MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 449 : PY transaction

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The news of Colombia soon returned to the United States, and many TV stations and media reported the matter in their news reports.

The content of the reportable content is not small because of the tendency of the TV station itself.

"U.S. x Security Company Columbia Massacre", this is a report by the media that advertises anti-war and world peace tendency.

"terrorism? Anatomy of the Cartagena Incident", which is from the neutral media.

Did the Cartagena Incident Exist? ", this is the lively media.

"Justice or Evil? ", this is a report biased towards the Donkey Party.

"X Security, the Iron Fist of Justice", this is a report that poked at the tendency of white supremacy. In their opinion, Sean is the Iron Fist of Justice, presiding over justice.

"X security, customer first! , this is the media after... PR.

The media in New Jersey doesn't need much PR to know how to report, but the media in other states, Gilbert, and the wealthy who are going to invest in Cartagena's industrial zone are all doing PR.

The media public opinion is actually quite important.

Especially after the Colombian government launched an inquiry into the U.S. government.

Does the top U.S. government care about what's going on in Colombia?

Not to die... That's sure no one cares, and the applause is even more, which proves the strength of the United States.

For the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, there is no arrogance, no state of ceremonies, no indoctrination.

It's not popular here. When facing outsiders, no matter right or wrong, slap your own people first and apologize.

As long as the media is not one-sided, the US government is too lazy to care about this.

Besides, Sean still has a hole card to play.

The next day, when Sean went to see Marvin and others, several guys were full of praise for Norris.

It is gold that always shines, this talent will never be buried!

During the meal together, Sean brought up the Columbia side and asked Marvin to take Sean to visit Bush Sr.

At this time, Marvin realized why Sean took them to Colombia to shoot with live ammunition.

Co-authoring is to let them help carry the mine after the incident.

After understanding it, Marvin's face became difficult to look at.

"You think too much." Sean immediately saw what Marvin meant, rolled his eyes with a smile, "Are you sure this is sharing the risk and not deliberately courting death?"

"What do you mean?" Marvin put down his knife and fork and frowned and looked at Sean.

"What do you think, without you, it's less risky for me." Sean said with a smile: "My brother, think about it, if your identities are exposed, I will not be under pressure from Colombia, more Instead, it should come from your family!"

Sean coughed lightly and said like Bush said, "My excellent and kind son was spoiled by that **** Sean, and I will never spare that guy."

"Pfft, hahahaha." Hayden suddenly laughed out loud.

Marvin couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth, and he also realized that things should not be what he thought.

"Don't worry, your identity will not be exposed. I just want to use this as an excuse to contact your father. I think the next president will definitely be a donkey party, and the possibility of Reagan being re-elected is too small. Invest in advance. , Of course, this time, we just need to shirk the responsibility from the domestic side." Sean wanted to burn the stove four years in advance, but if Ramavin didn't go into the water this time, he wouldn't have this chance.

Hearing what Sean said, Marvin was still very happy that his vice president's son became the president's son.

He is not the brain-dead protagonist in the novel and TV who tries to get rid of the shadow of his father and make his own way.

The kind of things that you have to fight for yourself without borrowing the power of your family, you can't do it without 30 years of brains and snow mountains.

After playing for another day, Marvin took Sean to Washington, and the others were not idle. Although Sean didn't mention it, everyone used some connections to make the media favor x security.

Besides, Sean was already prepared, and through Armstrong, all the criminal evidence of more than a dozen gangs was in his hands early.

These evidences are released through the media after public relations, and there are countless crimes of murder, robbery, poisoning, smuggling, human trafficking, and children.

There is time, place, people, photos, and videos.

A bunch of utter scum, this is total humanitarian destruction.

So much information is released at the same time. As we all know, Americans have a superhero complex.

And through such a rendering in the media, the image of x security immediately changed from a butcher and executioner to a 'superhero'.

Real-life superheroes are just around the corner.

At this moment, few media are clamoring for the issue of x-security massacre any more, so to say that is tantamount to taking the position of a criminal.

Colombia is not the father of these media, and it doesn't have to go against popular values.

The media, what's the etiquette?

The media, who had previously called X Security a warmonger and a lunatic, sang their praises the next day.

At this point, the trend of the domestic media in the United States has been completely reversed.

At the same time, Sean also arrived at the Bush family's villa in Washington.

When you come to visit, you can't empty your hands, but it's not good to bring too expensive gifts. After thinking about it, Sean brought two bottles of French red wine.


This time, it was the juniors visiting the elders, and Sean didn't mention anything from beginning to end.

Naturally, Bush Sr. didn't ask any questions. He gave him a cordial reception. He learned that Sean had also participated in the military and went to the battlefield, but he chatted with Sean about things in the military.

Although Bush Jr. also joined the army during the Vietnam War, he joined the National Guard, which belongs to the second-tier troops.

After dinner, Sean left, and Bush Sr asked Marvin and Bush Jr. to send Sean away.

This means that Sean is recognized, and Bush Jr. has more contact with Sean.

As for Cartagena, it's just the death of a few irrelevant Colombian drug criminals, and it's really not in Bush's eyes.

Marvin is the master of making money under his name on Wall Street, and Sean always talks to him about women who smoke and drink.

Switching to Bush Jr., although everyone is still inseparable from the beauty of tobacco and alcohol, Bush Jr. is really running the company.

After graduating in 1975, Bush started his own oil company in Texas with $20,000.

Although it wasn't until 1979 that this guy opened his first oil well... it was still dry.

Of course, although no oil has been hit, no one has been hired, no products, and no sales channels...

However, under Bush's wise leadership, his energy companies are still getting bigger and bigger.

In 1982, although the crude oil market price fell, the market value of Bush Jr.'s oil companies still rose against the trend, and the market value reached 10 million US dollars.

Well, Bush Jr. sold 10% of his shares to Petro Panama for $1 million.

Last year, in 1984, the company merged with Spectrum7 Oil Company under the operation of Bush Jr., and served as chairman of the combined company...

Business is getting bigger.

Talking about the oil business, Sean immediately raised the idea of ​​pulling this guy to Cartagena.

To be honest, George W. Bush is obsessed with the oil business!

Although he did make money in the oil business, and he didn't mind borrowing the power of his family at all, who wouldn't want the money to be made entirely by his own ability?

Even if he is a third generation!

Bush also thought, but the problem is, he doesn't allow it!

Saddam: (╬◣д◢) So you hit me? Just hit me! Just hit me!

Looking at Bush Jr. who was half lying on the sofa and drinking slowly on the coffee table with his bipods, Sean moved closer and said, "You know I set up an industrial area in Cartagena."

"Yeah." Bush nodded lazily, waiting for Sean to write.

"The owner of OceanFirst Bank in New Jersey, Gilbert, is working with me. He has drawn a group of petrochemical companies. When the situation there subsides, the factory will be relocated from the United States. After all, the labor cost is lower and the environment is more environmentally friendly. Lower investment and lower taxes.”

"Yeah!" Bush Jr. withdrew his feet from the coffee table and sat up straight. The words "petrochemical" deeply attracted him, "What do you mean?"

"Colombia's Magdalena River Basin Oil Field is just upstream of Cartagena, and the convenience of the port makes Cartagena the most suitable for developing the petrochemical industry." Sean did not answer directly, but continued to look after himself. He said: "In addition to Colombia's oil-producing areas, with the convenient shipping of the Caribbean Sea, oil from countries such as Panama, Venezuela, and Cuba can be processed here."

"You must know that Venezuela is one of the world's important oil producers and exporters, and one of the five founding countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries."

The more Sean said, the brighter Bush Jr.'s eyes became. He put down the bar and grabbed Sean's arm, "Do you want to attack these national oil companies?"

"I can't talk about such a big appetite. After all, the industrial area is just a ruin." Sean smiled, Shi Shiran said: "You need to eat one bite at a time, and one bite will not make you fat."

Bush Jr. is now working with Panama Oil Company. After his operation, he spent 1 million to buy his oil company shares. Now it is merged into Spectrum7 Oil Company, and he is the chairman.

Of course, that's because the U.S. military is the emperor of Panama. Now there are six U.S. military bases in Panama, and the entire Panama Canal is under the control of the Americans.

The nature of that million speaks for itself.

However, this also just shows the influence of the Bush family in this regard.

Now listening to Sean say this, it's strange that Bush Jr. doesn't care.

Frowning for a while, Bush said in a low voice, "The Colombian constitution stipulates that all oil businesses must cooperate with the Colombian oil company."

"So what?" Sean sneered, "We are serious about doing business, how dare they play tricks on us!?"

"Anyone can sit in the president's seat, Belisario Betancur Quartas can do it, others can do it, it's a big deal to help them change."

"What do you think?" Sean glanced at Bush Jr. with a half-smile.

Bush took a deep breath and nodded silently. The President of the United States can control the bird's food, not to mention a small Colombia.

"Colombia has 40 million people and Venezuela has more than 30 million people. The oil and coal reserves of these two countries are extremely huge, and the potential is very strong."

Yes, you can!

"Tell me about your plan." Bush Jr. looked more solemn than ever before. He had a hunch that he might, probably, might, finally rely on himself to make money in the oil industry!

"A little bit, don't worry." Sean briefly explained his plan. First, use force to ensure the stability of the Cartagena region, and then attract domestic low-tech primary processing enterprises that are plagued by labor costs to enter Cartage. Na industrial area.

Drive local employment and economy with a large number of chemical companies, heat up the surrounding land, and make quick money in real estate.

Originally, Sean's plan ended here.

However, the plan cannot keep up with the rapid changes. If Bush Jr. can participate, then the follow-up can increase investment in the chemical industry, oil industry, and coal industry, which will make more money!

In fact, Sean has the innate conditions to enter the petrochemical industry. His surname is Rockefeller, although he is an illegitimate child.

However, now that Sean is in his early stage, as Sean's power grows step by step, he can naturally borrow the power of the Rockefeller family. Although the Rockefeller family has declined, the Seven Oil Sisters are still the largest oil company in the world!

Mining, smelting, chemical industry, sales, regardless of technology or channels, are all in short supply.

If Sean can unite with the Bush family, at least in the early stage, he will be invincible in the oil industry.

Just look at what Bush and Sean look like at the moment.

The smiles on the two of them were very bright. You have a cup, I have a cup, and Marvin looked at him sideways. If he didn't know that this was the first time the two met, he would have thought that the two were old friends for many years!


You don't have to think about it, the two villains must have made some shady deals!

But Marvin doesn't care about this, he doesn't have that ability, he is only responsible for enjoying the benefits!

In fact, Bush Sr. also has oil companies under his name, and it is not the family that has been secretly involved in oil business.

As Bush Jr. shifted his attention to Cartagena, he was ready to come in and intervene, what is the question from the Colombian government, huh, huh.

The media trend itself has been reversed by Sean. On the third day, on behalf of Bush Sr., he issued a reply to Colombia's inquiry on behalf of the presidential palace.

First: 'At present, there is no substantive evidence that the X security company in New Jersey, USA, launched an attack on the city of Cartagena, Colombia, and caused casualties. ’

Second: 'The company's behavior in Cartagena, Colombia is a commercial activity. If it does violate the law, then it has nothing to do with the U.S. government. The U.S. will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. The Colombian government is asked to solve it on its own. ’

Third: 'Colombia has been flooded with poison in recent years, smuggling and transporting a large amount of poison to the United States every year, which has seriously threatened the public security environment in the United States and caused countless public security cases and casualties. Please increase the Colombian government's crackdown on domestic poison In view of the harm it has caused to the American people, if the Colombian authorities are incapable of doing anything, although the United States is tantamount to interfering in the government affairs of other countries, out of the responsibility and obligation to protect the lives and property of the American people and national security, the United States will personally initiate criminal investigations against Colombian drug criminals. blow. ’

This statement immediately caused an uproar and applause in the United States.

First, don't be fooled without proof, I, America, don't accept slander!

Second: You can go as you please, the rain girl has no melons, this thing does not bring parents.

Third: All the damned drug dealers die. Is your Colombian government the backstage of drug criminals? No matter how stupid you are, I can easily beat you!

The matter of poisoning, no matter what, is illegal all over the world, especially in Colombia. This is not an excuse, but a reason that can be shot at any time.

Very full!

No one can argue.

As soon as this statement came out, the Colombian government was furious. It makes sense for you to kill people and set fire here in our place, right?

However, now the American father's attitude is very tough, and the people who die are still gang members and drug criminals. The Colombian government really dare not continue to bite.

After being slapped, the Colombian government also died down, which made the state capital of Bolivar very bad.

Everyone can see that the U.S. government is giving X Security a platform.

Butler Mitchell: (`Д??*)9

The momentum ignited in an instant: Bolivar Street, find out who is the father!

Taking advantage of the wind blowing in the United States, Butler Mitchell issued a statement.

In the statement, Butler Mitchell's image was brilliant.

It described in detail that Butler Mitchell faced Cartagena's sinking for many years and the economy's over-reliance on tourism led to an unbalanced dilemma. Cartagena invests in an industrial area and then uses the family's influence to drive investment for the industrial area.

During this period, Butler Mitchell worked hard to persuade Mr. Sean and reached an agreement on land acquisition. After the agreement was reached, the public properties within the demolition area would surely be sold for a high price. To get out of the current poverty situation.

However, those gangsters entrenched in Cartagena took advantage of this news and used illegal means to extort, intimidate, and extort, and bought land and real estate from the people at low prices in advance, and then sold them to American investors at high prices. , taking the interests that originally belonged to the people by illegal means, and heinous.

This is not the end. After sucking blood from the people, these gangsters also used illegal means to forcibly monopolize the building materials market such as earthwork, transportation, sand, gravel and cement, and sold them to investors at high prices to extract profits again.

The means are so despicable that the development progress of the industrial zone is completely stagnant and cannot be completed.

This security environment has also made American investors who originally intended to invest in Cartagena very uneasy, and a large number of their planned investments in Cartagena have been withdrawn.

The hard work of Mayor Butler Mitchell once turned into water, and the hope of Cartagena's revival and the happy life that the people are about to usher in has also been completely stifled by these gangsters and drug dealers.

At this point, the statement has come to an end. Things cannot be said too clearly. Let the public and the media give full play to their imaginations.

With this statement, Butler Mitchell gave himself an extremely glorious image.

Who let those people themselves be gangster drug criminals, Butler Mitchell and a scumbag were firmly buckled, and he picked himself out of it at once, leading the citizens to vent their hatred on those dead people.

If the citizens of Cartagena had hated the lawless massacre of the x security company before, then now, when they think of their own money being taken by those gangs, everyone is uncharacteristically, x Security immediately incarnates the image of a superhero who eliminates harm to the people.

When it comes to vital interests, who cares whether x security violates the law! ?

If those guys were killed early, they would not have lost the demolition money at all.

If those guys are killed early, the industrial zone can be built sooner, and more employment opportunities can be provided.

Everyone has only one attitude. American investors should ask x security company to take action earlier and kill all those damned guys. Kill them all!

The crowd shouted: Americans are too weak!

After this statement was issued, roars and curses sounded in the office of the Governor of Bolivar, "Damn Butler Mitchell, he is a thief, a hooligan!"

They are all insiders. How could they not know that most of the money from the people fell into the hands of Butler Mitchell.

Fortunately, everyone's anger has been vented on the gangster, but it has made Butler Mitchell's reputation even higher.

"We can expose Butler Mitchell's ugly face." A subordinate advised Mr. Governor.

"Fuck!" The governor grabbed the document on the desktop and smashed it, "You idiot, pig brain, pigs are smarter than you!"

"Before we were caught in the name of x security massacre, now, as soon as this statement came out, those damned guys were completely nailed to the pillar of shame, now it's useless to say anything!"

"People will just think we are on the side of those drug criminals!"

"It's too late to clear the relationship now!"

The fact is not as expected by Mr. Governor. Newspapers and TV media have given full play to the imagination of Butler Mitchell's statement, and most of the media have deliberately or unintentionally pointed the finger at the state government.

After all, Cartagena insisted that there was no massacre before, and the state government has been giving those drug criminals a platform.

Now, the state government has shrunk its head. At this time, it is useless to say anything, and more words are more wrong.

It can only be said that Mr. Governor was wrong from the beginning. If he did not choose to suppress Butler Mitchell and wanted to replace him, but participated in the establishment of cooperation with Sean, he would not be as passive as he is now.

At the same time as Butler Mitchell's statement, New Jersey, Newark, Bill's representative x Security was also interviewed by media reporters.

"We x Security have always been committed to helping the client's life and property safety, and put the client's interests first, wholeheartedly and conscientiously, for this, at all costs!"

"Then, Mr. Bill, does this mean that your company has indeed killed hundreds of people in Cartagena?" the reporter immediately asked.

"Ahem, that's not the point, isn't it, the point is that Cartagena is now very safe, the law and order is better than ever before, the client is very satisfied with our work, and Cartagena will surely usher in new development."

"Mr. Bill, what do you think of the words of the governor of Bolivar?"

"I don't know what the governor said, and I don't care. I only know that gangsters and drug criminals will make the regional security environment very bad. Those things are bad and shouldn't exist. What did the governor say? It doesn't matter, what matters is safety, safety, or **** safety!" Bill said, waving his arms.

"Mr. Bill, does this mean that in order to complete the client's entrustment, your company will take any means, including but not limited to illegal means?"

"Integrity, honesty is the most important thing, isn't it?" Bill blinked, he learned a lot of high-sounding words from Sean, "You must do what you promise."

"Since our company has undertaken the security tasks and **** tasks of most banks in New Jersey, there has not been any robbery and settlement car incident in New Jersey. This is the most important thing."

After this interview was sent out by the news media, how ordinary people complained and let go, but major companies have become interested in x security company one after another.

Many companies began to contact x security companies.

For the company and individual clients, they don't care whether x security is murdering or setting fire, or whether it is illegal, as long as they complete their entrusted tasks.

The reputation of the x security company was shot out at once!

Of course, not everyone applauds this, at least, many "guerrillas" and other armed forces in Colombia are very uncomfortable with x security.

Cartagena, as Colombia's most important port of entry and exit for poisonous food, almost all the big gangs here are supported by those armed forces in order to facilitate them to sell poisonous food.

Sean's sweeping action caused a lot of losses to these anti-government guerrillas.

Several guerrillas have privately released news to make X Security Company look good.

Sean scoffed at this. You guys are just hiding in the mountains. Do you really think you have a strong fighting power?

Of course, even if they don't come out, Sean will find them.

"How about the profit? Is it worth it?" Sean secretly flew to the Cartagena base again.

"It's worth it." Thomson said with a smile: "These drug criminals are really rich. They have taken out more than 8 million US dollars from their safes back and forth!"

"The scattered ones were either blown up or picked up by the surrounding residents."

"Oh, yes, there are Kendo's goods, many of which were also blown up, and we didn't move the rest." Thomson was transferred by Sean to Cartagena to host the security base here.

"Well, it's not bad, it's not a loss after all." A smile finally appeared on Sean's face.

As soon as the cannon rang, the golden ten thousand taels were really no joke. It didn't take a long time before and after the operation, but the actual cost was close to 3 million US dollars!

Hellfire is 6.5 pieces, 8 pieces are used up, and one rocket is 8000, 38 pieces.

The cost of smuggling, the cost of other RPGs, and the use of aviation gasoline, it is more than 1 million before and after.

Participation bonus for 10 combat teams, $5,000 each.

In the later stage, the cost of public relations in the media, people have to give money when they say a word. It seems that there are not many families, but they can't stand the media!

The Cartagena police followed suit with such a big pot, which made people scolded for shit. They always have to express their opinions here, right?

Fortunately, Butler Mitchell has interests in it and doesn't need Sean to pay.

This is not counting the investment in the intelligence team and the time spent in the industrial zone for the layout.

In total, Sean estimates that the cost is no less than 4 million!

Or how to say that security companies can't be played by half of the people, if there is no means, and the heart is not dark enough, hundreds of millions of family properties can be played for you.

In fact, the Cartagena base has just started construction, and it will continue to be invested in the later stage, and the cost will be higher.

The radar system must be built, the basic air defense system, the permanent Black Hawk gunship... It hurts to think about Sean.

Fortunately, things have come to an end at present, and in the future, as long as the construction progress of the industrial zone here is accelerated.

Of course, the several 'guerrillas' active on the Colombian-Venezuela border need to be dealt with.

"Have you understood those drug lords?" Sean turned his head to look at Armstrong.

"Part of the data was collected, but the accuracy cannot be determined." Armstrong shook his head.

"Why?" Sean asked with a frown.

"It's either hiding in the rainforest on the border, or hiding in the Andes Mountains. Unless someone is sent into the internal field to verify, there is no way to confirm it."

"So, that means I can't do anything about them?" Sean raised his brows.

Armstrong looked at Craig Wright, he was doing intelligence, and Craig Wright was the conductor who had a say in this matter.

"No way!" Craig Wright nodded affirmatively, "It's not unreasonable for them to be able to stand against the Colombian government forces for so many years."

"Coca trees are not like poppies. Poppies are annual herbs. If they are planted in large areas, they can be detected at high altitudes. Coca trees are trees. A tree can be harvested for 40 years. It is impossible to determine where it is planted from high altitude. As a result, it is almost impossible to determine the target." Craig Wright began to explain the key to Sean, "The rainforest here is dense, and the guerrilla buildings only need to be camouflaged, it is too difficult to find, and they themselves live. Very scattered."

Sean scratched his head as he listened. No wonder the Golden Triangle slowly declined after more than 10 years. After a high-altitude reconnaissance and the throwing of incendiary bombs, one year's production can be immediately wiped out.

The South American side, on the other hand, is still thriving decades into the future.

"What about the elite special operations team?" Sean was a little unwilling to give up.

Craig Wright thought for a while and shook his head. "I don't understand special operations in the jungle. I'm not an expert in this field. However, I can be sure that Rambo's is unrealistic."

Hearing this, Sean couldn't help but laugh.

Thanks from: From, Qianyi 15.00, Yi Nian Perseverance 1112.00, Hehe Yanchen 5.00, Yu Yuean Rabbit Xiaohui 0.1 for the rewards of several handsome people!

The same handsome fireworks thank you!


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