MTL - Ascend Another Day-Chapter 20 Immortal

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Xu Ying was inexplicably excited, thinking in his mind: "As a Qi refiner, it is natural to control one's mana. The mana of the gods is transformed into flying swords, so their control of mana is to control the flying sword. I can also control my vitality, my If the vitality leaks out, it can be transformed into the divine body of the elephant king, and naturally it can also be transformed into a flying sword!"

He was full of enthusiasm and tried to turn his vitality into the form of a flying sword, but failed after several attempts.

Xu Ying was not discouraged and continued to test. However, the shape of the sword is different from the divine body of the elephant king. The divine body of the elephant king is the path for the movement of exercises and has natural constraints. The shape of a sword is not bound, and Xu Ying needs to control his vitality to form the shape of a sword, so it is extremely difficult.

"Maybe, I can try to control the willow branches first."

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he immediately tried to pour vitality into the willow branches, using his spiritual consciousness to control the vitality in the willow branches, and then slowly let go of his palm.

The willow branches swayed and floated in the air.

Xu Ying was overjoyed, and with a thought, the willow branches flew crookedly in the air.

Yan Qi was stunned: "He actually did it... Which sentence did I tell him? If I can tell him, I must be able to tell myself!"

He suddenly had confidence.

What does Xu count? It's just a junior who has been instructed by Master Snake, if Xu can do it, Master Snake can naturally do it too!

Xu Ying controlled the willow branches and used the swordsmanship that he had learned before. The willow branches are too light and delicate to use, and if he exerts a little force in his mind, the move will not work.

He clumsily controlled the willow branches, used the swordsmanship he had learned over and over again, and learned how to control his mind, consciousness and vitality.

He pondered alone, but he made rapid progress, and soon figured out the sword control technique, controlled willow branches, and displayed various basic sword moves!

Juan Qi still didn't understand what it was saying, seeing that Xu Ying had already displayed his swordsmanship in a decent manner, he felt sad and indignant: "What use does Master Snake need this brain for?"

The willow branches flew over, hanging half a foot above Xu Ying's shoulders, following Xu Ying's figure, wherever he went, the willow branches flew there.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, thinking: "My sword control skills are as good as my arms and fingers, but I don't know if I can use my sword energy and sword light like holding a sword in my hand?"

Seeing him thinking hard, Pi Qi was obviously blocked by this problem, and said with a smile, "Ah Ying, I heard that smart people can often understand by analogy..."

Xu Ying's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands suddenly and said, "You are so right! Thank you for your help, I finally figured it out!"

"I haven't finished yet... Forget it, as long as you are happy."

Xu Ying was inexplicably excited, and while controlling the willow branch to perform swordsmanship, he said quickly: "You are right, you can understand by analogy! I use my spiritual sense to control the vitality in the willow branch, and my spiritual sense is equivalent to my arm. I hold the willow branch , the vitality enters the willow branches through my arms, and I can display sword energy. That is to say, I can let my own vitality continuously flow into the flying willow branches along with my consciousness, so as to display sword energy and sword light!"

The willow branches flew around Xu Ying and Yan Qi, and suddenly there was a snort, and an invisible sword energy shot out from the branch, making a sharp sound of piercing through the air.

Juan Qi hurriedly retracted his tail, and the sword energy flew past his tail, a rock suddenly cracked, and a puff of smoke came out, which was cut in half by the invisible sword energy!

Xu Ying controlled the willow branches to fly back and forth, and the ends of the willow branches were filled with sword energy, invincible. With a flash of sword energy, the crown of a big tree was cut off flat!

The canopy flew up with a whirring sound, and after flying for more than ten steps, it landed!

The heart is jumping in fear, the crown of the tree is more than ten thousand catties? To be sent by the power contained in Xu Ying's sword more than a dozen steps away, one can imagine the power contained in this sword!

This kind of sword energy is completely comparable to the incense flying sword of the gods!

Xu Ying withdrew the willow branch, overjoyed, laughed and said, "Xiao Qi, without your guidance, I definitely wouldn't be able to master the Sword Controlling Technique so quickly!"

He Qi mustered up his courage, and said: "It can be seen that reading is still useful. Ah Ying, that... Since I taught you how to learn the art of controlling the sword, can you teach me the art of controlling the sword?"

Xu Ying nodded again and again: "Of course. It's very simple."

Juan Qi studied hard for a while, and was suspicious: "It's very simple? Are you lying to me?"

He practiced again and again, but still couldn't make the willow branches fly.

Xu Ying had no choice but to throw him aside, continue to ponder the sword control skills, and suddenly thought: "I can use my spiritual sense and vitality to fly willow branches. My spiritual sense does not bear the weight of willow branches. So, can I step on the willow branches?" fly with willow branches?"

He did it as soon as he thought of it, and immediately his consciousness moved, and the willow branches flew up.

Xu Ying kicked his feet and landed on the willow branch, which fell to the ground with a thud.

Xu Ying tried again, but the willow branch still couldn't bear his weight and fell to the ground again. Repeatedly, the willow branch could not carry him to fly.

"Ah Ying, we have arrived at Wuwang Mountain!"

Jue Qi suddenly speeded up and said excitedly, "Come here! This is my hometown. Three generations of my old Niu family have lived on Wuwang Mountain! Wuwang Mountain has Shuikou Temple to the north, Yilin Temple to the west, and Xiaoshan Mountain to the south. , to the east is Niaotangpu. There are wild fruits everywhere in our mountains, and whenever the autumn leaves turn yellow, monsters in the mountains will carry ripe wild fruits to the market outside the mountain to exchange for rice noodles.”

He rushed to Wuwang Mountain, pointed to the west, and said with a smile: "Look, there is Yilin Temple. The abbot of the temple is the demon **** Bai Junzi... Hey, where is Yilin Temple?"

He Qi was stunned on the mountain, and suddenly panicked: "No! No! Where did the big Yilin Temple go? And Shuikou Temple! Where did Shuikou Temple go? Where is the bird pond shop? Such a big bird pond shop... "

He raised his head, looked around in confusion, and murmured, "Is this still Wuwang Mountain..."

He is familiar with everything around Wuwang Mountain, but at this moment, there are tall and straight peaks everywhere around Wuwang Mountain, like knives and axes, there are big rivers passing through the mountains, and in the distance there is a big lake as magnificent as the sea.

All he was familiar with was this Wuwang Mountain.

Suddenly, the mountain shook, Wuwang Mountain boomed and grew upwards, and huge mountains continued to emerge from the ground, getting higher and higher!

A cliff appeared on the place where Juqi was standing, it was extremely steep, and it grew out of the mountain in front of him!

After a while, the cliff grew about a thousand feet, and huge boulders continued to fall off the cliff and fell down, making a loud bang.

He Qi raised his head and looked up, his eyelids fluttered, and saw two words written on the cliff wall.

Nothing wrong.

The Wuwang Mountain he was familiar with was gone, only Wuwang Mountain remained.

"Qinyan Cave! Yes! My Qinyan Cave must still be there!" Ju Qi hurriedly swam down the hillside and headed for Qinyan Cave.

Xu Ying hurriedly followed him, and after a while, Juan Qi finally found his hometown, Qinyan Cave, and saw bursts of sunlight gushing out from that cave, containing majestic vitality and brilliance.

Xu Ying walked in front of the cave, and bursts of sunlight hit his body, and suddenly he felt that the wound on his chest that had healed began to itch again, and he scratched it subconsciously!

The more he scratched, the more itchy he was, he hurriedly tore off his collar to look, and couldn't help being stunned.

There were many wounds on his chest, among which were three scratch marks with deep bone visible, which were left on him by the God of Stone Mountain, which almost ripped him open.

After Xu Ying bathed in dragon blood at Wangxiang Terrace, all the wounds on his body had healed, but there were still shocking scars left behind.

The few scars on his chest looked like little red dragons, lying on his chest, bumpy to the touch, very unattractive.

But now, these scars are fading rapidly!

Where the scar fades, the skin color is the same as the skin color in other places!

There was no sign of any injuries on his body!

"This Qinyan Cave is full of vitality, it's no small matter!" Xu Ying wondered, is this really the place where the three generations of the Niu family lived?

The scars on Juan Qi's body also faded away, and there was no trace of any injuries. He also didn't expect such a change in Qinyan Cave, so he rushed into the cave immediately without caring much.

Worried that something might happen to him, Xu Ying hurriedly followed.

Qinyan Cave is more than ten miles deep, and goes deep into the mountain. This time the mountain changed, Wuwang Mountain became Wuwang Mountain, and Qinyan Cave was also many times wider and deeper than before!

Xu Ying followed He Qi all the way, and saw a lot of sesame grass growing on the cave wall, giving off a strange fragrance.

Some cave walls seem to be newly grown, there is no patina on the cave walls, they are very fresh, but there are huge spirit beads hanging on them, emitting a faint light, illuminating the road.

"Xiao Qi, your house is so big." Xu Ying looked around and exclaimed.

He Qi led the way, and saw that the cave was winding, full of cliffs, stalactites, and jagged rocks.

In Qinyan cave, there are holes in the cave, and the holes are connected with each other. Some places are flooded and require diving.

Xu Ying took the big clock and followed Juqi to swim. Surrounded by strange rocks, there is also a huge stone wall with strange words written on it. It's just that the light is too dim to see clearly, and I don't know what is written on it.

Xu Ying was inexplicably surprised. If there was no Juanqi to lead the way, he would never have thought that there would be a hidden world underwater!

"Qinyan Cave is so complicated, those chasing soldiers will never find it here!"

When Xu Ying thought of this, he suddenly laughed, Wuwang Mountain became Wuwang Mountain, and the surrounding geography changed so much that even Xingqi himself couldn't recognize it, let alone the government and the city god?

"Most of them don't even know where Wuwang Mountain is." Xu Ying thought.

Pi Qi swam towards a stone wall, but saw that there were cracks in the stone wall, and a section of the stone wall collapsed. They swam through the collapsed place and came out of the water. In front of them was a white jade staircase paved with water.

Xu Ying followed He Qi out of the water, and saw a white jade bridge sticking to the water, stretching forward.

After arriving here, Yan Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured: "My family is still here, my home is still here..."

He led the way ahead, and Xu Ying walked on the white jade bridge. He didn't know how far he had walked, but the water in front of him suddenly became bright and spacious.

Yan Qi smiled and said, "This is where I practice. Without my guidance, no one would have found this place!"

Xu Ying looked around and was speechless in surprise. Who would have thought that there was such a beautiful palace in this cave in the mountain?

Moreover, the vitality here is more intense, and his cultivation base has improved a lot in the breath, it is like a blessed land in the fairyland!

Suddenly, Xu Ying stopped and stared straight ahead, her heart beating wildly.

In the center of the White Jade Palace in front, there is a pitch-black coffin parked.

Not far from the coffin, a young girl turned her back to them and looked up at the tall jade in front of her.

"Xiao Qi, didn't you say that no one is leading the way, so no one can come in?" Xu Ying lowered his voice and quietly backed away.

The snake demon Piqi also saw the black coffin, stepped back, and whispered bitterly: "For more than three hundred years, our old Niu's family has lived here, and no one else has ever been here. Who knows how the female ghost knows about this place?"

The changes in Wuwangshan had already driven him crazy, he never thought that his hometown would be copied by a female ghost!

The female ghost they are talking about is the girl in the coffin in the ancient well of the barren temple in Shishan.

The coffin parked in the White Jade Palace is the black coffin in the well!

Xu Ying will never forget what happened that night when the Nai River was diverted. He will never admit that the girl under the jade bi is the "female ghost" who escaped from the coffin!

Xu Ying still remembered that they were controlled by the strange eyes in the well, dragging the chain involuntarily, and the scene where blood was bubbling in the well!

He still remembered that the girl was sitting at the mouth of the well combing her hair!

"The big clock was also injured by her!"

Xu Ying suddenly thought that the big bell was injured by the girl in the coffin, and the girl in the coffin was suppressed by the big bell and kept in the well for an unknown number of years. Their deep hatred can be described as irreconcilable!

But now, the big clock is being held in his hands...

Thinking of this, he immediately threw the big clock in his hand under the bridge.


The bronze bell fell into the water.

In the White Jade Palace, the girl in the coffin was disturbed by the noise, looking back, Xu Ying's eyes lit up with her appearance, and her breathing was a little short.

The girl in the coffin seemed to have recognized him, and was slightly surprised, as if wondering why he was able to find this place. But even though she lost interest in Xu Ying, she turned her head and still looked at Yubi.

Xu Ying continued to retreat, and the big clock was floating on the water like a piece of wood. Wherever Xu Ying went, it would follow.

Xu Ying's scalp was numb, and he thought silently: "You are sinking! Master Zhong, you are going to sink!"

The big clock seemed to be angry, and it floated steadily on the water, but it didn't sink, as if it wanted to die with him.

At this time, a faint sigh came from the White Jade Palace, and a soft voice rang out. The cave in this mountain was like an empty valley orchid, calm and mysterious.

"South of Xiaoxiang, the abyss of Cangwu. At the foot of Jiuyi Mountain, there are immortals. This place of ascension is barren after all."

The girl in the White Jade Palace whispered, "Could it be that if you are as strong as you, you can't avoid birth, old age, sickness and death? If you are as strong as you, the cave can only be reduced to a place for evil spirits?"

When the big bell heard this sound, it trembled and slowly sank to the bottom of the water.

——Thank you Taishu Zhengya, I am very grateful for the rewards of the two alliance leaders!