MTL - Am I A Superman?-Chapter 445 , The signal of the unjust universe

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Li Ya is angering Batman on Doom.

These dark versions of Batman have the blessing of the dark **** Barbatos. The powerful power plus a super strategic mind will be a very tricky thing.

Fortunately, the Batman in front of him was affected by the Doomsday virus, and his brain was not sober.

So Li Ya's proper language stimulated Li Ya's trap for convenience.

With a ‘嘭’, Batman moved a huge body, spanning a distance of 100 meters, and smashed his head with a punch and smashed into Li Ya.

In one tenth of a second, Li Ya gave Diana a look and motioned her to rescue Superman quickly.

The next moment, Li Ya raised her hands in preparation for experiencing how powerful Batman's power is.

Bang! !!

Batman's fist fell on Destruction Day, as if a cloud bomb exploded, and bursts of powerful shock waves burst around instantly, the smoke and dust filled, and the violent wind rose suddenly.

Diana jumped into the pit, took Superman, and quickly left the spot.

Li Ya took the fist of Batman on Destruction Day and twitched the corner of his mouth, "Awesome, powerful, your unique power-up skills have increased the original strength by 1.8 times. As for losing so badly! "

After all, Bruce Wayne has undergone the rigorous training of the Assassin Alliance. Human beings don't have strong natural powers, so they will develop a strike method that can exceed their own limits.

Or more general, this is fighting skills.

The words didn't fall, Li Ya grabbed the hand of Destroyer Batman with a single hand, using his right foot as a support point, quickly twisted his waist while lifting his left foot with a whip and kicked out.


The white equation of life wrapped Li Ya's left foot, like a white whip, and slammed on the belly of Doomday Batman.

The latter body suddenly regressed and could not resist this unimaginable force anyway.


Neptune's subconscious step backwards, Li Ya's kick was so real to him, Neptune couldn't even imagine what the end would be if that kick kicked on himself.

Destruction Day Batman was still flying upside down in the sky, a white light flashed past and appeared behind him.

It's Li Ya!

However, Batman on Destruction Day seemed to have expected Li Ya to appear behind him. The next second, he turned around, his eyes emitting extremely hot light.

"Go to death! I will burn you to ashes!"

Zizi ...

Two hot rays like a water column exploded, and Li Ya smiled helplessly. These are the remaining tricks of the previous destruction day. The blackened Batman was picked up again in front of him.

Is it interesting?

As a result, Li Ya struck his fingers at the same time.

Two silvery white circles suddenly appeared in mid-air, one in front of the hot vision of Doom Batman, and the other behind him.


Just the energy of thermal vision is not enough to affect the stability of the portal, so the thermal vision of Destruction Day Batman passed through the portal in front of him, ejected from behind him, and fell straight behind him.

"Ahhhhh ..."

Burned by his own hot vision, a blood hole appeared on the chest of Destruction Day Batman.

He quickly closed his eyes and covered his chest in pain.

The chest injury quickly recovered, and Destruction Day Batman was at a loss.

What is this trick?

Never seen it!

I have never seen other parallel universes!

Although I haven't seen the aperture portal, Batman of Destruction Day has analyzed the principle of the portal, so he quickly recombined the strategy in his mind, and quickly approached Li Ya, intending to explore other abilities.

The battle in mid-air was in full swing, but it was a unilateral trance.

Under the blessing of the equation of life, Li Ya's attributes far exceed all aspects of Destruction Day Batman, but the other party has opened the bloodlock like Superman. No ... Destruction Day Batman's recovery ability is more terrifying than Superman.

Regardless of Li Ya tearing the opponent's heart or breaking his head, Destruction Day Batman can quickly recover and continue to fight.

Underneath, Diana pulled out the sword of Vulcan inserted in Superman's chest.

Green Lantern and others asked weakly, "Do we need to help?"

"Wait, don't you find anything weird?" Diana asked, stopping the crowd.

Superman glanced at each other, "This Destruction Day is too scary to recover!"

"Yes, so I believe that Li Ya is also testing the other party's ability, so let's just watch it change!" Diana put the sword of Vulcan behind her back and looked up at the sky.

In the sky, the white light exploded again.

Li Ya tried to annihilate each other with the energy of the equation of life, but no matter what Batman was destroyed on the day of destruction, he could quickly recover.

Of course, this is not to say that the formula of life cannot cause trauma.

Li Ya found that far beyond this universe, there was a dark force that intervened to destroy the life of Japanese Batman.

Normal means, it is difficult to kill it.

"Give up, you can't kill me, you can't understand the endlessness of the dark world, the darkness is approaching, and no one of you can stop it!" Batman on Destruction Day was also surprised by his ability to recover.

In other universes, even if the entire Justice League besieged him, it could not hurt him so badly.

"Look at you, call your father, I'll spare you!"

Li Ya didn't take the shot, but landed on the ground. Batman of Destruction Day also followed, and looked down at Li Ya and the Justice League's people like a victor.

"Admit it, you can't kill me until I have such a powerful power, and I finally understand why you are unwilling to think ..."

Doomday Batman swept the crowd with contempt eyes, "Sure enough, wisdom is insignificant in the face of absolute power!"

"You're right ... Diana, lend me the sword of Vulcan to use it." Li Ya turned her head to Diana, who was in combat behind her.

After hearing this, Diana first stunned, and immediately threw the sword of Vulcan in her hand to Li Ya.

Li Ya took the sword of Vulcan, and the energy of the equation of life was poured into it, making the sword body emit a slow white light.

"This sword of Vulcan is made by the ancient **** of the earth with a material called the eighth metal. This metal can cut the opponent from the atomic level, and it can also affect the dark energy ..."

As she spoke, Li Ya held up the white glowing sword of Vulcan and aimed at Batman Doom. "That is to say, you can kill you with this sword!"

"Nonsense! You ..."

Before Batman ’s words on Destruction Day are finished, Li Ya's figure turns into a flash of lightning again.

The sword of Vulcan flashed coldly, and Destruction Day Batman suddenly felt that the whole world was spinning. He reached out his hand, but found that he could see his body.

"I won't ... die ... won't ..."

Destruction Day Batman struggled frantically with both hands in an attempt to prevent death in this way, but at the incision in his neck, a white flame suddenly burned.

The white flame was burning more and more vigorously, and for a few moments, the body of the huge destruction day Batman was completely burned.

Watching Destruction Day Batman was burned to ashes, Superman rushed up immediately, "Stop, Li Ya, why did you kill him, we haven't asked any useful information from this monster's mouth!"

For Superman, he cares more about Batman's whereabouts.

"This is not the criminal who captured Batman. On the contrary, he came to arrest you." Li Ya rubbed her eyebrows.

Not to mention that Batman is the hardest to catch on Destroy Day. The stone has limited damage to him, and has a bloodlock that is more buggy than Superman. It is easy to overturn in the gutter with a little carelessness.

Even if he really catches Destruction Day Batman alive, he may not be able to extract useful information from his mouth.

After all, the man who captured this universe of Batman was the bat of ridiculous laughter, and also the leader of the entire blackened version of Batman.

Superman heard Li Ya's explanation and was a little puzzled: "Caught me? Why did he arrest me?"

"Maybe ... the family is going to be neat and tidy, Batman was taken away, and this monster attacked Louise again to lead you out, obviously, this is a conspiracy against you and Batman!" A wave.

During the metal event, the **** of darkness Barbatos built a huge cosmic tuning fork.

This cosmic tuning fork is made of the ninth metal--N metal. It has a super artifact that resets the frequency of the universe and pulls the main universe into the dark multiverse.

One of the most amazing places of this artifact is the power source of the tuning fork of the universe, which is used to capture all the parallel universes of Batman and Superman as the human battery.

As for the principle, it is unknown.

All in all, this is why Barbatos assembled a blackened Batman legion in the dark multiverse and ran to the main universe to capture Batman and Superman.

"If he really came to arrest me ... maybe I pretended to be captured ~ ~ Is it possible to see Bruce and rescue him?"

Superman suddenly had a bold idea.

After hearing this, Neptune laughed out: "If it wasn't for Li Ya arrived in time, you still have that sword in the ground, believe it or not?"

Superman: "..."

After the battle, someone will come to clean up, and everyone will return to the Justice League.

Steel Bone reported a second anomalous space-time ripple, and Li Ya glanced at it, which turned out to be the parallel universe of the Injustice who had been there before.

The parallel universe of the main universe is vast and vast. As far as the universe next to Li Ya is concerned, there is no Superman or Batman. There is only Flash, so there can be a pair of Batman and Superman universes at the same time, which is very rare.

The previous Injustice Universe just met this condition.

Although Batman is a little older, he still wears a bat cape. Although Superman is locked in the red sun's cell, he still loves and hates Batman.