MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 35

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So, someone blurted out, someone roared in their hearts... Countless sound waves, soundless and soundless, converged into one sound:

"Seize those soldiers and find out where William Stryker is!"

As if responding to a wave of justice.

on screen.

Things are definitely going in this direction! .

Chapter 50 Deadpool debuts! William Stryker's henchman!

In the church, Adam Robert didn't know what was going on outside.

But after he was dazed, he reacted instantly.

Got it!

Although he didn't know exactly what this trap was like, he didn't know why Iron Man suddenly appeared.

But there is one thing that he has an absolutely clear understanding—

The words I said just now must not be spread!

Once it gets out, the colonel will finish playing directly!

I will be doomed too!

So, without the slightest hesitation, he raised the weapon in his hand, and said two cold words: "Fire!"

The trigger is pulled, and the bullet is fired instantly!

Da da da da!

A dozen special elites inside the church moved after hearing the sound, densely packed bullets shot at Wolverine and the others from all angles, at the same time, there were "bang" and "bang" sounds outside the church, and smoke bombs were fired in. .

"They still want to kill people to silence them!!"

The audience who saw this scene exclaimed in unison.

However, this time, the X-Men will obviously not be "easy" as they were just now.

"I come!"

The Phoenix girl spoke coldly. Ever since she heard of William Stryker's plan to use the brain wave enhancer to eliminate all mutants, her heart was filled with anger and fear.

In the depths of the soul, the power of the phoenix surged violently.

However, this time, it seemed to respond to her mood. Instead of causing her to lose control of her emotions, it made her abilities several times stronger than before!

She stretched out both hands at the same time, her left hand faced the bullet in front, and her right hand raised to face the smoke bomb that fell in the air...

The scene where time seemed to stop appeared again!

Even though Adam Robert and others frantically pulled the trigger, none of the bullets could get close to the target!


The Phoenix girl raised her eyebrows slightly, and all the bullets quietly turned around, targeting a dozen special forces: "Where is William Stryker?!"

Adam Roberts, of course, would not respond.

There was not even a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Be careful!"

Wolverine and Cyclops noticed this and spoke almost simultaneously.

As soon as the voice started, the sound of piercing the air roared!

I saw a series of black figures smashing through the window, turning their bodies in mid-air, and killing everyone at extremely fast speed!

There were a total of seven of these people, all of them were tall and strong, holding long knives, with no expression on their stern faces, and even less expression in their eyes.

Like a humanoid machine without emotion.

The direction of the blade is all directed at Phoenix Girl!

Of course Cyclops and Wolverine won't let them succeed. In the blink of an eye, the former presses the eye switch with his right hand, and a dazzling red light shoots out, hitting three targets in a row!

Wolverine also leaped a few meters, and the Edman alloy claws "clang" and "clang" stretched out, piercing the chests of the two targets in the air!

At the same time, he also kicked someone with both feet!

Three in a row, landing heavily!

Uncle Wolf made a move, his domineering side leaked!

What surprised him was that the two men in black who had been pierced in the chest didn't seem to notice it, and the long knife in their hands suddenly turned upside down, stabbing one left and one right under his ribs!

The same goes for the target who was stepped on, and the long knife was directly wiped towards his neck!


Wolverine cursed secretly, he had recovered his memory, and the scene in front of him reminded him too many bad memories: "These people are the experimental subjects of the X weapon project, using my self-healing gene!"

He quickly reminded loudly.

At the same time, raise your right knee and kick away the knife-holding hand of the target under your feet.

Then, ignoring the severe pain coming from under the ribs, the two claws exerted force at the same time, and with such a powerful force, the bodies of the two targets on the left and right were torn apart!

Blood gushed out, and the faces of the two experimental subjects suddenly turned pale!

"Their self-healing gene level is very low, and they cannot recover after being severely injured!"

Wolverine's eyes lit up.

"I know…"

Cyclops' angry voice came, and the three people who were pierced by his laser light had a big hole in their bodies, and they flew upside down and hit the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

He turned his eyes, trying to lock on to the last person.

But this person is obviously different from the other six.

Her speed was significantly faster. After landing, she suddenly jumped, and her speed suddenly increased. She threw the long knife in her hand directly, and took advantage of the gap that Cyclops avoided, and flew in front of the Phoenix girl...


In her hands, bone claws also stretched out!

Needless to say, this is also one of the experimental subjects of Wolverine's self-healing gene, and it is a higher-level experimental subject!

Death woman!

"You don't think that I can't activate my ability because I don't have both hands free?"

Phoenix Girl had a strange look on her face, she didn't make any movements, her thoughts had already been activated.

The death woman's bone claws were about to hit her, but they suddenly stopped in the air: "I admit that you are very powerful, but your people... are too few!"

The Phoenix girl was startled, and felt the sound of breaking through the air behind her!

But it turned out to be the Nightcrawler who she had ignored, jumping up from the ground abruptly, stabbing at the back of her neck with his hook-like tail!

Turns out this guy was in control the whole time!


When the time was running out, Qin Gray snorted coldly in her heart, and she was going to desperately stimulate the power of the phoenix in her body.

But at this moment, Tony, who had watched the excitement for a long time, suddenly raised his right hand, and fired a pulse cannon, hitting the Nightcrawler!

"I said, it's still live broadcasting now, and you are so blatantly killing people and silence, don't you think I'm not in your eyes?"

Tony stood up in the air, complaining with a strange expression.

He is very clear that his task today is to be a witness.

Didn't expect things to turn out this way.

Although I don't know why Lynn hasn't made a move yet, but now that he's here, he obviously can't just watch the X-Men's side lose and lose... After all, countless audiences are watching!

Today's big villain is only William Stryker!

Thinking of this, Tony manipulated the suit, and prepared to make a beautiful dive to end the battle.

But at this moment...

A red light that was not inferior to Cyclops suddenly appeared and hit his chest!


Tony crashed directly through the church and flew out.

At the same time, a man wearing a red and black battle suit, a mask on his head, and two steel knives protruding from his hands appeared behind Phoenix Girl as if teleporting out of thin air!

"This is impossible…"

Wolverine, who just turned his head to see this scene, suddenly widened his eyes like a ghost: "I have already killed you..."

He got no response.

But the man with the steel knife glanced at him, his eyes flashed red, and the laser light pierced his body on the spot!

At the same time, a figure sneaked in from outside the church, approaching Eddie Brock silently.

Apparently, his target was the camera.

Obviously, William Stryker was indeed fully prepared for this operation.

The audience before the live broadcast all gasped when they saw this! .

Chapter 51 In the eyes of mutants, you are nothing!

Lake Alkali, the secret research base of Weapon X.

William Stryker's office.

A portal quietly appeared.

The next moment, under William Stryker's horrified and desperate eyes...

Lynn's figure slowly walked out of the door!

And behind him are Magneto and Mystique!

"Colonel Stryker, long time no see."

Lynn was smiling, like a real visitor, greeting with courtesy and thoughtfulness.

Magneto was expressionless, but a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Mystique simply put this killing intent on her face.

For William Stryker, they used to think of him as a military general who was hostile to mutants.

There is no doubt that this is a life and death enmity!

"It's you!"

"You saved Magneto!"

"You blocked my base!"

"It was you who planned all this and wanted me to perish!"

When William Stryker saw the three of them appear, he was taken aback for a moment, but then he figured everything out, almost gritted his teeth and said word by word.

Hateful eyes stared at Lin En.

I can't wait to swallow Lynn alive.

"It seems that Alice has already greeted you."

Lynn turned a blind eye to his gaze, and said lightly: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Lynn, and I'm a student of X Academy. Professor Charles asked me to say hello to you, but I think... you probably won't accept his kindness?"

The corners of William Stryker's mouth twitched, his face grim.

Lynn makes little effort to hide her victorious stance...

And this gesture was supposed to be used by him to face mutants!

"How on earth did you know about my plan?"