MTL - Alien Snack Bar-Chapter 24 Retreat

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"Qin boss, would like to ask if your store can accept the banquet?"

When I was fighting tonight, a young man came to consult.

"The banquet?" Qin Fei looks weird. "I sell snacks, isn't the banquet?"

To Qin Fei to be a serious ten dishes and one soup, he really did not have the ability.

The young man said again and again: "Appropriate, suitable..."

It turned out that the young man was the deacon of Yunjiang County, and he was named Han Cheng.

This retreat was the institution that was established a few years ago by the Empress Dowager Tianlong. It was specially designed to accept veterans who were injured and disabled on the battlefield and unable to take care of themselves. They were funded by the government.

Tomorrow is the annual Taiping Festival of Tianlong, blessing the festival of the four seas, and Han Cheng wants the old people to eat well.

I don’t know how much money is available in the Korean way. I don’t know how much money is available. I heard that the fare snack bar is not expensive, and the dishes are novel, so I have this plan.

After listening to Han Cheng, Qin Fei thought a little bit: "How many people are leaving the retreat?"

"Not many, a total of more than 20 people, but a few people are inconvenient to move, only 13 people can go to the store." Han Cheng did statistics.

"I have picked up this activity." Qin Fei directly promised to come down and paused. "In addition, I don't have to go to the store to eat. Tomorrow, I will pack up and go to your office to save the old people from tossing back and forth."

After listening to Han Cheng, it was a joy, but then he was exposed to embarrassment: "Boss, that cost..."

If you do it, the cost should be high? There is really not much money to retreat.

"Let's do this, I will give you a list. If you prepare the ingredients, you don't have to give me any more money." The old people dedicated their lives to the country. Qin Fei can't help, do what he can, talk about his mind. .

When I heard Qin Fei’s words, Han Cheng’s eyes were a little moist, and he was covered in a ceremony: “Thank you Qin Boss.”

Immediately, Qin Fei listed a list of ingredients and handed it to Han Cheng. Han Cheng repeatedly thanked him before he left.


In the evening, Chu Youzhen thought that during the day, Qin Fei was in his head, and his heart was shaking. He couldn’t sleep, and he spoke to the black cat.

"Cat, you said that Big Brother Qin burned a good dish, and his heart is good. Why didn't he have a wife?"

The black cat was too sleepy and didn't want to take care of her. He snorted impatiently.

"What? You said that I want to be a brother of Qin Da, shame, people are still small, bad cats!" Chu You岚 buried his face on the cat, a smirk.

The black cat looked arrogant, and Ben said nothing.

Saying a girl, now in the summer, what spring do you send? !


The next day, because he was going to leave the office, Qin Fei got up early and packed up the tools.

In fact, there are not many things, nothing more than some bamboo sticks, shabu-shabu and the like.

Qin Fei is going to make a hot pot of skewers, a table of ten people, two tables of twenty people is enough, eat this lively.

"Small, you don't have to go today, leave me to see the store, if someone sends something back, sign it." Qin Fei ordered.

Chu’s child was somewhat lost, but he promised to complete the task.

Qin Fei went to the retreat on the way, and then went to the blacksmith to ask for a pot.

Zhang Blacksmith is not very ill, has been asking how the effect of Qin Fei's instrument is, and how to use it?

Qin Fei was asked a little annoyed, and said: "The effect is very good. Since you ask, I tell you how to use it. First prepare the broken internal organs, dry limbs, solidified blood, twisted plants, broken brain, Twisted tentacles, scarlet fruit. Roll in the opposite of red and white, silence in the blend of yellow and brown!"

"When you wait for this step, all the demons and ghosts will be surrendered to it!"

After listening to the blacksmith, he looked up at the mountains and turned out to be the legendary witchcraft, six six six!

Saying goodbye to Zhang Blacksmith, Qin Fei took two simmering pots and came to the retreat according to the address.

But he found that it was a little different from the imagination.

In the imagination, the nursing home or rehabilitation center is generally built in an elegant environment, where the scenery is beautiful, but the location of the retreat is on the side of a sewer, and there is a smell in the air. .

Moreover, the retreat of the house seems to belong to a state of disrepair, and the walls have collapsed and repaired.

Standing outside the door, Qin Fei heard the sound of snoring inside.

"Small king gossip, the court has set aside so much money, have given you greed? How long will it take me to have a new pair of underwear?"

"And, I don't want to share a chamber pot with Lao Li. He gets up eight times a night and is not fair to me!"

"Little Han is coming over, I haven’t been able to get up on my legs for a long time!"

These are the voices of the elderly, and then the voice of a young man is arrogant and promised.

After a while, someone opened the door and happened to meet Qin Fei.

Han Cheng was a little wrong, and immediately said: "Hao Boss came so early?"

"Prepare early." Qin Fei responded with a bad attitude.

"The conditions for leaving the retreat are simple. I hope that the boss of Qin will not mind, please come in quickly." Han Cheng invited Qin to fly inside the door, the yard was overgrown with a few old people in the shade Cool down.

Old people have fewer arms, some have fewer legs, and some have less flesh on their faces, and the clothes they wear are ragged, and the furnishings in the retreat are like these old people, lacking arms and legs.

It’s more bleak than it looks outside.

Qin Fei’s heart hurts, and then it’s annoyed. He asked: “The money set by the court should be enough. Why is it because of this?”

Han Cheng stunned and made a squeaky gesture. Then the door was covered, and this was a bit bitter: "The boss of Qin did not know. Before March, the Regent King ordered the cancellation of the national retreat fund. This The cost of a few months depends on the county’s own people to pay for themselves."

"Now the county magnate is exiled, and there is no one at all on the side of the retreat. Now I am left alone, and I am really unable to make a whole fight."

Han Cheng paused: "Please ask Qin boss for forgiveness."

Qin Fei first entered the main, thinking that this Korean process was full of private pockets, took the money that should not be taken, leading to the depression scene of the retreat, I did not expect this is the case.

Qin Fei’s face is a bit hot: “I’m abrupt, but why don’t you tell everyone the truth?”

There was an old man who had been in a hurry for the money.

Han Cheng looks nervous: "Don't say it."

Han Cheng will take Qin Fei a little further and continue to say: "They made a contribution to the imperial court, they passed through the blood, and the corpse was bloody. It is inevitable that the temper is a little weird. I said that I should be a few words. But if I say Regardless of them, the court may have something to do."

"So I ask Qin boss not to say anything." Han Cheng arched his hand.

Qin Fei looked at Han Cheng with sorrow, the old man was respectable, but this young man is equally admirable.