MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 78. Withered

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"No, no..." The disfigured woman repaired her face and pleaded, "Let me let me go, beg you."

The glamorous female repaired her voice and let the disfigured female repair loose, letting her fall into the river. The disfigured female repairer climbed up from the river. She was kneeling on the bank of the river. She looked over at the hustle and so on, and her eyes were full of prayers.

“Do you still want others to save you?” The irony in the glamorous female rehearsal is even heavier. “It’s disgusting to look at this face, it’s better to die.”

Disfigured female repaired her face and cried, and looked at it from time to time. She was expecting a person to stand up and stand in front of her and said that appearance is not important.

Jin Ling was somewhat guilty by the other side's eyes, and quietly hid behind, as if the heart of the heart could be less. She is not high, and entering this secret is just to increase her knowledge. Who is expected to have a change in the secret, she can rely on Libo, Zongzong and others to save themselves, and dare to open their mouths to trouble them.

"This..." Zhao Xiaozong's younger brother is young and vigorous, watching this scene gasp and gasping. If it wasn't for Libo, he would have rushed out. Young guy, with a bit of impulsiveness in his bones.

"You don't understand women." Faced with the angry eyes of the younger brother, Li Bo used the phoning technique. "This is a beautiful and beautiful repair. It is a golden age. Her cultivation is good. Listen to her tone of speech. Her position in the Scouting League is not low. Such a woman will never be so aggressive and bitter in front of strangers, especially in front of our large-scale disciples."

Whether it is a man or a woman, but some status, in front of strangers, will subconsciously make themselves perform more perfect. This glamorous female repair is very strange, constantly provocative, and constantly doing things that challenge the bottom line of others.

The disfigured female repair is even more strange. It is obviously a person who has been cultivated. In the glamorous female repairing hands, it is like an ordinary weak woman. Let the other side be round and flat. Except for crying, there is no rebellious behavior.

"Many women, in front of a handsome man, can't help but show their good side. Just like most men in front of beautiful women, they will be extraordinarily graceful." He suddenly said, "Even if she is not interested in men, Seeing that she is so refined, it is enough to prove that she is a person who values ​​her face. A person who values ​​face will not be so ugly in front of outsiders."

Libo and Yu looked at each other and found a tacit understanding in each other's eyes.

The younger brothers of Zhaozongzong seem to be justified by the two, and they seem to be shocked by the unreasonable words. But when they look at the two women’s repairs, they have already involuntarily speculated that this is deliberately shown to them, or is it true. What is the contradiction?

"Can they do this for what?" Zhao Zhaozong’s younger brother stuttered and asked, "Do you want to play?"

"They are not people who are in the league." The sect looked calm, as if the weather was good or bad.

"It’s not a person who is a spoiler. There are no two people in the sect of the sect. Who are they... Where are they coming from?” Zhao Zhaozong’s back is cold, and the two female practitioners don’t see anything wrong.

"Why don't you help me?" The disfigured female repaired hate and looked at him and others. "Because I am ugly, don't you treat me as a person?"

Her face is distorted, hateful, and there is still a look.

Just when everyone didn't respond, the disfigured female repair suddenly reached into the face of the glamorous woman, tearing her face on her face, and she turned her head and grinned. "Is it beautiful now?"

The poor Zhaozong master, who was scared by this sudden change, went back two steps, and almost could not breathe.

"Since you don't like my face, why don't you give me your face?" The female repairer suddenly smirked, the body and limbs twisted into a strange arc, and the **** eyes glanced back and forth between the cockroaches and the chopper. "I Like your face, give it to me."

She licked the red tongue: "Why don't you help me? If you helped me, I will let you go." The woman repaired and cried and laughed. "I hate you, I want you to take your face." Come and pay for me."

"Because your drama is too exaggerated." He looked at his head and looked very innocent. "When people who are often bullied are bullied, there is not so much excuses, because only silence can make the other party less. Shoot twice."

The expression on the face of the woman's face solidified, and immediately shouted: "You lied to me, you are all a group of madmen who look at people."

"You are wrong. It is you who really look at people." With the support of the ancestors, I am eager to bicker with the woman. "In your heart, the ugly person should be incompetent. It’s unreasonable. Even if you’re holding a look down on women, whether they’re beautiful or ugly, they’ll always be stunned by the competition for men.”

"I don't think you may know that the realm of comprehension is developing very fast now. The female practitioners are also very busy, busy with practice, busy traveling through the mountains and lakes, busy dressing, not so much time to grab men." I snorted. "I don't know what you are, but I know very well that you don't know enough about the people."

The female repairee was said to be speechless, shaking the bones of her body and standing up straight: "You bullshit, there are two female practitioners five hundred years ago in order to grab men, and they can't play."

Five hundred years ago...

箜篌 箜篌 桓 桓 桓 桓 桓 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The old-fashioned concept is not very good."

"Really?" The woman's expression became dignified.

"Of course." He pointed to the beggars around him. "You look at the man who is around me. It is a high-educated, beautiful look. There are almost no shortcomings in perfection. But we haven't had three women's struggles, have we robbed?" ”

The woman repaired her eyes and did not know what she thought. Her expression was not very good. She said coldly: "In this case, even if you pass the game, you can roll."

"As the saying goes, meeting is a relationship, you are so familiar with the secret, can I ask you a small question?" Seeing that the female repair did not seem to have swooped in, began to hit her idea.

"No." The woman repaired the mask of the human face on her face and threw it on the ground. The human skin mask disappeared, and the glamorous female repair of the figure was turned into nothing.

"Don't do this." I don't understand why, this is not a matter of two women fighting for a man, but a test of humanity in the secret.

Probably the secret is to test them, whether to look at the appearance or the heart. According to the current situation, this test should be screwed up by them.

"I just want to ask, where is the cloud-seeking tree in the secret?" Looking forward to seeing the ugly female repair again: I didn't look away because of the terrible face of the other person. "Please, help me." ""

"The search for clouds has blossomed for millennia, and the results of the millennium. After the fruit to be ripened, the leaves will fall and the roots will die." The female language is normal. "There are indeed clouds in the mystery, but it is five hundred years. Things. Five hundred years ago, I found a cloud tree and I had a fruit. Now it has already withered, and even the roots are rotten in the mud."

"Withered?" His heart screamed and his heart creaked. These days, she has accompanied her to find a few medicines, thinking that they will soon be able to get together and cure the body according to the prescription. I know that I have entered this secret environment and I know that the search for clouds has long since disappeared.

How happy she was when she heard the news from Sun Ge, how much she lost now.

The warm hand grasped her hand and looked up stunnedly. She looked at Miao Zong's gentle eyes and opened her mouth but could not say a word. Uncomfortable in my heart, like a lot of messy cotton wool, can't be cleaned up.

"Nothing, we can look for it slowly, even if we can't find it." Yan Zong sees his cheeks white, an unacceptable look, and is busy reaching out to shoot her younger generation. "It's okay, nothing. There is no, There are other places."

箜篌 Slowly returned to the gods, and tightly back to the hand of the ancestors: "You are right, you will find it."

“It’s so easy to find the cloud tree.” The female repair is not salty and not faint. “The reason why it is called the cloud tree is because its shape is changeable, and the whereabouts are gone, even more than the clouds.”

"I have good luck anyway, I will definitely find it." I was afraid that Miao Zong thought more and quickly blocked the mouth of the woman. "You can go."

Female repair: "..."

When she asked for it, it was not the face.

Is the female repair in the realm of cultivation now so hypocritical?

It turned a white eye and turned it into a smoke that disappeared between heaven and earth.

Jin Ling looked at the empty river: "What was the female repair just now?"

"It should be the wisdom of the secret." Lin said, "The murals we saw in front, as well as the words of life and death, are all hints to us, let us subconsciously meet certain things, only Will be rudely divided according to personal preferences."

The secret world wants them to learn to look squarely, to be good at distinguishing between true and false, and to pay attention to human nature. It is a pity that these tests are used on them and seem to be less successful.

It is known that the cloud-seeking tree has been dying, and the embarrassing mood has been somewhat affected. It is only afraid that it will be seen by the ancestors, and it has always been a strong smile.

Mou Zong may have seen it, perhaps not seeing it, holding her hand all the way without releasing it.

In the next few days, the secrets were calm, and a group of people dug a lot of spirit grass. One night, when Lin Biao went to the tree to pick the fruit together with the donkey, he mentioned that Zhai Zong’s face was very good in recent days: “I have been sent to other places for two days, have any strange things happened?”

"Strange things?" He thought carefully and shook his head: "No."

Lin Biao's doubts are deeper. Is it because the son was affected by the magical demon, and suddenly he realized it?

"No, there is one thing." He threw the fresh fruit he had taken to Lin Biao. "I have repaired it with Miao Zong."

"Double repair?" Lin Biao looked at the small body of the cockroach, how big the girl is, the son of him...

“Picked up?” Mou Zong appeared behind the two, and his expression was as calm as a secluded pool.