MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 50

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Jia Tian Club.

Min Jia and Ma Rufang were already playing high. Lin Huidian turned on his phone and checked WeChat. He Jianshan never replied to him, so he was probably still busy. He looked at the time and felt that it was almost the same. Lin Hui stood up and was about to say hello to leave, but before he spoke, the music in the box suddenly stopped for some reason—

The noisy world was instantly quiet.

Min Jia and Ma Rufang stopped, you look at me, I look at you, at a loss. Min Jia's assistant Huang Lu quickly stood up: "Sister Min, I'll go to the waiter and ask what's going on."

She quickly walked to the door, just opened the door, but suddenly took a few steps back, then turned to look at Lin Hui in surprise: "Lin...Lin..."

Lin looked back, a familiar figure had walked in, followed by the manager of the clubhouse.

Min Jia sneezed and woke up.

Seeing that the room was suddenly quiet, Ma Rufang also looked at the door. She stared at He Jianshan for a long time, and finally looked at Min Jia hesitantly: "Sister, is this person He-wuwu-"

Min Jia decisively covered her mouth

The room was quiet and the atmosphere was a little weird.

Lin Hui remained calm, he found that He Jianshan hadn't seen him since he entered the door.

He Jianshan took the initiative to speak and broke the silence: "Mr. Min, what a coincidence, don't you want to introduce me?"

Min Jia looked at Lin Hui and He Jianshan, wondering what the two were playing. But Lin Hui called it by herself after all, so she had to bite the bullet and say, "This sister next to me is President Ma, this-this-"

Ma Rufang stuttered when she saw that Min Jia was so drunk, she thoughtfully helped her finish: "He's Xiao Lin, Mr. Min's assistant, Lin assistant, haha!"

Min Jia widened her eyes: "…"

He Jianshan raised his eyebrows and whispered: "Assistant Lin?"

Lin Hui couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth, but he didn't say a word, didn't leave in a hurry, and even sat down.

Min Jia was fully awake, she made a look and asked Huang Lu to take the others out first, and there were only four people left in the box.

"It's better to meet by chance, it's better for me to accompany you for a drink."

He Jianshan sat down in front of Lin Hui, grabbed a glass and prepared to start pouring wine. Ma Rufang was still out of the situation and said loudly, "Xiao Lin doesn't drink alcohol!"

He Jianshan's hand stopped: "Assistant Lin doesn't drink?"

Lin Hui's hand lightly placed on the back of He Jianshan's right hand holding the wine bottle, and pressed down: "If President He wants to drink, it's not impossible."

He Jianshan looked up at him, and filled with wine: "We—playing cards?"

Min Jia has seen it clearly: these two are flirting! Thanks to her, she was worried that asking Lin Hui for help today might cause He Jianshan to misunderstand.

Thinking like this, she pulled Ma Rufang to leave, but Ma Rufang was quite interested: "Playing cards, let's see first!"

Min Jia almost gritted her teeth and said, "Sister, don't look at it, I'll take you to the SPA!"

Lin Hui smiled when he heard their conversation: "Then stay and have a look."

I saw him take out the poker slowly, and after shuffling a few hands, he pushed the cards in his hand away: "Compared to size, the easiest kind."

Lin Hui gestured with his hand: "Mr. He, please go first."

He Jianshan's slender fingers tapped on the table a few times, then selected a card, just as he was about to draw it, Lin Hui's fingertips pressed it.

"Mr. He, I want this too." Lin Hui's voice was very soft. When he spoke, his foot gently kicked He Jianshan's calf under the table. It was not heavy. As if they accidentally bumped into it, they quickly backed away.

He Jianshan's lips curled slightly.

Seeing that both of them were interested in the same card, Ma Rufang pushed Min Jia, expressing incomprehension: "What's wrong with this card? So many cards, do you have to grab the same card?"

Min Jia is on pins and needles.

In the end, He Jianshan let go, he signaled Lin Hui to give priority, and Lin Hui revealed the card: a 7.

He Jianshan picked one at random and opened it: 6.

He Jianshan was willing to admit defeat, but just as he was about to raise his glass, Lin Hui took a sip first.

Ma Rufang shouted: "Xiao Lin, you are 7, he is 6, you won!"

"Ah? I read it wrong, I thought it was 9." Lin Hui raised his head and looked at He Jianshan with an innocent expression, "Then what should I do, Mr. He?"

Min Jia couldn't bear it anymore, she immediately took her clothes and bag, pulled Ma Rufang out the door, and threw a sentence from a distance: "I'll settle the bill!"

There are only two people in the huge box.

There is a sweet perfume smell floating in the air, mixed with the smell of wine, it is not too pleasant, but it seems to remind them that this is a public place—

A relatively private public place.

The game continues, Lin Hui patiently waits for He Jianshan's answer.

He Jianshan's expression was very calm, he looked at the cards on the table leisurely, as if he was already thinking about which one to choose in the next round: "I can drink it to make up for it."

"Even if you take a sip now, it's not the one you should have taken just now."

This sounds like a tongue twister, but He Jianshan understood it. He raised his head and looked at Lin Hui, with a little smile in his eyes: "Then—Would Assistant Lin be willing to return the wine just now?"

Lin Hui pretended to be puzzled: "Why?"

He Jianshan stared at him for a while, then stood up.

The lights in the box were very bright, and Lin Hui could clearly see that He Jianshan's eyes were covered with a layer of unending desire. He coughed lightly and turned his eyes away, but the tips of his ears started to heat.

He Jianshan took a step forward.

Lin Hui hurriedly stood up, couldn't help but take a step back, but he hit the wall—


He Jianshan had come to Lin Hui, and there was no one talking or touching anyone in the distance, but his breath had begun to entangle.

He Jianshan suddenly smiled when he heard a slight voice slip through Lin Hui's throat.

He gently took off Lin Hui's glasses, and then put his hand on the side of his leg casually. Lin Hui's body froze, but He Jianshan didn't seem to notice, and his palm came to Lin Hui's waist again. He held it tightly, not moving.

Lin Hui's legs were a little weak, and his breathing became unsteady. He forced himself to meet He Jianshan's eyes, and then his eyes came to his neck again.

He Jianshan had a very important meeting this afternoon, so he dressed more formally. Lin Hui helped him pick out a dark red tie, which he personally helped him tie while sitting on the bed in the morning.

Lin Hui pulled out his tie, played with his hand, and whispered, "Mr. He hasn't gone back so late, isn't Mr. Lin worried?"

He Jianshan's hand on Lin Hui's waist tightened, Lin Hui couldn't help but snorted. As if in revenge, he lightly tugged at his tie, and He Jianshan slowly approached Lin Hui with his movements.

Both of them were breathing rough/heavy, but neither of them went any further.

The sweet smell in the air seemed to become stronger, He Jianshan couldn't help licking Lin Hui's lips and tasted a little wine.

Lin Hui's hands trembled.

He Jianshan smiled. As if he had found something interesting, he began to lick Lin Hui's lips one after another, trying to draw the scent of every drop of wine between his lips into his tongue. After a while, He Jianshan stopped. He raised his left hand, rubbed the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and then stuck out his tongue to lick it, as if aftertaste, and finally commented: "It's a little sweet."

Lin Hui is going crazy.

He tilted his head slightly, the hand holding the tie trembled violently, and even his breathing became fragmented. He Jianshan is very patient, he is like the most cunning hunter, trying his best to coax his prey. The corners of Lin Hui's eyes flashed red, and he could hardly stand up, but He Jianshan's hands were firmly imprisoning him, and their bodies were pressed together, and there was nothing to hide.

"He..." Lin Hui began to whimper softly, he wanted more, but He Jianshan refused to give it to him.


"You...don't want...sweeter?"

He Jianshan's eyes darkened.

Like a storm, He Jianshan swept Lin Hui's lips instantly, he hooked the tip of Lin Hui's tongue, searching for the missing sweetness between his teeth over and over again, trying to remove it swallowed. Such an eager and eager request made Lin Hui tremble all over, and he hugged He Jianshan tightly like a drowning person.

Extremely touching.

I don't know how long it took. After the kiss, He Jianshan's hand had moved from Lin Hui's waist to his throat. The room seemed to be a little hot, Lin Hui was soaked all over, and even his eyes became wet, as if it had just rained heavily. He Jianshan's thumb gently rubbed his Adam's apple, the slightly protruding throat bone undulating between He Jianshan's fingers.

It's like a heartbeat.

He Jianshan's hand stopped, he let out a long breath, like he had endured all night, and finally lowered his head and bit his Adam's apple:

"Thank you for your hospitality, Assistant Lin."

The author has something to say:

You two really love acting.