MTL - Am I God-v2 Chapter 1065 Ability test

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Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? In the vacuum of the universe, Zhao Yao can feel the heat of the whole body passing by rapidly, surrounded by cold breaths, attacking, destroy.

At the same time, the air in the body quickly spread out towards the surroundings and flowed into the dark universe.

Even with the strength of his body, it is impossible to ignore the destruction of the body in the vacuum of the universe. The passage of heat and gas is inevitable. His body is changing little by little in the direction of freezing mummy, but it is more than ordinary people. Much slower.

But Zhao Yao can feel that his body is constantly fighting against this destruction while exercising his superpowers, constantly adapting to the environment of the universe.

At the same time, ultra-fast regeneration is constantly assisting this situation. Whenever the cells in the body begin to die in large numbers due to the loss of heat and oxygen, they will be replaced by new regenerative cells. Zhao Yao's whole body is constantly death and rebirth.

In this situation of constant death and rebirth, the speed of exercising superpowers is stimulated by the environment of the cosmic vacuum, and the physical strength is constantly improved. In order to reduce the damage to the body in space, some structures of the body are changed to fight against the universe. surroundings.

Not only adapting to the environment, but also under the special effects of the "Steel Body" that exercises superpowers, Zhao Yao feels that his physical fitness is constantly getting stronger just by being placed in a harsh environment.

Exercise and regeneration, the two abilities complement each other, so that Zhao Yao can continue to improve while lying in space.

‘It’s really a bug, you just said that the body can adapt to the environment, and it can continue to improve physical fitness and enhance the strength of the body. ' Zhao Yao secretly said in his heart: 'It can only be said that it is worthy of super power, and it does not make sense at all. ’

Next, Zhao Yao soaked in magma again, went deep into the ground, found under the 10,000-meter trench, and went to the South Pole and North Pole for a turn... Finally, he exercised for half an hour by himself.

After experimenting with harsh environments, Zhao Yao's purpose was to compare the efficiency and the effects of the "Man of Steel" special effects.

Compared with the half hour of his own exercise, the seabed below 10,000 meters, the fiery magma still has a cosmic vacuum, the improvement of the body is relatively high, and it is even more effective than simple exercise.

"Not bad, it's called lying down to upgrade. But you don't really need to stay that far away, you don't even have a signal."

"And the environment, maybe man-made can be a bit harsher."

After experimenting with the new ability, Zhao Yao thought for a while, returned to the dimensional stomach, and then returned to the cat island, where he wanted to prepare an environment where he could hang up.

"Baby, prepare me an intelligent steel-making furnace. It is convenient to adjust the temperature. The minimum is five hundred degrees, and the maximum is unlimited. The higher the better..."

One by one robot cats appeared on the cat island and began to carry materials and build steel furnaces.

It didn't take long for the steelmaking furnace to be built, and it immediately attracted a lot of onlookers from super cats.

"Ah! Why did you change the arrangement again!"

"How can there be such a large steelmaking furnace here! The whole pattern of Cat Island has been destroyed!"

"Zhao Yao, this guy knows how to mess around all day! Damn, I really want to go up and smell the smell of the steelmaking furnace."

"Hurry up and inform Elizabeth! A steel furnace is built at home! Let her come and see it!"

Most of the super cats are full of dissatisfaction with the small changes in the environment, but are also full of curiosity about the new steel furnace.

But with Zhao Yao present, although there were more and more super cats watching, no one dared to hinder the construction of the steelmaking furnace.

But looking at the appearance of the robot cats, they are all weak and decadent.

Zhao Yao frowned, this kind of work efficiency is too slow.

He asked, "What's the matter, baby? Are you in a bad mood?"

The doll raised his head and glanced at Zhao Yao, then lowered his head and said, "It's nothing."

'You have a bad heart when you look at it. ' Zhao Yao secretly complained in his heart: 'I almost wrote it on my head, come and ask me. ’

With a sigh, Zhao Yao could only walk up helplessly, and said in cooperation, "Doll, do you have something on your mind? Say it, and I can give you some pointers."

Seeing the doll's gaze, Zhao Yao knew that the other party was a little hesitant, and said quickly, "You must know that there may be no one in this world who understands cats better than me."

As he said that, he looked at the cats who were watching the steel furnace, pointed to the briquettes in the crowd, hooked his fingers and said, "Brilliant, come here."

The briquettes came over with an unhappy face, Xinyin and Zhao Yao chatted privately: "Zhao Yao! I've told you many times, give me more face in front of so many cats, don't yell at me. , what do you want me to do in the future?"

Regardless of the briquettes, Zhao Yao said to the doll: "Look at the briquettes, he was originally a gangster cat on the street. With my training, he became a world-renowned big grass owl and a promising cat. I heard that this year's top ten in the country I was moved by the cat, and chose you, briquettes?"

Zhao Yao touched the head of the briquettes and said, " Let's go back."

Doll also felt that Zhao Yao was really good at playing with cats, so he thought about it and said, "Kunwu hasn't paid much attention to me recently, and she is always with Yuanyuan."

Zhao Yao said: "Always with Yuanyuan? It turns out that Kunwu likes this one."

"Impossible!" said the doll, "Kunwu said she hated fat people the most!"

"Then what are you worried about?" Zhao Yao said: "And what's the use of worrying? If you like Kunwu, go to rub her, touch her, and ride her! If you don't want to touch her, use your abilities to ambush her and imprison her. , how can Maosheng have so much time to play your inner drama for you."

Doll: "Huh?"

Zhao Yao took out his mobile phone, flipped through a few cat movies, and showed it to the doll: "You are not human, do you know that your cats are born to like strong X, look at how simple other cats are..."

The doll looked at the screaming female cat in the video and said hesitantly, "No, Zhao Yao, why can you find cat videos on your phone at any time..."

"It's not just to show you cats at any time." Zhao Yao pointed to the video and said, "Look at it, learn more, basically all your cats' love starts with a strong sex.

The cat is to be direct, strong X is your nature, go up if you want, and be the freest cat in the sea. "

Zhao Yao's words sounded like a thunder in the doll's mind, instantly shaking the program in his body as if the memory was occupied by 100%.

"So it is!" cried the doll, "I see."

"Understood, go to work soon." Zhao Yao pointed to the steel-making furnace and said, "Hurry up and build the steel-making furnace for me, and then you can do whatever you want."


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