MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 372 prototype

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  Chapter 372 Prototype

  Luke admired Dalikova in the hot spring. Her hair spread out in the water to block important parts, and her blue eyes made her look like a Persian cat.

   "Today is no ordinary meeting of steam engineers," Luke said.

  Darikova used magic to raise a layer of mist on the surface of the water, and then she floated up slightly, with her hands resting on the edge of the bath, and some of the water in the shoulder pocket was very dazzling.

   "The steam engineer gathering organized by Editor-in-Chief Molson is definitely not an ordinary gathering, and I saw many disguised ice cave agents here, and General Vaughan and Advisor Donahue made a surprise visit.

  You must have talked about some state-secret technology. "

  Luke saw a plate of grapes next to the hot spring, so he picked it up and ate it: "It was a highly secret weapon, and I was also given a key job in it.

   The job I am going to give you is related to war machines. How about your war machine driving skills? "

  Darikova said confidently: "As a former field ace of the ice cave, proficiency in the control of all mainstream weapons is the most basic skill. To me, war machines are like playing with children's toys."

   "How about the magic coordination ability."

   "This is another specialty of mine!"

   "Very well, you have passed the interview. The weapon I will be responsible for developing in the next stage needs a war machine tester. You should prepare to report to my laboratory tomorrow."

  Darikova did not expect Luke to ask two random questions, and then hired herself. She hurriedly asked: "What kind of weapons are you testing? Generally, there will be full-time weapon testers in the development of this new type of weapon."

  Luke threw a grape into his mouth: "I think it's better for me to choose the weapon tester myself. I'm going to re-collect the data of the new weapons and compare them with the previous data."

  Darikova asked again: "Why did you choose me?"

  Luke said with a smile: "Among the people I know, only you are proficient in war machine driving and magic coordination, and your combat experience will be of great help to the actual combat performance of new weapons.

   Still give you an hourly salary, 1000 Att coins per hour. When there are no test assignments, your time is free.

is that OK? "

   "No problem." Dalikova agreed without hesitation to get a long-term meal ticket easily.

   Then Luke said: "Due to job changes, my laboratory and my personal safety need to be involved in the ice cave. Please help me make an appointment with Chief Helkkin. I need to talk to him."

  Hearing Helkkin, Dalikova's expression was obviously a little upset: "Why did you ask me to make an appointment? You can find him yourself."

   "I don't like places like ice caves, and it's not suitable for me to go there so frequently. Just do me a favor, after all, I'm your boss now."

"Okay..." Darikova had no choice but to agree, and then said to Luke with a sense of charm: "Would you like to come in and take a hot spring together? The hot spring manor edited by Molson is very famous in the entire Art County United. Take a dip in the hot spring here, and you can brag about it outside for the rest of your life.”

  Luke stood up, looked down at Darikova, and said with a smile: "Being able to soak in the hot spring with me will be enough for you to brag about for a lifetime in the future, but this kind of good thing won't come easily to you.

   This place belongs to you.

  The books edited by Molson are what I want to read. I will wait for you in the library. "

   Seeing Luke go out without hesitation, Dalikova couldn't believe it. She couldn't help doubting her own charm: "If I'm stumped, why not be as safe as a reformed person?"

  Darikova lay in the water again, but she was a little restless and didn't want to enjoy the hot spring anymore, so she reached out and called the clothes on the hanger into her hands.

  Luke returned to the library. After walking around the bookshelves, he asked the servants of the manor to take out a few steam books for him, and then found a secluded place to concentrate on reading.

   Not long after, Dalikova also came to the library. She didn't disturb Luke who was reading, but just sat quietly, her eyes could not help showing a sense of fascination.

  In her eyes, Luke, who is wearing glasses and concentrating on reading, has an indescribable charm.

  His temperament is very different from those impetuous dignitaries, like an old-school gentleman, this kind of person is too rare.

  Valtasky came and sat down with tea, and said to Dalikova: "I can see that you like Engineer Luke very much."

  Darikova immediately looked back at Luke vigilantly, secretly feeling that since leaving the ice cave, she has changed too much compared to before.

  How could those thoughts be born!

  Darikova took the tea from Vartasky politely: "Thank you, Mr. Deputy Editor. I have no resistance to a man who is concentrating on his studies. That kind of intellectual beauty far exceeds appearance and clothing."

  Vartarsky said with a smile: "Engineer Luke became famous too early, I thought he would be dragged down by fame and become impetuous, but now it seems that I am too worried.

   Luke Engineer's success has his talent, but also has a lot to do with his diligence and insatiable thirst for knowledge.

  Miss Darikova, how many snowmen are there in the snowman colony of Polar Daylight City? "

  Hearing Vartaski's question, Darikova couldn't help laughing: "There is no snowman settlement in Polar Daylight City. Mr. Deputy Editor, are you testing me?"

Vartaski who was spotted took a sip of the tea in his hand in embarrassment, and then said: "Engineer Luke doesn't understand the complexity of Winter Capital, and his research is very likely to break the balance of all parties. The only consortium of the United States of America.

  Editor-in-Chief Molson regards Luke as his disciple, so he is my junior, and it is necessary for me to provide him with protection. "

  Darikova knew that Vartaski was warning herself and the "consortium" behind her.

"Deputy editor Vartaski, you may have misunderstood. My hometown is indeed Polar Daylight City, but I am not from any consortium. In a sense... Luke is my boss, and I am hired by him Came to the party to play his girlfriend.

  The hourly salary is 1000 Att coins. "

  Vartarsky opened his mouth involuntarily: "This... it seems that I am really busy! Once again, I sincerely welcome you, and please forgive my offense.

  You are so beautiful, many ladies from big families do not have your charm. "

   "You don't need to apologize, and thank you for your appreciation."

  The embarrassed Vartasky left in a hurry: "I won't bother you, I wish you a good day."

  An hour later, Editor-in-Chief Molson returned to the library, the steam engineers regrouped, and the technical discussion continued.

  Luke enjoys this kind of gathering very much. There is no intrigue, and everyone talks freely in the common field. If it can be changed, he doesn't want to be a politician. Adventure and exploration are his favorite life.

  Darikova didn't take her eyes off Luke the whole time.

  The meeting of steam engineers went on until the afternoon.

   After Luke settled Darikova's wages, he sent her home. In the evening, he was notified that the Titan-1 prototype test machine had been sent to his proprietary laboratory.

  After Luke arrived at the laboratory, the person in charge of the **** had completed the unloading and erection.

  In the temporarily planned large-scale workshop, the two-story-high Titan I prototype was fixed in the erected support bridge. More than a dozen magicians cast spells together to assist the workers in fine-tuning and fixing the position of the prototype.

   Another army is tasked with protecting the Titan I prototype.

Seeing Luke coming, an officer came with a file, saluted first, and then said respectfully: "Hello, Engineer Luke. I am Major Arrow, the guard commander of the Titan I prototype, and this is Titan The receipt document for the first-type prototype, please sign after receiving it."

  Luke took over the file, which contained all the equipment lists delivered this time.

   "I will sign after I have verified."

  Luke took the file and walked under the Titan I prototype, which was taller than what he saw in the magic projection.

   Since the shape is based on the design of war machinery, the style is very rough, and there are criss-crossing steam pipes everywhere. Compared with the magic titan that Luke knew, the steam titan is more full of violent aesthetics.

  In an instant, Luke made up his mind to complete this work. The Magic Titan is powerful, but the cost determines that it cannot be mass-produced.

  If you want to be cheap, you can’t use the water molecule two-phase steam engine. The implosion dual-drive steam engine is its optimal solution. Thickening the lower limbs frees up space for installing dual-drive steam engines, and also allows the center of gravity to move down.

  The implosion-type dual-drive steam engine is the steam engine used by the mainstream war machines in the future. According to the steam technology of Raging Waves City, it is not difficult to manufacture this steam engine.

  The most critical technology of Titan lies in its magical design. The alchemy neuron and the driver are perfectly matched. It is the unique magic alchemy technology of Dongdu Magic Steam Academy.

  It's a pity that Luke can't get a full set of Titan I prototype design drawings. Even if he applies for inspection, he probably won't be able to see the magical design part.

   Could it be that we can only take this Titan I prototype away and return to Raging Waves City for reverse research?

  Reverse research is not a simple matter.

   "Engineer Luke, please verify the equipment." Major Airrow reminded Luke who was in a daze.

   "Oh..." Luke came back to his senses and admired: "This thing is taller than I imagined. If it appears on the battlefield, our enemies will turn around and run away when they see it."

Major Airrow looked at the Titan-1 prototype with longing in his eyes: "It is a war weapon that spans the ages, and it can give ordinary soldiers the same fighting power as extraordinary fighters. Now it only lacks a heart, so it was sent here.

  Engineer Luke, General Vorn has high hopes for you, and hopes that you can send it to the front line against the Golden Shield Empire as soon as possible. "

   "Looks like we're going to hurry up."

   Throughout the night, Luke did not rest, and took his laboratory staff to check the equipment carefully.

  In the morning, Luke, who had just slept for less than an hour, was awakened by a knock on the door.

   Luke in pajamas rubbed his red eyes and opened the door.

   Outside is Darikova.

  She is wearing a decent lady's dress, with a lot of snowflakes stuck to her shawl and hat.

  The cold air blowing in made Luke sober, and he said to Darikova: "Come in and close the door. Want to drink something? Mina is not here, and I don't know if there is any hot water at home."

  Darikova patted off the snow on her body and came in. After closing the door, she asked, "Your spirit is very poor. Did you not sleep well last night?"

Luke sat on the sofa and said, "It's not just that I didn't sleep well, I didn't sleep all night. I didn't expect General Vaughan to deliver the things so quickly. It took a whole night to check the equipment, and many original magic guides still need to be spent. Mana and Psychic checks.

   It's like going through the torture of your ice cave. "

   "The torture in the ice cave will not allow you to stand up and open the door the next day. I have an appointment with Helkkin, who is waiting for you in a nearby cafe.

   If you need a break, I can make another appointment with him. "

  Luke said: "Since I made an appointment with him, it would be too rude to change the time at will. There is strong tea in the kitchen, you make a cup for me.

  I went back to my room to change clothes. "

   After finishing speaking, Luke staggered towards the bedroom and checked all the original magical documents in one night. Even with his mental power reserve, he couldn't bear it.

   When Luke came out after changing into a suit of clothes, Dalikova not only made strong tea for him, but also cleaned up the messy room.

  Darikova put strong tea in Luke's hands, used magic to smooth out the wrinkles on his clothes, and then straightened his hair: "You really need a servant here."

   Luke sipped his tea and said, "Since Mina's accident, I dare not hire servants anymore. Rebecca will come and help me clean up the room when she has time, and for me, this is just a place to come back and rest at night."

Darikova retorted: "Your identity is different from before, and you need to show your status in details. Rebecca is not a woman who knows how to take care of people...I didn't mean to belittle her, but you do now You need a life advisor to guide you to adapt to the high society of Winter Capital."

  Luke smiled and said, "It sounds like you're recommending yourself?"

   "As long as you pay, I can do it. I have received professional upper-class social training in the ice cave."

  It's a pity that Luke's current image is deliberately made by him. In terms of upper-class social experience, he has more experience than Darikova.

   "I'm going to disappoint you. For me, high society is just a burden. My value lies in my mind. In the current Dongdu, no one dares to look down on me because of my image.

  Editor-in-Chief Molsson once told me that all the respect steam engineers get comes from the laboratory. "

   Not getting the job she wanted, Darikova was indeed a little disappointed: "A very profound warning! It is also the life resume of Editor-in-Chief Molsson."

   "Editor Molson is a great and respectable man who maintains a delicate balance of magic and steam."

   "What does this mean?" Darikova didn't understand Luke's evaluation of Molson's editor-in-chief.

   Luke smiled and drank the tea in the cup: "It's nothing... let's go see Helkin!"

  (end of this chapter)