MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 371 titan project

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  Chapter 371 Titan Project

  General Vaughan and Consultant Donahue sat down beside Editor-in-Chief Molson, the library door was closed, and a layer of enchantment spread along the inside of the bookshelf.

  Then editor-in-chief Molson introduced Luke to the two people: "...the water molecule two-phase steam engine is the optimal solution for all cutting-edge steam machinery under research. It greatly improves the utilization rate of heat energy and reduces the consumption of water.

  I have done calculations. Compared with the current best steam engine with the same volume of water molecule two-phase steam engine, the output power can be increased by 15%. Of course, this is a conservative estimate, and I think Engineer Luke may bring us a bigger surprise. "

  General Vaughan nodded while listening, his eyes were always watching Luke from the corner of his eyes.

  It is indeed a bit abrupt for such a genius steam engineer to come to Dongdu during this special period, and people can't help but have many associations.

  However, Bingku conducted an investigation on him and sent someone to check his origin. All files are complete, his background is clean, and he has nothing to do with hostile forces.

  Moreover, the water molecule two-phase steam engine has been evaluated by Molson and many senior steam engineers, and it can be realized according to the current technology accumulation. If he's an Imperial spy, there's no reason to bring such cutting-edge technology.

  This can only be attributed to the technical reserves of Dongdu Steam Engineers Association, which has a strong attraction for steam engine technicians from all over the world.

After editor-in-chief Molsson finished his introduction, General Vonn said to Luke: "My time is very tight, and I can only stay here for an hour at most. Give us a brief introduction to the research plan of the water molecule two-phase steam engine. What do we have? It is time to see a physical machine that can be mass-produced."

Luke stood up and saluted General Vonn, and then said: "Thanks to the attention of Harut Heavy Industry and the help of Editor-in-Chief Molsson, the establishment of the water molecule two-phase steam engine development laboratory is currently going very smoothly. It is expected that after another After one month of equipment installation and commissioning, the development stage of the new steam engine can be formally carried out.

   Now I have completed the magic structure of utilizing the duality of water molecules to realize the internal circulation of thermal energy, and the principle and segmented experimental procedures have also been written. All steam engineers involved in the development of new steam engines are learning.

  After officially entering the development schedule, as long as the required materials are supplied in time, it is estimated that a prototype can be produced within one month. Subsequent testing, optimization and improvement will take about one to two years. "

  General Vaughan was very happy when he heard that the two-phase steam engine of water molecules seemed to be a matter of course. But when he heard that it would take a year or even two years for the final design, the expression on his face immediately became displeased.

   "Will it take this long?"

Before editor-in-chief Molson could speak, consultant Donahue first explained to General Vaughan: "General...the normal development time for a new steam engine is five to ten years, and a new machine wants to make it run stably. Testing and optimization are essential.

   Engineer Luke completed the magic structure, which has saved a lot of time. The rest is the material selection and structural design of the physical machine, which is extremely labor-intensive. "

  General Vonn's attitude was slightly relaxed, but he was not satisfied with the development time of the new steam engine: "I can wait, but our soldiers cannot wait!

  Information from the Ice Cave shows that Rage City of the Golden Shield Empire is manufacturing weapons in large quantities and developing many new technologies at the same time. When the winter is over, the weapons from Raging Waves City can be continuously transported to the northern battlefield. Moreover, the Raging Waves City fleet will definitely go north along the coast to threaten the flanks of our army, and even attack the coastal cities of the county union.

   News came from the Snow City battlefield that new crusaders from the Golden Shield Empire had sporadically appeared on the battlefield.

  In the future, if you cannot develop new weapons as soon as possible, our equipment will be at a disadvantage on the battlefield.

   Engineer Luke, can you shorten the development time of the new steam engine to half a year? "

At this time, editor-in-chief Molson said: "General! Shortening the development schedule cannot be decided at this venue. After the meeting, I will have a good talk with Engineer Luke and calculate if the Society of Steam Engineers fully supports him. lab to see how far ahead we can advance.

   If we hand over non-compliant machines to the army, it is irresponsible for the lives of soldiers. "

  Molsson's words prevented General Vonn from continuing to embarrass Luke.

  He turned to say: "Next, let's talk about 'Project Titan'."

  Project Titan!

  Luke instantly thought of a super weapon developed by Art County United in the Epoch game.

   That is a giant war puppet, driven by magic power, using neurons to connect with the Titan warriors in the cockpit. The game designer's inspiration probably comes from the popular anime "Gundam".

   But how to bring "Project Titan" to the meeting of steam engineers this time?

   Changing magic power to steam power is too much downgrade.

   Let’s take a look at what this “Project Titan” is.

  Molson rubbed his fingers, the light in the library dimmed, and a beam of magic light was projected from the magic circle on the ceiling. In the middle of the light beam, a magical projection of a war machine used by the Allied Army in Attorney appeared.

  Editor-in-chief Molson said at this time: "This is the Singer B24 war machine, designed by the Dongdu Steam Engineers Association, and its performance is also leading in comparison with similar products in the world.

  'Project Titan' is to design a brand new war machine based on the technology of Singer's B24 war machine, which will form a generational advantage over the war machines of the Golden Shield Empire!


   Following the narration by editor-in-chief Molsson, the size of the Singer B24 war machine became larger, and the exposed cockpit became fully enclosed. The shoulders of the war machine are moved up, and a head with a concentrated sensing function is added.

  As the center of gravity of the new war machine increases, the volume of the steam engine behind it must be reduced. In order to counterweight, the breastplate in front of the cockpit is thickened to provide stronger protection for the driver.

  The added magic accessories and armor have greatly increased the weight of the new war machine. The compressed space requires a steam engine with higher power and smaller volume, and the water tank it carries must also be compressed.

  After the editor-in-chief Molsson finished the narration, the war machine in the magic projection could no longer see its original appearance, it was completely a steel mecha with a height of five meters.

  The official name of the United Army in Attorney County is "Titan One".

  Luke did not expect that he caused the war between the Golden Shield Empire and the Yate County United to break out early, and turned the "Titan Project" of the Yate County United into this look. Originally, it was supposed to be developed by the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy after a breakthrough in magic energy technology, but now it has been handed over to the Association of Steam Engineers.

   This is information that the Imperial Secret Service has not collected, which shows the high degree of secrecy.

   Without waiting for Luke to have too much emotion, consultant Donoghue went on to say: "Most of the steam engineers sitting here are participating in the development of the 'Project Titan', and Editor-in-Chief Molson's introduction is for the newly invited joiners.

  Currently, the progress of the "Titan Project" is very smooth, and the Dongdu Magic Steam Academy has completed the design of the magic part. Seventy percent of the mechanical and power transmission design has been completed, but the most critical steam engine has not met the requirements, and it is impossible for the Titan I to obtain the thrust-to-weight ratio required for actual combat.

  Engineer Luke, I think you already understand the purpose of inviting you to this gathering. "

  The two-phase steam engine of water molecules is the key to "Project Titan".

  Although this steam engine is slightly behind the real Titan, it is definitely the optimal solution at this stage.

"It's really a magnificent war machine that makes people feel excited." Luke looked at the magic projection in the beam of light and couldn't help expressing emotion: "It's my honor to participate in the 'Titan Project'. I have confidence that the water molecule dual phase steam engine It can solve the power problem of the Titan I."

   "But the development progress of your new steam engine is too slow." General Vonn looked at the Titan-1, his eyes lit up, and he wished he could join his army now.

  Luke asked: "Is the prototype test machine of the Titan I already built?"

  Advisor Donahue replied: "When Agatha, the eldest princess of the Golden Shield Empire, ordered Meteor to capture Rage City, the County Council realized that there was a high possibility of civil strife in the Golden Shield Empire.

  'Project Titan' was officially established at that time.

  The Titan I prototype test machine has indeed been manufactured, but because there is no suitable steam engine equipment, it can only be debugged by external power for mechanical part debugging.

  We hope that your laboratory will give priority to the development of the steam engine for the Titan I prototype test machine. "

   This is the real purpose of making an exception for Luke to participate in this level of meeting.

   But Luke's plan was to run away in a month, and he never thought about building a steam engine with two-phase water molecules. Compared with the element fusion reactor, this thing is a thing that is both bright and bright. Use magic and alchemy to make steam engines, why not directly make magic power sources.

  In the future, the steam engine will still take the cheap route. It is small and refined, but it can't match the mana power.

   Now that Luke is suddenly interested in "Project Titan", who wouldn't want to drive a Gundam!

   It's just that players can't make a detailed strategy of this specific technology. After all, no one can learn from the basics and build a mecha by hand.

  At this moment, Art County United's crystallization of magic and steam technology "Project Titan" is in front of you. If you don't want to go along with it, you are too sorry for your profession.

Determined, Luke said: "If you use alchemy technology to forcibly realize the magic structure of the steam engine with the duality of water molecules, you can shape a usable steam engine. It's just that the cost is high, and the steam engine cannot be used as the material decays. for too long.

  However, the technology used to verify the Titan I is feasible, and it can also provide reference data for the performance of the steam engine dedicated to the official entity in the future. "

  Editor Molsson said: "We think so too. The data obtained by external power is inaccurate, and long-term running tests in complex environments cannot be carried out.

  First use alchemy to shape a new type of steam engine, which can speed up the finalization of the Titan I. When your water molecule two-phase steam engine is manufactured, it can be directly sent to the factory for mass production. "

  Luke said immediately: "I need the Titan I prototype test machine to enter my laboratory, and give me the Titan I design drawings. I can design the connection between the steam engine and the power transmission route."

  Consultant Donahue said: "The Titan-1 prototype test machine can be stationed in your laboratory, but the blueprint is the top secret of the state and cannot be given to you.

  When you need drawings, you can apply to call them, and check the parts you need under the supervision of a special person. After reading them, you are not allowed to archive and copy them, and return them immediately! "

  Luke apologized and said: "I was abrupt, I am still not used to joining such a confidential plan, the awareness of confidentiality is too weak."

  Donahue didn't blame Luke, but there was some knocking: "Everyone has a first time, and this plan is indeed too early for you to participate in. Young people are prone to impetuosity, and they say things that shouldn't be said when they are prone to impulsiveness.

  'Project Titan' is the top secret of the state, you must always remind yourself to keep the secret, even the closest people can't tell it. The Titan I is our sharp weapon, and we must not let the Golden Shield Empire's Secret Affairs Bureau steal the secret. "

  Luke continued: "I am very familiar with Chief Helkkin of the Ice Cave. After the party, I will go to him to arrange a full-time Ice Cave agent protection for me."

  General Fu En nodded with satisfaction: "It's very good that you have this awareness, not everyone likes to have Ice Cave Agents around.

  It's almost time, and the military department still has a lot of work waiting for me to deal with. whatever it takes to speed up the development of a water molecule two-phase steam engine, money and materials are not an issue.

  I'll wait for you to give me news. "

  Editor-in-Chief Molson stood up and sent them off: "After I discuss the timetable with Engineer Luke, I will send it to Your Excellency General immediately."

   "You are not in good health, so you don't need to send it away. Goodbye, engineers, and thank you for your contribution to the country."

  General Vaughan saluted all the steam engineers, and then left in a hurry with Advisor Donahue.

  The restriction in the library was lifted, the magic projection dissipated, the light was brightened, and the atmosphere of the party became much more relaxed.

  Editor Molsson coughed several times in a row, and then said with some panting: "Let's suspend the discussion, I need to take some medicine and rest for a while. Everyone here is like at your home, don't be overly restrained.

  You can go to the hot springs, or eat something.

  When the next discussion meeting starts, I will send a servant to inform everyone..."

  Editor Molsson, who was feeling a little unwell, left with the help of his servants, and Luke left the venue to find Darikova.

   When Darikova was found, she was soaking comfortably in an indoor single-person hot spring. In the oval-shaped bath, the hot spring water is gushing, and outside the one-way glass of the big fan is a world of ice and snow.

  Darikova was immersed in the water, and the steaming water vapor made her icy skin flush with a peach blossom color. The alcohol that was suppressed by the magic surged up again after being steamed like this, making her look drunk again.

  Luke opened the window with a wave of his hand, and all the steam that filled the room rushed out with a wave of his hand. The cold air that came in caused Darikova in the water to shiver, she went deeper into the water with only one head exposed, and complained angrily to Luke: "It's so cold outside, why are you opening the window? did you get in here? "

  Luke sat down on the rattan chair by the bath, and closed the window with a snap of his fingers: "The humidity here is too high, which makes me a little uncomfortable. I need someone for a new job, can you take it?"

   "Accept! What job?"

  (end of this chapter)