MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 23

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"The teleportation circle below?"

Everyone was startled, subconsciously looked down.

The ground where the X Academy was originally located was already a huge pothole with a depth of 100 meters. In the pitch-black nothingness, strange and mysterious magic patterns flickered a few times and disappeared out of thin air.

Needless to say.

This is Lynn's preparation again.

In the future, if Academy X openly enrolls students, the registration point will still be at this position!


Who would have thought that jumping into the pit would lead to the real academy?


Professor X was so confused that he didn't know what to say. He glanced at Storm and the others, and finally looked at Lynn again, and sighed deeply.

"Let's go into "Oasis" and extract the memory..."

"After it's over, I want to sleep well!".

Chapter 32 Legilimency! Another wonderful use of "Oasis"!

Oasis World, in an empty copy.

Professor X, Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, and Jean Gray stood quietly, recalling the scenes that happened that year.

A streak of silvery white light emerged between the five people's eyebrows.

Lin En faced them, his hands were like plucking strings, and every time he moved and waved, a ray of light fell into the void in the distance.

The buzzing sound is endless.

Where the light of memory fell, the void changed quietly. First, the ground rolled, and then buildings rose from the ground, and then, figures were outlined.

"Eric, Charles, as a member of mutants, you are willing to be human lackeys?!"

"Xiao, the fate of mutants should not depend on war!"

"Eric, Xiao's idea is wrong, don't be fooled by him!"

"No, Charles, you are too naive. I agreed with him from the very beginning. The reason why I killed him was because he killed my mother. It's like how a tiger can be with sheep, how can we mutants become humans prey?"

"Look, after the bone claws are poured with Edelman alloy, you will become a brand new Wolverine, and it will be the strongest weapon created by me...William Stryker!"


"After today, ordinary people all over the world will become mutants!"

"Eric, you lunatic, the mutant transformed by your broken machine will die soon!"

First Class, Wolverine, X-Men One...

Accompanied by dialogues and battles, one classic scene after another is reproduced.

Then it was recorded by Alice.

Of these, Wolverine's memory is the most troublesome.

But with his active cooperation, Lin En perfectly combined the four-ring magic Legilimency with the virtual projection of the second world of "Oasis", and it didn't take much effort to complete everything.

Next, these real and classic scenes will be edited by Alice.

In the end, a full version of the documentary was formed.

Also known as: "The Past and Present of Mutants"!

"When this documentary is released, the X-Men will come to the fore. In the eyes of the world, it will no longer be a secret!"

When everything was over, Professor X looked at the scene that was clearly an illusion made by memory, but was extremely real, with a solemn expression and a confused heart.

With his character, he would not have agreed with Lynn to do this.

But Lin En's performance twice in a row is really against the sky!

And he is old!

Whether he wants to or not, he has to admit that from the moment Lynn stepped into the principal's office, the future of mutants is no longer in his hands!

The future belongs to Lynn!

This young man's wisdom, ability, means, vision...any aspect is enough to become a well-deserved leader of mutants!

Even if I don't agree, I can't stop it!

"The general trend of the world is mighty and mighty, those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish..."

At this moment, Professor X unconsciously thought of such an old saying.

He has been reading books about Dragon Kingdom recently, and he has gained a lot.

The more I study, the more I feel that the culture of the Dragon Kingdom is extensive and profound.

Perhaps, let Lin En let go and do it, while he is quietly being the principal in the college...

Also very good?

"Only by stepping onto the stage can truly be regarded as the banner of mutants, and can bring hope to other mutants!"

Lynn's voice rang in my ears: "In the near future, the whole world will know the name of Academy X, but they can't find the location of the academy. Only mutants... mutants recognized by us... are eligible to enter the academy!"

"Over time, when we open enrollment, batches of students will enroll, and batches of students will graduate..."

"This place will become a sanctuary for mutants from all over the world!"

And then…

It will also be a mutant nation standing in the sky!

Just like the Amazons in Paradise Island and Atlantis in the underwater world!

Of course, Lynn didn't say the last sentence.

First, it is difficult to establish a country.

It doesn't mean that gathering a large group of mutants can become a country. An orderly functioning country requires a large number of talents to manage, otherwise, it will fall apart in minutes.

And this is exactly what the mutant group lacks the most.

Secondly, with Lin En's current strength, maintaining a magic circle of 3,000 meters in length and width is already the limit, and it is temporarily impossible to further expand the area of ​​the academy to a level sufficient to establish a country.

So, this is a long-term plan.

What to do now is another thing.

Thoughts surged in his mind, Lynn stretched his waist and looked at Professor X: "Professor, since we have entered the oasis, why not take a stroll here? I just have a question and I want to ask you for advice."

As soon as these words came out, for some reason, Storm and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because until now, they saw the familiar appearance of a student on Lynn again.


The pressure on this student is too much!

When Professor X heard this, curiosity appeared on his face: "What's the problem?"

"Professor, I know that you can create a spiritual connection with all the people in the world through the brain wave enhancer. In that state, you can accurately distinguish between ordinary people and mutants..."

Lynn smiled slightly, his face full of curiosity: "Can you tell me what is the difference between the brain waves of mutants and ordinary people? I want to use this to improve my detection magic."

"Detect magic?"

Professor X trembled slightly, thinking of something.

"That's right..."

Lin En didn't hide anything, and pointed to the copy space: "The game equipment of "Oasis", the bracelet, helmet, and game compartment are all engraved with detection magic, so as to distinguish whether the player entering the game is an ordinary person or a mutant!"

"Can magic achieve such an effect?"

Professor X gasped again.

Reminiscent of what Lynn said before, he specially opened up some special copies for mutants, and another role of the "Oasis" world is already coming out—

Mutants found!

Screen mutants!

Train mutants! .

Chapter Thirty-Third: Explanation, what does it mean that something is missing? !

Xavier Manor is located outside the city of Twist, with a large area, and the surrounding area is also very empty.

Apart from roads and forests, there are no other buildings.

Even so, such a large area of ​​ground was directly lifted into the air, and the movement was too great. It didn't take long for everything that should be known in the twisted city to be known.

Countless people woke up from their sleep, thinking that an earthquake had occurred.

In the dark night, people from NYPD and many other departments rushed to the scene.

Just before they reached their destination, a car had already appeared on the periphery of the giant pit.

At this time, the sky is already slightly bright.

"Great gift crab special..."

S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson, Level 8, stepped on the brakes and was stunned when he saw the road suddenly disappearing in front of him.

Where is the road?

What about the mountains? Where is the lake?

Isn't the manor of Professor Charles in front, the X-Men base that the director said?

Where did you go? !

How did this huge pit that is not dark in winter appear? !

"Is the ground collapsing?"

Relying on his excellent psychological quality, Coulson quickly woke up from the shock, and he called the director immediately.

The phone was connected quickly.

Nick Fury's doubtful voice came: "Colson, I'll let you go to Xavier Manor to find Professor Charles, and test what his X-Men want to do. The result will be so soon?"

"No, boss, I just arrived..."

Coulson took a deep breath and reported in a calm tone as much as possible: "Actually, I haven't been to Xavier Manor yet, and I haven't seen Professor Charles yet..."

"there is a problem?"

Nick Fury was not surprised.

Anything abnormal is a demon.

Today, oh no, it should be said that last night, the X-Men made a high-profile appearance, and their acting style is completely different from the past... This is an obvious signal.

"Yes, something went wrong, and a big one!"

Coulson organized the language: "I don't think I can see Professor Charles anymore, because his Xavier Manor, no, strictly speaking, it is two kilometers around Xavier Manor...all of them are gone!"

Nick Fury on the other side of the phone didn't respond for a while.

"What do you mean... missing?"

He hesitated before asking.

"You heard me right, boss, it's just gone!"

Coulson operated his phone while talking, and soon sent a photo he took: "There is no Xavier Manor here, no X-Men, only a huge pit with a depth of 100 meters..."