MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3169 Windfall

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With the fragmentation of the enlightened hilt, there was a huge movement around it. Of course, it is not a situation like Li Huailin’s big explosion, but a more exaggerated situation. What Li Huailin saw was that there was a huge crack in the sky here, and what happened around it could be said to be fissile.

"What's the situation?" Summon Jade Emperor also looked at the sky where cracks began to appear. As I said, the cracks on the sky here have begun to crack, and from the cracks, some blue, purple seems to be liquid. It's not like liquids that spew directly out.

I still haven't figured out what is going on here. Li Huailin's surroundings are out of thin air, and it seems that the surrounding space is being destroyed. And Li Huailin looked at the inside of the crack, and it seemed to be all sorts of strange colors, and he couldn't even be called something. He didn't know what was going on.

"It seems like...I want to make a big deal." Li Huailin said. Although I don't know what happened, this reaction seems to be a bit of a hassle.

Just when everyone is a little bit ignorant, the green light flashes next to it, and the dreams have appeared again. Recently, dreams seem to appear frequently, of course, mainly because Li Huaili has been doing dangerous things recently.

"What happened here? What did you do?" Although there are three people here, the first person to ask in the dream is Li Huailin. It is obvious that if there are people in the three people who can make a big deal, of course, Li Huailin At least, this is what the dreamland thinks.

"What is the situation?" Li Huailin asked directly.

“It seems that the planes have lost their balance and started to infiltrate each other.” The dream immediately said, “But it is generally impossible for this to happen. What did you do?”

“Is the mutual penetration between the planes?” Li Huailin said. “Why... what would happen if the enlightenment sword was destroyed?”

"What?" The dream came straight, but just as she was still thinking about the possibility of the incident, suddenly the white light around it. Yes, the white light is the crack that has already appeared, and at this time the cracks seem to be wrapped in these white rays, temporarily quieted down, no longer enlarged, and no longer continue to spew strange things.

"It turns out that..." The dream here nodded. "It seems that you really broke the enlightenment?"

"What is the situation now?" Li Huailin asked.

"I really don't know what you are thinking." Dream said, "Enlightenment is the sword that controls the order, maintaining the balance between the various planes of the world. Without his power, the balance before all planes will be Breaking, the situation is the infiltration of the incompatible planes, which is what you saw before. Fortunately, it is only the beginning. If this happens, maybe... the whole world will destroy."

"Hey... is it ruined? I seem to hear more of it later." Li Huailin said.

"Hey, it’s not that you’ve been messing around all the time. How do you think the world is strong?” Dream couldn’t help but say, “You guys are doing this, actually want to destroy the Excalibur, and don’t know What method was used to really succeed? Just the moment of enlightenment seems to have really lost the ability, but it was restored in time, otherwise what happened was really unimaginable."

"That is to say, the enlightenment has been restored now?" Li Huailin nodded. The general situation was that when the sword was destroyed before, the enlightenment temporarily failed, but as before, the Excalibur could not really die, so This power was quickly restored, so now the plane of destruction is suppressed. When Li Huailin spoke, the crack in the sky was wrapped in white light, and it seemed to be in a slow repair, and it would soon disappear.

"Of course, it has been restored. Otherwise, the whole world will disappear." The dream was a little angry. "What is the situation that makes you think of this plan. Are you really destroying the whole world?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect this to happen." The one side of the sky here immediately came up and apologized. Yes, of course, he did not expect such a dangerous situation. Before listening to the enemies that Qidi himself said, the sword was destroyed. I will be born again in the future, so don't worry, I didn't expect the situation to be so dangerous, it seems to be almost the end of the world.

"In order to change the control of the Excalibur." Li Huailin said, "I haven't talked to you before, so I asked Enlightenment, the other party's answer is to destroy the Excalibur, the other party will be born again, so now the situation Just like what you see."

"Do you really intend to do this?" The dream is also slightly stunned. Is it true that Li Huailin really intends to collect the Excalibur? Before Li Huailin inquired about this, although the dream told him the news in this regard, but at that time, Li Huailin had no idea, but he did not expect that the other party really had a way to destroy the Excalibur.

"So I haven't done it yet." Li Huailin spread his hand. "The enlightenment has been reborn here, but I haven't seen anyone. Where have you been?"

"How do I know," said the dream. "I have already said before. The concept of the Excalibur is only because of a kind of existence that you can understand in front of you. In the case of enlightenment, the concept of the other side as a sword has already been It’s been destroyed by you. Of course, she certainly hasn’t disappeared. Will it appear in front of you and will appear in what form? I don’t know.”

"Hey?" Li Huailin directly took the amount, "Hey... simply said that the Excalibur has now become a state of no ownership, but where did you not know?"

"There are no concepts of the Lord and the Lord." The dream said, "After all, the rules of the Excalibur have been destroyed by you, so now the enlightenment... I can't explain it to you."

"Oh... then I am not busy with work?" Li Huailin said.

"Unless Enlightenment is willing to become a sword again," said the dream here. "It depends on the wishes of the other party."

"..." Li Huailing said that the amount of headaches.

"But I think the probability is that the other party will come back." The dream thought about it.

“Hey? Why?” Li Huailin asked.

"Because you have this dangerous person, the world doesn't know what it will be like you." The dream said, "so it should still come again in some way."

"This way." Li Huailin nodded. The meaning of dreams was that he understood it. Of course, enlightenment to find his own trouble, Li Huailin did not have this conscious, but the other party and the glory did not deal with it, even if it was to deal with the glory, it must be incarnate again. It can be understood as something like a certain form.

In the current situation, the enlightenment side has really become a state of no ownership. Although the ontology is directly gone, it is at least a bit progressive. Li Huailin said that the result is still acceptable: "The question now is how to enlighten I got it back..."

"What exactly do you want to collect the Excalibur?" The dream here suddenly asked.

"Although I can't help you, but the problem is that even if I say it, you can't understand it." Li Huailin said, "This situation is like you can't explain your existence in the way I understand. I don't have this. Concept, so I don't understand. I can't explain my reasons in the same situation."

“Really?” asked the dream a little bit skeptical.

"I don't have to lie to you at this point. After all, you also don't want to understand my reasons." Li Huailin said.

Yes, the dream really does not quite understand the reason why Li Huailin wants to collect the Excalibur. The Excalibur does have a very powerful force, but the problem is that Li Huailin has already got two, and all of them are liberating. This is nothing. It is necessary to continue to get it. Especially on Li Huailin's side, the dream can see that Li Huai-lin is definitely not collecting the Excalibur in order to gain more powerful power. This guy is really a dangerous person who can collapse the whole world casually. For example, you There are 1,000 nuclear bombs that can blow the entire earth once. Do you want to find more nuclear bombs? There is no need for it anymore. So although Li Huailin said something a bit strange, but dreams here really need to think about whether the other party is arguing.

"Next, will you continue to collect other Excaliburs, including me?" The dream thought about it and asked.

"Probably," Li Huailin said. "I don't know how to deal with the current situation. I have to find a way to find the enlightenment, and now the time is not enough... The specific situation may have to wait until the world trials."

"Well..." The dream was a little indulgent for a while, and suddenly said, "Forget it, I will go with you."

"Hey?" Li Huailin took a direct look. This is really what he did not expect. The meaning of walking with him is... Decided to recognize him as the master?

"Because you guys are too dangerous, I think it's better to stare at you," said the dream. "After that, you have to get my words, and then use these extreme methods for a while, although I can quickly Fix, but obviously there will be a few seconds to lose control. If you lose control, the dream world doesn't know what will happen, so it's better to happen these things, it's better to follow you now, just to look at you. ""

"This way." Li Huailin nodded. I didn't expect this to happen. Although it was said that Qidi didn't know where to go, but the dream was to join himself, it was really a lot of unexpected gains.

"I oppose!" No accident, the light here has come out again, "I don't want to be with you..."

"The opposition is invalid." Li Huailin directly interrupted the glory, then turned to the dream and said, "What should I do under research?"