MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 14

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It's getting late, and it's too late to go to sleep and enter the free virtual classroom every day. Qingchuan got up early and washed his face with cold water. It was already winter, the weather turned cold, and the cold water stimulated Qingchuan immediately sober that he could no longer be awake. He shivered and put on his clothes.

appeared in this country. In this era, both fabrics and cotton are light luxury products, and they can't get it easily, so they have to shrink their necks and stay close to the stove to keep warm, and it will be better when the sun comes out.

In the past, he should have taken the bowls and chopsticks to the collective canteen in the village and waited to eat, but now that he is a 'worker', he cannot eat a big pot of rice. Although Qingchuan's household registration is still in the countryside, Qingchuan received wages and no work points after he went to the slaughterhouse, so it didn't matter to him whether it was a big pot of rice or work points. He could only use money to buy work points in the village in exchange for food.

There are some welfare in the village, such as pigs for the year, group fish, fruit, etc., basically according to the ratio of four points and six points of labor, people who work can get more, only the household registration is here Qingchuan takes less.

Nowadays, the wages of temporary workers in Qingchuan are 12 yuan, and the slaughterhouse also has many benefits. From time to time, there are free pig blood and pig water, and you can buy meat without a ticket. As for the villagers, the full work point per day is ten, and each work point is about 6 cents, and a day is 60 cents. Except during the slack season, especially around the New Year's Eve, on average one can work 22 days a month, which is 13 yuan and 20 cents.

The strong laborers work hard for a day, and they get the same money as Qingchuan, and there are many hidden benefits here in Qingchuan, so of course, it is still a worker. Okay, it's okay to not eat the big pot rice or eat the pork for the New Year.

Because they don't eat a big pot of rice, Qingchuan has the privilege to open fire alone. If others open fire and cook, the patrol team in the village has to come to the door. These people have nothing to do all day, just staring at whoever White smoke from the chimney of the house makes the fragrant rice fragrant. That is, here in Qingchuan, no one cares about the white smoke.

He picked up a handful of brown rice, boiled it in a clay pot, put a small steamer on the clay pot, and put four or five cornmeal wotou on it to steam. There was also a burner on the side, where a small round pot just happened to be placed. He added oil to fry a poached egg, fry the cabbage with a little oil left in the pot, and buried two sweet potatoes under the stove.

The corn wotou cooked quickly, Qingchuan took the wotou and beat another egg to make brown sugar egg tea. Four or five wotou, about half a catty of grain, plus brown sugar and egg water, this is a rare and rich breakfast. Ordinary people, even those in the city, would not dare to eat like this, but Qingchuan dared to eat like this because of the low prices in the system.

Finely ground cornmeal, one point can buy 100 pounds, brown sugar is also cheap, 5 pounds per point, and eggs, 30 points per point, although it is not too big. Three points can be used for a long time. Qingchuan wants to save a little purchase quota. During the New Year, there are discounts and promotions. The discounts of the system are really discounts.

Qingchuan thinks that he can probably understand how the people here cherish all kinds of tickets. He looks at the daily purchase limit of ten points and they look at the tickets. The mood is the same of.

After breakfast, Qingchuan took out his lunch box, put half of it with brown rice, half of fried cabbage, put a poached egg on top, and put two roasted sweet potatoes in the lunch box bag, this is him lunch.

The slaughterhouse has its own canteen, which sells cheap meat and fish, and requires food stamps and money to buy food. Many people bring their own rice, heat it up on the steamer in the cafeteria, and then cook a bowl of hot dishes with oil stars in the cafeteria. The more extravagant ones will also cook meat dishes. The meat dishes in the slaughterhouse do not need meat tickets. This is much more abundant than the big canteen in the village, at least, there is meat.

At this time, it was already dawn, and he needed to walk for an hour to the slaughterhouse. Because the slaughterhouse is the county's slaughterhouse, located near the farm in the suburbs, where there are cattle, pigs, chickens and ducks raised by the commune. The slaughterhouse receives livestock from the county and also provides meat to all canteens and restaurants in the county, so there is work every day.

Qingchuan's current job is to boil water to scald the skin of chickens and ducks. A simple and tedious job, and the whole body smells like chicken and duck after a day.

He arrived at the slaughterhouse before seven o'clock, not the last one, so the master gave him a good face, "Come on? Go and deal with the duck over there." There were more than a dozen ducks lying on the side of the ground, all of which had their throats cut for blood, and there were pots of bright red duck blood on the side, all of which had been salted and waiting to be frozen. The frozen blood will be sent to the canteens of various factories in the county.

Qingchuan obediently went to boil the water to scald the duck and pluck the hair.

"Huh?" After he started plucking, he noticed that the duck now has a very thick layer of down, which is duck down. At this time, people do not have the concept of duck down to keep warm, because the fabric is not qualified, and it will drill down. Therefore, these removed duck feathers, except for the good-looking wing tip feathers, will be preserved and made into handicrafts and other things, and other duck feathers will be thrown directly into the stove.

He kept thinking about the use of duck down. The water was a little hot, and he was careful to avoid the hot part. The master came over and took a look, and found that Qingchuan's work is not fast, but very careful, there is almost no remaining duck feathers on the ducks, and the plucked duck feathers have also been sorted and processed.

A pile of duck feathers on the tip of the wings, a pile of ordinary duck feathers, and a pile of soft and slender duck down.

Qing Chuan could feel that this stern master was very satisfied, so he asked, "Master, is there any other use for these duck feathers?" He pointed to the duck down. The water-soaked duck down looks wet and dirty, like polluted scraps of paper, and exudes the stinky smell unique to ducks.

"It's useless, what are you asking this for?"

"It's like this, I think reeds can also make a bed, and duck feathers can also be used. If it's useless, can I take it back to make a bed?" Collective things, even if they are garbage, If you want to take something you don't want, you have to say it first, and the leader agrees.

"It's not easy to use a mattress." The master seemed to have tried it before, shaking his head, "It can drill through the sheets, fly around, and is not as easy to use as a reed. But if you want, take it Let's go."

Qing Chuan frowned happily, "Thank you."

Life in the slaughterhouse is not tiring, but you have to squat all the time, and you have to stand up after a while to relax your muscles and bones, otherwise your feet will be numb when you squat down in the morning. All of them deal with animal hair, Qingchuan deals with duck feathers, and other interns deal with chicken feathers and pig feathers. Chicken feathers can be used to make chicken feather dusters, and pig hairs can be used to make brushes, so they will not be wasted.

When they work together, they will chat, and they will not delay their work anyway, and no one will say anything.

Qingchuan carefully collects duck down, each duck does not have much duck down, but a dozen ducks can collect a handful, now it is dirty and wet, but washed clean Spread out, you can make a thin quilt. He carefully wrapped the duck down that pressed out of water with paper and put it in the bag he brought.

"Let's go, let's go to the cafeteria to see if there are any new dishes."

After finishing the work, eating is the most anticipated thing. The workers walked to the large canteen in groups of three or five. Qingchuan also went with a few temporary workers.

One of the temporary workers with him tapped him on the shoulder, "Duck feather mattresses don't work. Many of us have tried them, and after two days you will find ducks all over the room. Mao, there is still a nasty smell, and it is not easy to clean up, and it will fly up after sweeping, not to mention the trouble."

Qingchuan felt embarrassed and scratched his head, "I'll try it first, I don't have any new cotton at home, I always want to save some things to keep warm, and if there is a taste, it will have a taste." They are competitors, but the relationship between them is not so tense, not to mention a country boy from Qingchuan, who has just arrived, and seems to be no threat to the city people.

The food in the cafeteria is very rich, by the standards of this era. There are cabbage soup, burnt mustard greens with oil residue, pickled radish slices, and pickled stalks, as well as two kinds of meat dishes such as braised chicken offal and roasted pig tail. Each person can also play a bowl of vegetable soup for free.

Qing Chuan took the lunch box he brought to heat it up, and found a table in the corner to sit down. Just opened it, and a man leaned over to him, "Let's eat together."

The other party also opened the lunch box, with braised dried tofu, shredded pork and winter bamboo shoots, and a large bowl of sweet potato and brown rice. Compared with Qingchuan's lunch box, there is one less omelette and a few more shredded pork, and the weight of the meal is one third more. People these days are very able to eat, probably because of the lack of oil and water, even in the city, they can only eat meat for two days a month.

"Do you still have fried eggs?"

Qingchuan heard the words, used chopsticks to divide about one-fifth of it, and put it into the other party's bowl, "The eggs laid by the chickens raised by myself." The eggs are not big, one-fifth less. But the other party was very flattered, he hesitated for a while, his eyes switched back and forth between shredded pork and dried tofu, and finally took a piece of shredded pork to Qing Chuan, the tips of his chopsticks were shaking.

It's really shredded meat, it's almost like a matchstick, but Qingchuan immediately felt the distress and reluctance, and the emotion was so strong that it was about to burn.

“…” It seems that people in this era are really short of meat.

The two exchanged dishes, and their feelings (unilaterally) quickly became harmonious.

The young man's name is Tang Yu, and he has been here as a temporary worker for two years. He has a county household registration and is a related household. The director of the slaughterhouse is his cousin, so he is well informed. He told Qingchuan that the purchasing department was already preparing for the New Year's welfare. Slaughterhouses have employee benefits during Chinese New Year, and there are also temporary workers, usually meat, and occasionally other things. Tang Yu said that each employee was given half a catty of brown sugar last year.

"I just took it home, my mother put it away, and only took out a little when guests came." He complained.

The slaughterhouse is the busiest during the Chinese New Year, and there is a lot. People in the city have benefits for the New Year. In November, each household could have bought a chicken, a duck, and far more pork than usual. The livestock raised on the farm have to be slaughtered, and everyone has to work overtime. In addition, in the rural areas to kill the New Year pig, it will be sent to the slaughterhouse.

Years ago was the busiest time for the slaughterhouse.

Of course, this busyness is happy busyness. There will be meat in the supper, and you can take it home if you can't finish it. The staff benefits of the slaughterhouse are also very good. Tang Yu said that half of the meat he brought home is made of bacon, and half of it can be eaten for several days. The Chinese New Year is really happy.

During the Chinese New Year, the slaughterhouse will also issue various tickets to employees, such as meat tickets, cloth tickets, cotton tickets, oil tickets, industrial tickets and so on. These tickets should be used at the most critical times, such as during the New Year and when there is a happy family. This is the same in both urban and rural areas. It's just that tickets are more scarce in rural areas, especially industrial tickets.

After eating and resting for half an hour, the afternoon work begins.

In the afternoon, Qingchuan is going to give a hand to a master surnamed Xiao. The pig skin is peeled and tanned to make pig leather shoes. The pig suet is cut off and boiled for lard. . The pork is cut piece by piece, separated according to parts, and sent to various restaurants and canteens. The pig blood that was frozen in the morning should also be separated into pieces and sent to different places.

There is a delivery truck in the slaughterhouse, which runs the county town all afternoon.

Master Xiao blocked Qingchuan sideways when cutting large pieces of meat, and did not want him to look too closely. Even a pig slaughterer has some contempt for self-esteem, and is not willing to easily pass on his skills to outsiders. Qing Chuan lowered his head to cut the meat, and looked at the surrounding masters from the corner of his eyes, all of them were tall and tall. When they cut the whole pig, they opened and closed.

He couldn't help but think of an experienced forensic doctor, although the object of dissection is different, but the neatness is the same, he knows too much about every bone, every muscle, every muscle of the object of dissection The blood vessels, with closed eyes, know how to cut perfectly, and truly achieve the point where there is no corpse in front of you.

I can't help but look forward to the virtual classroom at night.

After the cleaned livestock is cut and sent to the county, the temporary workers have to clean the grounds. Sweep up debris, wash away blood, and constantly scrub the ground with a large brush. The washed blood and feces should be poured into the septic tank, which can be fermented and used as fertilizer. These fertilizers are to be provided to nearby farms.

After everything was done, it was after five o'clock, Qing Chuan took off his gray-black apron and sleeves and prepared to go home. I saw Tang Yu came out with a very large tin can.

"Hey, I'm going to the farm to buy some milk, do you want to go?"

Qing Chuan thought about it, and he agreed.

The farm is very close to the slaughterhouse, just a few minutes walk. Some local yellow buffaloes are raised there. After the cows give birth, they will produce milk, which will be sold to the county. Some people are willing to order a jar of milk for their children every day. But after all, there are not many people like this, so there will be some surplus every day, and it will be cheaper to buy at this time. Tang Yu is familiar with there, so it can be cheaper.

Qingchuan was a little moved when he saw that Tang Yu had used a dime to make a big can of buffalo milk, but he didn't bring a can.

"It doesn't matter, you can use the jar from the farm first, and you can return it tomorrow." The farm staff are very enthusiastic.

Then Qingchuan also made a large can of buffalo milk and spent two cents.

"Do you also have a nephew at home who needs milk?" Tang Yu asked.

"Can't I eat it myself?"

"Ah?" Tang Yu looked at Qingchuan in surprise.

"I can grow taller by drinking milk, don't you know?"

"But you buy so much, it will spoil if you can't eat it all at once."

"Add some sugar and boil it into condensed milk, it can be stored for a month or two." Qingchuan bumped Tang Yu with his arm, "Want to grow taller with me? You and I are about the same age, we still have opportunity."

Tang Yu blushed embarrassedly, "Really, can you really grow taller?"


"I think about it."

Qingchuan hastily dealt with it at night, so I bought sugar boiled condensed milk. It is better to cook at low temperature, and it will not damage the nutrients of milk too much. Qingchuan thought that he would use it in the future anyway, so he bought a pressure cooker from the system to boil the condensed milk.

Qingchuan originally wanted to save some points, but now it is worthwhile to buy fresh milk every day. For two cents, there is a big bowl, and you can drink it after you boil it. It is to run the farm every day and pay for shoes.

After spending a day in the slaughterhouse, Qingchuan burned the water and took a bath.

This is a deluxe room in the countryside. It has a separate bathroom with a bathtub and a clothes rack. Qingchuan did not save points, bought a large bag of bath soap, and did not consider the fragrance or efficacy. It was the most basic kind, and it was also cheap. One point was seven bars of soap, and according to the frequency, there was no need to buy it for more than half a year. He also bought some toothpaste and toothbrushes. These items require industrial tickets, which are not easy to buy on weekdays.

After taking a bath and washing her hair, Qingchuan unexpectedly found that her skin was pale.

“…” How long did it take for such a thick layer of protective film to accumulate.

Before going to bed, Qingchuan made himself a cup of hot milk, and after drinking, brushed his teeth before lying down on the bed, closing his eyes and waiting to fall asleep.

This year, I have to get some new ones for drying and laying them on a new mattress, otherwise I don't know how to spend the winter. The winter in the south is wet, cold and damp, and the wind is piercing, which is more exciting than that in the north.

With hot milk to help her sleep, Qingchuan soon fell asleep.

A door formed of light appeared in front of him, and that was the door of the virtual classroom.

Qingchuan thought that when he entered the virtual classroom, he would see a pig butcher with big arms and a round waist, a pig killing knife in his hand, and a pig in a hideous shape. But he really entered the virtual classroom, but was stunned, completely different from what he imagined.

"...what are you doing?" Qingchuan blankly watched a middle-aged man stroking the back of a big silver-gray fish over and over again. The fish was still alive, with its mouth wide open, pouting and twitching its tail from time to time. I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that there is a strange and very enjoyment in the white fish's eyes.

“Massage and massage the fish to help relax the muscles, make it happy to death, and keep the meat in the best condition. This is the first lesson we will learn.”

"..." After co-authoring, he not only had to learn to kill chickens, ducks, pigs and cattle, but also how to give animals a body massage?