MTL - Alluring His Wife: The Evil King’s Fifth Consort-Chapter 15 Revenge back

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A, the fastest update to attract the account.. Wang's fifth chapter of the new chapter!

Chapter 15, Revenge, Go Back

"Wang Hao, slaves, we really don't dare, slaves really don't dare!" The prostitutes cried.

"You naturally don't dare, because I wasn't the little wilderness that you used to bully!" The words of Wei Weiwei provoked a panic among the prostitutes.

"Wang... Wang Hao, this is the earring that Missy had left for you. The slave shouldn't... It shouldn't be taken from Wang Hao's hand. The slaves have always kept the pair of earrings, but they haven't sold them!" The name comes from the golden treasures earrings wrapped in cloth.

The hand holding the Jinbaoyu earrings is full of blood marks drawn by stones.

And Wei Weiwei saw the pair of Jin Baozhen earrings, the coldness of the eyes is even more endless spread.. "Hey, because this is not worth a few dollars, you have not sold it?"

"Slaves... slaves don't dare!" The prostitute was trembled again.

Wei Weiwei took the pair of earrings from the hand of the prostitute. This is what she left for her mother. Later, her mother gave her, and she hoped she could find her relatives with this pair of earrings. It was the grandmother who was still alive and told her.

Unfortunately, after the death of her grandmother, her pair of earrings was taken away by this niece.

She has forgotten this thing for a long time!

And this niece obviously hopes that she can see her on her share of the earrings.

However, Wei Weiwei only remembers how sad the body was when the maid was robbed. How to hold the lady's leg and cry, but she was kicked aside by the maid.

How painful she was at the time, only the original owner of the body knew.

"My mother gave me something, but you have been wearing it for so many years!" Wei Haowei's heart anger was provoked.

The cockroach had been wearing it on his ear since he was robbed. Now that she has heard her come back, she immediately picks it up and wants to return it to her!

Does she think she will let her go?

The prostitute was already timid and did not dare to speak.

When Weiweiwei is going to do something, Yunxie walks to the back of Weiwei.. "Cut her ears!" The tone of the wind is light and light, like saying that folding a flower on the head is generally simple.

"What?" Wei Weiwei looked at Yunxie.

The prostitute on the ground heard this sentence almost to scare the past, grabbing the cloud evil's skirt and pleading for mercy.

"She has worn your mother's earrings for so many years, and it is useless to keep your ears! Drag it down..."

Several guards will continue to ask for mercy and crying prostitutes to drag on...

The other prostitutes in the house were even more embarrassed, and secretly glad that they had not robbed Wang Hao of the original, but also repented why they had to bully and insult Wang Hao!

Wei Weiwei looked at the earrings of his hand. His impression that the pair of earrings is not deep enough can be recovered and it is an accident!

Fortunately, this earring is not worth the money, otherwise it will have been sold by this cockroach!

It will be difficult to find it later!

However, it seems a little difficult to find her relatives by the pair of earrings, and if she is a man in charge, she will come back to find her mother, and how can she let her go to her? ?

Just when this is her only thoughts about her mother!

What shit, she won't find it!

Wei Weiwei put the pair of earrings in the jewelry box.

"The sky is already dark, Wang Hao, let's take a rest early?" Yun Xie pulled the Weiwei tail into his arms, and the big hand rubbed the long hair of the Weiwei tail.

When the hands of Yunxie were inserted into the long hair of Weiweiwei and explored the skin of Weiweiwei, Weiweiwei seemed to feel something, and wanted to push Yunxie away.

However, Yunxie’s hand holding the tail of Wei’s tail was only slightly used, and Weiwei’s tail returned to Yunxiehuai.

"What's wrong? Wang Hao?" The faint opening of the cloud evil, the sound of cold seems to be completely without any lust!

"I feel that my body is not completely good, but I have to take a day off." Wei Weiwei found an excuse, and his eyes could not help but flip.

"How does the king think that Wang Hao's body is very good?" Yun Xie's big hand continues to intersperse in the hair of Wei Weiwei.

I got a numbness in the back of the defending squat and wanted to push the cloud evil directly. But so many squatting here, if she did it too clearly, these cockroaches are estimated to spread the news that she and the evil king are not.

And now she is relying on the evil king to support it!

The eyes of Wei Weiwei slammed into the room.

"You all go out!" Yun Xie gave the order.

And these people naturally include and include some flaws.

These cockroaches heard the hustle and bustle, and they went out with their waists that could not be straightened.

As soon as I got out, Wei Weiwei pushed Yunxie away. "I really have a little uncomfortable body!" He said that Wei Weiwei was wearing dizziness and walked toward the bed...

Yunxie grabbed the arm of Weiweiwei, and the cold voice spit out from the mouth.. "Wang Hao, this king told you not to play the little cleverness in front of the king. If the body is really uncomfortable, the king will declare the doctor now. !"

The faint words of the cold have become a bit more stringent.

Sure enough, the heart is very anxious!

Men are all the same, they will be good to women without getting a woman's body. After they get it, they will be discarded as a rag.

This evil king is also similar, but she is thinking about her body.

However, she really does not want to talk to him!

"I..." Wei Weiwei wants to say something, but the whole body has been hugged by Yunxie.

Layers of cockroaches were put down, and a round of crescents climbed the branches and printed a window paper with a hollow pattern. The faint candlelight was blown by the wind, and it was extinguished after a few swaying.

A lot of undressed clothes were heard from the bed, and a few pieces of scattered clothes were thrown down from the bed. The white-colored apron was extremely conspicuous in various colors.

At this time, the room is full, and the sputum factor is diffused and spread throughout the room!

The big bed made of fine rosewood, under the sparse moon shadow, shook slightly.

In the squat, Wei Weiwei knows that Yunxie has been waiting for a long time, knowing what he is going to do, and that her little body rebelling against Yunxie has no effect at all, but it will arouse the anger of Yunxie. I thought that this Weiwei tail would close my eyes and no longer struggle, but I felt a warm current flowing out of my body.

Wei Weiwei knows what happened, her eyes closed and she opened her mouth.

The candle that had just been extinguished was ignited again, and the two squats stood by the bed and replaced the dirty bedding.

And the cloud evil standing on the edge of the bed, the darkness of the darkness is clearly how to suppress and suppress the lust.

Wei Weiwei cleaned his body, put on clean clothes and walked out of the screen, hitting the darkness of Yunxie, such as obsidian. The Weiwei tail would not smile and smile. Look at the refreshing to the apex O