will produce color difference changes, and the temperature will fluctuate by ±0.2 degrees.

   "Amus Alchemy Handbook" records the process of Alchemist Master Amus discovering the Flowing Fire Crystal.

  In addition, I also studied twelve books and papers such as "Element Difference Method", "Erk Layer Analysis", "Molecular Theory", and then constructed a set of array techniques..."

   As he spoke, Luke pulled out the magic wand from his cuff, and then spread out his left hand. As the spell was recited, circles of magic circles unfolded above the palm of his left hand. Then Luke took the magic wand to deliver the magic power, and pulled out light trails above the magic circle.

   A set of magic analysis models are quickly formed.

At the same time, Luke continued to explain: "I will start with the six-pointed star thirty-four concerto array as the keynote, add the Erke water element analysis layer, and use the method of increasing and pointing the second, fourth, and eighth mana nodes to make them respectively Reach 31, 47, 53 frequency bands.

   Then use a small amount of fire to flush the magic circuit, and connect it to the concerto array counterclockwise from the Mercury interface.

   During this period, the intake of water elements cannot exceed 0.01 units..."

  A complex three-dimensional magic structure was completed in Luke's narration. Under the action of magic energy, the blue water element flows according to a specific magic circuit. There is also a faint red fire element that is almost invisible and flows together with the water element, and most of them appear in the form of dual element coexistence.

  Editor-in-chief Molson stared at the magic structure in Luke's hand motionlessly. Vartaski forgot to type, and his eyes were fixed on the magic power in the magic structure.

  Suddenly a breeze blew up inside the office, and Vartasky first looked at the window. The windows were not only closed very tightly, but all the gaps were sealed due to the physical condition of Editor-in-Chief Molson.

   When Vartaski didn't figure out where the wind in the room came from, the airflow in the room suddenly blew in the opposite direction.

   "Amazing! It's amazing!"

  Editor-in-chief Molsson discovered the reason, with an excited look on his face, he stretched out his hand to feel the change of airflow in the room.

   At this time, the airflow direction in the room reverses again.

  Vartarsky also wanted to understand what happened.

  The three-dimensional magic structure in Luke's hands is affecting the duality of water vapor in the air. The thermal energy is conducted between the thermal phase and the weak thermal phase of water molecules, and the difference in expansion rate is used to cause a difference in air pressure, thereby forming a wind with a change in the direction of the gap.

   "Amazing indeed!"

  Valtarsky immediately typed quickly to record his discoveries and insights.

  Editor-in-chief Molsson said urgently to Luke: "I thought that "Dual Phases of Water Elements and the Internal Cycle of Thermal Energy" was only a feasible theory, but I didn't expect you to have completed its preliminary design.

  I had to change the question preset for this interview.

   What stage is your experiment in? "

Luke dissipated the magic structure in his hand little by little, and then said: "I can only complete the transfer of heat energy between the duality of water and elements on the magic level, and I can also produce this slight Air pressure difference.

  Any wind attribute magic is more powerful than it produces. "

"But that's wind attribute magic!" Editor-in-Chief Molsson said firmly: "The reason why steam technology has been able to develop so much and become a knowledge system that can keep pace with magic and alchemy in a short period of time is because of the cheapness of heat energy. The popularity of steam machinery.

  I am very optimistic about your research. If you can materialize it and greatly reduce the loss of magic energy, the water molecule dual-phase steam engine will definitely become a must-have steam engine for high-end steam machinery.

  You need a steam lab of your own.

  I can be in the Society of Steam Engineers…”

  Waltarsky reminded from the side: "Mr. Editor-in-Chief, Engineer Luke is now employed by Harut Heavy Industries."

"I'm so happy, I almost forgot that you are not an independent steam engineer, but it doesn't matter." A new steam technology sprouted in front of me, making editor-in-chief Molson happy like a child: "I will give Harut Heavy Industries The owner, Elvis, wrote a letter asking him to open a steam technology laboratory for you, and the Society of Steam Engineers will also give the greatest assistance."

   "Thank you so much!" Luke was also very happy: "I really didn't expect that I could have my own laboratory so early."

  Valtarsky said: "You deserve it, Engineer Luke. When your water molecule two-phase steam engine is researched, your name will definitely be recorded in the history of steam technology."

  Editor-in-Chief Molsson immediately said: "When you have researched the water molecule two-phase steam engine, no matter how many people object to it, I will make you a fifth-level alternate member of the Society of Steam Engineers."

  There are only eight fifth-level members in the Dongdu Steam Engineers Association, and all of them are the most authoritative existence in a certain field, and they have a very large influence in the entire Yate County League.

  In the view of editor-in-chief Molson, if Luke can research the two-phase steam engine of water molecules, he can become the existence sought after by all high-end steam engine users and manufacturers with this patent alone. And according to his talent, his achievement is definitely not just a water molecule two-phase steam engine.

  He stayed in the Dongdu Steam Engineers Association, which is an inestimable wealth of the Art County United.

   It’s just that Luke is not interested in the fifth-level alternate member of the Society of Steam Engineers. When he gets the steam engine of the floating fortress of the Gods, he immediately pats his **** and leaves.

   Now all he needs is an amulet.

   "I don't dream of becoming a fifth-level alternate member of the Society of Steam Engineers before I am forty years old. I will be satisfied if I can become a fourth-level member and have my own steam laboratory."

  Luke's humility endeared the editor-in-chief Molson very much.

   "I promised you the fourth-level membership, and you make me very, very satisfied. After this interview is over, let Vartaski take you to the Society of Steam Engineers to apply."

   "Thank you, Mr. Molson Editor-in-Chief."

   "Good! I didn't expect you to give us such a big surprise at the beginning of the interview. I'm looking forward to the follow-up questions and answers."

"please continue…"


  Molsson completely gave up on the questions he had prepared before. They were too simple and would only lower the quality of this interview.

  He had a hunch that the new issue of "Steam Weekly" would definitely become one of the most collectible issues of "Steam Weekly" since its inception.

  For Luke, the excellent answer to the first question felt like shooting himself in the foot. Editor-in-chief Molson's questions became more and more sharp, which made it difficult for Luke to answer.

   Fortunately, Qingkong's support in the background is very good, and the questions that are difficult to answer will be memorized.

  Listening to Luke’s memorization of some unpopular steam theories, the editor-in-chief of Molsson saw Luke as a genius in the field of steam technology.

  The future is unlimited!

  An interview that was originally planned to be only three hours, suddenly turned from morning to afternoon. For lunch, the three of them settled in the editor-in-chief's office, chatting while eating.

   This made the editors in the editorial department speculate... who is the young man brought by the deputy editor-in-chief Vartaski, who was dragged by the editor-in-chief Molsson for such a long time.

   You must know that the editor-in-chief Molsson seldom takes care of the work of "Steam Weekly" due to physical reasons. It would be good to be able to come two days a week on a working day, with a maximum of three hours at a time.

   What surprised the editors even more was that the editor-in-chief Molsson actually sent the young man out, and then reluctantly asked the deputy editor-in-chief Vartarsky to send him to the Society of Steam Engineers.

   "This issue of "Steam Weekly" reserves a section for me, and I will write a column myself!"

  Editor-in-chief Molsson said something casually, then turned back to his office, and then the entire editorial department exploded.

   "Did I hear you right? Editor-in-Chief Molson wants to write a column himself!"

   "If you heard it right, it means I heard it right too. Editor-in-Chief Molson hasn't written anything since he was hospitalized with a serious illness three years ago. Why is he suddenly writing a column today?"

   "Could it be related to the young man sent away by the deputy editor-in-chief Vartarsky?"

   "Who is that person?"

   "I don't know, won't I know when I get the editor's manuscript?"

  Luke didn’t know yet, but the editor-in-chief Molson decided to write an article for this interview on the spur of the moment, and even asked for a special page.

  The new issue of Steam Weekly is bound to make waves.

   When he arrived at the Association of Steam Engineers, Valtasky followed Luke through the membership promotion process. He took Luke's paper published in "Steam Weekly", evaluations from several well-known steam technology laboratories, and a long letter of recommendation written by the editor-in-chief of Molson.

Although the reviewers for membership promotion wondered how such a young steam engineer could jump two levels in a row and be promoted from a first-level member to a fourth-level member, he could only bring Do it with questions.

  A member certificate of the Society of Steam Engineers Metal IV with an anti-counterfeit mark was placed in Luke's hands by Vartaski.

"Among the entire Yate County Federation, there are ninety-four fourth-level members of the Society of Steam Engineers, and only forty-seven members in Dongdu. They have all made outstanding contributions to the development of steam technology and deserve to be rewarded. respect.

   At the beginning, Editor-in-Chief Molson’s promise of your fourth-level membership is a joke to encourage you, and the third-level membership should be a reward for you after he is satisfied. But your outstanding talent and the erudition and professionalism of your performance made editor-in-chief Molson make a difference.

  The editor-in-chief rarely uses his influence in the Society of Steam Engineers. It can be seen that he likes you very much.

  If you have time, you can visit editor-in-chief Molson more often. Talking to him more will be of great help to your future work and achievements. "

  Luke took over the certificate: "Thanks to Mr. Vartaski, today's harvest will always be engraved in my memory and become my driving force in the field of steam technology.

  If it doesn't affect the rest of editor-in-chief Molsson, of course I am willing to visit him often and learn from him. "

   When it comes to the body of editor-in-chief Molsson, Vartaski can't help but sigh.

"The former Master Molson was a workaholic. He also served as the dean of the Dongdu Magic Steam Academy, the president of the Steam Engineers Association, and had his own column in the "Steam Weekly". He was also responsible for several steam technology engineering research and development teams. captain.

   A serious illness three years ago completely broke him, and his time has been...

  I am his assistant and also his student, today his mood is the best day in the past three years. He must be very happy if you visit!

  I envy your talent, you let him see the future of steam technology. "

  Vartarski's praise made Luke feel a little ashamed. I don't know if his talent is good, that is, he has a clone who can study 24 hours a day.

  However, being able to get a fourth-level member of the Society of Steam Engineers can be considered a talent.

   "I will definitely visit the editor-in-chief Molson often."

"Let's go, I'll take you home. Tomorrow, Mr. Elvis, the owner of Harut Heavy Industries, will receive a personal letter from the editor-in-chief of Molson. He will understand the meaning of the water molecule two-phase steam engine and know that he has picked it up. What a big baby.

  You can ask me all questions about Steam Lab. If you encounter any trouble, you can also find me..."

  Editor-in-Chief Molsson’s love for Luke made Vartaski recognize him as his younger brother, and his words were very close to him.

   "I stay in the apartment every day except for work, what trouble can I have?" Luke pretended to be honest.

  Valtarsky smiled meaningfully and said: "In the past, you were just an ordinary steam engineer, and you certainly wouldn't have trouble finding you, but it won't necessarily be the case in the future.

  Don't worry, with "Steam Weekly", no one can do anything to you in winter! "

  (end of this chapter)