MTL - Amnesia In Movie World-Chapter 15 Pym particles

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Xie Zhi rubbed his chin, and murmured: "Go save Ava, it's very troublesome without an aircraft, which one of these aircrafts have you got recently, and how long has it been?"

"You really know how to fly a plane?" Hank asked in surprise.

"Is it strange to know how to fly a plane?" Xie Zhi asked.

"It's not too strange, although most people don't, I'm just... more and more curious about your identity."

"Actually, I'm more curious than you." Xie Zhi muttered.

Hank shrugged: "Unfortunately, the last one was my trophy seven years ago."

"Forget it, then we don't need the plane." Xie Zhi opened the cabinet and began to pick and choose.

Hank watched from the side, thought for a while, and said, "Why don't I buy one for you? Jet planes are impossible, but piston planes, or helicopters, are still available."

Xie Zhi put down a tank, raised his head and smiled and said, "Afraid I can't help it, and ran to steal the plane?"

Hank shrugged: "Problems that can be solved with money are not problems."

"What a local tyrant." Xie Zhi gave a thumbs up and shook his head immediately: "But there is no need, you will leave a transaction record when you buy an airplane, and this is a clue that you are connected. If you can ride a flying ant, so can I. Your expression What do you mean? You were moved?"

"I just think you are reliable, that's all."

"Come on, that's all."

Hanke looked at the vehicles selected by Xie Zhi. There were twenty cars of various types, two tanks, and two armored vehicles, all of which were American and Russian.

"Are these enough? You're welcome."

"I'm not being polite, I know you didn't spend money on these things, but it's enough for me to deal with many situations."

"What about the money? Tell me the number."

Xie Zhi smiled and shook his head: "Dude, there are many **** drug dealers in the world, and letting them go bankrupt is contributing to society."

"Agreed." Hank said deeply: "Drug dealers are cash machines, so you don't need to waste time looking for drug dealers. I will give you the drug dealers first. There are probably several million cash, and I didn't even count them." , enough for you to spend a while."

Xie Zhi looked at him strangely: "It seems that you have done this kind of thing a lot."

Hank shrugged: "As you said, contribute to society and let drug dealers go bankrupt. I really contribute to society, and most of them are anonymously donated to charity organizations."

"It is said that drug dealers make money. They are wrong. Killing drug dealers makes money." Xie Zhi shook his head emotionally.

Afterwards, Hank led Xie Zhi into a secret room, where most of the furnishings were precision instruments. Xie Zhi had seen many of the equipment before, and it was similar to the seized portable laboratory.

Hank took five Ant controllers and handed them to Xie Zhi. Seeing Xie Zhi's dazed expression, Hank said indifferently: "It seems that you guessed it, yes, Ant controllers are not difficult to make, the hard part is The process of R&D and creation. I also understand that you will be able to copy it sooner or later. Let’s go and get the arms and money.”

When the two came to the garden, Hank pointed to a piece of land and said, "Here, you can control the ants to open the secret door. Below is the elevator. There is a suitcase three meters below the ground, and everything is there."

Xie Zhi gave an order to the ants in the ground, and then the ground arched, opening a hole of about half a cubic meter, which was dark.

A minute later, as the lift lifted, a small silver suitcase rose up, still wrapped in a plastic bag and sucked of air.

"Vacuum packaging." Xie Zhi praised: "Very good, don't worry about the maintenance of weapons."

Xie Zhi didn't go there, he still controlled countless ants to open the suitcase.

Hank didn't say anything about Xie Zhi's cautiousness. He was a little conflicted. He hoped that he would have a chance to make a comeback, and he also hoped that Xie Zhi would remain cautious and not hurt himself.

When the suitcase was opened, Xie Zhicai went to check it. There were still more than a dozen small cars inside, which were placed in the sponge grooves. They were mainly trucks and off-road vehicles. From the paint to the shape, they were all military vehicles.

"The weapons and ammunition are all in the car. There are all kinds of individual weapons, which are enough for you. As for the money..." Hank pointed to a Hummer and said, "It's in that car."

Xie Zhi nodded, asked the little ant to check it roughly, and said: "Speaking of which, I found that there are four kinds of ants in your house, some can fly, and the one that bit me before..."

"The ones that can fly are called carpenter ants, and the ones that bite you are bullet ants. Schmidt's bite pain index is the first, and being bitten is like being shot by a bullet..." Speaking of this, Hanke had strange eyes and said depressedly: "You There was no response."

Xie Zhi shrugged his shoulders: "I have rough skin and thick flesh."

"The other two are mad ants and fire ants. If you like, you can take away the queen ants. You're welcome. Anyway, there are a lot of queen ants in this yard."

Xie Zhi stretched out his hand and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Hank."

"You're welcome, I'm not here for you." After all, Hank shook hands with Xie Zhi, with a complicated tone: "Maybe you're not a bad person, but... I hope you never come to me."

"I'll try my best." Xie Zhi made four queen ants, shrank the suitcase with a zoom frisbee, put it into the carrying bag on the belt of the battle suit, and smiled at Hank: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Hank. Then, I Waiting for you for thirty-two hours, so farewell."

After saying that, he closed the helmet and shrunk, at the same time a flying ant flew over, caught him and flew away.

Hank looked at the direction in which Xie Zhi disappeared, and sighed: "Thirty-two about a lawsuit? If the movement is louder, we need to find a suitable target...Stark Industries? Forget it, that old **** It's all hiccups, it's no fun bullying children."


I found an abandoned building with no one there, and Xie Zhi settled here temporarily.

After regaining his shape, he first took out the suitcase and enlarged the military vehicles one by one.

After checking everything, Xie Zhi is very satisfied. The amount of ammunition is rich enough to arm a reinforced company, and the types are complete. There are all kinds of light and heavy weapons, even individual missiles. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com attack tanks, aircraft is no problem.

After a simple count of the money in the car, there are more than 8 million.

Xie Zhi took a military backpack, filled it with a bag full of money, changed his clothes, tidied everything up and left this place.

He won't wait for these thirty-two hours. There are still many things to do. The first thing to do is to spend money.

From the current point of view, he will not be short of money to spend in the future, so it is better to exchange the money for useful resources. For example, the materials for making Pym particles, for example, the daily necessities needed on the way to escape, and so on.

Briefly speaking, after some big purchases, Xie Zhi rented a large enough factory building. No ID? In Lao America, as long as you have money, you can do anything. You know, this is the country with the highest crime rate in the world.

With formulas, materials, and complete equipment in Hank's portable laboratory, Xie Zhi began to manufacture Pym particles.

In fact, there is not one kind of Pym particles, but a general term for many kinds of finished products.

First, there are compounds that change the relative distances between the atoms of a substance.

But this thing has to be controlled, otherwise there won't even be a loaded container, because it will even change the volume of the container. Can a mere glass bottle suppress Pym particles? (There is no explanation in the movie, so it is set.)

Then, you need an additive that can keep it stable so that it can be safely loaded.

To make it produce a zoom-in effect, two other catalysts are needed, one is responsible for the zoom-in and the other is responsible for the zoom-out.

In the end, whether zooming in or zooming out, there are multiples. As Hank warned Xie Zhizhi, unlimited zooming in will enter the quantum domain. Therefore, the diluent has become the key to controlling the multiple.

The combination of these elements is the so-called Pym particle, which realizes the controllability of this magical invention.