MTL - Amnesia In Movie World-v6 Chapter 1311 inventor

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Xie Zhi's appearance has naturally become a realistic animation style, but the image of the combat uniform is still preserved, and the ghost dance clothes are not revealed.

I have to say that although the special police combat uniform skin has no attributes, it is practical and can hide the equipment that is actually worn. (I forgot to write it in the previous chapter, and it has been revised and added.)

This is not only a problem of concealment and confusion, the key is that the style of the Nether Dance suit is rather awkward. Although it is much better than the original Dance King suit, and the overall appearance is darker, there are not many changes in the style.

Moreover, the skin is not just a cover-up, as a combat uniform, the tactical equipment on the surface can still play a role, such as inserting a gun, placing a magazine, and hanging a grenade.

Although things cannot be put into the inventory, they are also convenient to carry outside, so now Xie Zhi is fully armed.

But in the apartment building, it soon became completely silent.

Xie Zhi didn't look at it carefully during the march, and counted the rewards for the settlement of side missions while walking.

And during this process, even without checking each room, relying on the alienated zombie's sensitivity to popularity, it can be confirmed that there are no living people in the apartment building.

When we got downstairs, the corpses of the outlaws we killed before didn't disappear, it just turned into a realistic animation style.

Xie Zhi reckoned that the impact caused by the dungeon, such as the legacy of the zombie virus, was solved by removing the living people according to the rules, and all non-human items were left behind.

In other words, the associated characters returned to the original normal world, and the zombie virus did not spread to the associated normal world, but remained in the side mission scene. Here, it is just a special temporary space .

Maybe there will be a chance to meet the relevant plot characters in the future, maybe not, but that's not the point. The point is that Xie Zhi has figured out the rules of space in it, and the decline in strength does not mean that Xie Zhi's understanding of space is gone.

And if you figure out the rules, you can get a part of the strategy, at least the strategy related to the "map".


With this judgment basis, it will be helpful for how to play in the future, at least it will give Xie Zhi some inspiration.

While thinking about this, Xie Zhi had already arrived on the street, not alone, the six alienated purple zombies were still guarding him.

Although it was daytime outside, it was a bit cloudy. Xie Zhi wanted to see to what extent the alienation purple stiffness would be weakened when the sun was not on the cloudy day.

The answer is about 20% of all attributes, which means that as long as it is not exposed to normal sunlight, the degree of weakness is not exaggerated, and the combat effectiveness of alienated purple stiffness is still guaranteed.

But weakness is weakness, Xie Zhi is going to go shopping first, looking for clothing stores, cosmetics stores and the like, after all, if there is a problem, if it is not resolved, it will be a minefield for yourself.

But just after turning the corner, in the empty intersection square, a coincidence happened.

It's really a coincidence, Xie Zhi saw an acquaintance, who, he saw the humanoid Ultron appearing at the intersection opposite the square.

At this time, Ultron was out of breath and disheveled, his clothes were also tattered, and he was quite embarrassed.

The only weapon in his hand was a **** baseball bat.

In the direction behind it, you can still see a few zombies swaying in the distance.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Obviously, Ao Chuang was not doing well, and he should have fled indiscriminately to get here.

And when Ao Chuang saw Xie Zhi, who was wearing a combat uniform and fully armed, and the six jumping alienated zombies led by him, his expression was quite exciting, and he even wrote envy, jealousy and hatred.

Xie Zhi originally wanted to say hello, and by the way made fun of a few words to make people angry, but it could happen suddenly.

The two separated at the east-west intersection at this moment, and at the intersection on the north side, a colorful mist suddenly appeared out of thin air.

This is exactly one of the hidden elements that Xie Zhi observed before, the erratic position and the small colored fog.

Of course Ao Chuang also saw it, and found that Xie Zhi's attention was focused on the mist, he suddenly rushed forward, and the direction was the colorful mist.

What's inside, Ultron doesn't know, but since Xie Zhi pays attention, no matter what it is, run over first and then...?


The other party has a gun and someone can't grab it? The big deal is death, Ultron has died countless times, anyway, he can be resurrected, and he doesn't think there is anything to worry about if there is no risk cost.

However, just after he ran a few steps, Xie Zhi's figure flickered, and the sound of gunshots appeared, Ultron's calf was also shot at the same time, and he fell into the mud.

Lifting the pistol at his waist for a little trick, Xie Zhi blew on the muzzle: "It's American-style, buddy, you haven't lost your skills yet."

Then he tilted his head, and gave the Alienated Zizang an order with his consciousness.

An alienated purple **** jumped eight meters away in a single jump. Obviously, he still has an explosive power mode, which is farther than the normal jumping range.

After jumping three times, he arrived in front of Ultron. According to Xie Zhi's order, Alienated Zizomb stretched out his hands, grabbed Ultron's shoulders, and lifted Ultron to the point where his feet were off the ground.

And with this grasp, the alienated and stiff ten fingers penetrated deep into the flesh, and actually pierced Ultron's bone!

Ultron, who was screaming in pain, kept the shape of being snatched, and was brought back to Xie Zhi by the alienated Zizombie.

Ao Chuang's painful face twisted and twitched, and his mouth was still stiff: "Damn bastard! You have the guts to kill me! Anyway, I can be resurrected after death! Do you think I will be afraid of you!"

These words made Xie Zhi very satisfied, it is right to live and die, very good.

"The feeling of being bullied by others, don't feel bad, don't worry, I don't intend to torture you.

Just out of curiosity, do you have any new insights into the concept of peace? For example... Have you ever regretted your previous neurosis? "

Ao Chuang's eyes froze, and he suppressed the severe pain without saying a word, obviously he didn't want to talk to Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi smiled, and didn't care, it was just a slap in the face. As for whether Ultron reflected on it, should he care?

However, it was intentional for Xie Zhi to grab Ultron's shoulders with alienated purple stiff claws.

Not to torture Ultron, mainly to do a test.

Xie Zhi hasn’t personally experienced the death and resurrection in the new rules. I don’t know if it’s the corpse running mode, or if the corpse disappears after death and comes out directly from the resurrection point...?


If you don't know where the resurrection point is, you can't do it by blocking the door.

But since he met Ultron, what happened after death can be verified.

The alienated zombie's claws carry heavy corpse poison. Xie Zhi did this to see if Ultron's body would transform into a subordinate zombie.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Although there is only a 10% success rate, the result of the trial is that Ultron can bear it, and Xie Zhi has no cost.

And no matter what kind of arrangement the corpse is after death, as long as the transformation is successful, there will definitely be new discoveries.

So Xie Zhi left three alienated purple zombies to look at Ao Chuang, and the other three were taken into the barracks, turned and walked towards the colored light mist.

I didn't put the Alienated Zombie on the surface, so I'm not sure what's in the colorful light mist. Let's have a look first, and it's not too late to release it when needed.

However, Xie Zhi said that after stepping into the colorful light fog, the space in the fog is not too big, and even if it is covered by the fog, he can't see the outside world, but he can be sure that he is still on this street, because he is isolated by the fog.

The specific things are clear at a glance, and the first sight is a touring car with a rather outrageous modification.

The car is equipped with a lot of external equipment, even the jet propulsion is installed, there is no sense of the future, because the RV is a very ordinary old American civilian model, giving people the feeling that all kinds of equipment are piled up bluntly.

And there was a man standing in front of the car door, he was a fat man with a big beard, his eyes were staring in one direction, and he wore an iron pot as a hat on his head, exuding an air of great intelligence.

Where is this crouching dragon and phoenix chick?

The fat man was very enthusiastic, he raised his hand and said hello, "Woooooh!"

Can't understand the language at all, but! While speaking, a comic-like dialogue bubble popped up next to the other party, with text inside: "Hello, dear neighbor"

Xie Zhi opened his mouth: "Uh... hello, what language do you speak?"

Dave: "Dave's language, only I can speak it, a unique language in the world! Oh yes, my name is Dave, your good neighbor, everyone who knows me calls me Crazy Dave" #br. ...?

r# "Neighbor? I don't live here."

"Wooooow... (I don't live here either. Dave patted the car: "My car is my home, and my car is called Penny. Since I take my home everywhere, of course the people I meet It's the neighbor."

"It's very...beaver."

"Yes, I think so too, dear neighbor, what do you want to buy? I have a lot of good things here."

"What to buy depends on what you sell."

Dave knocked twice on the RV, and suddenly an LCD screen protruded from the side of the RV. It was old, cracked, and covered with Band-Aids.

It's broken, but the imaging is okay, there are some interference streaks and ghosting, but it can be seen anyway.

All the products displayed on the screen are Dave’s products. Xie Zhi browsed through them, his eyes widened, and he couldn’t help but turn to look at Dave: “These things… where did you get them? Sorry, I know this is a commercial secret , if it’s inconvenient, just pretend I didn’t say it.”

"Wooooow. (There's nothing I can't say, it's all my invention. I'm an inventor!

I have seen many inventors, and you are the first one with a face like yours to be extremely smart.

Xie Zhi nodded, complaining about it, but people should not be judged by appearances, this is indeed a genius.

Nothing else, Dave's inventions are mainly plants, and they are very outrageous plants.

To what extent is outrageous, just look at the introduction and you will know the list.

Machine Gun Shooter: Can shoot four peas at once.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Damage: 20 (each).

Launch rate: four.

Range: one row.

Durability: 300.

Can only be planted on dual launchers

Sunshine: 250.

Cooling time: 50s.

How to get it: Buy it in Dave's store for 5000 gold coins.

It turned out to be a plant that shoots out peas! It can also be destructive!

Moreover, the machine gun shooter is an upgraded product based on the dual shooter, and the double shooter is the pea shooter...?

Xie Zhi's promotion, and the seeds of the pea shooter, Xie Zhi burst out a lot when fighting zombies before.

In other words, all kinds of weird plant seeds that exploded before may be related to this invention of Crazy Dave.

Thinking of this, Xie Zhi took out a few packets of plant seeds and handed them to Dave: "Is this seed related to your invention?"

"Wow, wow... (This is also my invention, but it is an early result. The early products are very convenient to breed. I gave them to my neighbors as gifts. Advanced products are not easy to breed, and I also need funds to continue to develop more powerful ones. fighting plants, so I chose to sell high-end products.)”

"Then how did these seeds appear on the zombies?" Xie Zhi paid attention to Dave's eyes when he said this, trying to see if he was lying. After all, the zombies have Dave's seeds, which is very suspicious.

but failed! Because the eyes facing east and west are so high-end, it is impossible to guess what he is thinking.

Xie Zhi realized, it turns out that the highest state of being invisible is squinting!

"Wooooowah... (It looks like this...

Dave explained the reason. He was also very surprised that the zombies appeared, but since the combat plants he invented in his spare time were very effective in combating zombies, he started to increase cultivation, and then drove around to neighbors' houses. gift giving.

As a result, many neighbors began to plant fighting plants to protect themselves and resist the attack of zombies.

However, although the fighting plants are powerful, they also test the tactical layout of the planting and the planting area in the specific courtyard, so the fighting plants cannot guarantee victory 100%.

After the zombie swarm flattens the front line of the fighting plants, it will trigger the survival mechanism of the fighting plants.

To put it bluntly, it is the reproduction needs of plants themselves. For example, many plants will attract animals to eat by growing fruits, so as to achieve the purpose of letting animals take away the seeds so as not to take root and germinate.

So when the zombies killed the plants, the seeds of the plants also landed on the zombies.

As for why you use a bag to carry it, Xie Zhi can understand...?

The main reason is that the power of rules is too strong. Now that outrageous fighting plants have been created, their reproduction process can also be manifested if they are outrageous.

In short, the zombies with seeds on their bodies showed that many fighting plants had been killed.

This made Xie Zhi a little disappointed, because zombies were easy to fight, at least for Xie Zhi, so the combat effectiveness of fighting plants might not be that strong.

How to know the specifics, you have to plant it to know. Since I have been busy killing zombies to do the task, and the concrete floor in the city is the main body, there is little exposed soil, and the verification site is scarce, so Xie Zhi has not planted it.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

As for whether Dave's words were true or not, although Xie Zhi couldn't understand the meaning behind his eyes, he felt the sincerity in those eyes! The characteristic of great wisdom is never to lie.

Xie Zhi nodded: "So that's it, thank you. Is there a strategy... I mean, is there an instruction manual or something? I'll buy it."

"Woooooh... (No, because I can't invent the printing press, it's hard for me, so you can only figure it out on your own.

Although I also want to help you understand in more detail, but time is running out, there are still six or seven minutes left, and I have to leave, you have to buy it If you don’t understand, just ask.

Dave's explanation is that his way of traveling is through the RV Penny, but not in the way of driving, but... across time and space!

That's right, this product can teleport through space!

The only problem is that he doesn't know where to send each time, and the randomness is very strong.

And after staying for a period of time, you have to get on the car quickly after charging, otherwise Penny will travel through by herself and leave him behind.

Xie Zhiluan, it's no wonder that this colorful light fog always appears randomly in the city, then disappears, and then reappears. It can be explained by time and space teleportation.

But what Dave said also triggered Xie Zhi's vigilance, because according to Dave, he has been to "different worlds", which means that he is not only teleported in the current world, but he is the same multiverse as Xie Zhi Traveler!


But this vigilance lasted less than two seconds, Xie Zhi couldn't help laughing secretly that he was too nervous.

Because Dave is the product of his knowledge of using the power of rules to establish new rules, and Dave is subject to rules.

The ability to time travel does exist, but Dave must not be able to achieve the level of knowledge, even the Observer and Odin can't compare, because Dave can only move in the circle of the new rule world, he can't get out.

Since time is tight, there is no other way. Xie Zhi just came up with the idea of ​​abducting Dave. After all, it is a hidden element. Dave's positioning is obviously the "mysterious businessman" in many game settings. Worth fooling around.

It's a pity that the time-limited random teleportation has been decided, and Xie Zhi has no time to spend with him.

So Xie Zhi took a quick look at the price list and found out. _&?