MTL - Alien Snack Bar-Chapter 18 baffling

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The cat demon wants to avoid, but the body has no strength and falls to the ground.

Qin Fei came to the backyard and saw the black cat at a glance. He said with joy: "Little guy, let me touch."

The cat demon hurts the vitality, so that it can't make a demon power, but it can only be fiercely screamed, but it does not cause much deterrent to Qin Fei, but it feels cute.

Qin Fei directly held the black cat in his arms and touched it. It was really soft.

"Hey, are you injured?" Qin Fei found that the black cat had a wound in his left leg and blood flow.

Then take the gauze and the hemostatic cream to wrap it.

The cat demon began to resist, but gradually found that the man was very gentle, and temporarily quieted down.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fei’s brain was pumping: “Are you a brother or a sister?”

The cat demon hasn't reacted yet, Qin Fei turned the black cat out of the belly, and he smiled: "It turned out to be a younger sister."

"Oh, I am going to kill you!" The cat demon screamed, but she had no demon power at this moment, and the voice was just a squeaky voice.

"Haha, are you shy?" Qin Fei did not make an undead gesture, and he took the black cat's chest again. "You bite me."

The cat demon struggled and eventually overslept, her eyes filled with humiliating tears.

"Amount, make a joke." Qin Fei thinks that this cat is so humanized, and can't bear to tease it.

"Right, you are hungry, I will give you some food." Speaking, Qin Fei put the cat demon aside, and he rummaged through the hole in the stove.

After eating hot and sour powder at noon, I slept until the evening, and baked sweet potatoes for an afternoon, the most soft time.

The cat demon looked at the back of Qin Fei, gasping for a few mouthfuls, and stood up with the power of the wilderness. When he reached out a cat's claw, he would kill the bastard.

Qin Fei suddenly turned around and held a broken roasted sweet potato in his hand.

The sweet potato meat is just in the heat, and the red scorpion is already saccharified, and it is scented with white scent. The scented potato scent is drilled into the nostrils, and the cat demon feels that the whole body is crisp.

"Eat, it's polite." Qin Fei held half of the sweet potato in his hand, and it was unfavorable to speak hot. The other half of the sweet potato was handed over to the cat demon.

Cat demon teeth close tightly, starving to death does not eat the food, especially this disciple.

However, the hunger in the abdomen was unbearable, and the temptation to resist the food could not be resisted. The cat demon did not hold back a bite of sweet potato.

The entrance of sweet potato meat is instant, sweet and fragrant, delicious and itchy, so I want to roll.

Hey, the cat demon is swallowing up.

The sleeping Chu Cub was also awakened by the potato, and looked at Qin Fei with a slobber.

Qin Fei naturally wouldn't be so thick, and gave her a whole baked sweet potato. The little girl took a bite and was excited to dance: "Baked sweet potatoes are delicious."

These two little serval cats, even in the same posture, holding sweet potatoes in both hands, blowing a bit of cold, biting a piece of mutton, and then screaming in the mouth, desperately swallowed.

The problem is, if a person has a hot thing, it will be thrown away, but why is the food hot, but it will die?

At this point, Qin Fei’s system suddenly prompts: “The praise from the king is not seen, the skill is +1.”

Qin Fei got more praises, and generally did not look at it. As for paying attention to this article, I simply thought that the name was interesting.

"I don't see you, the water of the Yellow River comes up!"

"Running to the sea will not return."

"I don't see you, Gao Tang Ming Jing is sad and white!"

"Changing into the blue silk into snow."

"Life is full of joy, so that the gold is empty for the moon. Naturally, my materials will be useful, and the money will be restored."

Qin Fei only remembers a few words, but it does not prevent him from picking up and pushing.

Chu Xiaoying looked at him with a look of adoration, my God, Qin Da Ge, a sweet potato can make such a good verse!

Is the standard of being a cook so high now? People are handsome, the dishes are well burned, they will be martial arts, and they will make poems?

The cat demon is also a stunned look. How does he know my name? And why use my name for poetry?

In addition, this poem is magnificent, open-minded, and the cat demon's resentment for centuries seems to have been put down.

In fact, Qin Fei was also surprised. Chu Xiaoying read poetry books. It is natural to understand the artistic conception of this poem. But why can this cat understand?

"Do you like this poem?" Qin Fei touched the cat's head.

The black cat snorted and continued to eat sweet potatoes, and ignored him.

Qin Fei said again: "Look at you as a homeless kitten. Follow me from now on, give you a name..."

Qin Fei indulged for a moment: "You are black and black, and no one can see it in a place with poor light. Just say that you are not seen."

The cat demon was still a little touched. As a result, Qin Fei Te’s ignorance of the monarch is not understood as a black lacquer black. No one can see it. I am going to your uncle!

The cat demon eats sweet potatoes, and when you are full, you will kill you!


Lin’s seafood shop’s Lin’s treasurer has not appeared for a long time because he is studying new dishes.

He already understood that it would not work to copy the recipes of the snack bar in the opposite world. Then Qin Fei could make a sensation by casually making a new dish at three ends, and he could only eat gray after he followed him.

It is better to push the innovations of the restaurant and introduce a few new dishes that can be hand-picked before they can suppress the arrogance of the other party and consolidate the dominance of the Lin Ji Restaurant.

It’s easy to talk about a successful new dish. Lin’s shopkeeper tried a lot of novelty ingredients, and some of them are konjac.

"Come, try the water that I just researched and cook!" Lin founder caught a man and ordered.

The guy looked at the white flower of the plate and couldn't help but spit it out.

"Useless things, go and go!" Lin was furious, but when he prepared to taste his own taste, he did not hold back his stomach.

"Come on, come to the group of snakes to help me find." Lin shopkeeper is on the head, he is not good, that outside the snack bar do not think too much.

Of course, because Qin Fei offered a meal to please the county magistrate, the head and face of the figure did not dare to move the snack bar, Lin treasurer can only help the snake skin to help such a group of rogue.

Not long after, the snakeskin helper came to the door, bargained for some price, talked about the price, prepared to gather a bunch of good hands, and later hit the outside snack bar.

Lin treasurer did not want to miss this scene of deflation, they went to the front row to occupy the crowd.

Today, the outside snack bar is closed?

When I came to the snack bar, Lin’s treasurer discovered the situation.

But it doesn't matter. With the help of the snakeskin to help the group, even if you don't open the door, you can put the torch on the shop.

Lin shopkeepers in the opposite store of the snack bar shop, called a pot of tea, a dish of snacks, and you are eager to eat.

"Lin boss, you are a beautiful cat." The small shop guy flattered.

Lin’s treasurer raised only a **** cat. When he became a baby, he took it everywhere. He heard someone praise, and immediately took a few shots: “Reward!”

"Hey, thank you, Lin Bo, you told me to tell me." The guy nodded and slammed back.

In a short time, the snakeskins appeared, and the work was quite up to heart. So many people came to the temperament of the barn snack bar.

Lin treasurer nodded with satisfaction.

But the snakeskin gang has not yet started to move, and another group of people appeared in Beimen Road. They looked at the costumes as a group of Taoist priests, followed by a group of young and strong hands, and at least forty or fifty people.

When the group appeared, it immediately caught everyone’s attention. Lin’s treasurer told him: “Go and ask, what is the situation?”

The small shop gang immediately ran to inquire about a circle, and said back to him: "It is the people in Lishui County. They are playing monsters. It is said that the monsters have come to Yunjiang County."

Oh, interesting, but unfortunately I have arranged the show tonight, otherwise I can go and see the fun of playing monsters.

Lin’s shopkeeper was thinking this way. Suddenly, the group of Taoist priests noticed him, and he waved his hand when he waved.

"What are you going to do?" Lin's treasurer looked awkward.

Ziding real people looked at the **** cat in the arms of Lin’s treasurer. Haha smiled: “Through the iron shoes, there is no flaw, you have to work hard, enchanting, don’t think that you will collect the demon, the poor road will not recognize you! ”

"Come, come and kill me this black cat!"

Lin treasurer was shocked and hurriedly kept the black cat in his arms: "What enchanting is not enchanting, this is my baby, you dare to move it a hair, I am not finished with you!"

Ziding’s real brow: "This person has been enchanted by the enchanting mind, if you dare to stop, kill together, start!"

"Ah?" Lin shopkeeper holding the cat turned around and ran while running and shouting, "Come to save me!"

The snakeskins listened to everyone, although today's mission is to kill the outside bar snack shop, but the employer is in danger, the snakeskin will help the shot.

A group of gangsters and a group of Taoist priests immediately smashed up and played a full martial arts on the North Gate Road.

Qin Fei heard the movement and looked out from the window of the second floor attic. It was stunned: "Small, let me put my seeds."

"Qin Big Brother, why are they fighting?"

"How would I know."

"Poor shops are smashed, but fortunately we are out of business today."

"Hey, isn't that the boss of Lin Kee Seafood Restaurant? Why is he crying with a cat?"


This inexplicable fight lasted for a long time, until the county sent a servant to stop the dispute.

But Beimen Road has become a pot of cooking, and countless people have been injured, rolling around on the ground to mourn.

Lin’s treasurer was not hurt, but his cat died and he cried like a child of 180 pounds.

Because of the serious situation, the county magistrate of Lianshui County came to Yunjiang County to assist in the investigation, which explained the situation of catching the demon. Yang’s clan agreed to pay for all the losses of Beimen Road, and the snake skin helped the evil forces. After being killed, the Yunjiang County Order also sold a face, and the big things became smaller.

"What about my cat?" Lin treasurer sprinkled and smashed.

"I almost forgot." The Lishui County magistrate asked the Yunjiang County magistrate. "The Dao said that although the cat demon died, it still needs to be frustrated. Otherwise, it is very likely to resurrect and relapse."

"This way, then I quickly took it to burn." Yunjiang County decided to make a decision.

"Ah?" Lin treasurer directly fainted.