MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 92 Astrologers and Rebels (21)

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Xu Shi's gaze was too intense, disturbing the musician who was playing enthusiastically.

The flute sound at the climax paused, Gu Zhong opened his eyes to look at Ling Yan, and called out in doubt.

"Master? What's wrong?"

Yes, how could Gu Zhong come back so easily, what was she expecting needlessly?

It's just an old song of an old friend, always sad.

"Where did you learn this song?"

Unwilling to give up, Ling Yan couldn't help but want to ask her a question.

After the Battle of Liding, Gu Zhong once traveled with her in the mountains and rivers, and in the conversation mentioned that the battle was tragic, peace was hard to see, and it was not easy to meet.

I couldn't help but feel a thousand emotions, so I composed a song and played it to her.

It was only played that time - after all, there are too many songs in the God of War, and there are very few songs that can make her play a second time.

So it stands to reason that this song is only right if you really care about it in good condition.

"Seeing the desolate state of Blood Phoenix Mountain now, and thinking of the bustling past, I can't help but feel a little sigh.

On a whim, I played a song at will, I wonder if Master still likes it? "

There seems to be thousands of melancholy in the foreword, but now her mood is indeed similar to that of the past.

After speaking, Gu Zhong changed his tone as if he didn't want to let the gloomy mood fill the room between the two.

She stretched her brows and eyes proudly, her eyes dazzled with a smile, and the glittering black eyes were full of complacent pride and a look of praise.

"...It sounds very good, I like it very much, can Ah Zhong continue to play it?"

Hearing this, Ling Yan stared at Gu Zhong for a moment, then smiled, as if the haze and the melancholy accumulated for many days had been swept away.

Even if today's Gu Zhong is not that person, there are still those lovely things.

Care and appropriate, as always.

She coaxed Gu Zhong to take her attention away from herself and focus on the vocal music again.

The flute continued to sound, but Ling Yan did not appreciate it as seriously as before, but immersed her thoughts in the memories of the past.

She vaguely remembered that there was a lifetime, and Gu Zhong was like this too, unknowingly reappearing the past, like a harbinger of awakening.

It brought her endless hope, and finally ended in endless disappointment.

Speaking of which, Ling Yan's expectations were too full.

Even if the remnant soul experiences the reincarnation of the world again, it cannot completely remove the original memory hidden in the depths of the soul.

Although they are not completely original people, they will always have a similar trait and performance.

But it was just a little memory and a little similarity, which made Ling Yan feel uneasy.

As the night faded, the sun rose lazily from the horizon, passing through the misty clouds, casting dappled and fragmented shadows.

The two masters and apprentices embarked on a journey to explore the source of the magic energy again.

No matter how bright the day is, no matter how warm the sun is, it cannot dispel the dead aura left after the Battle of Blood Phoenix Mountain.

Footsteps on the dead branches fell on the ground, making a crunching sound, especially clear in the silent and empty remnant mountains.

After walking for a while, Ling Yan suddenly felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling in her heart, as if someone around was full of malice and was peeping at them.

She stretched out her hand to stop Gu Zhong who was behind her, and in Gu Zhong's puzzled eyes, she looked around vigilantly.

It is still a barren open space when you see it, and the appearance of Blood Phoenix Mountain now is a wild place in the Ghost Valley. It doesn't seem like it can hide people.

—unless someone is so good at concealment that they can deceive a transitional robber for inspiration.

Thinking like this, Ling Yan immediately activated the astrolabe magic weapon, releasing a circle of violent shock waves, with the two as the center, continuously whistling around.

Forcibly pressing down the fresh blood in her throat, Ling Yan still put on a relaxed posture—it was still a bit reluctant to force the mana before the injury healed.

There was a muffled groan not far behind.

Gu Zhong has always been smart, and when she attacked, she understood Ling Yan's intention and was ready to fight.

At the same time as the sound came, she flew out and went straight to the source of the sound.

After a while, a monk was tied and thrown in front of Ling Yan.

Because of the fight, he looked a little disheartened. After landing, he was stunned for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, he knelt down and started begging for mercy.

"Forgive me! You two bosses, I'm just a poor little cultivator, I don't have any treasures for you!"

In the words, the two were regarded as villains who murdered and seized treasures.

Ling Yan can be sure that there must be no tail following the two of them along the way, so this person may just happen to meet them at Blood Phoenix Mountain.

Ling Yan didn't believe this man's words for begging for mercy, how dare a little loose cultivator use the concealment technique to wander around beside a strange cultivator who is stronger than him, no matter how you look at it, it is a ghost.

Moreover, the back-and-forth reactions are very inappropriate, and it is very likely that they knew them and acted this scene of begging for mercy in order to survive.

The main question now is whether this person spread the news that the two were in Blood Phoenix Mountain.

"Is the news out?"

"I...I don't know what you're talking about...Please spare me, woohoo, I have old people and young people..."

The man's eyes dodged for a moment, and he didn't even know.

Immediately, he created a hidden formation for the two of them, and dragged Gu Zhong to the place where the astrolabe was most likely to be the source of the invasion of demonic energy.

The closer you get to the position of the astrolabe, the more familiar Ling Yan feels. This seems to be the place where the demon king was born...

When she first knew that the source of the magic energy was in Blood Phoenix Mountain, she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

If the demon king was born because of the evil spirit, then the layout is involved, not just a few years.

What's more, if the demon clan has anything to do with the devil energy, this is the most deadly.

According to the original timeline, if there is no accident, the world will end up like this.

Ling Yan rummaged through her memory, remembering that when the demon clan changed in the past, Xia Xiange's various anomalies and her extraordinary attention to the demon clan, it was difficult not to connect the two stand up.

After so many years, Xia Xiange really hasn't taken a step out of the Star Luomen? No one can prove this.

So, is Xia Xiange's real purpose to destroy the world? Ling Yan did not dare to speculate.

After all, other than deliberately targeting Gu Zhong in the first few worlds, she did not do anything to destroy the world.

"Why here?"

Gu Zhong's question is the same, she is also puzzled that the demonic energy comes from the place where the demon king came into the world, from which you can vaguely smell a hint of conspiracy.

At this time, there were several streamers streaking across the sky, and the message sent by the previous person should have reached the various immortal gates.

The location of the people who come is near or far, and the nearest ones are even less than 100 meters away from them.

If Ling Yan hadn't activated the stealth formation in advance, I'm afraid it would have been exposed at this time.

"Let's go first, we'll talk about this later."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ling Yan pulled Gu Zhong and jumped out of the cave where the demon king was born.

The two hurriedly closed their sense of smell, otherwise they would be stunned.

Even if the stench was prevented from invading in time, the feeling of reaching the sky was still lingering in their minds for a long time.

Jump into the cave, and with the faint light from above the cave entrance, you can vaguely see corpses all over the ground, not only monsters, but also human monks.

It seems that they are not the first people to jump down this cave, but all who came here died here.

What is even more surprising is that there is not a shred of blood in their bodies, as if they were drained.

People have to start worrying about what kind of beasts they encountered that made them look so shocking.

Seeing this situation, Ling Yan knew it.

Because she has seen too many such deaths.

Not all people who are eroded by demonic energy will turn into demons, and those who are not strong enough will be sucked up by demonic energy and all their flesh and blood will be turned into nourishment to nourish demonic energy , making it stronger.

Can you handle it now?

You can faintly hear a "tick" from the front, slow and even, as if something is dripping.

Following the voice and gradually moving forward, the surroundings gradually become wider, at least they can be side by side.

At the same time, the light enough to illuminate gradually disappeared, so Ling Yan had to use mirage beads to replace the lighting.

When they groped to the sound of the drop of water, the sight in front of them made the hair stand upside down, and a cool air climbed up the scalp along the back.


The author has something to say:

woohoo! Thank you, the air cold little angel! So many comments! So many flowers! Lots of grenades! (Kissing hugs and holding them high)

Thanks? Little Angel's Mine! (holds)

Thank you for your support and affirmation, I will continue to work hard!

//Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-2300:54:18~2021-11-2420:17:20

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: air cold 2;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines:? 2;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 416863371 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!