MTL - Amnesia In Movie World-Chapter 16 fully prepared

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The first time Pym particles were made before, the process was repeated by ant journeymen.

After Xie Zhi established contact with the ants, the deepest impression the ants gave him was that they have a very good memory, and they will never forget, just like a computer. This feature makes ants the most powerful in the world. excellent workers.

It's no wonder that Hank can control ants to help him work. Even in the original history of this world, Hank's daughter Hope can make ants play drums and musical instruments in the future.

But unlike computers, ants also have some simple emotions, such as hunger, thirst, closeness, happiness, fear, etc., but that’s all. Ants themselves don’t have too complicated thoughts, they don’t even have selfish desires, the concept of ants The interests of the collective are above all else.

In a nutshell, ants are like robots with simple emotions.

This overturned Xie Zhi's cognition of this kind of small life. He didn't know whether it was the case of ants, or if his guess was true and he was indeed not from this world, then it might be the case of ants in this world.

(The ants in the "Ant-Man" series are so amazing, the setting follows the performance in the movie.)

However, for the second production now, Xie Zhi not only relies on ants, but also personally participates in it, so as to keep in mind the production formula, after all, it is the safest way to remember it by yourself.

The raw materials are sufficient, the equipment is sufficient, and the helpers are sufficient, so a large number of finished Pym particles have been produced.

Afterwards, Xie Zhi began to study those zooming Frisbees, which are mature products developed by Hanke and are extremely practical. Of course, it is a one-time use, and it is discarded after use.

Being able to shrink oneself or enlarge the target makes the reverse engineering research much easier. In the process of dismantling the research, Xie Zhi found that the manufacture of the flying disc is not difficult. Release, the structure is not considered high-tech at all, and anyone with a little manual work experience can copy it.

The simplicity of its structure gave Xie Zhi another idea.

For example, set up a mechanism container, trigger the mechanism, and instantly enlarge the storage items inside after the container is opened.

So what's in the container? Ants, of course. Although directly scaling creatures will affect the opponent's lifespan, ants don't have a long lifespan and are huge in number. Why not use such ready-made thugs?

Of course, it can also be used as a temporary emergency equipment bag, such as placing weapons and ammunition, such as storing food and drinking water.

However, in the experiment of magnifying ants, carpenter ants and bullet ants are the largest. According to the standard scaling ratio, the visual impact after zooming in is really amazing. They stand next to people, just like the ratio of people and camels. As for other ordinary ants, they are nothing more than the difference between a big dog and a small dog.

And Xie Zhi discovered that the magnified ants did not maintain the strength of their original size, but their strength also increased with the magnification ratio.

From this, Xie Zhi draws three conclusions. Enlarged creatures will become stronger, and reduced creatures will also become stronger. However, original-sized creatures will remain the same in the face of shrunken opponents, and will not have an advantage due to the opponent's shrinking size.

Then it is definitely not a good idea to make the opponent smaller. It is purely a dream to think about trampling the opponent to death, and the result will only be shooting yourself in the foot.

But it is also these phenomena that make the magnified ants extraordinary, they can attack and defend, they can be workers, and they can also be used as transport planes! This also made Xie Zhi full of admiration for Hank, Hank's invention can not be praised too much in any way.

Since ants are so important, it is necessary to build them a home that can be carried around. After all, all kinds of ants have different purposes. At least the importance of flying ants is obvious, and it is also Xie Zhi's most important thing.

And with Xie Zhi, the boss, even if different types of ants live together, they can't fight each other, but they can coexist harmoniously.

Xie Zhi welded a sealed box with plenty of soil, lights, food, generators and other equipment to supply power and oxygen. Why must it be sealed? Xie Zhi thought that if he wanted to go into the water, whether it was intentional or not, this large colony of ants would suffer. So why do you want ant soup? Rejuvenate?

And with more and more things, there must be a total storage carrier.

Xie Zhi’s choice was to transform a metal suitcase, which was anti-shock and anti-collision treatment, divided into many partitions, and stored materials in different categories. As for the storage containers in the partitions, Xie Zhi chose handbags, waist bags, backpacks and the like that are easy to carry. Yes, the materials in each bag are almost comprehensive, so that when you need it, you only need to carry a bag out.

The zoom mechanism of the suitcase is not difficult to design and manufacture. Unlike the Ant-Man suit, its design purpose is to harmless the living. Both the design and the material are extremely complicated. For non-human objects, there is no need to consider the problem of harmlessness, which is much easier, and only has the zoom function.

And the zoom factor of the suitcase has been adjusted. If the zoom factor of the Ant-Man suit is used, the box is too small after shrinking, and it is extremely inconvenient to take it. Therefore, after adjustment, the suitcase is about the size of a cigarette case after it is shrunk.

Of course, sealing modification is a must, also for waterproof considerations.

Xie Zhi also studied Ant-Man's suit for a while, but he was very cautious, UU reading www. just zoomed in on the suit, opened some parts that can be opened, and checked the parts and wiring.

Xie Zhi didn't dare to study it in depth, that is, he had a preliminary understanding and could do simple daily maintenance.

As for figuring out how the Ant-Man suit protects the human body, Xie Zhi knows he can't do anything. He knows a lot, but he doesn't know much more. If the suit is damaged, why not go to Hank to get another one? Out of your mind? Isn't this an opportunity for Hank to deal with him? The battle suit was invented by others. I understand it best. But if you move your hands and feet at that time, you will have no chance of being annihilated. I'm afraid it will be cremated directly.

Fortunately, he didn't have much interest in being a "little man", mainly because he felt that fighting was inconvenient and his hands were tied.

The only regret is that it is not possible to manufacture a vehicle that can carry people and shrink it according to the principle of the battle suit. It is indeed a pity.

Fortunately, Xie Zhi has no obsessive-compulsive disorder, nor is he a perfectionist. He is very satisfied with everything he has now, and he can already imagine how free his life will be in the future.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D.? Xie Zhi does not believe that they can control the whole world. There are always chaotic countries in the world. The more chaotic, the easier it is to get an identity certificate. It is nothing more than a question of how much money it costs. The big deal is to spend money on the whole body, live a stable life for a few years, and then use this identity to immigrate to a stable country, and then disappear into the vast sea of ​​people. Where can I find them on S.H.I.E.L.D.

Of course, the premise is that Ava is successfully rescued.

With enough ant helpers, all the preparations for Xie Zhi only took one day, and he didn't wait for Hank, after all, it would take time to find Ava's location.

Xie Zhi, who was fully prepared, set off.

PS: Good news, signed! All book lovers can rest assured to read, and will not stop writing because of signing issues.