MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 673 Shinto formation

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Chapter 673 Shinto Formation

 It’s over, I said too much at the moment.

Mo Hua’s eyes, innocent and profound, as bright as stars and as insightful as candlelight, just stared at Huangshan Jun.

Mr. Huangshan was panicked by the sight.

 “Ahem, yes...I have lived...a little bit longer..."

Huang Shanjun immediately organized his thoughts and said, "The lifespan of gods is very long. There is no one in this dry mountain, and the ruined temple is desolate. I, a little mountain god, live here without anyone disturbing me, so I will waste more time."

“Later on, alas...if I hadn’t made a mistake later and had my sect’s foundation cut off by the elders of your sect, I wouldn’t have been in such a miserable state..."

Huang Shanjun sighed and pretended to be frustrated.

Mo Hua suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Although it was not him who killed Huangshan Lord, it was his senior in the Taixu Sect who did it.

 Having cut off Huangshan Jun’s Shinto foundation, he can be regarded as having some karma.

"Yes, yes." Huangshan Jun nodded repeatedly and said calmly, "It is indeed my fault."

 What else do you want to ask?

Mo Hua blinked and thought about it in his mind.


 It felt that what Mo Hua said was very reasonable.

Even if the evil gods don’t come to me, I’m afraid I will go to them...

Huang Shanjun shook his hands, took a breath of cold air, and his voice changed, "Have you met the evil god?!"

No matter how powerful this little ancestor is, there is absolutely no way he can escape from the hands of the evil god.

Mo Hua sighed silently in his heart.

Mo Hua was indeed distracted by Huangshan Jun's words and no longer bothered about how long it had lived.

Mo Hua sighed, "The world of cultivation is so dangerous. As a weak and inexperienced monk, I am trembling and walking on thin ice. Naturally, I need to know more..."

 The smell is pure and the appearance is cute.

Huang Shanjun thought for a while, nodded and said:

That’s what I said, but it’s a pity it’s too late...

 After so many years, he is also the only human cub who can travel across mountains and rivers to bring offerings for himself.

"Especially for "terrible" things like evil gods, you need to understand them in advance, know yourself and your enemy, and be on guard if you encounter them in the future, so that you don't accidentally fall into the tiger's mouth and be "eaten" by evil gods..."

Mo Hua raised his eyebrows slightly, "If I really meet the evil god, will I still be here in good condition?"

Although based on his intuition as a mountain god, Mo Hua is a big unknown trouble.

 “What else do you want to ask?”

Huang Shanjun shook his head, "That's because you don't understand how terrifying the evil **** is..."

Although occasionally, there is some evil in the innocence.

“If you really encounter the evil god, you’d better run as far as you can.”

Mo Hua was a little puzzled, "I just mentioned it casually, are you so scared?"

Huang Shanjun nodded silently, but he was confused, "Why don't you ask about the evil god?"

Mo Hua then nodded with satisfaction.

“Some ancient evil gods are even more terrifying and unpredictable, with monstrous evil thoughts. They are targeted by them. Let alone ordinary monks, even serious gods often do not end well..."

Mo Hua emphasized: "I mean 'what if'!"

Huang Shanjun let out a long sigh of relief, "You kid, don't scare me..."

 After practicing the "Tian Yan Jue" set of exercises, it is equivalent to getting on the pirate ship.

It would be good if the flesh and blood were not polluted by the evil **** and could be "eaten alive". How could I still talk and laugh with myself here?

“The more you know about anything, the less danger you will face.”

 “If…I meet the evil god…”

 But aside from the trouble, it actually really likes ink painting.

If you don’t “eat” them, how can you break through the bottleneck, how can you improve your cultivation, how can you break through the realm?

Huang Shanjun was about to say something when he was suddenly startled and glanced at Mo Hua warily, "You can't...really meet the evil god, right?"

"Once you fall into it and become a **** of the evil god, the contamination of flesh and blood will be a trivial matter, your spiritual thoughts will be eroded, your Taoist heart will be corrupted, and you will become a sacrifice, puppet, and slave of the evil god... Only then will you truly be neither a human nor a ghost, unable to survive and seeking death. cannot…"

 Huang Shanjun thought for a moment and then believed the nonsense in Mo Hua.

There are many things he wants to ask, and they are complicated and confusing. Some of them may not even be answered by Mr. Huangshan.

However, Mo Hua still had to correct the name of his sect senior. He raised his finger and corrected:

“It was because you went astray that Senior Sword Cultivator killed you. I don’t blame him.”

Huang Shanjun silently changed the topic and said calmly:

 Purity, but with a bit of weirdness.

 In this case, let’s start with the most critical issue at hand.

"Ordinary evil gods are often **** and evil, and they will be punished..."

 But a monk who can deal with a mountain **** like himself is still a little boy, so it is natural that he has some extraordinary qualities.

"Let's make a good relationship..."

 Huangshan Jun took another bite of chicken drumsticks.

I don’t know how the chicken legs are made. It’s so delicious.

 The cannibal has a short mouth, so it can no longer hide it, lest it look petty in front of this little kid.

"There are differences between gods and men. As a mountain god, I shouldn't have told you these words..."

Huang Shanjun sighed, "But you kid is a bit special. If you can meet me as a mountain **** now, it is not impossible for you to meet an evil **** in the future. For the sake of these offerings, I will tell you..."

Mo Hua's eyes lit up and he immediately moved his buttocks to get closer to Huangshan Jun.

Huang Shanjun coughed, cleared his throat, and said slowly:

“The evil **** is a complicated matter, and it’s a long story. You don’t have the relevant knowledge, so I can only tell you from the beginning…”

 “Human spiritual consciousness is divided into categories.”

 “The divine thoughts of gods are different, divided into categories and levels.”

Mo Hua frowned, somewhat confused.

Huang Shanjun explained: "In other words, the many gods in the world are divided into realms according to their grades, and their positions are also divided into levels."

“For example, I am a second-grade mountain god. The ‘second-grade’ is the realm, and the ‘mountain god’ is the divine position, which can also be called the divine level.”

“The divine level is determined by the ‘spiritual essence’ of the **** itself…”

Mo Hua’s heart trembled.

Divine marrow? !

I killed the "god horns" and the golden evil eyes, and after devouring them, I further "qualitatively changed" the "spiritual essence" of my spiritual consciousness!

Huangshan Jundao: "The marrow is the marrow of the origin of the gods. It contains the origin of the gods and is the manifestation of the Taoism of the gods. The higher the level of the marrow, the higher the level of the gods."

“On the outside, there are various colors such as silver, light gold, pure gold, jade white, glazed color, etc.…”

 So many kinds of essences!

Mo Hua’s eyes lit up and he couldn’t help but lick his lips.

Hand in the middle of Huang Shanjun's words, he felt a sudden panic in his heart. He looked at the ink painting in shock but didn't understand why, and the next words were stuck in his mouth.

Mo Hua couldn’t help but said:

“Tiger, keep talking, Shenmui...”

Huangshan Jun hesitated for a moment and felt that he should follow the god's premonition and not say too much.

“Divine marrow is used by gods to advance to the divine level. It has nothing to do with you. As a human monk, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know...” Huangshan Jun said vaguely.

Mo Hua is a little unhappy.

Huang Shanjun was afraid of Mo Hua’s questioning, so he immediately skipped this point and said quickly:

“The realm of a god, that is, its grade, represents the ‘quantity’ of the manifestation of divine thoughts. The divine level of a **** represents the superiority or inferiority of the divine marrow. The level of the divine status is also the distinction between the ‘quality’ of the gods.”

“The strength of a **** is both determined by its realm and also affected by its divine rank.”

“The realm of a **** determines the ultimate body size of the god’s body. The higher the level, the stronger the **** and the larger the god’s body.”

  “But the realm of gods is greatly affected by the divine order.”

“For example, the lowest level of gods is the wandering god, and the higher ones are mountain gods like me.”

“A third-grade wandering **** can suppress a second-grade wandering god, but a third-grade wandering **** may not be able to suppress a second-grade mountain god.”

“Because the realm is higher, but the divine level is weaker, when it comes to the actual struggle for authority, whoever wins and who loses may..."

Mo Hua sounded strange and said doubtfully:

"This seems to be very different from the realm of monks..."

Huangshan Jun nodded and said, "This is natural. Monks are humans, not gods."

"These things are secrets that only gods know. Generally, gods will not tell human monks these things."

 “Those who lack spiritual thoughts cannot see the gods.”

"Sometimes two mountain gods fight for power in the mountains, fighting to the death, and invisible spiritual thoughts surge. If the passing monks have low spiritual thoughts, they may be like a 'blind man', unable to see or feel anything. "

"oh oh…"

Mo Hua nodded repeatedly, and then personally poured a glass of wine for Huangshan Jun to thank him for teaching him the Taoism of the gods.

 Huang Shanjun drank the wine that Mo Hua poured for him and felt a lot more comfortable.

Mo Hua asked again: "What about the evil god? What kind of **** is the evil god? If a **** becomes an evil god, will his divine marrow be contaminated?"

Huang Shanjun looked solemn and said: "When a **** turns into an evil god, his divine level will not change, but his divine marrow will be contaminated..."

Mo Hua was stunned.


Then he ate two parts of the evil god’s marrow, one from the ram’s horn and one from the golden evil eye. Wasn’t it true that both of them were contaminated?

 Have you been polluted?

Mo Hua was startled and asked quickly:

 “What does the marrow look like after it is contaminated?”

Huang Shanjun's face was grim: "After being polluted, the corrupted evil gods and evil thoughts will be like evil poison, lodged in the depths of the divine marrow and integrated with the divine marrow. The divine marrow will not die, and the evil thoughts will not disappear..."

 “Evil gods and evil thoughts?”

Mo Hua was startled.

He remembered that that day, the golden evil eyes were wiped out by the tribulation thunder, and there was a golden ram-horned demon-like shadow in it that was also wiped out.

 Could that phantom be the corrupted evil god’s evil thoughts that were fused into the divine marrow?

Mo Hua slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I was smart. I had long thought that something was wrong with that golden "big eyeball" and that it might be hiding something evil, so I "disinfected" it with Tribulation Thunder in advance.

 Otherwise, you may unknowingly "eat" the essence of the evil god.

 Maybe my head is broken now.

 Once the Tao mind is polluted and the spiritual consciousness is swallowed up, the sea of ​​consciousness becomes a breeding ground for evil thoughts.

Sooner or later he will turn into a complete little evil god.

The key point is that this kind of danger is impossible to guard against.

With no theological inheritance, he is completely confused about the affairs of the gods. Even if he wants to be wary of evil gods, he has no way of starting.

"so close…"

Mo Hua was still frightened and nodded secretly, "The evil **** is indeed very scary!"

 Nearly "ate" the eyeballs of the evil **** that were not disinfected.

Huang Shanjun looked scared when he saw Mo Hua. It was probably because of his words that he was afraid of the evil **** in his heart, so he couldn't help but nodded.

 It’s good to know that you’re afraid…

Mo Hua turned around and asked again: "Then how should I deal with the evil god?"

Huang Shanjun was stunned, "Deal with it?"

"No," Mo Hua corrected, "...beware!" "Oh." Huangshan Jun nodded and solemnly said: "If you want to beware of evil gods, you must first understand the way evil gods preach."

“The preaching of evil gods is similar to the preaching of ordinary gods, but the method will be very **** and strange.”

 “The evil spirit will divide the sermon.”

"Because gods are also restricted by the law of heaven, a great evil **** will often divide his divine body into many first-, second-, or third-grade 'divine skeletons' and spread them to various low-grade state boundaries in Kyushu to maximize the scope. Spread evil ways, borrow people’s corrupt desires, and feed themselves back..."

“Preaching gods, parasitizing flesh and blood, nourishing desires, devouring people’s hearts…”

“The evil gods also want to ‘eat sacrifices’, using human flesh, flesh, and spiritual consciousness as sacrifices.”

“Especially, the deformed desires rooted in people’s hearts, the filthy sins in cause and effect, **** and fanatical beliefs, these are all good sacrifices to evil gods...”

Huang Shanjun thought for a while and concluded:

“So in the future, if you encounter weird idols, evil monks, demon altars, flesh and blood sacrifices, deformed sins... there is a high probability that they will be related to evil gods.”

“…Don’t hesitate, run as far as you can.”

“Yeah!” Mo Hua nodded repeatedly, then blinked and said humbly, “What if I can’t run away?”

Huang Shanjun shook his head, "Then there's nothing I can do."

“You are a mountain god, so there is nothing you can do about it?”

Huang Shanjun said a little aggrievedly:

 “How can the mountain **** fight with the evil god...”

 Don't talk about evil gods, I'm afraid I can't even fight a little monk like you...

Huangshan Jun silently cursed in his heart.

“Is there no way?” Mo Hua asked again.

Huang Shanjun looked at the ink painting, pondered for a moment, and then said slowly:

“If you are lucky in the future and can learn the formation to restrain the gods, you may be able to fight…”

Mo Hua was startled for a moment, then he became energetic and his eyes sparkled.

 “A formation to restrain the gods?!”

"Hmm..." Mr. Huangshan nodded, suddenly looking wary, "Don't use it to defeat me..."

“Don’t worry, you are not an evil god!” Mo Hua comforted Lord Huangshan, “Besides, we are good friends.”

Even though Huang Shanjun doesn’t quite agree with the word “good friend”, he doesn’t dare to raise any objections.

 Friends are better than enemies.

“Is there any difference between the formation to restrain the gods and the ordinary formation?” Mo Hua asked enthusiastically.

He never expected that when he came to ask the gods about things, he would actually hear the secrets of new formations from Mr. Huangshan.

Mr. Huangshan nodded, "This is natural..."

It sighed, looked up at the sky along the broken roof of the ruined temple, and sighed:

“There is a great road in heaven and earth, and the great road transforms into thousands, and the thousands are all dharma.”

“The formation method is one of the ways to manifest the thousands of avenues, but compared to other methods, the formation method is closer to the origin of the avenue.”

“There are thousands of avenues, and naturally there are also thousands of formations, with many categories and different rules.”

Huang Shanjun looked at the ink painting, "Most of the formations commonly used by you humans are based on natural forces such as the Five Elements and Bagua, but their root is to consume spiritual consciousness, understand the way of heaven, apply laws, and manifest through natural spiritual powers such as the Five Elements and Bagua. come out…"

“The formation contains not only the power of divine thoughts, but also the spiritual power of the Five Elements and Bagua.”

“Different formations have different emphasis on natural spiritual power and spiritual power.”

“When dealing with people, the spiritual power of the Five Elements and Bagua is naturally the main one.”

 “But deal with God…”

Huang Shanjun paused and corrected himself, "We have to deal with the 'evil god'..."

It uses the word "evil god" very hard, which probably means that I am not an evil god, so don't deal with me.

Mo Hua nodded understandingly.

Huang Shanjun then continued: "To deal with the evil god, we must focus on the 'power of spiritual thoughts' in the formation."

“The law between heaven and earth is that the visible harms the tangible, and the invisible harms the invisible.”

“Physical spiritual power is ‘tangible’.”

“Blood Qi turns into strength, and spiritual power turns into spells, which can damage the ‘tangible’ physical body, meridians and Qi sea.”

 “Spiritual thoughts are ‘invisible’.”

“The true nature of a **** is a certain type of divine thought condensed by all the spirits of heaven and earth. When the statue of the natal deity is unknown, the power of divine thought must be used to harm the ‘invisible’ gods.”

"Therefore, in ancient times, some powerful monks, in order to restrain the evil gods, manifested part of the rules of heaven and earth to form a formation that could maximize the power of divine thoughts."

"This type of formation emphasizes the 'invisible' gods and despises the 'tangible' power. It has a strong restraint effect on the sneaky gods, but its lethality is very weak on ordinary monks."

“Some ancient monks collectively referred to this type of formation as…”

Huangshan Jun’s eyes narrowed slightly, showing deep awe.

 “Shinto formation!”

 Shinto formation…

Mo Hua's heart was shaken and he couldn't help but hold his breath.

This name makes you handsome and powerful as soon as you hear it!

Want to learn!

Mo Hua’s eyes were bright and he couldn’t help but ask:

 “How to learn Shinto formations…”

Huang Shanjun shook his head and said, "I am a little mountain god. I am neither a human nor an array master. How could I know..."

“And the cultivation world has lasted for so many years. Most of the formations created by ancient monks have been lost. If you want to find them, it’s not easy to find them.”

“Even if you find it, it’s difficult to learn it.”

"If it is sealed up in some big monastic forces and is regarded as a 'taboo', it is even less likely that you will be allowed to learn it."

Mo Hua was a little disappointed, "Shouldn't such an important thing be passed down from generation to generation and carried forward?"

Huang Shanjun said meaningfully: "In ancient times, the human race was weak, and the ones who killed the most were monsters, heavenly demons, and evil gods."

“Later, when the human race became stronger, the ones who killed the most were humans.”

"How can this kind of formation to restrain gods be more important than the formation to 'kill people'?"

Mo Hua was stunned for a moment and looked thoughtful.


Huangshan Jun raised his long eyebrows slightly, with a hint of pride in his eyes:

"Since it is a 'Shinto' formation that can exert the ultimate power of divine thoughts, how can it be that ordinary monks can learn it if they want to, master it if they want to know it, and teach it to them if they want to?"

“How can the gods of heaven and earth, with their overwhelming power, be so easy to restrain?”

“If a person with weak spiritual consciousness really overestimates his own abilities, tries to violate taboos and blasphemes the gods, he will surely die without a burial place!”

Mo Hua felt awe-struck, and then looked at Huangshan Jun doubtfully.

Huang Shanjun was frightened by Mo Hua’s innocent gaze. He immediately restrained his “arrogant” look and said gently and humbly:

“Of course, this is all what I’ve heard. I’m a little mountain god, so I don’t know much…”

Mo Hua looked at Huangshan Jun with deep eyes.

 Jun Huangshan smiled on the outside, but he was panicking in his heart.

 Fortunately, Mo Hua did not delve into it further, but asked another question:

“The ‘Shinto’ formation can restrain the gods, but what about ‘spiritual thoughts turning into swords’?”

 “Does the divine thought also contain the formation in the sword?”

Huang Shanjun breathed a sigh of relief and explained:

 “That’s another story.”

 “Another thing?”

"Yeah." Huangshan Jun nodded, "Not all monks in this world can do formations."

"If you can't learn the formation and want to kill evil gods or other powerful evil spirits, you can only find another way."

 “This is how spiritual thoughts turn into swords.”

“If you don’t know how to form, and your spiritual consciousness is not strong enough, you can use a sword to replace the formation, blend the sword energy into your spiritual thoughts, and turn them into sword intent, forming a powerful spiritual force to kill.”

Huang Shanjun sighed, "Although people are weak, they do have extraordinary minds."

“So,” Mo Hua asked again, “What’s the difference between using spiritual thoughts to transform into swords and Shinto formations?”

Huang Shanjun thought about it for a moment, nodded and said:

“The Shinto formation is intended to restrain and suppress, and can be regarded as a kind of ‘seal’.”

“And the spiritual thought turns into a sword, which is simply killing.”

Mo Hua asked doubtfully: "So, the 'Shinto Formation' is actually not as powerful as the 'Shen Dao Sword'?"

Huang Shanjun said helplessly:

"How is this analogous? Those who are good at formations will definitely give priority to learning the 'Shinto Formation'. Only those who are not familiar with formations but are good at swordsmanship will learn 'Shen Dao Sword'."

“The two are completely different, one is ‘feng’ and the other is ‘kill’…”

“Human consciousness is inherently weak and cannot be compared with the divine thoughts of gods.”

“So if you really want to kill the evil god, the realm of human consciousness must be much higher than the realm of gods, and there is a high probability that you will injure the enemy one thousand times and damage yourself eight hundred. Even if you win, it will be a miserable victory.”

“In case of defeat, it will be the end of God and Dao.”

“It’s difficult to learn how to transform your spiritual thoughts into swords. If you go head-to-head with the evil god, you’ll probably die a lot.”

“The Shinto formation is different. Although it cannot kill evil gods or some powerful evil spirits, by using the formation and carefully setting up ambushes, the evil gods and evil spirits can be successfully suppressed and peace is maintained. To a certain extent, it is possible to ‘defeat the strong with the weak’.”

Mo Hua suddenly understood and asked: "Does the **** know how to use formations?"

 This question was something he had wanted to ask for a long time.

 At that time, in the sea of ​​consciousness, I was fighting with that big golden eyeball.

 At first, with his big eyes, he couldn’t tell whether he was a human or a god.

 Later, when he used the formation, his big eyes instantly became convinced that he was no longer a "god".

Mo Hua guessed that maybe the gods in heaven and earth cannot use formations?

Huangshan Jun said as expected: "Gods can't use formations."

 “Why?” Mo Hua was very curious.

Huangshan Jundao: "Gods are uniquely blessed by nature. They are born adhering to the great ways of heaven and earth, and they themselves contain some special origins of the great ways."

“And the formation is also the manifestation of the law of the great road.”

“If the laws of a formation that encompasses thousands of avenues have the same origin as those of the gods, then the gods will know it innately. There is no need to learn it, let alone borrow the formation to use it.”

“If it has different origins, the formation will be incompatible with the god’s own path, and the **** cannot learn it and cannot use it.”

“The power of gods lies in the purity of Tao.”

“The more powerful the **** is, the deeper the origin of his own avenue is. But at the same time, the more exclusive he is from other laws, and he cannot comprehend other avenues.”

"Humans are different. The innate Dao is weak, so they can continue to learn, understand the formations, use the formations to operate many Dao laws, and control the natural power of heaven and earth."

 The ink painting suddenly dawned.

 Simply put, gods know it innately, so there is no need to learn it.

The monks are inherently deficient, so they have to understand the formation.

  In other words, it can also be said...

 The gods are uniquely blessed by nature and are born with a part of the origin of the Great Dao, so they cannot learn other laws.

Monks are born with nothing and are not favored by the Great Dao. On the contrary, through learning, they can control thousands of formations and understand the Great Dao of the heavens.

 It’s like…

Mo Hua pondered for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up:

 “If you have something, you can benefit from it, but if you don’t have it, you can use it?”

Huangshan Jun’s pupils suddenly trembled, and he was almost speechless. After a long time, he came back to his senses and murmured:

 “This is the truth…”

It’s just that the way it looks at the ink painting contains a hint of mystery.

 (End of this chapter)