MTL - Am I A Superman?-Chapter 444 , War Doom Day Batman

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"Louis, are you okay?" Jimmy Olson patted the dust on his body.

Now his best friend, Clark Kent, is killing the enemy with his enemies, so taking care of his brother's wife, Jimmy feels he must not let him.

However, Jimmy hadn't waited for Louise, and a figure blocked him.

"You can't approach her now, Jimmy Olson."

When he saw someone suddenly appearing in front of him, Jimmy subconsciously looked at the speaker. The person was pure white in front of him, as if there was a layer of energy with a layer of clothing that wrapped around him.

"Are you ... Avenger ?!"

Jimmy still recognized Li Ya's identity. In the past, Li Ya was a black armor, but changed his color at this moment, so Jimmy did not respond for a moment.

"Well, it's me." Li Ya nodded to Jimmy Olson.

After integrating the equation of life, Li Ya no longer needs any armor, after all, the energy of the equation of life is the best armor.

"Why can't I get near Louise, is there any problem?"

Jimmy naturally believed in the avenger Li Ya. Li Ya did not answer him, but turned to look at Louise. Louise seemed to be frightened, clutching her right hand with her left hand, her body trembling slightly.

"Louis, it's okay. Hold out your hand." Li Ya smiled at her and said.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me, go and help Superman ..."

Louise squeezed out a smiley face and rejected Li Ya's request, but Li Ya shook her head and said:

"Battery of Destruction Day just touched your hand. You are now infected with the Destruction Day virus. If you don't let me kill this virus for you, you will become another Destruction Day within 20 minutes. Time ... everyone in this house will die. "

As soon as Jimmy listened, his face suddenly became unsightly, "Hey, Avengers, what are you talking about, please don't make a joke, please!"

"He's not kidding."

Those who can fall in love with Superman are by no means mediocre. Louise soon calmed down and reached out to Li Ya: "If you have a cure, you will be troubled."

"a piece of cake."

Li Ya also raised her hand, and the formula of life turned into a soft white light, shining on the back of Louise's hand.

Infected with the Doomsday virus, Louise's palm appeared with an egg-sized gray skin and rock-like scales, and the skin was spreading around at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

However, when the energy of the equation of life fell, the destruction of the Japanese virus seemed to have encountered natural enemies, and it immediately stopped the spreading trend, and turned into a cloud of white smoke.

"It hurts!" Louise grinned, and her wrists were shaking, but she didn't mean to shrink back.

"Be patient. I need to remove your infected flesh and grow new flesh. The infectious Japanese virus is very infectious. Only after it is completely eradicated will it be permanent."

Li Ya explained carefully that Louise clenched her teeth and Jimmy helped evacuate the people inside the Planet Daily building.

In the Metropolitan Superman Memorial Plaza, Superman pushed the Destroyer here, and other members of the Justice League also came to surround the Destroyer Group.

The Destroyer smiled sarcastically, "Do you think you can have as many people as you like? Oh, a bunch of black people, no matter how many people are in vain."

"Oh, I hope you're not bluffing!"

Neptune waved the Poseidon trident, jumped up suddenly, and dived towards the destroyer.

Diana unbuttoned the mantra on her waist and threw it toward the Destroyer's upper body. Superheroes, Green Lanterns, and Shazan all shot.

"Arthur Curry, you are far less powerful on land than you are in the ocean."

Destruction Day Batman raised his stone-like arm and smashed directly against the Poseidon Trident.

Huh! !!

After all, this is not the ocean. The power of the Poseidon Trident can only exert one third. Under the huge impact of the Destroyer, Neptune was blown away by a punch.

Almost at the same time, the Destroyer raised his other hand and grabbed Diana's true lasso that he threw at him.

"Diana, you have extraordinary wisdom and strength, but you also have a fatal weakness, and that is the true lasso!"

It's like Superman encounters a flint. If Diana is bound by a mantra, she will lose all her power. Obviously, Batman on Destruction Day knows this too.

"Damn!" Diana cursed, trying her best to pull the mantra back.

It's just that the power of Destruction Day Batman is higher than Superman, let alone facing Diana.

The two sides were deadlocked for only half a second. Diana stepped on the ground hard and was dragged and translated by the other side. Both feet fell into the ground and plowed two gullies.

Superman and Green Lantern Shazan arrived, the Destroyer dragged the Mantra Lasso and threw it vigorously. Diana rose into the air and collided with Shazan.

The next second, the green energy of the will turned into a sturdy chain, which tied the batman of Doom Sun to a rigorous reality.

Superman rushed to the ground, punching him in the face.

Huh! !!

An extremely dull bang, Destruction Day Batman flew upside down, struggling hard with his arms in the air, the green will energy was instantly broken, Destruction Day Batman stepped in the void with his right foot, his body turned back, and a punch from the sky fell in the punch Superman's belly.

Bang! !!

Superman was hit by this punch as if he had been hit by a flying baseball. The Green Lantern lifted the ring and transfigured a big hand to catch it, but unexpectedly, the force of inertia flew backwards.

"Justice League, do you only have this strength? It's ridiculous, you are just a bunch of idiots who have no power but don't know how to use it!"

Destruction Day Batman backhandedly turned over the Neptune who tried to sneak in from the rear. Facing the assembled Ato Hitas and the Red Light Army soldiers, his car-like eyes were scarlet, and two horrible hot visions thinned out. Out.

Zizi ...

"Be careful!!"

Superman broke the sound barrier at a speed, and slammed into the head of Destruction Day Batman, knocking his hot vision away.

Diana Green Lantern and others continued to besiege.

However, an unacceptable truth is that even if everyone joins hands, this monster cannot be suppressed.

Superman chooses to exchange injuries with the opponent, but Superman can recover the injury and the opponent can.

And it's not good for Superman to change from injury to injury. After all, any bone spur on Destroyed Batman can pierce Superman's chest.

"You are weak, Clark, too weaker than the Clark I know. I killed the Clark I knew by my own power, and I can kill you too!"

The more Batman Doom fights, the crazier his expression will be. Diana took the opportunity to jump up and hold the sword of Vulcan to insert behind Batman Doom.


Destruction Day Batman just roared, stretched his right hand behind him, grabbed Diana, smashed the ground heavily, and then pulled out the sword of Vulcan behind him, snarling and rushed towards Destruction Day Batman.

Superman never escapes fighting. Many of Justice League's partners have been injured. He pouts angrily, taking a deep breath and rushing towards the opponent with all his strength.

The two met in mid-air, like two high-speed heavy-duty trucks collided together, and a powerful blast erupted with a blast.

Destruction Day Batman and Superman twitched and tumbled in midair, and fell like a meteor, smashing the ground into a deep pit.


Green Lantern and Shazan flew over, and the scene in the deep pit made them feel unacceptable.

I saw Batman pressing Superman on the ground with his hand destroyed, and holding the sword of Vulcan with the other hand, pierced into Superman's abdomen, and blood continued to leak from his mouth.

"What the **** is this ?!"

Neptune covered his chest, and he felt that the pressure on him from Destruction Day Batman was stronger than the anti-monitor.

Of course, the main reason for Neptune to have this feeling is because the main force against the anti-monitors is Li Ya and Superman.

"He is Batman from another universe, but was infected by the Doomsday virus ... don't ask me what is the Doomsday virus, go back and go through the Justice League file yourself!"

A lazy voice appeared next to Neptune. Neptune heard Li Ya's voice. At that time, the first reaction was really to ask what was the Destruction Day virus.

When the Destruction Day came out, Neptune was still fishing in Ci'en Port.

"Li Ya, quickly rescue Superman, he was seriously injured."

Sha Zan was very distressed by Superman, who is also a pectoral muscle. Li Ya nodded at him, took a leap, and appeared in front of Superman and Doombat Batman.

"Clark, are you okay?"

"Can't die ... Li Ya, can you be a little nervous, this guy is much stronger than Doom!" Superman was covering his chest, and the sword of Vulcan was half a centimeter away from his heart.

I don't know if he is lucky ~ ~ or if the other party intentionally did not kill him.

Li Ya shrugged. "Yeah, after all, Doom Day is just an irrational lunatic, and we have this one with the darkest belly in the world."

"Who are you?" Batman on Destruction Day doesn't mind Li Ya using ‘belly black’ to evaluate him, he cares more about Li Ya.

Because to his knowledge, there is no such hero in the Justice League.

"I don't remember you in the Justice League. Look at your clothes. Are you White Lantern? No, you don't have a ring on your hands ... what's going on with your power?"

Li Ya smiled at Batman on Destruction Day: "It's like this. In this universe, I'm Bruce Wayne's righteous father. As a parallel universe avatar of Wayne and my son, please don't overdo my father Right? "

As soon as this word came out, the audience was silent.

On the day of Doom, Batman's expression became instantaneous and wonderful. It took a long time to get back the taste. "Asshole, asshole, you look for death!"