MTL - Alluring His Wife: The Evil King’s Fifth Consort-Chapter 16 Enjoy life

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A, the fastest update to attract the account.. Wang's fifth chapter of the new chapter!

Chapter 16 to enjoy life

God knows that Yunxue knows that when she came to Kwaishui, the reaction was so interesting. It seemed to hate the itchiness of her hate, but there was no way.

"Wang Ye, let's rest early?" Wei Weiwei walked to the side of Yunxie, and said very intimately.

The blazing blaze of the evil spirits was provoked again, but then it was pressed down deeply.

"Well!" Yunxuan faintly sighed, the sound is still so cold, elegant, it seems that just the strong passion of the group is just an illusion!

Wei Weiwei slept in a clean bed, thinking that the water came from the water is really timely, it is no wonder that these days I always feel a little sour, but compared to the pain in other parts of the body, Wei Weiwei did not care much.

Looks like this should be the first time this body came to the water!

I don't know if this water will come for a few days, and I can see the expression of Yunxie just like the fat of the knife.

Wei Weiwei is really afraid that Yun Xie can't wait these few days.

"Women's sunflower water usually come for a few days?" Wei Weiwei closed his eyes and squatted, and the cloud evil next to him asked.

Look, he is not only a wolf on the battlefield, but also a wolf on the bed, can't wait!

"Three to seven days!" Wei Weiwei honestly replied, as long as she is a evil king in a day, this kind of thing can not be avoided.

"Sleep!" Yun Xie turned over and stuffed the Weiwei tail into his arms.

It is obvious that Wei Weiwei felt that the fire on Yunxie had not really been removed.

"Wang Ye..."


"Do you want to go out and blow a hair, take a bath?" This is not good for your body.

"No need!" Yunxie refused without hesitation, and the tip of his nose was full of fresh and rich body fragrance on Weiweiwei.

Wei Weiwei sighed a sigh, really afraid that the wolf next to him couldn't help but throw her down to eat in the middle of the night.

"Wang Hao..." When Wei Weiwei fell asleep, he found that an unwise hand was free on her.

"Well..." Wei Weiwei sneaked a bit and didn't even want to know who the hands were.

"Don't let the king sleep!" The hoarse voice was passed into the ear of Wei Weiwei.

so annoying!

Wei Weiwei turned over and was overwhelmed by Yun Yun. The head of Wei Weiwei was on the chest of Yunxie. Yunxie groped for a while on her body, and there was no movement.

Anyway, Wei Weiwei is very sleepy, let Yunxie toss, it seems that before she fell asleep, Yunxie also kissed her.

Wei Weiwei woke up in the morning, and she was left alone in the bed. The silver enamel stayed outside the door for a long time. When she saw the movement inside the house, she went in.

"Wang Hao, the prime minister has already prepared the breakfast in the letter hall, the people in the big room and the second room have arrived!" Yin Hao said while helping the tail to wear clothes.

At this time, the evil spirits and the scorpion went up, and the entire house was left with the ladies, Miss Niangniang, and there was no cloud evil support. It is estimated that the group would not look at her with a positive eye.

But she is going to go!

The jewellery gifts that Wei Weiwei looked at on the fixed makeup table were all sent by the ladies and they were all their favorite things!

Wei Weiwei thought, the corner of his mouth suddenly picked up a deep smile...

"Wang Hao, the housekeeper asked if Wang Hao went to the church to use the breakfast!" Xuan's clear voice came from outside the door.

Strange, mysteriously, I usually follow the evil king. Why didn’t I go with it today?

When Wei Weiwei dressed neatly and walked into the church, a large round table was filled with people.

When everyone saw Wei Weiwei, he stood up and gave a ceremonial tribute to Wei Weiwei, and then he took the Weiweiwei to the main position.

Those who can eat in the letter hall can only be the people in the main house. Those who are not allowed to sit on the table are naturally not eligible to enter here for breakfast.

Therefore, the seats on this table are all the masters of the house, the people in the main room, the status is honorable!

Wei Weiwei thinks it is ridiculous. Her previous identity is not even as good as a dog. However, those who have always been self-proclaimed and honorable have to use her breakfast on a table, and they are still sitting in the main position. I don’t know if they can eat or not. Can you eat it?

When Shen’s mother in the big room saw Wei Weiwei’s seat, she first opened her mouth and said with a amiable smile on her face. “When Wang Ye’s wife went to the DPRK, Wang Hao’s service to the prince must be very hard, but wait for the emperor’s birthday. After that, Wang Ye can return to the seal, no need to go to the DPRK, Wang Hao can also rest well!"

When it was time, it was equivalent to the modern three to five o'clock, she was still dreaming, she did not know when the evil king left.

When she got up, it looked like Chen, equivalent to nine o'clock in modern times.

What does this Shen said? Really sympathetic to her service to the prince to work hard?

When the words fell, Song of the second room immediately answered the answer. "When I sent my family to the DPRK, why didn't I see Wang Hao?"

The ancients were also perverted. Some people in the family went to the DPRK. The lady who is doing the lady will start earlier, serve the family's master to dress and wash, prepare for breakfast, and then send it to Zhumenkou!

Wei Weiwei drank the bowl of porridge and tried to mean the words of the two ladies.

"Maybe the dark lady's eyes are not good, so I didn't see me!" How could Weiweiwei not understand the meaning of their words, not to say that she is already a woman, but she did not perform the duties of a good husband and wife. The husband went to the DPRK, and as a wife, he did not wait to be there!

I want to use this to teach her, there are no doors!

Shen and Song were slightly stunned. I thought that Wei Weiwei would say that Wang Ye was petting her, and she was sympathetic to her, so she did not let her wait. As a result, Wei Weiwei said that they did not see it!

The sky is dark, so big lanterns are not lit? How could you not see it?

It is obvious that only the prince is alone from the Taoyuan, and Wei Weiwei has never come out.

Both Shen and Song had wanted to take this opportunity to put on the shelf of the elders. As a result, Wei Weiwei blocked them in a sentence.

"Wang Hao, you may have some rules for the woman. I still don't understand it. Listening to yesterday's swearing, Wang Hao came to Kwai Shui last night. Once the woman came to Kwai Shui, she could no longer be with the prince, so as not to let the prince get suffocated. "The mother of Shen took the opportunity to find an excuse to get together."

Hey, you have a little hoof, don't think that you are a king, we can't take you, but we are always your elders, taking the opportunity to teach you, it is ok to give you some scorpions.

"It's no wonder that Da Yu couldn't enter the room of the aunt several times a month. It was originally the aunt who came to the water, fearing that the big sister would be suffocated and affecting the official movement. Otherwise, I thought it would be a beloved mother." Wei Weiwei The smile of the skin is not smiling.

Want to teach her, how old are you?

Shen’s loving face immediately succumbed.

If you want to refute but you can't refute it, the woman's sunflower water will be so few days. Once she refutes, she will not be pampered by Wei Weiwei. Look at the refreshing to the apex O