MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 556 Species of gods

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Did the life of my struggle end here?

Is the Rhineland Federation no longer hope of reconstruction, will the Rhine people suffer eternal slavery and torture?

Reinhart was so angry that he was not willing to go to the extreme, but Jenna was already in the middle of the spell with the eyes of Salo, and gradually lost.

At this moment, all the space in the vicinity was trembled. The space that was originally locked up by the "space-locked" spell returned to normal. A person wearing a blue-violet robes suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

"It seems that I am coming very timely!" Xiwei looked at the situation in the field and showed a smile.

"Xavi Frost! Too good, is the president of Xiwei!" Jenna's "Arcane" did not pull down, she recognized the identity of this handsome young man in the first time, really happy .

"Xavi Frost? Who is this?" The faceless Odu shouted: "Since it is here, die together!"

A covert spiritual attack came from the faceless Odu and hit Xiwei.

However, Xi Wei’s accomplishments in spiritual spells are very deep, and the soul level has already jumped to the extremes of mortals. This mental attack has no threat to him at all, but only ripples around his magic robe, three legends. The enemy of the ranks is just a little trouble.

"Two flowers!" Xiwei did not hesitate to use the power of death that has just been realized from the endless river. A black and white leaflet floats directly from the air, facing the three dark assassins Cary. One of them goes.

In the face of the real magic eyes of Xiwei, this level of shadow illusion has no effect. The color of the dark thorn card has changed, and it has been smashed away. The body has already covered a dark shadow energy, which is the "shadow." The cloak is a magical technique for all thieves who dream of spells.

However, no matter how fast he escaped to the extreme figure, he was always locked in front of the light flower, which could not be evaded.

While the Shadow Cloak can protect most spells, it also loses its effect in the face of the power of death.

The two flowers directly entered the body of the dark assassin Cary, and he also realized the feeling of Xiwei in the endless death of the endless river. The life faded in a flash, the death bloomed, and the original keenness was the ultimate legend. The body, in an instant, is dead.

Legendary thief, dark assassin Cary, killed.

Xi Wei secretly feels that the power of death is really a big killer, especially for the living.

However, the two flowers are not absolute deaths. If you can counter the true meaning of death, you can survive on the dead, resurrect, and even benefit, but the dark thorns Cary did not survive this level.

A two-flowered flower has already consumed most of the death sources that Xiwei has learned and mastered, and it needs to enter the endless river to replenish.

"The purest will to death? This, we are all obeying the orders of the undead King Bades!" The attack of the faceless Oduh returned without success, but Cary died in an instant, he was busy Shouted, fear has taken over his brain.

The next moment, a ray of light erupted from the body of the faceless Odu, like a golden fireworks, blooming in an instant, but with the wind, it is pure to the ultimate light of the source.

The legendary strong, the faceless Odu, died in battle.

Eye Devil Sadario does not say anything, directly launching the transmission spell to escape, but Xiwei is also a source of strength to fight, the sand of time solidifies in an instant, turning the eye sedario into a sand sculpture.

A breeze blew through, and the sand sculpture turned into fine sand, and there was no such thing as a strong terrorist.

Legendary eye magic Sadario, died in battle.

It is far beyond the realm of the legendary caster, and has embarked on a path different from the legendary magician.

The attack against the three legendary powerhouses is the result of his exploration of the power of the three major Olympic worlds of death, light, and time. It is not the enemy of the ordinary legendary ranks that can withstand the counterbalance.

The power of these three attacks is beyond the ordinary nine-ring legendary spells. Although the energy intensity is far less than the light of the arcane, but due to the power of the source, it can ignore most of the enemy's resistance and protection, and directly hit the soul. Caused great results.

With Xi Wei's mastery of the three major sources, he can cast a spell every day, but it is enough to shock the stunned Reinhardt and Jenna.

Jenna’s mouth has not been closed yet. This is the three legendary strongmen. Actually, there is no force in rebellion. They died directly in the hands of Master Xiwei!

His real combat power has gone far beyond the level of the legendary caster, and even the legendary magician may not be able to do better than him!

At this time, Jenna has regarded Xiwei as the "first law" of Tulafat, the "fifth law" Victor Hugo, and the "seventh law" Dixa, a peerless high-ranking person, so attitude Very respectful: "Thanks to President Xiwei for giving a helping hand, I am very grateful!"

Xiwei shot again, and the soft arcane energy was washed away in Reinhardt. The effect of "shadowing" was gradually expelled. After losing the control of the caster, this spell was not enough.

"Thank you for the help of His Excellency!" Reinhart sighed on one knee and solemnly thanked him.

"Leinhardt, do you want to defeat the undead king Bades, revenge and hate?" Xiwei went straight to the subject.

"Think, of course, I have no future in my life. There is only one conviction that supports me to live. That is to defeat Bades and let him fall forever!" The national hate hatred, and Reinhardt was excited. Said.

"The undead king Bades is already a demigod. There are a number of powerful people in the whole of the Orient world. He is seeking the **** of death. Once he succeeds in sealing the gods, almost no one can do it. You may not be able to wait for the day of revenge. "Xi Wei said with emotion.

"Since the Lord Xiwei came to save me, I must have something to say to me?" Reinhardt stood up, his eyes flashed, how could he not know the huge gap between the undead King Baddes, even Promoted to the legendary ranks, but also did not see the hope of revenge.

"The undead king Bades pursues the **** of death, and he is the power of death. He wants to let him fall forever. There is only one way, that is, there are other people who have died in death, but the undead king Bades has become The loser of the Fengshen competition.” Xiwei looked directly at Reinhardt’s eyes: “You must embark on this path to achieve your wish!”

"What kind of scruples do I have for Rheinland?" Reinhardt witnessed the horrible power of the two generations. He has no resistance to this powerful force. He is willing to sacrifice everything for revenge.

"Very good, then come with me!" West Villa from Reinhardt, will launch a transmission spell.

"President Xiwei, please bring me!" Jenna quickly screamed. She was full of concern for Reinhardt, but she could not stop him from pursuing the power of death.

Xi Wei nodded, and the inscription of the void in the sky flashed. "The photo is broken through the universal world." A transmission array in which a number of magic runes are suspended is generated at his feet.

Compared with the difficulty of transmitting others, it is naturally climbing sharply. However, for Xiwei, it is still within the control range. Reinhardt and Jenna are on the left and right into the transmission array, and the white light flashes. The three have already appeared on the shore of the endless river.

"This is endless river! God, I have seen it many times in the magic book, but this is my first time approaching her!" Jenna excitedly shouted out, except for the Necromancer, other casters were very Less will be exposed to the endless river.

"The world of Orient has a variety of sources, death is one of them. Endless meditation is the birth of death, you want to achieve death, you must first control the power of death, even if it is only a little bit insignificant "Xi Wei told the two people that this is a secret for most legendary powerhouses: "Reinhart, are you ready?"

Reinha nodded. He had made up his mind and did not hesitate. Only in this way, may he be able to defeat the undead king Baddes, revenge for his father Ludwig, for all the Rhinemen!

"Very good, then try the feeling of these two flowers!" Once again replenished from the source of death, Xiwei can play a two-flowered flower, gently drifting toward Reinhart.

Jenna has been nervous to the extreme. Just now, the dark assassin Cary fainted the horror of death in this inconspicuous black and white flower. She still remembers it, even though she knows that President Xiwei will not let Reinhardt die, but But I can't worry either.

Reinhart only had a slight shock in his body, his hands clenched into fists, and the whole person became a solid granite. He did not do anything to hide, and his eyes looked straight into the black and white flowers into his brain.

In a flash, death blooms, life fades, and Reinhardt’s legendary body begins to wither and transform into shackles.

"I fear death! I am fearless! As long as death can help me defeat Bades, I am willing to embrace the coming of death, the end of fate!" Reinhardt stood up, he completely defeated all fears. To meet the advent of death.

Jenna squinted her mouth and looked at Reinhardt withered and wilted. She almost cried out, was her lover so dying?

Gradually, all of Reinhardt's vitality was cut off, and he seemed to have died completely, and even the soul was silent.

However, at this time, Xi Wei’s mouth was full of smiles.

Reinhart really is a generation of people, not only talented, but after the tragedy of the death of his father, not only has not been beaten, but more determined and determined, his will is far harder than steel, in the face of death, unwavering, Instead, open arms embrace death.

The two flowers bloom in his body. When the leaf that belongs to death is completely stretched, the leaf that belongs to life begins to function slowly.

The miracle happened like this. Reinhardt’s body was like a dead wood, and it was revived. He had bleeding on the outside of the cheekbones. He lived again.

However, the color of this Reinhardt has changed from the original white to the blue-gray, and the rich death scent permeates him. Although there is still flesh, it is also between the living and the dead.

Reinhardt has mastered a little bit of death origin, from the gift of Xiwei.

This is naturally not enough, but at this time Reinhardt can already step into the endless river of silence, facing the true death of the river.

Reinhart felt the changes that occurred in the body. After he made adjustments and preparations, he gently turned his head toward Xiwei and slowly walked toward the endless river.

His whole body has fallen into the endless river of silence. The true meaning of death is washed away in his body, and the end of death comes. However, he has the effect of two flowers. His body has withered and plunged several times, from birth to death. Resurrection, repeated nine times, and finally returned to stability.

It’s been three days since then, and Xiwei is not idle, but is making the next magical thing for Reinhardt.

When Reinhart came out of the endless river again, he had reached a balance between life and death, that is, non-born, not dead, between the two.

His state at this time is similar to that of the Ashes Herald. It is higher than the legend, lower than the Sanctuary, but it also directly touches and controls the power of the source. The future is endless.

"Thank you very much, Lord Xiwei! The fog that has shrouded in front of my eyes has finally been exhausted. I have found the direction and destiny of the future! I will start a competition with the undead king Baddes. I will make the death of the gods and thoroughly The dust is falling, and it’s gone!” Reinhardt said calmly.

Jenna ran up and ran up. She quickly pulled Reinhardt, but she only felt the bitter cold. She was kneeling on his chest, but she could no longer hear the sound of heartbeat and blood flow. He dazzled like The long blond hair of the sun has turned into pure white hair, and Jenna looks at the blue-gray skin of Reinhart, tears and tears, like a little girl.

Reinhart stretched out his hand and gently licked Jenna's long blond hair: "Jenna, this is my destiny. The last prince of the Rhine is no longer there from this moment. I am the death will. Inhart!"

"The living and the dead cannot be peacefully Jenna, you are still young, find a better person, I can't give you happiness!"

"Reinhart, I am very happy to see that you have completed the challenge! The power of death has unveiled the mysterious veil, your future is limitless!" Xiwei handed a pale silver five-pointed prop to Reinha Special: "This is the 'Sky River Run Rune', you can use this rune every day to go back and forth to the endless river, feel the experience, and supplement the power of death!"

After all, Xiwei took out a small crystal bottle: "This is the original bottle, the power to store the original source, in case of emergency, can also be given to others!"

With this "Wuhe shuttle rune", Reinhart can get close to the source of death every day, and can grow on his own; with the "original treasure bottle", not only can strategic reserve, but also develop subordinates and even believers, Both are legendary magical things, Xiwei is completed with the help of zero, and the "original treasure bottle" design concept is also inspired by the pool of Bades.

"Thank you, Lord Xiwei! In the future, if there is something to be sent, Reinhardt must respond to your call!" Reinha chartered a solemn promise, although perhaps for some reason, Xiwei’s help to him was too Big, helping him to break through the legendary ranks, he realized the power of death, this is the kind of gods, with the hope of the immortality of the gods! (To be continued.)

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