MTL - Applaud for Happiness-Chapter 18 Applaud for the iceberg

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After finishing the first mission, Shen Qi took a whole day to slow down. You should know that in the past, he took the task, and at most a cup of milk tea was left behind.

This was the first time that it took so long to calm down.

This is also the first time that he has accompanied the mission character throughout his life. In the past, he always left after the counterattack. Even in the fairy-tale world that was tens of hundreds of years old, he never said that he would be alone with his head.

Even this is the first time he has grown old, watching himself grow wrinkles and white hair, watching his nephew and niece grow up, get married and have children.

For more than 30 years, we can't live without emotions. In addition, Shen Qi is also the character of joining the WTO. When Jiang Changzhi died, he was really sad.

After half a day, I went to the basement to bring up my gloves and vented it. I recovered a little, and it took me half a day to calm myself down, then I fell asleep with my head covered, and woke up the next day, as if everything Nothing happened and the second mission began.


The Lu family in Yancheng, a famous family tycoon in the high circle, passed down to this generation, with one son and one daughter, the eldest son Lu Yan, and the second daughter Lu Jun.

The two mothers died prematurely, and their father has been ill in recent years. The Lu family was moderated by Mr. Lu. Until the last two years, he finally let go and gave it to his grandson Lu Yan.

In March, the sun was shining brightly, the grassy warbler was flying, Shen Qi dragged his suitcase, followed behind Uncle, and walked into Lu's house.

Uncle Shen is the steward of the Lu family. He has been working in the Lu family for nearly forty years. It has been valued by Father Lu and is almost equivalent to half of the Lu family.

He never married. He earned money to help his brothers and sisters in the family. When the younger brothers and sisters started their families, they helped their nephews and grandchildren.

Shen Qi is the grandson of his fourth brother. The only one is Shen Si, who does n’t know what mildew he touched. Shen Si died early. The only son died early. He also brought his wife with him. A son who is not yet an adult, this son did not exist at the beginning, the siege, Shen Qi came, there is.

Shen Qi studied in general, but he followed Shen ’s father and was very talented in cooking. He learned a lot from Shen ’s father when he was a kid. After his parents died, he could cook for himself at a young age. At the first sight of Uncle Shen, he simply found a way to wait for him to graduate from high school and sent him to be an apprentice in front of a famous chef. This was four years. The famous chef died suddenly at an early age. Elementary student Shen Qi was forced to leave the teacher in advance.

Coincidentally, something happened to Lu Jia's hometown and he needed someone to take over for two months. Uncle Shen called Shen Qi over in a hurry.

Ding Buwang, a family of the Lu family, although the ancestral house is a half-mountain villa, it is not well-built, but the scenery is excellent. It is located on the middle of the hillside and looks down.

The villa has a flat VV shape. The main house lives in the inverted V in the middle, with two slashes on both sides. The left is the maid's building, and the right is the guest room.

Uncle Shen took Shen Qi, first went to the servant's building to recognize the door and put down his luggage, and then took him to see Father Lu.

"Don't be nervous. The master is actually very kind and won't embarrass you. He asks you what you say, and you can answer honestly."

Shen Qi nodded smartly.

Uncle Shen was satisfied and introduced the Lu family population: "There are not many people in the family, the young lady goes early, the young master is in poor health, is sick in bed, has a dedicated medical care and nutritionist, you do not need to take care of the three meals, you only need to take care of Just master the young master and young lady. "

"The young lady is as old as you. She has just graduated from college. She has been lively since she was a child. She is also kind to others. Little Master ..." Uncle Shen said, "The young master is a little inconvenient to move, although it may be cold on the surface, in fact, It's cold outside and hot inside, and your heart is good. You don't have to be afraid. "

"Also." He hesitated. He seemed to be thinking about whether to say it. He thought about it, and mentioned it. "Little Master is a bit stiff with the master because of something. If you hear or see something, Just know nothing. "

"Okay." Shen Qi quickly and solemnly expressed his sincerity in his heart, so he didn't take out a small book to write it down.

Uncle Shen was even more satisfied. What he wanted to do in Lu's house was to be obedient and obedient.

In fact, he also has a selfish mind, and wants Shen Qi to show his face in front of Father Lu, and then he can arrange a way out, even if he can go to any hotel to help the chef under Lu's name, there is always a place.

Shen Qi is the only seedling left in the vein of his fourth brother. Compared with other nephews, he has to take care of him and always have to arrange for him.

Uncle Shen led Shen Qiyi to the third-floor study. He passed through each floor and introduced him to what rooms were available, what they were used for, which one the host family lived in, and so on.

"Little Master has inconvenient legs and legs, so the room was changed to the first floor ..."

Shen Qi glanced at the closed door.

This little master is the mission goal of his world.

The young master was named Lu Yan, and there was a young acquaintance Bai Yueguang. Due to the fate, the two secretly fell in love, but before they had time to start, they were snoozed by the elders. In an accident, Bai Yueguang went away, Discarded both legs.

But the fact is that Bai Yueguang approached him at first, and came with hatred. He originally planned to take revenge by Lu Ying, but he didn't expect to be discovered too early, so he had to deliberately perform a bitter drama to break Lu Ying from his family It was an accident to abolish Lu Yan's leg, and he took it with a check.

Time flies. In eight years, Lu Yi officially took charge of Lu's family. At this moment, Bai Yueguang returned, and when face to face, Lu Yi died of a Bai Yueguang car accident.

Shen Qi: ...

This is the man who took the wrong script. Shouldn't it be Bai Yueguang's return, and the two experienced a deep love affair, and finally released the suspicion and reunion? Or because Bai Yueguang caused a lot of misunderstandings with the new lovers, and then had a deep love affair, finally realizing the true colors of Bai Yueguang and flying with the new lovers?

Well, in short, Shen Qi's task need not be said, is to attack Lu Yan, change his Be ending, give him a happy love, or a happy life, so that his happiness value reaches 100%.

For the sake of rules, he could not show up before Lu Yan and Bai Yueguang knew each other. Even if he had entered the world long ago, he would not be able to meet Lu Lu immediately. He could only spend a period of time in his chosen capacity. Finally, Eight years have passed and I have waited until today.

However, the waiting period of eight years is not useless. At least he focuses on cooking and rarely remembers everything about the last world.

According to the timeline of the outline, it is the seventh year that Bai Yueguang left, and he will appear again in another half year, so he must win Lu Yan within half a year, and at least brush his favorability Ninety percent, happiness is second.

Mr. Lu did, as Uncle Shen said, look very kind in appearance, wearing a Tang suit carrying a brush, and wearing round glasses, even more kind.

After listening to Uncle Shen's introduction to Shen Qi, he smiled and said, "Don't be so restrained. You are Agui's nephew, just like Taipa and sister, just call me Grandpa."

Uncle Shen hurriedly said, "What's the matter? Ah Qi is here to help, and it's called the master."

Father Lu seems to like Shen Qi very much, and waved his hand: "Now is a new society, not old-fashioned, besides, A Qi is your nephew, no better than others, just a name, it is OK, and I like A Qi very much. Much better than Taipa. "

Shen Qi wore the simplest white shirt and jeans. Qing Ling Ling Nensheng was like the grass that just grew up in the early spring. Her eyes were clear and well-behaved. At first glance, she was the obedient who the elders would like.

Father Lu said so, Uncle Shen no longer insisted, and smiled at Shen Qi: "Since the master has spoken, he is still not happy."

"Grandpa." Shen Qi obediently called.

"Okay." Grandpa Lu liked it more and more when he saw Shen Qi, especially his grandson. "Sit, sit, I heard you, Aber said that you followed the master Liang of the royal dining room to learn to cook?"

"Yes." Father Lu's kindness calmed down the anxiety before Shen Qi. He was relieved and sat down, smirking. "No, it's just a beating."

Originally, he wanted to formally worship a teacher, but who knew that Master Liang suddenly died suddenly and could only leave in advance with the title of elementary school student.

Mr. Lu laughed: "Master Liang's skill is enough even if he beats him. If you want to cook for this old man, it's actually an overkill."

"No, no, no ..." Shen Qilian shook his head again and again, "I can cook for Grandpa, I'm happy ..." I felt this was a bit hypocritical, not convincing, and whispered, "And uncle ..."

Father Lu laughed and gave Uncle Shen a glance, and said, "It turns out that I touched your light. Ah Qi wanted to honor your uncle."

Uncle Shen was happy, and said with his mouth, "As Qi called Grandpa, Grandpa should naturally honor you."

Shen Qi nodded, and said earnestly, "I have something for my grandfather to do in the future, even if it instructs me."

If others say this, Grandpa Lu always feels charming and deliberate, but Shen Qiyi's clear eyes make people feel extremely sincere and convincing. Grandpa Lu is happy and pulls Shen Qidong Laxi and talks a lot Until the sunset fell, Shen Qi was going to prepare dinner before letting him out.

Because it was the first meal, Shen Qimou worked hard, fearing that the Lu family was dissatisfied, shameless himself, and shame to Uncle Shen.

He was only responsible for the three masters of the Lu family. He brought up at least one uncle, and of course, himself. The three taboos had been sorted out by the last chef and given to uncle Shen. After Shen Qi studied, he prepared eight dishes.

Mr. Lu has a good tooth mouth, but he is older, and usually drinks more porridge at night. Shen Qi prepared mushroom and chicken porridge with mushrooms, plus tofu and a spring wild vegetable mix.

Lu Yan and Lu Jun, according to the habits of the two, one grain rice and one red bean rice.

Five dishes Shen Qi divided three hot dishes, one cold dish and one soup, to avoid the ingredients that the two did not like, all of which were best for Shen Qi.

However, at the dinner time, only the young lady Lu Jun came back.

Shen Qi and Lu Jun met, and Father Lu personally asked him to introduce him in the past, saying that they felt that they were generally old enough to be friends.

Lu Jun said the same as Uncle Shen. She was a lively girl who was very kind to Shen Qi. She directly exchanged WeChat with him, patted her chest and said to her if something happened.

Shen Qizhen smiled.

Uncle Shen was worried that Lu Yan would come back for dinner at night and ordered Shen Qi to wait for him to come back before going to sleep. Shen Qi simply took the small bench and sat in the kitchen with headphones to watch a movie.

Look, look, wait, wait, I don't know how long, the sliding door of the kitchen suddenly opened, Shen Qi looked up and saw the man in a wheelchair.

At first glance, four words came out of my mind: Peng Biaosheng.

Obviously a simple cook, the appearance of a man actually made the small space bright three shades, the handsome face perfectly explained the expressionless four words, under the dark two sharp eyebrows, a pair of narrow eyes Profound, dare not look straight.

Shen Qi was watching the movie, he was moved, and his eyes and nose turned red. When he lifted his eyes, he burst into tears.

The author has something to say: Lu Yan: ... (what's the situation)

焯 is a polyphonic word, read zhuo here