MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 138

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The young priest wrote to the Holy See overnight on a roll of parchment:

The lord here is crazy, he makes the lords full and full! A foolish person eats enough, a wise person eats less, and a holy person does not eat, because when the stomach is full, people will become lazy, and laziness is the original sin.

But the lord actually fed everyone! He is really sick!

He also made school accessible to all children.

Sacred things like knowledge are spread freely for the sinful untouchables to learn. This lord is also a sinner, he desecrated sacred words and knowledge. (The goddess of wisdom said she had something to say)

He is guilty!

He also rented tools and livestock to these untouchables so that they did not have to work occasionally.

You teach us that we must use hard labor to grind away the sins of these people, but he let these people rest? This is the conspiracy of the lord, he wants to corrupt their souls so that they cannot go to the kingdom of God.

I will continue to stay, to find and lead this group of lost lambs.

—God’s faithful shepherd.

The priest rolled the sheepskin, sealed it in a pottery tube, and tied it to the feet of the golden feather bird.

The golden feather bird called twice and wanted to eat something. After all, this one has to fly for two or three days and travel a long distance, so I have to give something good. It makes no sense for the birds to fly and the birds not to eat fat.

But most of the money is used to build the church, and he has no income, how can there be any good things? The priest looked around and saw only the piece of black bread that could not be delivered, so he broke the bread a little and fed it to the golden feather bird, "This is precious wheat."

He said while feeding.

Golden feather bird is light attribute, it has no other ability, but it will become transparent when it is illuminated by sunlight, so many places like to train it as a messenger.

Golden Feather Bird reluctantly ate a grain, she rolled her eyes, fluttered her wings, and flew out of the window.

The priest stood by the window and watched it go away, silently praying in his heart: I hope the teacher can see his hard work and perseverance. By the way, let's send some more supplies. Without taxes and donations, he doesn't know how he can persevere.

As I thought, I took a mouthful of brown bread: evil, dry and hard, with a musty smell, but no money for white bread.

The golden feather bird hovered in the air, and finally saw a familiar building.

It flew over enthusiastically, pecking at the window lightly with its beak.

Qingchuan hasn't slept yet, and is dealing with official business. It is about publicizing the policy of young men and women to separate their families when they get married: when young men and women are married, the man brings the family wealth and family tree from his parents, and the woman With the family wealth gifted by their parents and the reprinted family tree, the family tree is combined, and they will have a new family.

This is to prevent the expansion of clan power and patriarchy.

Qingchuan heard the sound coming from the window, so he came over, opened the curtain and looked: Huh? How did this little bird with golden feathers get here?

He recognizes it, the temple has always used this bird to contact him, and he is familiar with both.

But I haven't been in touch with the temple recently. Could it be that I have some strange requests?

"Tweet Tweet!" The window was opened, and the golden feather bird rushed over like a child who was aggrieved when he saw his parents, rubbing and chirping.

"Hungry?" This little emotion is so obvious that Qing Chuan can't even pretend he doesn't know. He took some crunchy biscuits and nuts from the snack box on the table, broke them one by one, and peeled the nuts.

Qingchuan noticed that a small pottery tube was tied to the bird's leg, and the surface was sealed with a layer of enchantment, presumably to prevent prying eyes. This is not the style of the straight parchment in the past, and he guessed it was not for himself.

He put on gloves, opened a space channel on the body of the pottery, and took out the contents.

It turned out to be a thinly scratched piece of parchment.

Opening it up, Qingchuan was so happy that he almost laughed out loud.

"What's the matter?" Wei Ge came over, put his hands around Qingchuan's waist and rested his chin on his shoulders, and then he smiled, "This is the priest sent by the temple? Was he exiled for being too rigid?"

Anyone who sees this kind of letter will laugh except those who have been brainwashed since childhood to have no self.

I don't know if it's self-hypnosis or stupid.

Qingchuan rolled the parchment and put it back.

The little golden bird is full. The food given by Qingchuan contains its favorite kind of nuts, and the biscuits are also delicious.

"It's actually this type of priest...that's fine, at least I don't want to face the temple in a short time, killing one thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred." He rubbed the bird. head, "Go."

The golden feather bird fluttered again and rushed into the darkness.

The news of the Silence Territory spread outside with the arrival of several forces.

Many people are skeptical about this news. The reputation of the land of the dead is too loud, and no one knows what it is like inside.

In the rainy season of this year, a team of businessmen who are good at taking risks finally came to the silent lead and took a risk.

It is not more special than others, and it is unsalable.

This small caravan walked for two days, and they were a little suspicious. When they almost wanted to turn around and leave, they finally reached the No. 2 gathering place. There are also complete villages here, including humans and orcs, and even some dwarves and other races.

The caravan sells a few products here, because their products are more expensive, much more expensive than the mushroom house, and everyone thinks that the price/performance ratio is not too high.

But in any case, a little is a little.

"I think you should go for an interview, the lord lives there, and the magicians and warriors. When my daughter grows up, she will go to school there too, the teacher said She's talented." A well-meaning man pointed at him, for the sake of the similar accent.

The businessman still wanted to make friends with his hometown, but the other party shook his head, even a little angry, "Go, go, can you talk? I am a resident of the Silent Land, and I will get the household registration book next year. , who is your hometown?"

The businessmen simply don’t understand, how can you be so proud of each and every one of you living in such a remote place? Can't wait to engrave the words 'Silence Leads Freedmen' on your face?

I only sold a little bit of things, so I was unwilling to go out, and the merchants continued to move forward.

Even the goblins who have always been despised can laugh happily with other human children.

But they also found something…

"Brother, why do I think we are a little dirty?" A small businessman wearing a gray hat rubbed over.

The big businessman is silent: Do you still use him to remind? He has found out.

Is it a race?

It's like a gray mouse that got out of nowhere.

In contrast, I feel a little inexplicable inferiority complex, and I feel that I will receive contemptuous eyes when I ask passers-by.

On both sides of the road are green fields, and everything is in order.

Be as organized as anyone on the road.

The more the merchants go to the bustling places, the more obvious this feeling is.

They are out of tune with this place, and they are seen as strange all the way, like circus monkeys.

"Let's find a place to stay temporarily." It was getting dark, and the businessmen were going to find a residence for a night. They didn't think there would be a hotel for tourists in such a small place. After all, Silence Collar isn't it?

There just happened to be a girl carrying a basket nearby. The girl was average in appearance, but her temperament was a little different. It was completely different from the little girls from ordinary families outside. She was wearing a white narrow-sleeved shirt, a light blue vest and a long skirt with a pair of small black leather shoes under the skirt, and she looked like she was well-bred.

It is said that women from such a good family are generally not approached, so as not to cause any misunderstanding.

But there is really no one around, there are fields on both sides, it looks like a large green area, and there is no end in sight. The businessman mustered up his courage and stepped forward to ask for directions. He stopped far away, "Hello, young lady, is there a place to stay nearby?"

The other party saw their dusty appearance, glanced at their truck again, and smiled, "Is it a businessman who came over? You can choose the Golden Leaf Hotel on the commercial street."

The businessman did not expect that there is a hotel nearby that specializes in entertaining tourists, and he was overjoyed. Hostels are better than residential houses. Living in residential houses is easy to cause unnecessary disputes. Hostels are more professional and have better conditions.

She told them how to go, "When you see a tree with fan-shaped leaves, next to it is the Golden Leaf Hotel. The hotel provides food and hot water for three meals and washing."

"Thank you very much, lady."

She smiled mysteriously, "You're welcome, maybe we will meet again tomorrow."

"My God..."

No one would have thought that in such a secluded rural place, there would be such a lively street. There are two-story brick buildings with different shapes on both sides, trees are planted in front of the house, and there is a wide bluestone road with carriages walking on the road.

The carriage goes in the middle, pedestrians are on both sides, the right goes forward, the left goes back, it looks very comfortable.

The street is very clean, with only a little plaster, no livestock manure and various household wastes commonly found elsewhere. Pedestrians come and go in and out of different shops, including common fabric shops, cobbler shops, lively bars and mysterious magic material shops.

Businessmen traveled north and south, and it was easy to recognize that those were real warriors and magicians, and their rank would not be too low, at least not apprentices and swordsmen.

The most amazing and unexpected thing is that there are still single women on the street. They don't look like female warriors and magicians who are not easy to mess with, nor do they look like street girls. They all look like girls from good families, with no flattery or flattery on their faces, and they are all doing their own thing.

No one looked at them with malicious eyes on the road.

The gangsters and beggars that can be seen everywhere else are not to be seen.

Suddenly there was a cheer from the bar next to it, and a few people looked over to see a group of dwarf warriors and a group of orc warriors with cards in their hands, but they didn’t look like they were popular outside. The kind of card game handed down by the nobles.

A tall white wolf orc stood up, a handsome young man, probably the head of the group, everyone looked at him with respect, "It's late, don't play too late , I will continue training tomorrow. You drink slowly, I should go."

The people next to her let out a narrow voice, and while letting the bartender serve the wine, let him go quickly, "Don't let the adults wait."

"I'm so envious..." Someone whispered like this, and he looked at the white wolf orc who was out of the way with some jealousy, and his voice was low: "If I also..."

"You don't have that..." His companion didn't know what to say.

"If I could be the guest of...the curtain, even..."

The white wolf warrior did not leave the tavern directly, but went to a sweet shop next door and took out a large box of things. He wanted to give money to the shopkeeper, but the shopkeeper refused to accept it, so the two shoved a few times.

"If you don't take it, I can't take it."

In the end, the shopkeeper still accepted the money, and the white wolf warrior speeded up and soon the news was at the end of the road.

The people here are really strange, the businessman thought, moving on.

"Gurgling, gurgling." The stomach kept making a rumbling sound. The businessman glanced at the restaurants around him, and the smell of food was wafting from them, while rubbing his stomach.

The food here is so fragrant, obviously they have already eaten the noodles, but their stomachs keep shouting.

Gurgling again, the businessman touched his stomach immediately, eh, no. He turned his head to look, several brothers looked at him embarrassedly, and pressed their hands on his flat belly.

"Let's go to that store and see." The businessman looked around and saw that there were a lot of people in a certain store, and even a few magicians and soldiers came and went, but the working people at the bottom There are also quite a few. He guessed that the food here is good and the price is not expensive, so he decided to take the brothers to try it.

As soon as they approached, a young man wearing a blue turban and a blue short shirt came up, "How many guests? There is a manger in the back, do you want to take the horse to the back to rest? People? If you want to eat, the horse must also eat, right?"

His image is clean and tidy, his smile is warm, his speech is neat and refreshing, and he is comfortable to listen to. The merchant immediately raised a lot of goodwill, nodded, and asked two errand slaves to lead the horse and goods to the backyard, and then two hired soldiers to take care of the goods.

"Seven people," said the businessman.

There are only five people on his side now, but he will definitely have to exchange the two soldiers guarding the goods for dinner later, so he said seven people.

The remaining few are slaves, and the merchants will not buy them this kind of hot food, generally the worst kind of pancakes will be dealt with.

The boy nodded and led them in, "It's a coincidence, there are just two empty tables. Come, come, please."

The businessman looked around as he walked in. There was no torch inside, so it was darker than outside. To their right is an open-air kitchen. The kitchen is very clean, and there are no mice or insects running around on the ground. It is not the same as the kitchen in the impression of the businessman.

A chef in a white linen apron and a white hat is making food.

Dropped directly into the scalding water below.

In half a minute, the other party picked up the slender things, put them in the wooden bowl, sprinkled shredded cucumbers and carrots, and poured a spoonful of brown For the sauce, drop a few drops of oil with a small spoon and sprinkle a little green onion.

This bowl is just fine.

A teenager in the same blue short coat put bowls of long things on a plate, and delivered them to the table one by one. The businessman noticed that each table had a strange symbol, and the boy in blue knew when he should put something down by looking at the symbol.

"Table Zero Nine, come, your noodles with mushroom sauce. Add noodles, minced meat, and a fried egg."

The businessman watched as he brought a long and thin bowl to an orc guest. This bowl was larger and heavier than the others, with a large spoonful of brown on it. The oily minced meat, and a sun egg.

The orc guest used two thin sticks on the table to skillfully stir the thin things with shredded cabbage, sauce, and minced meat, stir them up, and eat them with a big mouthful , and then took a big bite of the sun egg, the yolk ran down and dripped onto the plate.

The businessman swallowed a mouthful of saliva: the expression was simply too beautiful.

Really so delicious?

Businessmen found that most of the people were eating this long and thin thing. Egg. There was a rich magician in front of him. In his bowl were two tablespoons of meat and a sun egg.

In addition to the noodles, each person's table has a small bowl of soup with chopped greens and pieces of white stuff.

Everyone bowed their heads and sucked, one by one, and everyone was hungry.

They are directed to a corner position.

Normally the corners are not well positioned, with mosquitoes and mice. But this store is very clean, although it is a corner, there is a small window not far away, the light and ventilation are good, there is no damp and moldy smell, and it is even a little fragrant.

They noticed that there was a pottery vase on the table with a few flowers in it.

"What is this?" This small shop is so clean and so charming, the businessman feels a little uncomfortable. He usually enters a shop where the nobles go to be so uncomfortable. Can't show it, dirty.

"This is a kind of flower that will drive away insects. Insects don't like the smell of this kind of flower." The blue-clothed boy explained, and asked them what they would like to eat, "Our store is the most famous one. It's all kinds of noodles, the lords have come to eat it. The price is not expensive, a bowl of plain noodles is only 13 small coins. This is food made of wheat flour and a little corn flour. If it is outside, it is more than that. some money."

This is true, things made from wheat flour have always been expensive.

But a meal costs more than a dozen bucks, which is not cheap. You can buy a lot of noodles.

The businessman endured his distress and ordered seven bowls of vegetarian noodles. The rule of this restaurant is to pay after ordering, and he gave the money, one copper coin to one copper coin, and every time he took it out, he felt distressed.

I haven't made a lot of money yet, but I used a lot along the way.

For a while, it was the same boy who brought seven bowls of soup with green leaves and white lumps floating in it.

The merchant said anxiously, "We didn't order this."

"Don't worry, guests." The teenager reassured him, "As long as you order a meal, our restaurant will give you a bowl of soup, today is green vegetable and tofu soup. This recipe is still from the lord's mansion, and the taste is not good. I have to say. You two have some soup first, and the noodles will be there in a while."


Isn’t it a foreigner who is forced to buy and sell?

This sentence extinguished half of the distress of spending money. Although this noodles are a bit more expensive, but when you think about people making them with wheat flour and giving them soup, you have the feeling that you actually earned it.

He picked up the spoon and took a sip. Well, it was delicious. The salt was not stingy, the saltiness was moderate, and it had a special taste. So he ate tofu, which was tender and tender, and shattered at the first bite, with a refreshing taste of green vegetables.

The first time a businessman ate such a wonderful thing, he fell in love with it.

Others like it too, it's been a long time since they've had something hot and satisfying.

When the boy came over again with a plate of noodles, he was surprised to find five empty bowls on the table, with no soup left.

"Seven bowls of vegetarian noodles, please use it slowly."

The golden slender noodles are like a hill, on the top of the mountain is a circle of shredded green squash and shredded red carrots, a tablespoon of brown soybean paste, a little golden transparent vegetable oil and a few grains chopped green onion.

"A little bit of oil was added." A soldier said in surprise.

Vegetable oil is not cheap. It is usually used to make balm and massage oil. A bottle of olive oil outside is enough to buy a bottle of balm for ordinary people a year. The few drops of oil on the noodles are definitely a big surprise.

It's well worth the money!

They won't use two thin sticks, but fortunately there are wooden forks on the table, so they stir with wooden forks, roll a roll, and put it in their mouths.


They tried to bite off the noodles, and the noodles that were stirred evenly danced in their mouths with a rich aroma, soft, bouncy and smooth, and white bread made of fine noodles It's a completely different feeling.

Adding crunchy shredded cucumbers and carrots adds a completely different texture to the fragrant sauce.

It is indeed a product made of fine noodles, how can it be so delicious?

It licks clean with a little sauce.

Both the body and spirit are fully satisfied, and the hard work after the long journey is all worthwhile at this moment.

"This must be the food on the king's table, right?" Still thinking it was not enough, the businessman who especially wanted to eat another plate tried to restrain himself.

Wait for the next time, no, after the goods are sold, they will have a good meal again, with meat and eggs!

"Hahahaha, in fact, all the famous delicacies on this street are recipes from the lord's palace. At first, it seemed that the lord thought the teachers' three meals were too bad, so they sent them A puppet who is proficient in food passed by, and slowly the food spread to the outside world." said a young soldier next door.

"The lord treats those teachers as treasures." A goblin in coarse clothes also said, "In the end, it's all for the children, so that they can get a better education, and there will be more in the future. Chance."

When it came to the lord, many people who were eating noodles quietly raised their heads and looked at the businessmen who were obviously different from them, with a little pride on their expressions.

"You are outsiders? Do you know our lord?"

The author has something to say:Lingmin: Dear, do you know Amway?