MTL - Artifact Planting Space-Chapter 20 Comprehend the space field

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He has long seen it in some books on the field of cultivation. If he does not determine the nature of his own property, if he cultivates the magical powers of different attributes from his own field, then...the level of talent is high and will become One waste.


However, it is a big taboo for the cultivation of the mainland's strongmen!

Because on the mainland, the fields of various attributes are incompatible with each other.

For example, Ye Tian is awakened by the field of water properties, but it is a field of misplaced cultivation of fire attributes.

In this way, the fire and water, the power of different attributes of the original source directly in the Dantian, it is over!

Wu mother-in-law saw Ye Tian know that it was so powerful, and she didn’t say anything when she smiled.

Wang Si also smiled: "Yes, Ye Bai's father and other family members of Ye Family are in the middle of the hall. I am dealing with the drug. Without saying it, I have to deal with it in the past."

"Mother, do you need me to help?"

Ye Tian cares about it.

Ye Bai’s father, Ye Xiao, is in the mid-term realm of the field. It’s hard to talk for people’s bitterness. This time, Ye Bai is locked up. If it is not good, it is very likely to be troublesome.

Wang Siyi smiled: "Do not worry! Children, reveal a little secret to you, Ye Xiao came to Yefu this time, his hand is not broken."

"Hey?" Ye Tianyi, some do not understand the meaning of the mother's words.

Wu’s mother explained: “Your mother’s meaning is that Ye Bai’s name was broken in the name of Ye Xiao’s hand. He came to Yefu to get the medicine. Now Ye’s arm is not broken. He is definitely not making trouble, but Come and apologize for leaving the white collar home."

"Oh..." Ye Tian suddenly realized.

I really can't think of it, there is still such an insider inside.

Wang Si reached out and patted Ye Tian’s shoulder: “Children, although you can’t currently practice the methods in the field, but the basic cultivation methods that my father passed to you can’t be ruined, so practice!”

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded.

"Then I will go first!" Wang Si took Wu's mother-in-law and turned to the position where the Yefu meeting room was located.

"Brother! You cultivate well, I went to see the excitement!" Ye Qianqian made a face in Ye Tian, ​​even behind Wu's mother-in-law.

Ye Tian shook his head. After watching his sister go far, he went straight to his own separate cultivation room.

After shutting down the bulky steel gate, he entered the chaotic black soil space with a conscious mind and began to cultivate the space field.

It is not that he does not listen to Wu’s mother and his mother’s words, and cultivates the magical powers that are not their own.

It is the space field.

Different from other fields.

He does not belong to any of the fields of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., and does not want to rush with the attributes of any field.


Ye Tian found.

The space field of the magic dragon beast seems to be related to the awakening chaotic black soil space field.

It's just that this connection is not known, only the interpretation of the mystery can get the answer.

Chaos in the black soil space.

Ye Tian sits on the ground with his knees and knees. In accordance with the practice of the space field left in the sea, he closes his eyes and gathers his spirits. His hands are pointing to the sky, and the power of the surrounding source is slowly entered into Dantian.

When it reaches saturation, carefully divert the power of the source to every part of the body.

This is obviously very difficult for him who is only in the early stage of the field.

Almost all of the power of the source is diverted, and all of them collapse and disappear.

"No! Come on!" Ye Tian does not give up the operation method of the space field again.


Again failed.


ten times……

One hundred times...

One thousand times...

Until the failure of nearly 10,000 times, Ye Tian was somewhat discouraged to give up, the last time he succeeded, he was vaguely able to touch the rules of the space field.

But I am happy about this.

The power of the source of shunting in the body disappeared again.

"What happened?" Ye Tian wondered and opened his eyes: "Is it true that my cultivation method is wrong?"

Seeing that it was not early, I was forced to leave the chaotic black soil space, and suddenly appeared in front of the scene, but it shocked him.

I saw it at the front of the three meters.

A magic dragon beast that is condensed by black soil is squatting on the ground to run the space, and the surrounding space is bursting.

As if it was born to be the darling of space, it has been integrated with the surrounding space.

"Is it true that my cultivation posture is wrong?" Ye Tian, ​​who was whimsical, learned the way of the black earth demon dragon, squatting on the ground and began to work in the space field.


In an instant, I only felt that the force of the source flowing into the body was dozens of times faster than usual, and the phenomenon of the previous collapse did not appear at all.

Ye Tianqiang suppressed the excitement and quickly diverted the power of the source to every part of the body.

The unexpected happened.

There was a ripple in the space around Ye Tian, ​​and the body suddenly disappeared, and then appeared at five meters.

"Ha ha ha... I understand!" Ye Tian, ​​who felt that his body had turned upside down, excitedly smiled and said: "This is the space field. This is the operational rules of the space field. It is not easy!

Although I can only use the space rule to teleport five meters, and the power of the source is huge, but this represents the threshold for success into the space field, enough! ”

"But... I wouldn't have come up with a magic dragon beast to help out in the chaotic black soil space. I am afraid that I would like to touch the threshold of the space field in this life!" Ye Tianping lived in the breath and looked at the magic of the distant black soil. The dragon beast, the doubtful grasp of the head: "Just how it appeared again? Is it that ... is the heart of life?"

Thinking of this Ye Tian, ​​try to imagine the appearance of the Leifu gate in the heart of the tiger哗~~~!

Almost at the same time, the black soil not far away condensed into a huge mane.

The previous magic dragon beast disappeared.

But the accident is.

In the sea, I couldn’t get any news about the tigers and tigers, and after a while, the rapid collapse disappeared.

"This..." Ye Tian did not understand the grasp of the head, he really did not understand the reasons for this.

"Do you want to say... If you want the chaotic black soil source space to condense the scorpion war tiger, you must be the same as the magic dragon beast, absorb the essence of the skull or other parts of the body?" Ye Tian fell into meditation, thinking for a long time This conclusion was reached.

Only this conclusion is the most reasonable and most relevant explanation.

"Oh, no matter what, next time I enter the chaotic black soil space, I can't find anything to find a bone of a tiger's war tiger."

Ye Tian stood up, and after taking the black soil on the robes, he was conscious of his thoughts, and the figure flashed out of the chaotic black soil space.


The result of today’s cultivation is still quite large.

At least let him understand the entry rules in the space field, as well as the black soil in the chaotic black soil space, you can use the consciousness to control the condensation into a dragon beast, and various creatures.

"But I am a chaotic black soil space. What kind of talent is it? It is a mystery!" Ye Tian, ​​who walked on the tree-lined path, shook his head.

Seeing that the direction of the living room is brightly lit, the current pace of speeding up the foot has gone.


Recommend a brother's book, "My Island Kingdom" is really good, brothers and sisters who have time can go and see!