MTL - American Entertainment 1982-Chapter 94 Bonus company benefits

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  Chapter 94 Complimentary Benefits

"My original intention of doing this is to help women solve their employment difficulties. Women and mothers are undoubtedly the most respectable people in the world. I am willing...I request...I am eager...I am eager to cooperate with everyone who is committed to women's equality, for Contribute to this great social cause, a woman is not an accessory of a man, not a prison bird that can only be confined by the family." Tommy sat at the desk, reading the speech he had prepared for Renee, from time to time Modified above to make it sound more sincere.

  Holly was strumming the guitar beside her, looking at the focused Tommy Hawke: "Have you started dating Renee?"

   "That's right, after all, under the pressure of schoolwork and starting a business, I have to find a woman who is willing to help me relax." Tommy said without raising his head: "Rennie also thinks I'm pretty good, so let's count."

   Holly made a disgusted expression, and then asked: "Why didn't you date me? I'm not jealous of Renee. I'm just curious. Women always have all kinds of curiosity."

Tommy put down the speech and looked at Holly: "Because you are smarter than Renee, it is very troublesome to find a smart girl as a girlfriend. It is to promote women's employment. The perfect girlfriend in my eyes is a girl who is well-educated and has a good family life. She is silly, but beautiful enough, and at the same time a little vain. Provide her with enough material enjoyment, and she can feel at ease Be a canary, and have a high tolerance for your partner, for example, I gave Renee a necklace worth 500 yuan, and she was so touched that she has worn more than a dozen types of ** underwear for me to see."

   "So I should be glad I'm not a stupid girl?" Holly said mockingly to Tommy:

"Don't indoctrinate me with this kind of traditional female thinking that machismo loves most. Change the subject. Professor Mason of the Entrepreneurship Center is very satisfied with your software. He often needs to deal with various forms. Your automatic software Calculating the filling function saved him a lot of energy. He said that if he has time, he would like to chat with you and hold a small hearing to listen to your ideas. However, for software development, even if they are discussed and approved, they will only provide the most Venture capital support of 50,000 yuan is not like hardware research and development, where you can get 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of support at any time, so let me ask you, do you have time?"

  After reading the speech, Tommy looked up at Holly: "And when I saw you, I wanted to ask you, is it possible to find a few companions to set up a campus organization for women's equal rights?"

   "Stanford has dozens or hundreds of women's organizations, why do you insist on letting me set up another one?" Holly asked a little puzzled: "Isn't Renee applying to join one?"

The relationship between her and Tommy is a bit strange, more like a friend with an extra bed relationship. Every time this **** is with Renee, he uses all kinds of sweet words to make him happy. When facing himself, he never said to himself If you ask me to help you with any love words, you will only say that the company will share with you if the company makes money, so that she can become a rich woman who changes her husband every night, but I have to say that this sentence is more attractive to her than love words force.

"Of course it's to get our money back, miss." Tommy looked at Holly: "When we talk about cooperation with the women's organization that Renee joined, the other party will definitely ask me to donate part of the money I earn to the women's organization, but it will be hypocritical I will not force me to donate to them, but I can also donate to other women's organizations, but I must meet the donation figure, so I choose to listen to their hypocritical advice and donate the money to similar organizations you set up, and then you Then use the excuse of various costs and expenses to transfer the money I donated, understand, our money."

   "Is this what you learned as a computer science major at Stanford University?" Holly rolled her eyes at Tommy: "Are you even stingy with donations?"

"Hey, I will definitely donate. How you spend that money is the decision of the women's organization, and has nothing to do with me. Maybe the female friends in the organization need cowboys, and I just happen to be working part-time because of lack of money." Tommy stood up, moved his body, and said with a smile.

  Holly shrugged and asked Tommy: "Smart women are not suitable to be girlfriends, but at least you can go to dinner with her?"

   "I don't have time tonight, let's try another day." Tommy was reminded by Holly's words, glanced at the time on the alarm clock, and immediately went to get his coat:

"Tonight Eric and Charles introduced me to the alumni of SSD who work nearby. We are going to have a game. If I lose, I will take off my shirt and write I love Seymour Rubinstein on my chest. people) text, and then sent to Rubinstein, said he was a gay, admired him for a long time."

   "What if you win?" Holly asked curiously.

  Tommy winked at her: "You won't like it, it's boring."

"What else can I do other than promote your plan to occupy Silicon Valley." Holly rolled her eyes, as if she knew what Tommy would gain, and said, "My God, use call girls to occupy Silicon Valley, the sacred place in Stanford's mind, What's even more frightening is that I'm still an accomplice, and I might be nailed to the pillar of shame in school history and be hated forever by those who come after me."


  House of the fraternity, Tommy and the opposite alumnus, who was dressed in a straight suit, shook hands with each other in a familiar gesture, and then hugged again, and then Charles introduced to the two:

"James Dunn, Symantec's No. 1 employee, dual degree in linguistics and computer science, a fool who will always be nailed to the pillar of SSD stigma, Tommy Hawk, our good boy, for We brought the champion of Ping Pong vodka."

"I've seen your photo, posted in the honor room, you won the runner-up in the Oktoberfest competition, the brothers of SSD thank you for losing the championship that you won for seven consecutive years, and painted your photo all over every day** *, when I was cleaning before, I often had to wipe your photos several times a day to keep them clean." Tommy said to James Dunn with a smile.

Symantec, a well-known company in the antivirus software industry, was established last year. Its research and development direction is artificial intelligence and database management. Tommy just learned that Symantec did not plan to develop computer security software at all when it was established, but used artificial intelligence as a gimmick. , Just received a large investment from the US government foundation, James Dunn, is the old bird who wants to propose selling the software to his boss to help Tommy make a fortune.

  Hearing Tommy's words, James, who looked like a gentleman in a suit and leather shoes, made a vulgar **** gesture to Charles, Eric and others.

"You deserve it, James, you deserve it, the Oktoberfest is our advantage project, you are a fool* but it was taken away, so I told myself and my brothers to help you face every day before going to bed Draw a ** on the top to remind yourself never to fail." Charles said without any guilt when he saw the other party's raised middle finger

"This is Tom Proulx, majoring in electrical engineering. Like James, he graduated from Stanford last year and was our treasurer before graduation, but now it looks like he's going to be a bum." Eric told Tommy Introducing an alumnus from another fraternity, he said with a smile.

  Compared to James in a suit and leather shoes, Tom is a bit rough. His beard is half an inch long and has not been trimmed. He is wearing a gray T-shirt, shorts, and slippers. He really looks like a homeless man.

"My company is in the garage next to the university. It's just me, another founder, and two employees. The software is still in the research and development stage. I don't need to dress up to meet people, so it looks a bit...plain, let alone you guys Guy, it’s not worth my suit.” After Tom and Tommy hugged, he introduced his situation to Tommy: “Your software is good, I tried it just now, and it’s very efficient, but I prefer you The test feedback of this software can detect various problems in time before the official sale, this kind of test is very necessary, and I plan to use this mode of trial test feedback on our software.”

"OK, our new maggot and old bird challenge is about to start. The contestants are the champion Tommy and silly* James. The referee is Tom. It's best to end it quickly. We have to go to dinner." Charles went to the early morning In front of the two prepared IBM computers, he smiled to the dozen or so people present:

"The comparison test between SSD-2 and WordStar has officially started. The rules are as follows. Three pages of carefully selected text, with bold, italic, footnote and other text formats, and two softwares are used to enter the three pages of text into the computer file , the one with the fastest speed and the fewest mistakes wins, and they can choose their supporters, brothers."

  James didn't get the support of even one person, and everyone stood behind Tommy, which made James cursed angrily: "It's just a runner-up, you **** still think about it now?"

There is no suspense in this kind of competition. When James only completed two-thirds of the workload with WordStar, Tommy has already completed the entry of three pages of text with SSD-2, and in the final check, only two words were typed wrong. , The text format requirements on the three pages were all completed. After Tom confirmed, he announced that Tommy Hawke won, and James continued to be his runner-up.

"Nice job, kid." James was not frustrated when he learned that Tommy was finished, but walked over in surprise, looking at Tommy's computer interface: "The efficiency is amazing, I always thought you just copied a software to change the appearance That's it, so I wanted to help you sell it for a small profit, but now I think you're right, my boss kind of guy doesn't deserve it, you should start your own company and sell it like Tom started Intuit, Try to make more money."

  Tommy froze for a moment, then looked at Tom next to him: "Intuit? Your company name is Intuit?"

   "What's the problem?" Tom asked a little puzzled by Tommy's question.

   "No, I just think the name is great." Tommy said to Tom: "If I make money, I will definitely invest in your company."

Tom thought Tommy was joking, so he didn't refuse: "Welcome, all comers are welcome. It's really painful for a small start-up company to independently develop large-scale commercial software. The only two employees in the company haven't been paid for nine months. Salary, if they weren't two of our girlfriends, would have taken us to court, and the **** garage rent is getting higher, if you want to invest, you better hurry up, I don't know what myself Then the company will close its doors."

But Tommy knows that Intuit will not close its doors, because in the United States in 2022, the accountants of any company will use the financial management software developed by this company, and every American has a mobile phone of this company. personal finance app.

"According to the agreement, James, after you lost, you promised to introduce Symantec's HR director to me and my girlfriend, so that we could have the opportunity to sell him software and call girls on the grounds of supporting women's employment, right?" After Tommy remembered the name Intuit, he continued to talk to James.

   James frowned: "I don't remember the latter."

Tommy patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, the latter can be counted as a bonus company benefit to help you solve the problem of programmers needing leave to vent their pressure. Working hours can solve this problem that bothers them, and it can be regarded as improving Simon Thank you very much for Tek's work efficiency."

   The first update~ Let’s roll down and continue coding~



  (end of this chapter)