MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 20

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After dinner, He Jianshan poured Lin Hui a simple cup of tea. He actually drinks a lot of coffee every day. He has good tea leaves at home, but he is not equipped with professional tea-drinking tools. However, Lin Hui is not very particular about people. At this moment, he is standing on the balcony blowing the air, trying to dissipate the heat on his face. The autumn wind was cool and he was blowing comfortably. When He Jianshan handed him the tea, he didn't even want to reach out. He Jianshan seemed to see his laziness and helped him put it on the small round table on the balcony, along with his own cup.

The heat rose slowly and then was engulfed in the wind, and neither of them spoke for a while.

"Summer is over." After a while, Lin Hui whispered. Maybe it was because his back was facing He Jianshan, his voice sounded a little dull.

He Jianshan looked at the night sky, and then moved his gaze to Lin Hui's back: "Do you like summer very much?"

Lin turned around. He turned his head slightly in the direction of He Jianshan, as if he was looking at him, but also seemed to be stuck in a distant memory:

"My hometown... is in the countryside in a small town. There is a river behind my home. In summer, I go to the river to fish for lobsters for an afternoon. In the evening, my grandmother would Cook them all, they are very fragrant and delicious."

"There is also a big peach tree in the yard, which bears a lot of peaches every year. I can't wait. When I see the peaches a little red, I want to eat them. Once I eat them, I can't stop, and then I have diarrhea."

"In summer, we will enjoy the shade at night. Do you know what the shade is? Every household moves the table out for dinner. It gets dark after dinner. After my grandma cleaned up the table, I Just lying on it and looking at the stars, she chatted with the neighbors while shaking a fan to chase away mosquitoes for me. At that time, I thought the stars were the most beautiful things in the world.”

Lin Hui's speech was very slow, and his voice was lighter and softer than when he was eating and chatting before. He Jianshan was a little suspicious if he was drunk, but occasionally the eyes of the two met, and Lin Hui's eyes were clear-perhaps, he just didn't want to disturb the night.

"I came to Jinghua to go to university. I went to the supermarket to buy something on the weekend. I came back late and missed the bus, so I went to Mingyuehu Square to take the bus. You know that square, it's very big. , There are a lot of small night lights on the ground. It was very dark, I was standing on the edge of the square, and the whole piece of starlight was under my feet, I was stunned. "

"Oh, by the way, I just talked about enjoying the shade, I remembered that my neighbor has a big old-fashioned tape recorder. Every time he enjoys the shade, he starts to play tapes and listen to songs. I still remember Han Baoyi's "Pink Memories". When I was in college, I went to KTV with my roommates to sing this song, and it almost didn't make them laugh to death." As he spoke, Lin Hui couldn't help laughing. .

He Jianshan also laughed.

He had never felt this way before: Lin Hui's voice was like a slender thread, pulling his heart, which suddenly became light - when he talked about the river and the peach tree, he He also went fishing for lobsters and picking peaches together; when he talked about the stars and the square, he also thought it was the most beautiful scenery in the world; when he talked about singing and being coaxed by his roommates, he could completely imagine it. When college student Lin Hui sang on KTV, how would his friends play, how bright and happy he would laugh. He Jianshan's heart was filled with inexplicable emotions. He regretted that he had not seen Lin Hui in his student days. He had no doubt that Lin Hui must be the brightest star in the campus, attracting the attention of all boys and girls. shining.

"It's unforgettable." Lin Hui picked up the cup of tea whose heat had disappeared, and touched He Jianshan's cup lightly, "Now it's your turn."

He Jianshan thought about it for a long time, compared with Lin Hui's recollection of the interesting and loving rural childhood, his story is really lackluster: "My life is too boring, I don't know what to tell. "

Lin Hui expressed his dissatisfaction: "Then listen to it for so long?"

He Jianshan began to suspect that he drank a little too much, otherwise he would feel like Lin Hui was acting like a spoiled child, he couldn't help coughing lightly and said, "Otherwise, What do you want to know, just chat with me if you can."

"I don't know either..." Lin Hui stood tired, he sat down and began to think seriously, "Why don't you talk about the 'Honey Pot Project', can we talk about this?"

He Jianshan looked at Lin Hui in surprise, as if he did not expect him to mention this. Instead of answering if he could, he asked a question: "Do you know what this plan is for?"

Lin Hui gently closed his eyes: "Of course, I know very well—'Mr. He Jianshan, Chairman and General Manager of Wanzhu, specially launched the Honey Pot Project to commemorate his mother, and established a charity The fund hopes to provide a belated gift of love to Jinghua students who also lost their mothers. As long as qualified students studying in major universities in Jinghua City can apply, once they pass the review, they can receive a fixed amount of money at one time. Gift money or a gift package provided by Wanzhu Group'."

He Jianshan was stunned for a moment, an idea flashed in his mind, before he could catch what it was, Lin Hui opened his eyes proudly and smiled: "This is an online report a long time ago , look, I know the size of Wan Zhu!"

He Jianshan couldn't help laughing and laughing: "Why are you so powerful, you remember the report from a long time ago, do you remember the comment?"

"Remember, Chairman Wanzhu is a caring and socially responsible person. Mother's love is touching and family love is priceless."

The smile on He Jianshan's face slowly disappeared. He lowered his eyes and watched the tea leaves in the cup. After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "That's a publicity statement—in fact, it's a PR I did for the company's stability."

Lin Hui looked at He Jianshan in shock.

"Are you disappointed, this public welfare fund is not as warm as you imagined, and I am not a good person as they say."

"It's enough to see the results. I know the operation of the fund over the years. I know better than anyone how it exists." Lin Hui quickly regained his composure.

He Jianshan paused: "Do you want to know how the three words 'honey jar' came from?"

The evening wind blew He Jianshan's voice into pieces, and Lin Hui looked at him seriously.

"When I was a child, I played with my friends. He said that his grandmother's house had a white porcelain jar, which was always filled with rock candy. Every time he went to his grandmother's house to play, he liked to open the jar Eat rock candy, it's very sweet, sweeter than anything else. I don't know why, but I always remember this. When the staff asked me the name of the fund that day, I immediately thought of this, so I named it 'Honey Jar'— The feeling of being loved by a mother may be like rock candy in a jar, sweeter than anything in the world."

He Jianshan's tone was subtly alienating and mocking, which made Lin Hui regret. He suddenly realized that for He Jianshan, this topic might not be as full of joy and nostalgia as he said. He had no intention of prying into He Jianshan's privacy. If it wasn't a pleasant memory, Lin Hui hoped that he would not think of it again.

"Although it's 'I set it up for my mother', in fact, the part that really has to do with me from beginning to end is probably only money - no, money doesn't count, money is It's from the company." The corners of He Jianshan's mouth curved up, the curvature was so light that it was about to be blown away by the wind, "It is a product of safeguarding interests."

"No." Lin Hui, who had been sitting quietly, suddenly spoke up. He frowned and looked at He Jianshan, as if a little angry, so he emphasized it again: "No."

He Jianshan didn't explain, and Lin Hui didn't seem to want to say more, so they both fell silent.

There is only a rustling wind between heaven and earth.

Lin Hui couldn't see He Jianshan's expression, nor could he guess what he was thinking at the moment. They are obviously very close, but they seem to be separated by a lot of things, very far. That's right, that's it, he should have understood that He Jianshan has always been like this: like an isolated island, it won't leave, but it can't be approached.

Lin Hui hates this feeling.

At this point, the stamina of the glasses of red wine at night came up. Lin Hui's emotions were brewed by alcohol and the evening wind and began to ferment exponentially. Make him hot and sore. The love that had been in his heart for a long time seemed to have finally had an opportunity, broke out of the ground in an instant, and then kidnapped his heart with a destructive force. He forgot everything, just instinctively eager to find an exit, to escape this predicament, to be rescued—

Lin Hui's breathing began to be rapid, he couldn't help reaching out to grab He Jianshan's wrist, and said, "Mr. He—"

Those words are on his lips, as long as he says it, he will get an answer no matter what. Lin recalled, would you like to try it? He Jianshan and He Jianshan seem to always have a relationship with the night - they used to stay up all night for work; they also walked among dim lights when they were relaxing; they shared the night scenes of different cities; they also bathed in the same round In the moonlight... So now, can he also tell the person in front of him his turbulent love on such a night?

He Jianshan looked at him patiently and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?" He got a little closer, and Lin Hui saw that his eyes were bright, and after covering the lights, they were like amber.

Lin Hui's hands were tight and tight. His palms were burning, perhaps from alcohol, or from fear—he was repeatedly tortured by "love".

Everything about this night is too perfect: delicious food, indulgent conversation, autumn wind, tea fragrance, and He Jianshan, everything is just right. He was reluctant to destroy all of this, and he hoped that whether it was himself or He Jianshan, when he thought of this night one day, only the best things would appear in his mind.

The corners of Lin Hui's eyes flashed red, he tried his best to restrain himself, and slowly let go of his hand: "...Hua is awake."

It's better to let this moment condense in each other's eyes.

He Jianshan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the sunflower not far away. Compared to the lazy appearance when I first got it, the whole bunch of flowers stretched out now, and the bright yellow light instantly lit up the night.

He Jianshan suddenly smiled, he looked at Lin Hui, his eyes were full of tenderness that even he himself had not noticed:

"Yes, the flower is awake."

The author has something to say:

Possible night.