MTL - Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters-Chapter 18 case analysis

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Lin Tingjun was about to leave, but suddenly, the sword on his waist remained in place!

That's right, his sword stopped in the air, but other people just think that his sword is worn on his waist, so they can't see the clue. But Lin Tingjun felt it. He looked at the side of his waist and patted the scabbard lightly. Then the sword relaxed and continued to hang on Lin Tingjun's waist. Lin Tingjun followed Lian Youyou into the door.

At this time, General Yu Chifeng had checked Liu Qiang's body and was losing his temper.

"Who the **** said that this villager's intestines were eaten by monsters? Isn't the intestines still there?!" Yu Chifeng was upright by nature, he was bathed in blood, he had never seen such a corpse before, so he wouldn't be afraid.

Moreover, he can't understand those superstitions the most. He, Yu Chifeng, never believed in ghosts and gods, neither did his whole family. Praying to gods and worshiping Buddha is useful in war, and it is not because of the machete on his waist and the spirit of thousands of soldiers who are not afraid of death.

The common people are afraid of ghosts and gods in their hearts, and they are afraid of officials in their faces.

When Yu Chifeng went crazy, the villagers were also afraid, and they all shrunk their necks, not daring to speak out.

"Foolish people! Foolish people! Spreading falsehoods! Spreading falsehoods! Making troubles by making rumors! You still engage in these strange powers and chaos! I am so annoyed that witches like you lie to people!" Yu Chifeng lifted his foot and kicked over the altar. On the ground, the Liu family members who were so frightened and playful did not dare to make a sound, and peeked at Li Xiangu.

Don't blame Yu Chifeng for being so hot, think of him as a dignified general defending the city of Qinzhou! In the end, because of a small rumor, he dispatched his own elite soldiers and personal guards, all this fanfare, for such a big thing? In the future, if the family's New Year's gathering is passed on to the family and known by other brothers in the family, wouldn't it make him laugh out loud and make him lose face?

Li Xiangu blinked her snow-white eyes: "This general... This Liu Qiang was harmed by a monster, and he still has a monster in him. If you don't cast a spell, the monster will definitely harm the Liu family! Can you bear this responsibility?!" Li Xiangu is a well-known fairy girl in the Qinzhou Mansion. Many town officials and wealthy businessmen in various towns in the prefecture have also sought her out to exorcise evil spirits. Fairy on the road.

Seeing that Li Xiangu is not afraid of the official, Liu Qiang's family became more courageous. They knelt down and begged: "Master, please let Li Xiangu do it—Master Guan, please let Li Xiangu do it—"

"Please ask Li Xiangu to exorcise my son from evil—"

"That's right, my lord, let Li Xiangu do this to drive away the evil spirits, otherwise the evil spirits will come out and harm our whole village." The Beicun people watching the excitement around the wall also restrained their words.

"Officer, let Xiangu do it~~~~~"

If this Li Xiangu didn't reply, Yu Chifeng would withdraw from the team and not waste time here.

But Li Xiangu not only responded, but also brought up the rhythm of the villagers, which made him look like he was here to cause trouble. Looking at Li Xiangu again, there was a smug smile on the lady's face.

This fairy girl is a disciple of the gods, and you are just a mere mortal, a little official.

This Li Xiangu also didn't know the real face of Mount Lu, nor did she know Yu Chifeng's official position. It's not her fault, the people who came to Xiaoshan Village to investigate the case were at best the town's officials, how could they be the guards of the provincial capital? If she knew this, how could she dare to talk so much?

Seeing that the villagers followed Li Xiangu's style, how could Yu Chifeng's upright character bear it? He is the general guarding the city, he is the guardian of the Qinzhou side, it's fine if the common people don't listen to him, but they still listen to those magic sticks? As soon as this anger came up, he was going to be hard.

"I'll catch you all—"

"Mother-in-law!" Suddenly, a figure jumped in front of him at high speed, Yuchifeng didn't see that figure clearly, even Lin Tingjun, who had been following Lian Youyou, was stunned, feeling that there was something wrong with him. A braid was drawn across his face.

kindness? what's the situation? What just happened? What about Lian Youyou? What the **** did you slap on your face?

The next moment, only two sounds of "Papa!" were heard, and the audience was silent.

Everyone took a closer look, and it was Lian Youyou who grabbed Li Xiangu's collar, bowed left and right, and slapped her twice, leaving two red palm prints on Li Xiangu's plump face. Two slaps give you a plateau red .

Li Xiangu was stunned by the beating, and stood there dumbfounded, as if her brain had been taken away, leaving only an empty head.

Lin Tingjun was startled, and stared at Lian Youyou even more closely. Since he received the token to punish evil spirits, he has not seen anyone who can surpass him in stature, even all kinds of evil spirits. If it was at the speed of Lian Youyou just now, wouldn't he have lost track? What is the origin of this Lian Youyou? But not ordinary people, he was sure in his heart.

Yu Chifeng was also a little dazed when he saw Lian Youyou, why did he kill a village girl halfway? But when she slapped Li Xiangu, he expressed his appreciation, which made him feel quite at ease now. If it wasn't for the fact that he never hits a woman, he would have wanted to smoke a long time ago. He likes the style of this village girl, let's see what this village girl is going to do.

Guo De, Guo Gang and others saw that their general was not moving, so they continued to stand and watch the fun.

Lian Youyou saw that Li Xiangu was beaten in a daze, without hesitation she reached out and inserted her hand into Li Xiangu's eyes, and when everyone exclaimed, she scratched Li Xiangu's eyes with her fingertips.

"Ah!" Although Li Xiangu was stunned by the beating, she knew the pain. After a cry of pain, she covered her eyes in pain.

And Lian Youyou spread out her palms in front of the stunned crowd, and in her palms was the white coat with two layers of eggshells!

Everyone was stunned, what is that?

Lian Youyou pushed Xiangu Li away and looked at the crowd: "Look, this is how your fairy dresses up with yin and yang eyes. She is just cheating money, and she doesn't know any spells to exorcise evil spirits! This is the white dress on the eggshell!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Li Xiangu who was covering her eyes.

Seeing this, Yu Chifeng gave Guo De and Guo Gang a wink, and the two immediately stepped forward, grabbed Li Xiangu first, pulled off her hand covering her eyes, and clasped her chin, forcing her to raise her face and open her eyes. A pair of normal black eyes.

Li Xiangu also had a strong desire to survive, so she immediately pretended not to see and looked around blankly: "I, I really can't see, I can't see."

But how can ordinary people be fooled now. What makes people most angry is being treated as a fool, this time, isn't it angry?


"The old hag who swindled—"

"Kill her—"

"Yes! Kill her—"

The crowd was very angry, and the consequences were either death or injury!

Guo De and Guo Gang, who originally arrested Li Xiangu, will turn into protection this time, but if the villagers really lose control of their emotions, they will also be accidentally injured.

"Liu Qiang was really not killed by a monster—" A loud shout made the excited villagers stop their hands again, and they looked together, but it was Lian Youyou standing on the altar that was kicked over by Yuchifeng.

Seeing that everyone stopped, Lian Youyou waved to everyone with a smile, and then spread her hands: "Do you really want to know how Liu Qiang died?"

Everyone started to look at each other, why did this idiot say that Liu Qiang was not killed by a monster? How does she know?

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